To say nothing of the everything under Sail. They're just so... great.
Sadly we have to wait for Essence 3 to get Mariner's Parable Defense. Because why be subtle when you can Solar?
[X][MOUSILLON] Secrets
[X][LUCRE] Donated it to a worthy cause
Honestly the next charm I'd like to learn is Frugal Merchant Method, which "gives the Exalt a perfect awareness of the target object's quality and condition. This awareness gives one bonus success on any price haggling if her bargaining opponent is honest (and using Charisma) and three bonus successes if the opponent is dishonest (and using Manipulation)."
Personally I think that that one would be a bit useful for a Merchant-Adventurer.
Either that or start getting some actual Athletics dots because it's truly pitiful that we're a heroic sailor person without the ability to climb the rigging and run down ropes, and then grab Graceful Crane Stance+Monkey Leap Technique.
As they are much smarter than I am, I'm following Sojiko's lead in merging Frugal Merchant Method and Insightful Buyer's Technique (using IBT's higher stat requirements). The good news is that you're getting two charms for the price of one! That other good news is you have incentive to actually be able to merchant when you're merchanting now!
Athletics are good for a number of things. Chandeliers become much more managable when you are able to effortlessly swing around on them while buckling swash at dastardly knaves (and swashing your buckle at amenable damsels in need of a good pirating). Other things too, in fact. Like, uh, swimming. Right now Captain Chavez's best hope for not drowning is "don't get washed overboard", which as a sailor I imagine might prove...problematic.
As a bit of an update, I am working on some supplementary material for the quest, I expect to have it posted before calling the vote. I have also picked up Vermintide 2, which is doing a lot of good for my inspiration to write and...less good for my free time to write. I'm sure it balances out.
Discussion is now about how many Schwarzenegger references can be packed into a Warhammer Fantasy book without invoking copyright lawyers.