Saturday, 30th April 2011 – Brockton Bay, Keiko's home
The three of us sat down in Keiko's living room to decompress after the fight.
"I threatened Lung," Charlotte muttered. The ice in her tea had melted by now.
"Yup, well done," I grinned. I leaned over the desk and tapped on her glass. A fresh ice cube clinked around in it.
"That remains to be decided," Mr. Kimura growled as the door shut behind him. "Please explain to me how a simple visit to the storage yard ended with you fighting Lung."
I looked at the other two only to find them both looking back at me. I pointed at myself with a frown. They nodded too eagerly.
I sighed. "A girl asked us for help."
"Against Lung. What exactly has gotten into you to agree? You told us you did not know if your power would work on him." he pressed. "Was it urgent?"
I shook my head. "Not against Lung. Against the Merchants. I don't know how Lung caught wind of it," I glossed over the urgent part. It wasn't; strictly speaking. "They were easy enough to deal with."
"It wasn't hard to track them down between Nozomi reading their minds and me reading their phones," Keiko grinned smugly.
"That is not what you should focus on," he tapped his fingers on the desk.
"As soon as we knew he was there, we decided to make a run for it," Charlotte told him. "Vista helped."
"That's the first good decision I heard from you so far," he stated. "And how were you planning to get away without her? I doubt you arranged for her to be there in specific."
"We had a getaway car ready," I told a half-truth. The Merchants had brought cars. We had not planned for them.
I saw him visible mull it over.
"Reasonable," he stated at last. A smile tentatively grew on my face and the others. "Now what was so urgent this couldn't have waited until Yumie or I got home?"
Damn it. Busted after all.
Sunday, 1th May 2011 – Brockton Bay, Bowen Dockyard - Workshop
Go squeaked in my hands. "Shh," I soothed her. No slowed reactions, no visible wounds. She was alert. Slightly uncomfortable too the way she squirmed, but that was expected.
The other two were hiding inside the little wooden house in their cage after my inspection.
Keiko and Charlotte were watching me inspect them.
"Any problems?" Keiko asked.
"None," I smiled. "We will rescue Mother today." Finally.
"Are you sure?" Charlotte fidgeted with her hands.
"I wouldn't continue on, if I wasn't sure," I answered.
"Before you go do that, let me bring something up before I have to go home since I'm grounded. Still can't believe you managed to wiggle yourself out of a punishment," Keiko grumbled.
Caring parents were a pain sometimes. I missed Mother.
"They have merely deferred my punishment to Mother since I am getting her out today," I reminded her. Included in that was the implicit demand that I told Mother and did not keep her in the dark. Something I had never planned to do, so an easy concession to make. Not that they knew it. Charlotte was the one who had gotten away Scot-free.
"It's only until we have a plan for Lung," Charlotte took their side.
A pity me throwing Bakuda's glass bomb at him did get vetoed.
Keiko did not rise to the argument. "We should recruit Aisha."
I started chuckling. Keiko frowned at me. "Oh, you mean that."
"Yes. Yes, I mean that."
"Do I really have to explain to you why that's a terrible idea?"
She raised a single eyebrow at me. Apparently, yes. I had to.
"Her brother is a villain," I reminded her.
"No one's perfect," Keiko shrugged. "An arrested one. And we both know he's likely to go through a re-branding instead of prison. I've read enough PRT files stolen by Coil and you've rifled through enough minds to know that."
"The PRT re-brands villains as heroes?" Charlotte frowned.
"Regularly. As long as they aren't more trouble than they're worth," I confirmed that. "At a guess they'll re-brand at least three of the five Undersiders, maybe four. Regent got up to way too much, Hellhound is borderline."
"Hellhound is a murderer. They let them get away with what.. a slap on the wrist?" Charlotte crossed her arms. "Slap a new coat of paint on them and let them call themselves heroes? They are that desperate for manpower?"
I wobbled my hand. "A good lawyer might get her manslaughter. She doesn't actually control her dogs and her only kills where when she freshly triggered." Not that it was likely that she would get a good lawyer. "She still had her dogs hurt a lot of people later though. They do put restrictions and punishment on their recruits, but not nearly as much as they probably should. They also completely keep it secret from the public. They do it for a simple reason. They know they are losing. So they grab any parahuman they remotely can. It's not a compromise I have to make." I had a much bigger pool to choose from.
"We don't need perfect, we need good enough and she is. She hates all of the gangs. She sicked us on the Merchants herself. A little blind spot where her family is concerned is far from the worst flaw. We should give Mark the offer too. He'll take it."
"He is ABB," I stated. She couldn't be serious about that one.
"He doesn't want to be. He never wanted to be. Just didn't have any good choices. It just is that way sometimes. You and me both know that. You give him powers and worst case he scampers off into the Wards, because suddenly they'll care about him," Keiko rolled her eyes. "He'll get nice subsidized housing outside of ABB territory. Or he'll join us and help us dismantle it. Because he hates it too."
Asking the PRT for help as a normal citizen was a crap shot at best.
"Does he truly want to get out?" Charlotte looked at me.
I mulled it over for a moment. "As long as it doesn't get his father killed, he'll take any out he can get."
I saw the impact that had. I was about to lose this argument.
"You gave me a second chance as well," Charlotte said as if her passivity to Taylor's bullying compared to what Mark got up to. I did not know if he had killed anyone. I.. did not want to know. If he had, it probably was some Nazi goon. There was no way he hadn't gotten into a couple scuffles between the gangs. I've seen him collect the dragon's due. If a shop owner couldn't pay he would've been expected to trash the shop.
Did I want to win the argument? Not really.
"I'll think it over," I delayed.
"That means she gave up," Keiko faux-whispered to Charlotte.
Charlotte giggled. Then held her hand in front of her mouth to stop.
I sighed, but gave a slight smile to Charlotte to show I wasn't upset.
Sunday, 1th May 2011 – Brockton Bay, Nozomi's home
My cheeks hurt from smiling.
Mother carefully took a sip of her tea. Usually I had trouble focusing and would start to fidget instead of holding the seiza as she did, but not today. I watched her every move as I waited patiently for her to speak. Her posture was – as always – picture perfect. She was so beautifully, vibrantly alive again. Not that horrible unmoving moment that still haunted my dreams every couple days.
Mother placed the tea cup back on the low table.
"It has been two weeks, you say?" she looked at me with a blank face.
"Yes. I'm sorry it took-" "Don't. You have nothing to apologize for," she interrupted me. "You commanded space to break time. In only two weeks." She gently shook her head. Two weeks ago I wouldn't have caught her flicker of incredulity. "I can't scarce believe it."
"It has still been too long, Mother," I insisted. Because any time she was stuck in there was too long.
"That it has. The Kimura's have been taking care of you, I presume," she stated.
"They have been most accommodating," I fell back into the more formal speak.
"I will have to visit and show my gratitude for their help in the trying days you had. But for now tell me about the last two weeks. I wish to know everything."
I told her.. most of it. Nothing about Cauldron or Scion, but all about the gangs. How did you tell anyone the world was ending anyway?
"You have arrested Satomi's murderer?"
"I did. Legend took him to New York with him. He did succeed on shipping Bakuda into the birdcage. With the rest of the Nazis cooling their heels in the cells of the local PRT this might be it." I felt hope he'd actually arrive in the birdcage unlike the two other times they had tried.
"I shall pray for his good luck," Mother shared the sentiment. We had high hopes the first time Hookwolf was arrested only for them to turn into disappointment when his gang broke him out. We'd celebrate if he actually made it there. No sooner. She took another sip from her tea.
"We arrested Coil's gang and the Merchants as well," I continued.
"You have been busy," she remarked. Whatever she thought about it I couldn't read from her face.
"Lung's proving to be more of a problem," I sighed. "He crashed our arrest of the Merchants yesterday. It was all we could do to drive him off."
"You look remarkably well for someone who fought Lung," her fingers tense on the tea cup. "Did a healer patch you up afterwards?"
"Uh, no. We did not get hurt." Much. Besides Keiko, who healed on her own, I had gotten the worst of it. And I wouldn't even call it first degree burns. I had worse sun burns. "He got away though," I sighed.
"He got away?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "You have become arrogant, my daughter."
What? My shock must've shown on my face because she elaborated.
"You have removed two of the three major gangs of Brockton. One of them was here for longer than you were alive. You have fought Lung on even terms and your complaint is that you haven't managed more? That he got away? Your success must've gone to your head."
Before I could even begin to think that through the door to our apartment shook.
"Collection day. Open up," Yan's voice traveled through the door.
She was the last person I wanted here right now. She wasn't alone either. Lao was with her. Junior members weren't trusted to collect the money on their own.
Mother sighed and stood up. "Coming."
"We don't have this month's money," I whispered at her as I stood up myself. It had not crossed my mind with everything else going on. I still considered every dollar well spent, but I would've taken a couple hours out of my day to get some if I had remembered this.
She grimaced at that, but went towards the door anyway.
I skipped ahead of her and opened the door before she managed to get there.
"Told you someone was there, Lao." Yan looked right at me showing her teeth. It wasn't a smile. It promised violence at the slightest excuse. Her hand was already on the knife in her belt. Finally I could no longer run away from her thought she not knowing that she was digging her own grave.
"So there are." Lao looked past me. His single eye was looking at Mother. Frowning. Something was bothering him, like he should remember her from somewhere. He definitely remembered me, if only as the girl Bakuda used for her demonstration. "It's the same spiel as every month," he stated deliberately casual. "For the Dragon's protection you gotta cough up his due."
Oh, Lung had a few things overdue. Money was not among them.