Honestly it would be a lot less work and *shudders* manual labor to get shipshape another type of moving island instead of a Black Ark and like sail to Lustrian waters and wrestle into submission a giant turtle or leviathan or some other manner of monstrous beast able to support our summer villa upon it's back.
But a giant turtle, however effective, won't have the same political cache as "Malekith ripped this fortress from Ulthuan's shores and terrorized the world with it. I have taken it from Malekith, for he was obviously too weak to hold it." (This is a handy social tool for interacting with the Asur, by the way)
Just scrubbing all the blood off, both the old stains and the fresh stuff from conquering the Arc is likely to be a task that will keep thousands of sailors with extensive experience in deck-scrubbing busy for months and years.
Technically speaking, they don't have to be sailors. Being as large and stable as it is, an Ark is a bit more forgiving about that. Mostly you'll want to keep it stocked with sailors while you're at sea anyway, especially if you're using it as a mobile port of sorts like the Druchii do, but if all you're interested in is cleaning then rounding up all the urchins in a city and tasking them with cleaning the common areas will do for most of the manpower needs, though sensitive areas you'll want professionals who handle things themselves.
I have no real idea but I'm certain the pc is better with women then I am.
Given his possession of Appearance 5 and Presence 5 I suspect this is rather likely to be true. I haven't met you in real life so I'm hesitant to assert that this is
absolutely true, but given the likelihood of encountering someone with once-in-a-generation good looks and a command of the rhetorical arts that borders on the superhuman out of a randomly selected population I like my chances.
For me, my main question would be would we have to get her parents permission to court her. I can imagine doing a grand quest for both Verena and Morr to get permission to try and court her and then another grand quest to try and win her over after having got permission.
It depends. While gods tend to make their own rules, assuming all the personalities involved were humans of equal-ish standing it sort of falls along the Estalian/Tilean split. Under widespread (though not universal) Tilean custom, as an unmarried woman living under her father's roof and eating at his table, official legal courtship has to be approved by him. This is often granted, usually with conditions and concessions, because of an unofficial custom of ensuring that the patriarch
will say 'yes' when asked. This is usually accomplished by being vetted by the rest of the family, in this case Verena and Shallya, determining not just your character but your means both financial and social. If you couldn't afford to support a wife, or if your social network was suspect, they would tell Morr "no", or at least "not yet". Occasionally the prospective gentleman courter would give gifts to sway the women's opinions of him but that isn't as common as you'd think listening to Estalians demeaning their fellow coreligionists. Assuming Morr gave the okay, an announcement would be made (from plazas near the steps of government if the people involved are important enough, but usually in guildhalls or taverns or some other common gathering areas appropriate to the families' professional standing) and an arbiter would be informed of any conditions Salvadore could court Myrmidia. These conditions can be as elaborate as the patriarch wants, and you can generally tell when the father is against a potential match but has to agree to give the young man a chance by how arduous the stipulations are. Most agreements include requirements to be able to demonstrate advancement in your trade, attendance at certain social events (what events are largely formulaic depending on the location and trades involved, feastdays and naming days for family members are common while dooming days are inauspicious) and wearing a token to demonstrate that you are courting, such as a blue flower on your tunic. The patriarch can end the courtship when given cause, either by noncompliance with the courtship agreement or 'outrageous behavior' and the arbiters are generally predisposed to rule in the patriarch's favor. That said, if the patriarch's stated cause is spurious or has a history of leading potential courters along before ending the courtship agreement the arbiter will usually rule in favor of the courter.
In Estalia things are far more sensible. As a free woman under arms, who has fought in at least one battle and provides her own defense she can legally do more or less as she pleases. If any of her siblings took umbrage at the arrangement and could provide circumstantial evidence that the courtship harms her or her family, the Chavez family must present a response or have an impartial arbiter keep them separate for a year and a day. Generally this response takes the form of a duel to first blood, though in this particular case it would likely involve Shallya giving everyone puppy eyes until everyone relents. There is a one lunar month grace period allowed before a dalliance must become a legal courtship (the pious tend to claim the reason is linked to the declaration of the Verenian calendar, while cynics often mention it gives everyone time to decide if someone needs to take offense at the lady missing a monthly visitor). Myrmidia would have certain social obligations should Salvadore's mother came to visit (which she should before any wedding occurs) while Salvadore is expected to pay Myrmidia's father a visit in turn where Morr would give him a task to fulfill. This is another case where you can see how well the father wants a match to fare, as the task in question could range from 'hand me that pitcher of wine' to 'slay a specific monster with this wooden spoon under the light of the new moon'. Typically the task is suited to the nature of the gentleman's profession (stand proxy in a duel, or present to me a work of art made by your own hand, etc) and the courtship and even wedding can continue even if Sal refused or failed this task. Doing so often results in familial disharmony and occasional feuds though only rarely vendettas. Exactly how long the courtship lasts is variable but most places require at least a year and the mutual consent of their spiritual counselors (technically this being any priest, but almost always being the Cult of Myrmidia, which could prove...complicated). If vendetta was declared against Sal, Myrmidia would be expected to stand proxy for any duels he is challenged to (and he her, as they are both considered (wo)men under arms). If he were attempting to woo a Shallyan she would not be expected to fight a martial duel, though a proxy for this proxy generally volunteers because seriously, who wants to fight a Shallyan? As a courtship continues, tokens of esteem are exchanged, usually of negligable financial worth but meaningful to the lovers.
Of course as these are divinity, the usual methods...may not apply.
And here we see the genesis of Senor Chavez's personal antipathy for the druchii.
More than a little of it is transferred self-loathing, like all the best grudges, for failing to properly check on his beloved after knowing she took injury.
Mostly correct, but in the bit you quoted it was Salvadore that was shot, not her. The dream ended before anything bad happened to her.
Something in the water thereabouts? Shouldn't be so many birth defects in the area.
Especially birth defects that are healthy enough to make it to adulthood.
Can't be Rossi just collecting strays, could it?
A bit of both. Bretonnian peasants tend to be inbred, and Mousillon peasants are worse off than most of the rest of Bretonnian peasants. There are villages of actual mutants that are overlooked because they don't look too much different from the other lowlies in the area. But Rossi also has a soft spot for those that need help, even if she's a bit brusque around those that should be able to pour water from a boot when the instructions are on the heel. If you ask "What would Granny Weatherwax do?" you're probably on the right track for the stereotypical
Bet you the Shallyans talk to their patients.
A young, pretty and tenderhearted Shallyan will generally do her best to alleviate your hurts and shield you from the cruelties of the world. An older Shallyan tends to have more in character with a senior nurse on the ward, who has seen everything and knows the difference between 'healing' and 'pandering'. Either will likely talk to you, but unless you have a disease of the spirit or brain the Shallyans are prone to claim men have and put you in specially-made hugging jackets they tend to fall somewhere on the "oh you poor dear"-to-"well if it hurts stop poking at it dipstick" spectrum.
Sometimes, Slamu, the contents of your brain worry me.
Did you know that you can just
buy goats blood?
It says something that Sal here doesn't seem to distinguish between types of elves.
And neither, apparently, does his kid cousin, so it's not just a private prejudice. And Estalians are not tight enough with the dwarves to share their racial prejudice against the elves.
An artefact of living so far away from the focus of elven attentions in the Empire?
Or is Estalia and Tilea the dumping ground for the black sheep of Ulthuan, while the better sort like Teclis head for Brettonia and the Empire?
Largely an artifact of distance. What's the difference between a Nordlander and an Ostlander to an Estalian? There's an acknowledgement that there are differences between the two, but neither are in particularly good odor among Estalians (that care) right now; the druchii obviously aren't great neighbors but the asur similarly tend to leave a bad taste in peoples' mouths. Even leaving aside the elven army traipsing through Estalia, no one has forgotten Ulthuan's long and extensive support of Araby, nor how efforts by Magritta to open up greater contact with the elves of Lothern resulted in the dandelion-eaters talking to
Marienburg of all places. Add in their 'sea taxes' and whenever something really bad happens you can almost always find an elf nearby...why be charitable?
Why one would be walking with a Kislevite is beyond me though.
"Wait, Kislevites can get off their horses?"
"I know, it surprised me too but there you have it."
"This raises
so many questions."
To be honest, too often the sea is a sideshow in Warhammer Fantasy.
Deadly serious for the druchii and the elves of Ulthuan, but the world could be won and lost without anyone else smelling salt water.
There are a few other factions at play, but you can't really talk about naval powers without mentioning Ulthuan and Naggaroth, with anyone else being regional powers at best.
Steal Invent the concept of Sorcerous Workings from 3E; they probably already exist, since Black Arks are as much magic as constructs. Gather the necessary reagents. Then science the shit out of re-aspecting the enchantments from whatever the unholy shit they currently run on to something more wholesome.
stealing borrowing Sorcerous Workings from 3e, yes. Tweaks in background mechanics very likely, but the overall concept I'm willing to play with. Making your own Ark or reaspecting an existing one isn't going to be an easy thing though, fair warning.
He might want to ask women tips from Ranald to at least get his foot in the door; IIRC Ranald is part of the family.
Ranald is 'part of the family' because he stole a portion of divinity from the one god who demonstrably gives a shit about the common man and who would probably have given him some of her power if he'd just asked. Shallya has forgiven him this, but she's a softie. No one else in the family has, nor plans to.
Actually, is there any reason Ranald isn't a lady? Or can't be in this AU? God of trickery and deception after all.
AU? This entire quest is canon. Not just any canon, but super ultra mega canon. I talked to Games Workshop, if we get this done right they're willing to retcon the End Times nonsense with this quest, it'll be awesome. Got it cleared with some guy named Ronald and everything.
Also, why should Ranald be a lady? Sure he could probably dress like one, act like one, but why does he need to
be one? How would the setting be improved if he was the god
dess of trickery and deception?
Could be a Member of Kislev's Gryphon Legion. They're the WHFB Equivalent of the Winged Hussars. Would explain why he's hanging with a Kislevite. . .
True fact, every time the Griffon Legion charges into battle Screaming Krwiopijca, Martial God of the Griffon Legion starts air guitaring
Sabaton. The Ancient Widow found it amusing at first but finds the joke wearing thin by now, much to Screaming Krwiopijca's acute lack of caring.
See, the only problem there is that the Solars who lived spent a while buffing up before taunting Murphy.
Sal's still a baby. And no babysitter to haul his beef out of the fire.
Sal's borrowed dream-memories include Iralan complaining about how Korlovac was just like his predecessor. Given how Korlovac didn't make it to Essence 4 and stayed in Creation even with the existence of a fate-ninja panopticon and Shogunate era Wyld Hunt goon squads we can reasonably infer that this Exaltation doesn't select for strong survival instincts.
The real problem keeping Tilea and Estalia separate, even if each one is individually unified, is the giant metropolis full of ratmen right in between. On a scale of "roman candle" to "Tsar Bomba," how big of a boom would a protoshinmaic vortex create if it goes off? I think Myrmidia might appreciate an artificial sunrise dedicated in her honor.
An unstable protoshinmiac vortex is everyone's problem. It's more an industrial accident than a weapon of war to boot. What you want is something more like a war manse or a soulbreaker orb. It's like comparing Chernobyl to Hiroshima; both things I acutely don't want to happen anywhere near me, but one is a tool of war and the other a product of something going wrong.
Though I'm impressed that you think the Skaven are a greater threat to cross-Myrmidian unity than centuries of animosity and cultural drift.
dude probably went drinking and wenching while they were teaching calculus.
Though, point of information, calculus as we think of it isn't a thing in setting. There's a trend towards it, and numerous mathematical models attempting to predict the motion of celestial bodies, but so far the best the academic establishment have managed is "correct-ish for a given time period and with the caveat that Morrslieb is a
shit no we can't call it that in an academic paper perpetually considered but unaccounted variable".
As for the Skaven city. We kill them. Not with an army. With precise application of Bureaucracy charms to make it harder for them to organize. A few pushes and they will be murdering each other even more than they usually do. Then we send in the army to murder them.
That's certainly one possible approach.