Staring down the enemy king with your own has made you realize a problem; your king is far too defenseless without a protector in front of him. The obvious solution of which is to arm him with a 12 gauge shotgun.
Black responds similarly, giving their king a sniper rifle.
Well it seems you might have started a bit of an arms race, and you're not sure you're in the lead right now. You are currently in check. What will you do?
[X] Hide the king on D2 so the enemy won't be able to see him and the pawn, and have the two secretly swap outfits and weaponry prince-and-the-pauper style. Our Pawn on d5 will flirt with the only enemy who could possibly see this maneuver, the black pawn at b5, as a distraction to ensure there are no witnesses. If he manages to subvert the black pawn to our side, well, that's just a nice bonus.
Ah the old king switch-a-roo, a classic tactic. You move your king to D2 to preform the swap, meanwhile your D5 pawn moves to C5 to flirt with the enemy B5 pawn to distract them. While the swap goes smoothly, the flirting however goes a bit too smoothly. The C5 and B5 pawns hit it off so well that they have both renounced their respective citizenships and eloped together.
From a distance, blacks king has now realized that your king has apparently just moved like a knight, pushing your own pawn out of the way to get closer. Intimidated by the perceived athleticism and tenacity of the white king he commands his bishop to shield him, giving him easy access to castling should he so choose.
Well the move cost you one of your pawns, but it also took out one of theirs, so it seems to have broken even? Oh well, at least your enemy has no idea that your pawn on D3 is just a pawn. In fact they are so scared of it that they just blocked the line of sight of their only sniper. What will you do?
[X] Send the pawn from B2 to B4 with a gift to congratulate the newlyweds, and to start a viral social media campaign about the two finding love and peace across the divide.
You send your B file pawn up two spaces to congratulate the happy couple. While there, the pawn sends a tweet commemorating the occasion with #freefromoppression, a hashtag that quickly goes viral all over the chessboard.
The black pieces, seeing that white has already started taking measures to cast their side in a good light, mimic white's actions. They send forward their A file pawn to congratulate the newlyweds and similarly spread the word about how pawns deserve freedom from the tyranny of monarchy. This message reaches the hearts of both black and white pawns, 6 of which from each side decide to denounce themselves from their respective colors and join the grey side.
The grey side, after preforming the greatest and only known chess revolution in the history of this game, have decided to expand westward, where their side will live in anarcho-communism, where the only rule is that all pieces are equal.
Well this is quite the turn of events. Nearly all of your enemies pawns are off the board now, so focus can't be wasted on non-combatants, you must prepare to face your enemy in the endgame. what will you do?
[X] Show pictures to the enemy King implicating the Black Queen having an affair with the remaining Black Knight.
Using advanced deep-fake technology, you have managed to doctor a photo to show that your enemies queen was having an affair with their knight. You of course leak this doctored image to the enemy side to cause maximum emotional damage.
The black king does not take well to this false revelation, castling king-side to move away from his wife.
Meanwhile the grey side elects to promote a few of their pawns to better handle the duties of a burgeoning nation.
Your plan has worked, division has been sowed within the enemy ranks! Now to capitalize on it. What will you do?
[X]Have the White King buy flowers, chocolate and jewelry for White Queen, to solidify his relationship and prevent the Black King from trying to undermine our own royal marriage
Wary of your enemy copying you yet again, you have the white king give gifts to his queen, increasing her social link by 1.
Black however has a different strategy. That strategy being to just shoot your G2 pawn with the king's sniper rifle.
Meanwhile, while the grey side's only rule is that all pieces are equal, they decide to promote a pair of bishops, just to be sure that rule is being enforced.
Oh yeah, the black king has a gun. The loss of your G2 pawn is tragic, but you better act fast if you don't want your knight to be put out to pasture, cause that's where your enemy is aiming his sights at. What will you do?
[X] Move the Knight to E2 while upgrading the Rook into an artillery platform capable of indirect fire.
To keep your knight out of the enemies firing line, you have him evacuate to E2, but not before helping turn the H1 rook into a an artillery platform capable of blasting away your enemies pieces without having line of sight.
The black king, seeing the obvious threat that your artillery poses, elects to ordain the A8 rook, granting them the diagonal movement of a bishop at the cost of their orthogonal movement. This new bishop then charges the artillery platform on H1, capturing it before it could launch its first shell.
The grey side announce an addendum to their one rule alongside the promotion of a king and queen. While all pieces are still equal, it has been decided that some pieces are more equal than others. The grey side is now a monarchical dictatorship.
Those bastards, they took your artillery before you could shoot it! If only you could have gotten a shot off you could have ended the war in one turn! No matter, your enemy will still fall. What will you do?
am back [X] Have our Bishops start a theological discussion with the Black Bishops so that they refuse to fight for their King. Tell them that, by ordaining the new Rook-Bishop, the Black King has ignored the Chess Pope's exclusive right to investiture and therefore commited heresy.
Your enemy ordaining their rook without even consulting the Chess Pope surely must have shaken the loyalties. All it takes to cement their mistrust in the black monarchy and turn them to your side is your bishops sending hidden messages through prayerwaves that your side still holds true to the Chess Popes teachings.
Black of course cannot let this treason stand, especially since one of the turned bishops now threatens the queen. A quick royal beheading to the E7 bishop and the C8 bishop quickly falls back in line, lest a similar punishment be meted out to them.
Meanwhile, now that their government is stable in its authoritarinship, the grey side simply move a pawn forward to Y3.
Well the turn didn't go perfectly; with the C8 bishop no longer on your side and the E7 bishop taken, but your enemy is left in a worse position than last turn. In fact, just counting material, you are up 4 points, which is a near insurmountable advantage now that your in the end game and not many pieces are left. What will you do?
[X] Order the pawn in H2 to scale the ramparts and plant the white flag back on top of the H1 rook
uhh, oops. It seems like in your H2 pawn's attempts to scale the H1 bishop/rook, that by virtue of being on the same square as an enemy piece they've accidentally captured it.
The black side, now aware of the destructive power of your pawns moving backwards, have their remaining bishop attempt use prayerwaves to mind control your D2 "pawn" into taking out your queen. For some reason however, the bishop encounters mental resistance unheard of in pawns and is rebuffed.
Meanwhile the grey side... doesn't seem to have taken their turn?
Your flag plan may not have worked and your king may have a headache for some reason, but at least the threat of the bishop/rook on the back rank is gone. Your material advantage is up to 7 now and you feel entirely unstoppable. What will you do?
a2 to a4, such a simple move yet so genius. It may not not be the most glamourous move made so far this game, but you are sure it is one of the most pivotal in crushing your enemies morale. The sheer strength that you display by having the luxary to make a single pawn move at this stage in the game is sure to leave your enemy quaking in their boots.
Recognizing how down in material they are, black decides that they need the pieces they do have to really count. To this end they fortify their rook, increasing it's length to 3 spaces while adding protection to the king at the same time.
While this all occurred, grey side began to... oh they're still not doing anything. weird.
Now that the enemy king has hidden himself away they've lost the only advantage they had over your side. That being the ranged threat of the black king's sniper rifle. You should really put them out of their misery soon, it's almost sad watching them struggle futilely against your superior chess prowess. What will you do?