[X] Check the "specialty markets", you never know what people can get their hands on when lawful authority isn't looking
[X] Check the "specialty markets", you never know what people can get their hands on when lawful authority isn't looking
[X] Check the "specialty markets", you never know what people can get their hands on when lawful authority isn't looking
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Alright, the votes seem to have died down a smidge, so let's move on to the next round.

Mousillon straddles the River Grismerie, at once guarding the interior of Bretonnia from attack from the sea and choking trade seeking to leave the lands of chivalry. What sailor or merchant would risk landing anywhere in the cursed duchy? Those willing to risk pestilence, death and worse in search of coin; life is cheap in Mousillon, and labor cheaper while coin is precious and goods from afar hard to come by. Any captain willing to take consignments with the clause "and no questions asked" can find work here, should he be quick of wit as well as foot, and all this adds up to the wretched cesspit being one of the great ports in the Old World for those who do not care to have their cargoes inspected too closely. "If you can't find it in Mousillon, it either isn't in Bretonnia or must be legal", after all.

What does Salvadore seek in the hidden markets of Mousillon?

[][MOUSILLON] Power Might makes right, for when have the weak ruled?
[][MOUSILLON] Wealth Pay a man enough, and he'll walk to the Chaos Wastes barefoot
[][MOUSILLON] Knowledge Knowing is power, knowing more can conquer more than simply death
[][MOUSILLON] Secrets The dead keep the most interesting secrets
[][MOUSILLON] Leverage An adder's tongue holds as much sway as its fang

Salvadore also set out from Estalia after disposing of the treasure from the Isle of the Fiery Serpent, a prince's ransom in most any land. With this amount of money no aspect of getting rid of it is simple, and even the most straightforward approach takes weeks of negotiation. Given the young captain's known predilections his family has graciously offered to handle the 'fiddly bits' of the process, but even so he must choose how to spend it.

[][LUCRE] Purchased armament for himself worthy of a prince.
+ personal equipment
[][LUCRE] Donated it to a worthy cause
+ happy Shallyans
- annoyed princes and eagles
[][LUCRE] Paid for one of de Barreda's tercios
+ happy princes
+ dead elves?
- sad Shallyans
[][LUCRE] Raise a tercio
+ Personal army
- Personal army's logistical requirements
[][LUCRE] Acquiring a second ship
+ ship
- crew for second ship
[][LUCRE] Sponsor friends at court
+ friends at court
- Mami's attention
[][LUCRE] Lay in supplies for a privately funded expedition
+ Go where you want without having to turn a profit
- Pieter complaining again
[][LUCRE] Write-in

A note on write-ins for this; the positives and negatives don't have to be objectively positive or negative, but should help indicate what it's going to do with the narrative. A vote for a theater might suggest a greater interest in staying near to home and getting involved in popular politics, while a vote to fund a great library tells a different story. Similarly, please stunt this; a vote to tour Bretonnia's tournaments with a small coterie of errant knights looking for thrills is a different affair from a tour with dozens of hangers-on, including heralds and musicians and a budget for the finer things in life. Votes help tell me what you want, and while I won't always include them I will not penalize you for making them.
I wouldn't trust any powerups from Mousillon if you want to stay on the side of angels.

Could be useful for all the sorts of things money is useful for. I'd love to buy that one charm that does the thing if we pick this.

[][MOUSILLON] Knowledge
I don't think we have any pressing need for this?

[][MOUSILLON] Secrets
How to poke the hornets nest of barely concealed evil and petty plots 101.

[][MOUSILLON] Leverage
Could get that Damsel off our back, but it's probably unwise to go looking for skeletons in the closets of the powerful when we're as wounded as we are.

[][LUCRE] Purchased armament for himself worthy of a prince.
I really would like to get a magic sword so we can deal with ghosts, and what place better than the land of overly large gentlemen on horses? Not counting any dwarf hold with a rusty rune sword. Or literally anywhere in Bretonnia but here. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, I just want to be able to stab the ethereal without a charm. Bonus points if we can also pick up a Seed of Rebirth or something along those lines.

[][LUCRE] Donated it to a worthy cause
Making Shallyans happy would be nice, but I think we might be able to put this toward more immediate needs.

[][LUCRE] Paid for one of de Barreda's tercios

[][LUCRE] Raise a tercio
Meh. We're certainly capable if we need to but I'm not that interested in playing General.

[X][LUCRE] Acquiring a second ship
-[X] something that can help fend off pirates/elves/tileans.
A second, fightier ship would make it a lot safer to continue doing ship things. A second, merchantier ship would let us rake in more moolah - if we invest in Bureaucracy. Either way, we'd need to crew it and we're in Mousillon. I'll just mark it for now and think about what kind of ship later; it's late.

[][LUCRE] Sponsor friends at court
I'm not sure we want to push any political agendas or support anyone in particular?

[][LUCRE] Lay in supplies for a privately funded expedition
Money not spent is money wasted. I'd rather write-in an investment into another merchant's endeavors, but our Bureaucracy sucks.
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I wouldn't trust any powerups from Mousillon if you want to stay on the side of angels.
But every day we spend dominated by a cursed demon-sword counts as intense training for Integrity Charms! Think of the charms!

Your votes are pretty solid. We're sailing about in the name of high adventure, but we didn't invest all those dots in War so that we could order about one ship and our fleet isn't going to build itself. Money and new ships will do that. I could go for a privately funded expedition (Ind! Cathay! HIGH ADVENTURE!) but we don't need to rush for that when we're finding ourselves in plenty of normal adventure right around home, for values of "right around" that include a couple countries in any given direction.

[X][LUCRE] Acquiring a second ship

Stunts to be contemplated... later.
Well I was gonna vote for touring the city but I guess that part of the vote is over. Not sure what I want from the current list...
Right so, our family is handling the "fiddly bits" of spending the money, does that mean that we can buy things from outside of Mousillon (like, say, a good ship from a land that hasn't just had their fleets destroyed by elves) and we'd eventually have it delivered or waiting after we escape this wretched pit?
[X][MOUSILLON] Secrets
Secrets are always fun and often lead to more fun and profit.

[X][LUCRE] Raise a tercio
What can be better than stabbing things in face and/or neck with a company of backup dancers who also stab things in the face?
[X][MOUSILLON] Secrets
[X][LUCRE] Donated it to a worthy cause

Don't you know? Every time a Shallyan is happy another puppy is born!
I really would like to get a magic sword so we can deal with ghosts, and what place better than the land of overly large gentlemen on horses? Not counting any dwarf hold with a rusty rune sword. Or literally anywhere in Bretonnia but here. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, I just want to be able to stab the ethereal without a charm. Bonus points if we can also pick up a Seed of Rebirth or something along those lines.

Firstly, while Bretonnia has a good number of magic items, they are almost all held by either the knights or the damsels, neither of which are groups prone to giving over valuable, hard-earned magic items for mere cash. There's a few willing to consider it, but the venn diagram of "Bretonnian with magic weapon" and "willing to sell magic weapon to outsiders" is pretty darn small.
Also, if being able to cut spirits is your concern there is a Solar Occult charm that you may want to take a gander at.

Money not spent is money wasted. I'd rather write-in an investment into another merchant's endeavors, but our Bureaucracy sucks.

This option isn't "don't spend the money", it's "setting aside the wages for crew and budgeting for consumables necessary to undertake a voyage", things like making sure you'll have enough food or getting preventative maintenance done to keep the Foam Dancer shipshape as you sail around the Southlands or try to circumnavigate Norsca (or some other fool thing).
Your bureaucracy dots are...well, a single dot, but between Intelligence (or some other attributes, depending on the method you favor), that one dot and the Excellency you'll be fine so long as you aren't trying to be ambitious. If you do want to be ambitious, there are other options, such as stunting, tool use and leveraging your backgrounds. If you want to go this route, it tells me that I should Spice & Wulfric it up a bit more in the game.

But every day we spend dominated by a cursed demon-sword counts as intense training for Integrity Charms! Think of the charms!

On a related note, there's three days of Resistance training from "getting poisoned by Dark Elves and surviving" that are worth training time for either general resistance or appropriate charms I've been meaning to get around to talking about. Eh, it'll keep.

Right so, our family is handling the "fiddly bits" of spending the money, does that mean that we can buy things from outside of Mousillon (like, say, a good ship from a land that hasn't just had their fleets destroyed by elves) and we'd eventually have it delivered or waiting after we escape this wretched pit?

The LUCRE option happens before you set off to Bretonnia, so unless stated otherwise the Chavez family are going to be looking at local suppliers for ships. This isn't going to be "go to the classified sections and see who's selling a boat", but rather a more social route where someone talks to people, introductions are made, understandings are finalized, your brother gets called in to stab someone who's being uppity and (rather than just handing the selling party a fat sack of gold) the money would be spent to assuage some other problem that that family has, such as impressing a visiting notable with a lavish party or making a donation in their name, that sort of thing. Much more sensible than how Tileans do things, wouldn't you agree?

Don't you know? Every time a Shallyan is happy another puppy is born!

Sal takes a -3 MDV internal penalty to Shallyans asking nicely. It's those puppy dog eyes, you see.
Also, if being able to cut spirits is your concern there is a Solar Occult charm that you may want to take a gander at.
Yeah, but magic weapons are just about the most common kind of magic item in warhammer. Chances are good we'll be getting that effect eventually and I'd rather spend that xp on a Sail charm.

Anywho, I know as much about ships as I do about space rocks, so I'll just edit my vote to specify something that can help fend off pirates/elves/tileans. Verbatim.
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Yeah, but magic weapons are just about the most common kind of magic item in warhammer. Chances are good we'll be getting that effect eventually and I'd rather spend that xp on a Sail charm.

Anywho, I know as much about ships as I do about space rocks, so I'll just edit my vote to specify something that can help fend off pirates/elves/tileans. Verbatim.
Its ALSO the prereq for the Permanent Destruction of Spirits charm
[X][MOUSILLON] Secrets
[X][LUCRE] Donated it to a worthy cause

Honestly the next charm I'd like to learn is Frugal Merchant Method, which "gives the Exalt a perfect awareness of the target object's quality and condition. This awareness gives one bonus success on any price haggling if her bargaining opponent is honest (and using Charisma) and three bonus successes if the opponent is dishonest (and using Manipulation)."

Personally I think that that one would be a bit useful for a Merchant-Adventurer.

Either that or start getting some actual Athletics dots because it's truly pitiful that we're a heroic sailor person without the ability to climb the rigging and run down ropes, and then grab Graceful Crane Stance+Monkey Leap Technique.
[X][MOUSILLON] Secrets
[X][LUCRE] Donated it to a worthy cause

Honestly the next charm I'd like to learn is Frugal Merchant Method, which "gives the Exalt a perfect awareness of the target object's quality and condition. This awareness gives one bonus success on any price haggling if her bargaining opponent is honest (and using Charisma) and three bonus successes if the opponent is dishonest (and using Manipulation)."

Personally I think that that one would be a bit useful for a Merchant-Adventurer.

Either that or start getting some actual Athletics dots because it's truly pitiful that we're a heroic sailor person without the ability to climb the rigging and run down ropes, and then grab Graceful Crane Stance+Monkey Leap Technique.
To say nothing of the everything under Sail. They're just so... great.