A Dragon of the North VIII: Whispers of War

??? i don't understand that sentence, what do you want to say ?
I'm saying that your knowledge of history is sorely lacking.

There's multiple issues, but the crusades weren't militia's for one thing, and the Inquisition's (original) purpose was as a political tool to root out any divisive and subversive Muslim and Jewish elements after the Reconquista.
I think even I could beat 100 starved, exhaust, crying man who only want to go home & are have delusional cause they didn't drink enough & could take the heat
Then you're vastly overestimating yourself. Even weakened like that, there is a quality in quantity.

Yeah they may be physical inferior but they are also thrained much longer, think about it, training a child up from 8 to 18 for 10 year only how to obey you & how to kill other man & then put him against a man that was a recruited by a lord & was trained for a few months

I think I would bet on the child-soldier 6 thats what they essentially are
Knights are also trained to fight from a young age. What do you think squires and pages do? The Unsullied are also equipped with inferior weaponry and barely any armour.
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Holy fuck Mace is dead.

I'm now worried about Desmera marrying Blacktyde, since he's the only Seven worshipping Ironborn lord in the Iron Islands. If we get more Ironborn fuckery, neither may end up surviving.
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Yeah, that's a whole ton of stuff. I can see why you decided to time skip it.

So Mace is dead (presumably by Willas' poison), Tyrion is offering us full bro status, and we might have to worry about our ghost mentor trying to possess us. Hooray?
The Vale Hangover Edition is something I am truly sad to miss :p:rofl::lol! But you are the GM man and whatever keeps you enthused and happy with the story and its pace is for the best.
Question, will their collective Hangover be a Noodle Incident later on?


Sweet it might be! Even though that means we will probably never know what exactly happened.
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Fuck mace is dead so it is either Cerenna and money with lannisters cousins, or Mageary and tyrell cousins with prisoner family members.

@Droman what is Mageary's dowry like?
The Vale Hangover Edition is something I am truly sad to miss :p:rofl::lol! But you are the GM man and whatever keeps you enthused and happy with the story and its pace is for the best.

Yeah. I wouldn't mind some vignettes from this (though I fully understand and expect Droman to say fuck that).

Thank god this waifu bullshit will soon be at an end.

And yet Droman has done such a good job of keeping the fires stoked. Lot of juicy stuff for that argument.
What makes you think he poisoned him?

He was acting super sketchy in that last conversation with him.

That Movie from a couple years ago with Bradley Cooper, Zach Galfin(Long name) and Ed Helms where they all had a crazy night in Vegas that left them with no memories of the night before and their about to be married friend missing. It was a movie that was funny the first 5 times then got played to death on the movie channels of dish and directTV.