To say nothing of the everything under Sail. They're just so... great.

Sadly we have to wait for Essence 3 to get Mariner's Parable Defense. Because why be subtle when you can Solar?

[X][MOUSILLON] Secrets
[X][LUCRE] Donated it to a worthy cause

Honestly the next charm I'd like to learn is Frugal Merchant Method, which "gives the Exalt a perfect awareness of the target object's quality and condition. This awareness gives one bonus success on any price haggling if her bargaining opponent is honest (and using Charisma) and three bonus successes if the opponent is dishonest (and using Manipulation)."

Personally I think that that one would be a bit useful for a Merchant-Adventurer.

Either that or start getting some actual Athletics dots because it's truly pitiful that we're a heroic sailor person without the ability to climb the rigging and run down ropes, and then grab Graceful Crane Stance+Monkey Leap Technique.

As they are much smarter than I am, I'm following Sojiko's lead in merging Frugal Merchant Method and Insightful Buyer's Technique (using IBT's higher stat requirements). The good news is that you're getting two charms for the price of one! That other good news is you have incentive to actually be able to merchant when you're merchanting now!

Athletics are good for a number of things. Chandeliers become much more managable when you are able to effortlessly swing around on them while buckling swash at dastardly knaves (and swashing your buckle at amenable damsels in need of a good pirating). Other things too, in fact. Like, uh, swimming. Right now Captain Chavez's best hope for not drowning is "don't get washed overboard", which as a sailor I imagine might prove...problematic. Oh well, surely this Devil Fruit will fix any problems that causes

As a bit of an update, I am working on some supplementary material for the quest, I expect to have it posted before calling the vote. I have also picked up Vermintide 2, which is doing a lot of good for my inspiration to write and...less good for my free time to write. I'm sure it balances out.

Discussion is now about how many Schwarzenegger references can be packed into a Warhammer Fantasy book without invoking copyright lawyers.
We really want Athletics, donnt we.
There are two primary ways to obtain Solar xp; being a good team player and acting to your Caste. Normally the 'be a good team player' means letting other players at the table have their chance to shine, setting them up to succeed or otherwise being a credit to the team. If the Dawn Caste is planning a major campaign, the Night Caste spies on the enemy camp for them. If the Night Caste wants to play Santa Claus, the Twilight makes sure there's enough toy trains for all the good little boys and girls. If the Eclipse is trying to drum up funds for an expedition, the Zenith can give a charity concert, etc. However, given the paucity of circlemates in the story so far, I am interpreting this as inspiring other people to act heroically. Warhammer has no shortage of heroes, but it does have a great need of them. A Solar inspires, by word and deed alike, and when Salvadore helps someone help themselves, acts as a mentor in their heroes journey or otherwise kindles the flame in others, he gets a point.

Similarly, when he acts like the Eclipse Caste he is, he gets a point. In short, that means 'being a diplomat' and 'being an explorer', though obviously there's more to it than that. Exploration means going to the places on the map that say 'here be dragons' and coming back with the dragon's name, boldly going where no man has gone before (or at least returned from), or otherwise conquering geographic obstacles that stand in the way. Similarly, it isn't enough to just deliver a message to someone, though delivering an important message to a city under siege might qualify. Bringing people together, either as individuals or societies, resolving meaningful disputes, adjusting or exploiting traditions or legal systems to your ends or otherwise navigating social obstacles also gets you a point. Mending the divides between Ungols and Gospodars in Kislev would qualify, or exploiting Dawi traditions surrounding gifts to gain an audience with a mountain-king who personally bears a Grudge against you.

The last way to gain Solar xp is to be meaningfully challenged, threatened or harmed in pursuit, defense or upholding of a dearly-held belief or intimacy. The reason this is not one of the primary ways to gain Solar xp is twofold; because I expect the players to put themselves at risk for most of these anyway, and because what constitutes 'meaningful' here is a bit nebulous, so I currently anticipate using this at my own discretion more than awarding it due to player activity.

Hrm. So we get rewarded for acting as Diplomat and Explorer and being Inspiring (capitalization obligatory).

I am curious about Shallyans. Did Skaven attack them? Plague...uh, whoever?

edit: lol wrong vote
[X][MOUSILLON] Leverage
[X][LUCRE] Donated it to a worthy cause

I want to get to the bottom of Shallyans story, and donating to them involves talking to them and all that.
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[X][LUCRE] Raise a tercio
+ Personal army
- Personal army's logistical requirements

New to quest looking at character sheet. I'm like why do we have war 5 and no army or training charms? It really doesn't seem like a good idea to not have an army while war five. It especially seems terrible for our mental health to keep going around with next to nobody while they are basically paper tigers anD not Tiger warrior supermen. We care when they die after all.
Because we chose to start with a boat and not an army. It really hasn't been all that long, in game, since we started. We don't have room to lug around an army on our boat either.

EDIT: For clarity, a real world Tercio is up to 3,000 soldiers.

Yeah, like, transporting a Tercio is a huge affair and we'd pretty much be leaving it at home each time we go a-explorin'.
And ngl, I want to go a-explorin' more. If I wanted Tercio or the like, I would have voted for Dawn, not Eclipse.
Mmm, yeah, personal gear is more suitable than a small army.

I'd say that another map of Foreign Lands* or Contacts are more valuable than personal equipment, but yeah, you are right that Tercio would conflict with the Diplomat/Explorer/Swashbuckler/Sailor focus of the quest and spread everything too thin.

*I wanna go explore Lustrian coast or route to Cathay ferex
I mean, even if we do end up with a tercio, at the very least we'd have a pool of trained soldiers to draw on for when we need to train marines or contribute to the defense of our home or something. I doubt we'll spend much time around them for training though, and training charms also fall into that sad category of "not sail charms." :V
Because we chose to start with a boat and not an army. It really hasn't been all that long, in game, since we started. We don't have room to lug around an army on our boat either.

EDIT: For clarity, a real world Tercio is up to 3,000 soldiers.
Then whyd you get war five instead of social five?
That seem a major investment and for Warhammer when you aren't a massively invested personal combatant try to eclipse like this seems sorta dumb. And when I say massively I mean totally with complete defensive set.
I'd say that another map of Foreign Lands* or Contacts are more valuable than personal equipment, but yeah, you are right that Tercio would conflict with the Diplomat/Explorer/Swashbuckler/Sailor focus of the quest and spread everything too thin.

*I wanna go explore Lustrian coast or route to Cathay ferex
Eh. We lost like half our crew due to not being able to wtf pwn six elves a round.

And carrying around an army can totally be eclipse. Like pirate fleet or Christopher Columbus but 100 percent less of an incompetent asshole.

Ando saying maps are better that personal equipment when we keep getting injured impaled and losing our sword and don't have Glorious Solar Saber seems pretty unwise when we keep taking voice walking into personal fights.
Then whyd you get war five instead of social five?
Chargen was a mess, but we did get presence 5 for what it's worth.
Eh. We lost like half our crew due to not being able to wtf pwn six elves a round.

And carrying around an army can totally be eclipse. Like pirate fleet or Christopher Columbus but 100 percent less of an incompetent asshole.
We don't seem to have trained our crew, and we don't have the boats to tote around and army.
Chargen was a mess, but we did get presence 5 for what it's worth.

We don't seem to have trained our crew, and we don't have the boats to tote around and army.
eh Did those formations and tactics that only saw half of them dead come from nowhere? We totally trained them. We just cant make the super badasses yet and will keep shedding them like ablative armor until we do. Good sailors don't grow on trees. Wlones we can trust if we like up like a star less so.
We really want Athletics, donnt we.

Hrm. So we get rewarded for acting as Diplomat and Explorer and being Inspiring (capitalization obligatory).

I am curious about Shallyans. Did Skaven attack them? Plague...uh, whoever?

edit: lol wrong vote
[X][MOUSILLON] Leverage
[X][LUCRE] Donated it to a worthy cause

I want to get to the bottom of Shallyans story, and donating to them involves talking to them and all that.

There are a number of ways to resolve 'not drowning', athletics is perhaps the most straightforward but it is neither the most assured nor, arguably, the best one. It does help with a number of swashes and buckling related affairs however. I mean, I don't think Sal has done the 'laugh and then jump off a boulder' thing like Errol Flynn tells us to, so obviously we haven't reached the bottom of our checklist.

Are you insinuating that pestiferous, perfidious pestilent pied packrats purged pretty, pacifistic priestesses?
But yes, giving the doves a bit of cash is a way to garner their attention, and names travel when money changes hands.

I'm like why do we have war 5 and no army or training charms? It really doesn't seem like a good idea to not have an army while war five. It especially seems terrible for our mental health to keep going around with next to nobody while they are basically paper tigers anD not Tiger warrior supermen. We care when they die after all.

Well, you're no worse off than many of the other people with war dots that don't have any charms, nor an army at their disposal. Better, really, given your dice pools and the breadth of applicable things you can turn your skill towards. Right now Salvadore Chavez would make a splendid infantry commander or admiral, and a respectable cavalry leader. He could serve as general staff, or as a saboteur or a number of other roles that don't directly hinge on him having a force immediately loyal to him specifically. He even has a pretty good chance of keeping more of the soldiers under his command alive than most leaders (though with the understanding that soldiers can and will die).

We don't have room to lug around an army on our boat either.

Not with that attitude

I mean, there sorta are, but they generally assume either a higher power level or ethical compromises of some sort.

EDIT: For clarity, a real world Tercio is up to 3,000 soldiers.

To clarify, if the tercio wins there'll be a sub-vote for how big an army you want, with a sliding scale of "numbers" and "logistics to worry about".

I'd say that another map of Foreign Lands* or Contacts are more valuable than personal equipment, but yeah, you are right that Tercio would conflict with the Diplomat/Explorer/Swashbuckler/Sailor focus of the quest and spread everything too thin.

*I wanna go explore Lustrian coast or route to Cathay ferex

Spending the cash on funding an expedition will lead into a vote on where to sail, though not immediately after the next update.

I mean, even if we do end up with a tercio, at the very least we'd have a pool of trained soldiers to draw on for when we need to train marines or contribute to the defense of our home or something. I doubt we'll spend much time around them for training though, and training charms also fall into that sad category of "not sail charms." :V

Legendary Warrior Curriculum lets you train Sail, so it's more like a detour really.

Then whyd you get war five instead of social five?
That seem a major investment and for Warhammer when you aren't a massively invested personal combatant try to eclipse like this seems sorta dumb. And when I say massively I mean totally with complete defensive set.

Could you explain what you're trying to say here? I seem to have difficulty parsing it.

And carrying around an army can totally be eclipse. Like pirate fleet or Christopher Columbus but 100 percent less of an incompetent asshole.

I believe the phrase you are looking for is 'gunboat diplomacy', though the concept gets more visceral when instead described as 'dragon diplomacy' or 'black ark diplomacy'.
Could you explain what you're trying to say here? I seem to have difficulty parsing it.
I believe he's saying that Warhammer Fantasy is too dangerous a setting to try to do traditional Eclipse caste things if we aren't also a legendary warrior and/or general with all the bells and whistles, but especially defensive charms/spells/items.
To clarify, if the tercio wins there'll be a sub-vote for how big an army you want, with a sliding scale of "numbers" and "logistics to worry about".


I believe the phrase you are looking for is 'gunboat diplomacy', though the concept gets more visceral when instead described as 'dragon diplomacy' or 'black ark diplomacy'.
Hijacking a black ark or two has been one of my goals for this quest since chargen and we could easily fit a hundred thousand sailors and marines onboard just one.

(Granted, chargen took two months and 64 pages...)
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There are a number of ways to resolve 'not drowning', athletics is perhaps the most straightforward but it is neither the most assured nor, arguably, the best one. It does help with a number of swashes and buckling related affairs however. I mean, I don't think Sal has done the 'laugh and then jump off a boulder' thing like Errol Flynn tells us to, so obviously we haven't reached the bottom of our checklist.

Are you insinuating that pestiferous, perfidious pestilent pied packrats purged pretty, pacifistic priestesses?
But yes, giving the doves a bit of cash is a way to garner their attention, and names travel when money changes hands.

MMyeah, giving them cash is not only for compassion, but also plot hook and, hopefully, Contacts - Shallyans. Never know when those can come in handy. When you, say, need to heal your crew or have a priestess say a good word about you.

And yeah, it was probably some sort of skaven plague attack and the lord is feeling despodent because he lost to them. Inspiring him, somehow, would probably be cool.

Eh. We lost like half our crew due to not being able to wtf pwn six elves a round.

And carrying around an army can totally be eclipse. Like pirate fleet or Christopher Columbus but 100 percent less of an incompetent asshole.

Ando saying maps are better that personal equipment when we keep getting injured impaled and losing our sword and don't have Glorious Solar Saber seems pretty unwise when we keep taking voice walking into personal fights.

That's fair enough. But, +personal equipment is, to me, boring. I want our equipment to be the gift of gracious hosts, the treasure retrieved from the ancient stash (not a lustrian one), tracking down the mystical Cathayan blade rumoured to have been blessed by their dragon himself...

Buying a set of shiny shinies on a nearby market in Mousillon is kinda bland. Useful, but some other options, at least expedition and Shallyans, are blatant plot hooks for Diplomat or Explorer fun. So choosing equipment is kinda ehhh.
Shallyans or funding an expedition are all plot hooks with, of course, risks, but also rewards waiting at the end. It's more interesting to get stuff this way to me.

I understand the reasons behind wanting a better gear, but I won't vote for it here because other options are, in my eyes, more fun.
I believe he's saying that Warhammer Fantasy is too dangerous a setting to try to do traditional Eclipse caste things if we aren't also a legendary warrior and/or general with all the bells and whistles, but especially defensive charms/spells/items.
This mostly. Super social is all well and good but we aren't exactly doing the social wheel and dealing all the time. We're trying to be explorer boat guy. We need way more murder or not being murdered and is seems physical was the dump so our go to should be not getting hit and making our peeps super swole. We don't exactly have the full Melee Res set. Or the charms to help us keep our crew from deserting when we light up like a sun and pull sunlight into a Great Rapier.

Like we are a solar not a lunar. While Eclipse is the bard class Solas specialize and for our buckling swash needs and survival we should get really really good at murder. Or really really good at alladdin talking and agility and get way way stronger minions instead of our effective mooKS with a name. Like I'm talking this close to grail questing bad as knights. Or Amazon shamans. Ya know would be pcs.
Hijacking a black ark or two has been one of my goals for this quest since chargen and we could easily fit a hundred thousand sailors and marines onboard just one.

(Granted, chargen took two months and 64 pages...)

I was a little surprised that the thread didn't hit 100 before the end of character generation myself. I confess a degree of disappointment as well.

MMyeah, giving them cash is not only for compassion, but also plot hook and, hopefully, Contacts - Shallyans. Never know when those can come in handy. When you, say, need to heal your crew or have a priestess say a good word about you.

And yeah, it was probably some sort of skaven plague attack and the lord is feeling despodent because he lost to them. Inspiring him, somehow, would probably be cool.

Point of information, a Shallyan will almost always heal someone if she's able to. It's one of those things that makes people like them.

Inspiring Lord "I am not a Duke" Maleagent would be interesting. In a CK2 game set in Bretonnia he'd be the Intrigue advisor the thread laments not getting because his stats are amazing but the 'from Mousillon' scares too many people for them to trust him near a national spy network and the calls for preventative assassination in-thread were halted under the logic of "we don't have assets capable of doing the job" and settled for a less capable but more trusted herrimault with a fake eyepatch.

That's fair enough. But, +personal equipment is, to me, boring. I want our equipment to be the gift of gracious hosts, the treasure retrieved from the ancient stash (not a lustrian one), tracking down the mystical Cathayan blade rumoured to have been blessed by their dragon himself...

You uh, you might want to abstain from that last one. At least until you [redacted] and have a way out of the area.

Buying a set of shiny shinies on a nearby market in Mousillon is kinda bland. Useful, but some other options, at least expedition and Shallyans, are blatant plot hooks for Diplomat or Explorer fun. So choosing equipment is kinda ehhh.
Shallyans or funding an expedition are all plot hooks with, of course, risks, but also rewards waiting at the end. It's more interesting to get stuff this way to me.

The LUCRE options are started before arriving in Mousillon, and are handled by his family.

This mostly. Super social is all well and good but we aren't exactly doing the social wheel and dealing all the time. We're trying to be explorer boat guy. We need way more murder or not being murdered and is seems physical was the dump so our go to should be not getting hit and making our peeps super swole. We don't exactly have the full Melee Res set. Or the charms to help us keep our crew from deserting when we light up like a sun and pull sunlight into a Great Rapier.

You might notice that most of your charms are defensive in nature. You're still missing a few things for a complete defensive suite, such something for surprise negation, but your offensive options are This means that you can aggro a pack of trolls right now, but killing them is more problematic and doing it the mundane way risks being mote tapped or lighting up like a small child meeting Santa Bright College barbecue.

Like we are a solar not a lunar. While Eclipse is the bard class Solas specialize and for our buckling swash needs and survival we should get really really good at murder. Or really really good at alladdin talking and agility and get way way stronger minions instead of our effective mooKS with a name. Like I'm talking this close to grail questing bad as knights. Or Amazon shamans. Ya know would be pcs.

You know what else Aladdin was good at? Having a monkey Athletics. And being friends with Robin Williams.

We COULD get a second ship so we have the room for loot and manpower for all the other stuff?

Obviously you should get a second ship to obtain a third ship, and with three ships you can get a fourth....
In case anyone was interested -
Vote Tally : A Champion of Gods & Rogues (Warhammer Fantasy/Exalted) | Page 88 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 2183-2206]
##### NetTally 1.9.10
[8][MOUSILLON] Secrets
[2][MOUSILLON] Wealth
[1][MOUSILLON] Secrets The dead keep the most interesting secrets
[1][MOUSILLON] Leverage
[1][MOUSILLON] Power

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: LUCRE
[3][LUCRE] Acquiring a second ship
[3][LUCRE] Purchased armament for himself worthy of a prince.Th
[3][LUCRE] Donated it to a worthy cause
[3][LUCRE] Raise a tercio
-[1][LUCRE] something that can help fend off pirates/elves/tileans.
[1][LUCRE] Purchased armament for himself worthy of a prince.
Total No. of Voters: 13

Wealth is firmly in Secrets, and undefined equipment leads Lucre by 1. Might want to specify or stunt that - or swap to Glorious Second Boat. Whichever :V
Having remembered that I said something about writing stunts, since the GM requested them, I return to this thread and find myself unable to find stunting guidelines, or a link to another quest whose guidelines should be imitated, or indeed any easy-to-locate record of past votes which actually involved stunts. This is unfortunate because I know a lot of quests have different ways they want them to be used. Having used the search function to read every GM post involving the word "stunt", it appears to mean "subvote written in an in-character way" in this thread, so I've made up some nonsense.

-[X] "This market is a nest of desperate men, Paco. Every one of them brought great stores of coin or precious goods on a risky trip here and is willing to spend it all if he can but fill his desires. Let's see how many of them I can free from their wealth before nightfall!"
[X][LUCRE] Acquiring a second ship
-[X] "A finer ship than I had thought to gain, mami. Though... I had not thought myself on offer as an instructor for any youth with the scent of sea in his lungs, however well you think of their parents."

Wealth stunt is generic but also irrelevant because it's going to lose; I was thinking something along the lines of working our Presence+Larceny to basically run around conning all the people who are seeking one of the other options out of their cash and/or setting them against one another while we walk away with the profits while casually whistling and pretending it wasn't our fault.

As for the Lucre vote, this is a statement on where we want the game to go, as mentioned. I enjoy ADVENTURE but also think we should take the idea of an Estalian navy seriously; the latter that means getting other nobles families in on it and passing on some of our staggering Sail+War combo skills to worthy future captains. This is best accomplished in the form of plucky young sidekicks so that Salvatore can attempt to clone himself into every noble family in the country, much to the despair of everyone who has ever met him. Ideally we will be able to move toward having a navy politically about the time that they're trained up (also, about the time that we've had enough XP and training to actually afford minion-training charms).