Friday, 29th April – Brockton Bay, Downtown – a high rise in construction
"She isn't killing anyone," Keiko stepped in front of me, affronted.
"Hey, she's a child," Charlotte moved between them.
As if we weren't.
Dinah's gaze did not move away from me the slightest.
Precog, I reminded myself.
All espers had a little bit of it, but generally pure precognitive espers were inefficient. Calculating the future was not trivial, low probability events had to be discarded to get anything more than a couple minutes. If any of them then still happened the prediction would go completely awry.
Tree Diagram – a super computer inside a satellite – managed a month of weather prediction. Not forecasting. Prediction. Not that it mattered, there was no way for me to get a satellite into orbit with the winged bitch around.
"That is not what she said, she said ′make everyone die′", I repeated her exact words. She hadn't chosen the word kill. That must've been deliberate.
Though I had no intention of making everyone die. A few people at most if the PRT continues to fail to keep them.
"Everyone here?" Keiko asked.
The frail girl shook her head. "Everyone. I don't understand. Can't explain."
"Shh. It's alright, you do not have to," I soothed her.
I couldn't help myself, I dove into her thoughts.
She saw the world in a mosaic. Always changing, shuffling, rearranging and altering itself. Each pixel in the mosaic was an entire world, extending backwards and forwards from the point of focus, only constrained by their terminus points. Neither was hard to understand. The first was the present, always moving forwards, shredding worlds as future became present. The second was Dinah's death.
She could not see worlds she did not survive in.
I saw what she meant. Everyone dying. Six months from now at the earliest. Two years at the latest. She could not see it. Something happened and all of humanity started dying. She could not see who killed them, she could not even see how I set this off. She still knew I did, was certain of it though she could not explain it.
Her power must be sabotaged. It made no sense she could see the aftermath, but not what caused it.
I focused on the aftermath. I saw a city with buildings cut in halves. Though they were not cuts. They were caused by disintegration of the molecular bonds. I had seen this before once in a memory not my own. In the ruins of a city that could not be found on Earth Bet.
Scion. Somehow I set off Scion.
Heartening, in a grim way. It meant he saw me as a threat. It meant I had a chance at all.
Billions dead. Fuck.
"You are just letting it go?" Keiko shot me a look.
I had to lean into my power to not let on what I just saw. Conscious body control for the win!
"We still have a base to secure. Now isn't the time," I shrugged. Especially not with Dinah present.
As if the universe agreed with me Coil's phone blinked, signaling an incoming call.
"Later then," Keiko refused to let it go forever.
"Trickster. What is so important you'd call me on this line?" I had Coil answer the phone as he usually did by pointing my remote at him. It was important to keep up the ruse now that Dinah was watching.
"Noelle smells an unknown cape in the base," Trickster mentioned.
"They are a new hire," I had Coil lie smoothly. He was good at that. "It is nothing to be concerned about."
"If you are sure about that.." Trickster did not sound assured.
"I am," I had Coil inject every bit of confidence I could into that brief statement.
"I see." He hung up.
"Did they buy it?" I turned towards BiriBiri.
"Trickster's ported to Genesis. She's called him paranoid," she grimaced, "she's still sending her projection up to check."
"She isn't a changer?" Charlotte looked surprised.
"Nope. She's still down there. Looks asleep while some dog-like is moving towards us," Keiko reported.
"Alright, we're moving. Time to take that generator out. We do that, the base is ours." I decided.
"The gym is on the way there," BiriBiri warned us. I tapped my grenade to show I got what she meant.
Dinah went to me and took my hand.
"Everyone asks me questions. Everyone wants to keep me. Coil. Accord. Ms. Piggot. Hat Lady, sometimes. But not you. Why not you?" she looked at me in confusion.
"Because precognition is overrated," I lied.
Because I can't trust a sabotaged tool.
"The PRT would keep you against your will?" Charlotte looked angry.
"I am sure they'll frame it as for her own protection, never mind all the work they'll have her do for them," BiriBiri scoffed.
I rifled through Coil's mind for information about the Travelers. "Tell us about the Travelers. Powers, important information," I pointed my remote at him for show while we moved towards the generator.
"Ballistic can't control the speed he shoots objects with. Sundancer is reluctant to hurt people. Trickster is not. Oliver does not have powers. Perdition got left behind in Boston." Disappointing. I had hoped to get a scan of his time-manipulation. "Noelle is not trusted to control herself. Any person touching her gets cloned. Parahuman clones have a variation of their power and hate the original."
We walked past mercenaries who could not react to us anymore.
"Let's not let Noelle out of that Vault," BiriBiri offered.
"Doesn't sound like they'll be eager to let her out," Charlotte hoped.
"They might, if they feel too pressured," I cautioned.
"I bought their loyalty with assurances I'd find a solution for Noelle's problem, the eventual arrangement of their return to Earth Aleph and the hope that my pet's precognition interferes with the Simurgh's," I had Coil go on. Because fuck. Fuck.
"They are ziz-bombs?" "They are dimensional travelers?"
Horror. The only correct reaction towards anything involving the Simurgh.
"Her last attack was just in February," Charlotte shuddered.
Entire cities get quarantined if her attacks do not get repelled in time. Because she programs people to cause damage in the worst way possible with her precognition and master-powers. She sets people up to commit suicide, and they do it via jumping from a roof and hit a promising scientist who was just driving by. She programmed a superhero to assassinate a Prime Minister. His successor starts a war.
"When did they encounter the Endbringer?" I told Coil to answer.
"2009, in Madison, Wisconsin," he answered promptly.
"Whatever she set up did not account for us," I told them. I believed it too, despite them looking at me in disbelief. "There is no such thing as seeing the future. At best powers can see a future. But the slightest thing can vastly change it. Complexity is any precognitive's bane. There have been four very complex events affecting us recently even if we'd be talking about her February attack, one of them the little experiment we did just this morning." My power, me granting Keiko her power, me granting Charlotte her power. The Level Upper. Though the last was lesser than the other three.
"Oh great. So we don't have bombs set to go off in the worst way," BiriBiri sarcastically pretended to wipe sweat from her armored forehead, "we just got bombs that might go off at any time."
"Pretty much. Noelle is a couple bad clones short of being an S-class threat." Not that I had any leg to stand on about that. I turned towards Charlotte, "Genesis projection past that corner." One of the mercenaries just ahead of us saw her dog-form coming.
I thought about how I played along with Bakuda. It had only made things worse. Sometimes the best way out was through. Accept the losses and break things. Because it always could get worse.
Got to move fast now. "Up you go." I gave Dinah piggyback ride. She was way too light.
"That's some mangy-" Half a dozen darts skewered the dog-projection. "Uh. That was some mangy dog," BiriBiri corrected herself.
"Blink and you'll miss it," I joked as I jogged past the dissolving projection.
Everyone ought to be happy Charlotte wanted people alive, even terrible ones.
"Blink," Charlotte considered, "eh, I'll take it."
"They're moving in earnest now," BiriBiri warned us.
We needed to slow them down. I gave Coil another order.
"The Travelers have been subverted by a Master. Apprehend them, non-lethal only," Coil ordered the next mercenaries he saw, "Ensure Noelle does not notice."
"Now that's just mean," the newly named Blink muttered.
We continued our dash towards the generator ignoring the shouts and demands to stand down behind us. That wouldn't hold down the Travelers forever, but it wouldn't need to.
I rifled through Coil's mind for more surprises. He had bought his powers. Huh. Cauldron. I had a name for them now. Fancy cooking pot. The same group Faultline was hunting after, considering the symbol. He feared them. They had access to a dimensional teleporter, training and testing facilities and alluded to the many ways they had to ensure his debt would be paid.
We skidded past another corner into the final corridor. The generator room was right at its end. The proximity further reduced my accuracy and range for my power.
Two mercenaries stood guard. Two mercenaries I had no chance to affect.
They reacted professionally.
They shot their laser rifles at us. BiriBiri blitzed in front of us, took one of the shots on her body and redirected the other into the wall with a slap.
While for me the generator was a complication, she was empowered by it.
A side-door opened. The gym's.
"What's that racket abou-" Hookwolf aborted whatever he was about to say. "You!" He growled.
"No, you don't," I heard Blink say behind me as space distorted. Trickster. He must've gone ahead of the others.
She kept behind me to deal with him.
"I got the mutt, trash the generator," I ordered BiriBiri and put Dinah back on her feet.
She sped past him towards the mercenaries instantly.
Let it not be said that Hookwolf was stupid. He was suspicious right away.
Time to give him a wrong answer. I formed ice on the ground, it began creeping up his body.
I saw it in his stance, his confidence restored now that he knew what I had prepared. He turned into a wolf again, ice breaking away from his cycling metal. Metal hooked into the ground to keep him from slipping as he quickly ate the distance between us.
I underhand lobbed the grenade at him.
Rejoice, Hookwolf. You made a Tinker build something just for you.
The grenade exploded in a slight puff, doing seemingly nothing at all, if it wasn't for the lights flickering.
The next moment his legs gave out from under him. He skidded to a halt on the ground.
Concrete was generally reinforced by either steel bars or welded steel mesh fabric inside and he was stuck to it now.
He strained against it, drawing the metal back into him and reforming it. I could out-walk the speed he managed that way.
I turned to check how Blink did.
I saw Trickster cussing at a couple mercenaries who couldn't acknowledge Blink was there. His shoe was nailed to the ground with a dart, avoiding his foot entirely. Nice precision.
The sound of crumpling metal would've alerted me, if the absence of interference wasn't more noticeable.
BiriBiri had come through for me.
Finally I stretched my range over the entire base.
Taking control of everyone, including Noelle.
Something inside her body noticed. Fuck. There was a second control node inside the body, mutated like the C53s. It'd take me time to adjust for it.
Her body rammed into the vault door outside my control. It was not Noelle in control either. It was her power.
The door held.
Dust spilled out where the door was set into the walls.
The walls wouldn't.
Nozomi's take on precognition is very informed by toaru-standards and very not informed by worm-standards.
As for the Hookwolf curb-stomp. That's what happens when you annoy a Tinker enough to build countermeasures just for you.
Nozomi's habit to freeze/take control of everyone finally bit her in the ass. Leaving Noelle in the dark would've had high odds of success.
At least she has an entire base of capes and mercenaries to deal with her.
Also if anyone has suggestions for a team name, I'll hear them. I am blanking on it.