Hello long time lurker for this quest here, just posting to say i loved the quest and exited to hear about new chapters, and man talking about time and how it has pass, i am really curious how different would had this quest been had Avatar been dropped in current worm, i dont mean Ward, but rather all the new things Wildbow added trought the year that couldnt be added because the quest had already began, like Gallup and Gary basically being basically warlord cities, The fallen having mama mathers, the blasphemies targeting specifically Politicians, Scion which now we known would had reacted with trowing hands with Avatar at first sight because that its pourpose, the tinker 15 if Tzu wants to touch that, the suits being the PRT attempt at forming a hero organization on Europe and so on.
So i would love to ask, Tzu, if you had the opportunity to add something from the new things that came out trought the years for worm,what would it be?, and also, how differently would had the Avatar handled thing?, i imagine the first things he tries to solve would had been Gallup and gary, then trying to set free the kids from the fallen(lets pretend Quester dont exist and he got the option to chosse)
Again exited for new chapters , and thanks for such a exellent quest, take care and have a great day/night/whaterver time it is, whoever is reading this.