A Nation's Virtue
I'm saying that your knowledge of history is sorely lacking.??? i don't understand that sentence, what do you want to say ?
There's multiple issues, but the crusades weren't militia's for one thing, and the Inquisition's (original) purpose was as a political tool to root out any divisive and subversive Muslim and Jewish elements after the Reconquista.
Then you're vastly overestimating yourself. Even weakened like that, there is a quality in quantity.I think even I could beat 100 starved, exhaust, crying man who only want to go home & are have delusional cause they didn't drink enough & could take the heat
Knights are also trained to fight from a young age. What do you think squires and pages do? The Unsullied are also equipped with inferior weaponry and barely any armour.Yeah they may be physical inferior but they are also thrained much longer, think about it, training a child up from 8 to 18 for 10 year only how to obey you & how to kill other man & then put him against a man that was a recruited by a lord & was trained for a few months
I think I would bet on the child-soldier 6 thats what they essentially are
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