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[X] Thieving Stunt- Saddlebags and feedbags are synonymous with horses, often more sought after than the horse itself is it's ability to carry larges amounts of goods without tiring a poor human back. It is for this reason that they are expected of every horse and every horse rider, barring those riding the quickest gallop or otherwise occupied with combat and tournaments. Expectation breeds familiarity, and familiarity breeds ignorance. Even those most paranoid of all cannot check every single nook and cranny, every palm, every sack and satchel and breech pocket, and why would a noble of all people, downtrodden as they are in Mousillon of all places, care to search the hay and spittle filled sacks that hang from a horses neck, or the dozen and one pouches, parcels, string and leather wrappings that adorn such a horse. Where they would even care to do so it would be with quick glances through open tops, never checking for a misaligned seam newly found at the bottom. Checking every single storage bag would take an age, and more importantly to a noble, be most improper. And that's why a dashing rogue knows exactly which ratty, but not too ratty bag to store the newly "reclaimed" loot in.

Is that alright?