Friday, 29th April – Brockton Bay, Downtown – a high rise in construction
I looked through the fence of the construction site in concern.
The steel frame of the high-rise crisscrossed towards the sky for nearly twenty stories. Construction vehicles stood still and abandoned in the darkness. The site itself had no lights. Stray light from the surrounding buildings and streetlights left it in near darkness.
"This feels like a dozen transformer stations down below," BiriBiri tugged with her fingers at something only she could see.
"Yes. This cuts down my range a lot," I sighed, "I'll barely manage ten meters." Slightly more with ice, it didn't need as much precision.
I hated that. I had become used to knowing everything that happened around me.
"Coincidence?" she frowned at the fence.
"I am not that lucky."
"We need to take that base without knowing who exactly is inside?" Charlotte was fidgeting with one of her darts.
"We got to do it without Coil noticing too," I frowned.
"Yep. Easy peasy," Keiko smiled.
"Will he even be there?" Charlotte asked.
"He'll be both there and not. Which is the entire trouble," I grumbled.
Even if he chose to not be here, he'd lose this base. Lose a lot of his mercenaries. Lose the Travelers, if they were at this base. But I didn't want to keep nibbling away at his resources, at his personnel. I wanted the head of the snake.
But if he lost and knew he lost, he wouldn't be here at all. So annoying.
This would be much easier if I could be certain mind-controlling him into dropping a time-line would drop it. But it wasn't truly him who made that choice. I thought of those huge beings again, the single vision I had of them. He had one, just as I did. It was the one to truly choose. Would it follow the controlled Coil's choice or would it decide as if he wasn't controlled?
Did it love him?
Did mine? Bolted down with metal as it was?
What exactly did the warning of the golden haired girl mean?
Nothing good. That much was clear.
"I can't sense any people from here," I told them, "cameras, BiriBiri?"
"None for now," she answered, "I'll keep looking."
"Nothing for it then, let's go," I began walking towards the fence.
The first obstacle was so very mundane. Two segments of the fence were connected by a chain and a lock. It would be easy to go break, but we could not afford to leave a sign.
Charlotte stepped forward. She held out a hand into empty air and touched the chain with the other. The links of the chain clinked against each other as they fell into her hand, now free of the fence.
BiriBiri opened the fence, we stepped through and closed it behind us.
Charlotte carefully swung the chain and with the sound of hushed clattering it connected the segments once again.
We walked towards the metal skeleton of the to-be-built high-rise.
"There," I pointed at the metal hatch. We ignored the yellow warning sign of a man in a hazmat suit. It was fake.
"Locked," BiriBiri told us after she lightly pulled it, "I could rip it open?"
I shook my head. "Infiltration. Let me." I put my hand over the keyhole and concentrated.
I felt out the lock with water vapor, then formed it into ice. I turned the key with a satisfying click.
"Ugh, smells like sewage," BiriBiri complained as she pulled the hatch open.
"He didn't have to go for authenticity in everything," Charlotte agreed.
A single dim light-bulb illuminated the descending stairs.
Down the surprisingly dry stairs we went past another door though this one was unlocked.
I kept my eyes and senses open as we walked the hallway past that door, but it was Keiko who noticed it first.
"Camera," she held out her arm to stop us.
The hallway opened into a room. I saw another door at its end.
I did not see a camera.
"Got it. It's looping the same empty room now," she waved us onward.
The door had no handle.
I stepped next to it.
"There's a mercenary behind it," I whispered.
Dimitri was bored. He sat on an office chair in front of a monitor he was watching diligently. It showed the video feed of an empty room. The room we were in.
He didn't hear us through the solid steel door.
The sound of paper clued me in. There was someone else in the same room as the mercenary. Outside my range.
"He isn't alone. We'll have to wait until he looks around the room," I pressed myself against the door to get a few more precious centimeters.
"Hah. I can do better. The cameras are on the same closed circuit network," BiriBiri pulled out her phone. "All of them."
"Well done."
We clustered around her as she flicked through the different camera feeds.
She showed us the room past the door first. The one I had in range and the other one further inside. He was leaning against the wall near the other door, lazily flicking through a magazine, the resolution on the phone too low to read it. An assault rifle was slung over his shoulder. On the undersides of the gun's barrel was an attachment. Tinkertech. This would be the laser. A quick check showed Dimitri had an assault rifle too. Beside the desk.
Past that room was a wide open room with metal walkways around the perimeter of the room, because you could see right down to the lower level which had a lot of crates and boxes. And mercenaries who were busy carting those around.
"We have to take the next room silently or we are rumbled," I winced. At least the door inwards was closed. Small mercies.
She flicked through a few more cameras, most showed single rooms which were still bare. But there also was a medical bay, a kitchen, a room with bunk beds, a weapon's storage room.
"That's the generator," I made a mental note of the room. It looked haphazard in the way only tinkertech was.
"That's around four dozen mercenaries," Charlotte whispered. Forty-Five so far, I had kept count.
"Found the Travelers," BiriBiri showed us their rooms. Nicely furnished with beds dressers and mannequins for their costumes.
Trickster and Ballistic were asleep in their rooms. Sundancer and Genesis were playing cards in Sundancer's room. Perdition's room was empty, though he had no mannequin.
Then it flicked to another room. It showed a girl with brown hair. If you ignored that she had no feet. Instead from the pelvis downward there was a mad amalgamation of animal heads and limbs, like someone had tried to make a centaur, but used dozens of different animals like a chimera instead. She seemed to be talking to someone, but her sheer bulk was blocking the view.
"She might be part of the Travelers. Perdition is talking to her," Keiko split the screen in half to show him watching and talking to a screen that showed the unknown girl. They seemed familiar with each other.
"There was no mention of her anywhere," I frowned.
"Looks like a brute," BiriBiri guessed.
"Looks out of control," Charlotte pointed out, "or they wouldn't have her locked behind that thick vault door."
"Best to keep her out of the loop," I decided.
"Now for the trouble," BiriBiri flicked to a gym.
"Hookwolf," I snarled. He was hitting a sand bag.
"Infiltration," Keiko reminded me, "at least the gym is somewhat out of the way."
Damn it. We had to keep him distracted.
She hesitated before the next one.
A little girl in a white dress lay on a small cot.
Dinah Alcott.
I looked at her fallen cheeks, her regular but shallow breathing. Her eyes were open, but looking nowhere.
"Drugged," I stated my conclusion. The fucker had drugged a child.
"This has just become a rescue mission," Charlotte decided.
"It has," I agreed and so did BiriBiri.
"There is no camera that found Coil," Keiko told us, "but.. there's a room all the camera feeds go and it has a phone."
Her phone played the sound of someone typing on a keyboard.
"Nothing useful yet, but I'll keep listening."
"Great work." It was a lot of very useful information.
Time to get to work.
"Keep manipulating the camera feeds," I told BiriBiri, "it's time to get into the next room."
I formed a little snow ball in my hands. Barely a mouthful. I gave it to Charlotte and told her what to do.
I waited for the right moment and Dimitri's eyes briefly flickered with stars.
"Huh, squad Heroux is returning," he mentioned and stood up to open the door to us.
The other mercenary frowned, and looked up from his magazine into Dimitri's normal eyes. "You're supposed to call it in before opening. He's gotten worse about it the last few days."
Dimitri ignored him.
He pulled down the door handle.
BiriBiri pushed the door open, sparking and speeding towards the other mercenary. He opened his mouth to shout in alarm and chocked on the snowball appearing in his mouth. Too quiet to be heard.
BiriBiri reached him before he recovered and pushed his hands away from his rifle.
I moved inside the room. "Got them, you can let go."
She did.
"A pity we are all too small to fake being one of them with their uniform," BiriBiri eyed their sizes.
I rifled through the mercenaries' memories. Everyone gossiped. Especially if one's life might depend on it.
"The girl in the vault is called Noelle and yes, she does have control problems. High-level brute and striker. They got warned specifically about not even touching her though not why," I relayed the information I found. "The guy talking to her is a member of the Travelers, but does not have powers." Weird. "They lost Perdition back in Boston." A shame, I had hoped to get some scans of his time manipulation.
"Huh, oh well. One less problem for us," BiriBiri shrugged.
"And I know where Coil's office is," I told them. "Right next to where Dinah is." I wouldn't call it her room. It wasn't.
"Good. I got a few words for him." Small sparks flickered around BiriBiri's fingers.
I set some temporary commands on the two mercenaries.
"Those two won't remember that they let anyone in. Won't notice us for a couple hours either even if they see us." I didn't like setting commands for when they left my range, but I needed to. They needed to stay in place in case Coil checked on them.
Onward we went.
The next room had the most walking traffic, but the boxes broke up any sight-lines. We hid behind them and I slowly placed the same "ignore us" command into mercenaries who came into my range whenever their eyes weren't visible to anyone. Due to boxes, or because they were literally below us. The thin metal walkways weren't much of a hindrance. BiriBiri kept both removing us from the camera feed and ensuring no one sneaked up on us.
With each mercenary thus affected the infiltration became easier and easier.
We went directly towards Coil, avoiding all the Travelers and Hookwolf.
I counted thirty-five mercenaries on our way there who won't trouble us even if we get noticed.
We stood before the door to Coil's office. Dinah's room could only be reached through his.
It was closed shut. It mattered not. He was close enough. I felt him sitting in front of his computer.
I reached into his thoughts.
He was studying PRT reports on his computer.
He was asleep in the other timeline. Elsewhere.
It was time for a bet, best to make sure the choice was his to increase my odds.
Thomas Calvert suddenly shook awake.
"Found you," he heard Mental Out say. She pointed her remo- He dropped the timeline in panic.
Before he could even consider how he got found I took control and he opened the door for us.
Charlotte pushed past him towards Dinah, but the door was already opening.
"Oh. You're the one that makes everyone die," Dinah Alcott said looking right at me.
Coil didn't ask the right questions
I don't truly like this chapter, but it'll have to do.
At least Keiko got to stretch herself due to Coil focusing too much on Nozomi.