Choose one:
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

Choose one:
[X] The people of the world deserve to live in peace. For that to happen, the monsters need to be driven back into the darkness. You can take down Moord Nag… and three other vicious mass-murderers around the world who have come up in your research.

Choose any:
[X] OK, you'll deal with these matters, but… you also want to check up on Grey Boy's victims. You've never dealt with time-loop traps before, but you'd like to try and see if you can save them.
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[X] The people of the world deserve to live in peace. For that to happen, the monsters need to be driven back into the darkness. You can take down Moord Nag… and three other vicious mass-murderers around the world who have come up in your research.

[X] OK, you'll deal with these matters, but… you also want to check up on Grey Boy's victims. You've never dealt with time-loop traps before, but you'd like to try and see if you can save them.
What issues might we have with doing as much as possible, far as we know? I mean, I don't think we'd get tired, barring power shenanigans or stopping to heal a bunch of people again and again.
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[X] The people of the world deserve to live in peace. For that to happen, the monsters need to be driven back into the darkness. You can take down Moord Nag… and three other vicious mass-murderers around the world who have come up in your research.

[X] OK, you'll deal with these matters, but… you also want to check up on Grey Boy's victims. You've never dealt with time-loop traps before, but you'd like to try and see if you can save them.
[x] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.
[x] The people of the world deserve to live in peace. For that to happen, the monsters need to be driven back into the darkness. You can take down Moord Nag… and three other vicious mass-murderers around the world who have come up in your research.
[x] You're actually a pretty fantastic diplomat yourself. Going in person to meet with various ambassadors and potentates might smooth things over considerably.

Grey-boy's victims can wait. We need to establish that we are a Hero of the world, and the easiest way to do that would be to go out and meet people as soon as possible.
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[x] Dealing with international villainy needs to be done at some point, but it's still early for it. You'd like some more time to learn about this world and gain international goodwill before doing anything that the international community might find controversial.

[X] Write-in: Deal with Slaughterhouse 9.
Edit: If this is impractical due to not knowing where they are then I'm for curing grey boy's victims
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[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[X] OK, you'll deal with these matters, but… you also want to check up on Grey Boy's victims. You've never dealt with time-loop traps before, but you'd like to try and see if you can save them.

Don't really care about the warlord vote.
Any timetable on when we can cave Jack's skull in yet?

I really want to see the look on that bastards face when we no sell his powers. :evil:
Well, there is the small matter of finding him.
I mean, searching a town the size of Brockton Bay? You can do that in minutes. A city like New York? That'd take hours. The entire North American continent? Nnnnnnot doable.

It was determined that no lesser facility could hold the Merchants?
Now, while the Merchants are universally despised and reviled, that is not due to being weak. There aren't actually a lot of prisons that could hold Skidmark.
With that said, it's not a matter of whether a lesser prison can hold them. It's whether the judge wants to even bother taking that risk. Seeing as the merchants forcibly addict people and sell product to kids, he was generally thinking "fuck those guys". Seeing as the PRT is trying to turn Brockton Bay into "the city where villains lose", they basically told the judge "yeah, we're not gonna make any requests here. You can go nuts with these guys".

What issues might we have with doing as much as possible, far as we know? I mean, I don't think we'd get tired, barring power shenanigans or stopping to heal a bunch of people again and again.
Well, the main question is, are you ready for doing those things? The main point of starting small in Brockton Bay was to take the time to learn more about Earth Bet before stomping in like a bull in a china shop. You've had something like a week to get an idea of what the world was like, but is that enough?
And of course, every action has consequences. So does inaction.

Hmmm. Do have to wonder if this is sudden international approach Cauldron's way to keep our eyes off their capes of interest, like Siberian and Shatterbird.
To be fair, the Avatar raised the issue first, back during his earlier talk with Glenn Chambers in "Body Issues". ;)
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[X] Dealing with international villainy needs to be done at some point, but it's still early for it. You'd like some more time to learn about this world and gain international goodwill before doing anything that the international community might find controversial.

[X] OK, you'll deal with these matters, but… you also want to check up on Grey Boy's victims. You've never dealt with time-loop traps before, but you'd like to try and see if you can save them.
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[X] Moord Nag has murdered thousands of men, women and children. She doesn't get to get away with it just because she's not in the same country as the one where you first showed up. You've stopped many supervillains before, and she's next on the list.

[X] OK, you'll deal with these matters, but… you also want to check up on Grey Boy's victims. You've never dealt with time-loop traps before, but you'd like to try and see if you can save them.
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[X] Moord Nag has murdered thousands of men, women and children. She doesn't get to get away with it just because she's not in the same country as the one where you first showed up. You've stopped many supervillains before, and she's next on the list.

[X] OK, you'll deal with these matters, but… you also want to check up on Grey Boy's victims. You've never dealtwith time-loop traps before, but you'd like to try and see if you can save them.
[X ] Deal with the Mexican drought, but not the Namibian one quite yet - you should focus your attention on the Big Bads at this juncture.

[X ] Moord Nag has murdered thousands of men, women and children. She doesn't get to get away with it just because she's not in the same country as the one where you first showed up. You've stopped many supervillains before, and she's next on the list.

[X ] OK, you'll deal with these matters, but… you also want to check up on Grey Boy's victims. You've never dealt with time-loop traps before, but you'd like to try and see if you can save them.
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[X] Moord Nag has murdered thousands of men, women and children. She doesn't get to get away with it just because she's not in the same country as the one where you first showed up. You've stopped many supervillains before, and she's next on the list.

[X] OK, you'll deal with these matters, but… you also want to check up on Grey Boy's victims. You've never dealt with time-loop traps before, but you'd like to try and see if you can save them.
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[X] Dealing with international villainy needs to be done at some point, but it's still early for it. You'd like some more time to learn about this world and gain international goodwill before doing anything that the international community might find controversial.

[X] You're actually a pretty fantastic diplomat yourself. Going in person to meet with various ambassadors and potentates might smooth things over considerably.

No international military intervention until we're SURE it's seen right rather than throwing muscle around.
It could very well spur a patriotic backlash from many parties.

I suspect Grey Boy solving would be energy intensive, unless we know how his power works, or unless we aren't solving the droughts. We're powerful, but esoterica like time manipulation and healing are unlikely to be easy.
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[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[X] Dealing with international villainy needs to be done at some point, but it's still early for it. You'd like some more time to learn about this world and gain international goodwill before doing anything that the international community might find controversial.

[X] You're actually a pretty fantastic diplomat yourself. Going in person to meet with various ambassadors and potentates might smooth things over considerably.
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[x] The people of the world deserve to live in peace. For that to happen, the monsters need to be driven back into the darkness. You can take down Moord Nag… and three other vicious mass-murderers around the world who have come up in your research.
--[x] One of those three other vicious mass-murderers is Jack Slash

[X] You're actually a pretty fantastic diplomat yourself. Going in person to meet with various ambassadors and potentates might smooth things over considerably.
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He pauses. "I have included a lie detector in my helmet."
Oh, did that hit a little too close to home, Armsie? Feeling a bit defensive, are we?

So much love in this update, although a surprising lack in trolling Nazi's. Shame, that. Oh well, at least we've made substantial progress in earning goodwill through the magical power of Not Being A Dick. Genuine niceness OP, PLZ nerf.

As for the vote itself, we're in the rather enviable position of being powerful enough to tell real politic and its moral compromises to go fuck itself. Meaning I think it's worthwhile to take out the various monsters, but at the same time we shouldn't neglect the goodwill that gives us the room to operate. So while it will take time to fix Grey Boy's victims (and it will take more than just getting them out of the time loops - you don't walk away from years of endless torture unscathed) I think it's worth the investment of fixing prominent atrocities and disasters.
[x] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[x] The people of the world deserve to live in peace. For that to happen, the monsters need to be driven back into the darkness. You can take down Moord Nag… and three other vicious mass-murderers around the world who have come up in your research.
--[x] One of those three other vicious mass-murderers is Jack Slash

[x] You're actually a pretty fantastic diplomat yourself. Going in person to meet with various ambassadors and potentates might smooththings over considerably.
[X] Deal with both droughts. It's the world in general that needs to recover from its terrible state.

[X] The people of the world deserve to live in peace. For that to happen, the monsters need to be driven back into the darkness. You can take down Moord Nag… and three other vicious mass-murderers around the world who have come up in your research.

[X] You're actually a pretty fantastic diplomat yourself. Going in person to meet with various ambassadors and potentates might smooth things over considerably.
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The people who are voting to go after Jackie and the merry band should think a bit about how we are supposed to find him. Because we don't have any power that helps with that.

(If we happen upon him, is great, but i don't think that's goin to happen at random)