That's a close enough powerset to Lung I'd say that's either a bud or a copy of Lung's shard.
I disagree. A comment in Interlude 18 implies the escalation aspect of his powers to be a reflection of his trigger event; the shard itself would, then, presumably provide the draconic biology and pyrokinesis. Alternate Lung triggers might be expected to provide anything from a changer power between human and non-Endbringer-level dragon, to pyrokinesis alone, to enhanced senses, to regeneration, to an Alexandria package, without a trace of escalation in sight.
Peter was still talking, responding to something Kayden had said. "Drugs tend to create conditional powers. It's not hard and fast, but you get situations where the power is directly linked to one's physical, mental or emotional state. We think it's because the power works off a template it builds as the powers first manifest. If someone is riding an emotional high as they trigger, their powers will always be looking for a similarly excited state to operate at peak efficiency, often an emotion or drugs. When people were caught trying to fabricate trigger events, sometimes they were intending to use this so the subject would be more easily controlled."
"If I may backtrack a little?" says Glenn Chambers. "I cannot recommend enough that you look into which Cuban heroes would be both interested in joining the Guild and useful to it. Recruiting from places you help, and having them pay it forward by helping elsewhere, would send a powerful message, as well as serve as an excellent recruitment tool."
And this is why Glenn earns the big bucks.

Dragon strongly favors going after the Slaughterhouse Nine. It is her opinion that, despite their classification as an S-class threat and the terror they inspire, the danger that they represent is actually being underestimated, and that they could react to the changing status quo in devastating ways.
Well it looks like players are in agreement with the shackled AI, which means there's good odds that we're actually being smart for once :V

Her expression and voice are now utterly deadpan. "You're trying to use Taylor to manipulate me into being a better person."
Bit of a dick move, but it seems to be working :V

"It just seems odd to me," she says, still grinning. "Quite possibly the most honest person in the world, and you keep such a big secret to yourself. I have to wonder - are you afraid of bigotry? Concerned that people will be less likely to listen to a non-human? Are you afraid that, if you reveal that you really are an unattainable idea that no human can achieve, they'll stop even trying to be like you?"

"All valid concerns, but not the actual cause for the secrecy," you reply. Is she trying to maneuver into blackmailing you? "I maintain secrecy because knowledge of my origins could endanger the world."

"...How much danger are we talking about here?"

You gaze at her silently, both eyebrows raised.

"...Fuck." She looks away, seemingly lost in thought.

This, however, is better. Not because you're saving the PRT and/or the Guild money, but because you meant what you said.Tattletale is jaded, cynical, manipulative, at times cruel, at times selfish… But she really is Taylor's friend. She really did want to help her, and she still cares. While she is not a good person, you believe she is not as far from becoming a good person as she thinks… and you are, if only thanks to experience, an excellent judge of character. You were also telling the truth about Taylor being a good influence on her.

You'd have offered giving her your salary from the start, but letting her do it herself helped her save face and keep her pride, whether or not she saw through it. Now, there's someone you need to put her in touch with…
Leave it to the Avatar to go and redeem a person that the author writing him personally hates. No one can stop the redemption arc!

Side note, since we can just conjure stuff out of thin air couldn't we just make her a gold bar or something? Has the side benefit of fucking with her just a little bit since converting gold to money is a wee bit of a hassle.

I make no secret of how much I loath Lisa's character in canon... but I try to be fair, and the Avatar is a much better person than I am.
I think you're doing an admirable job of not letting your bias get in the way of letting the character represent herself.
Leave it to the Avatar to go and redeem a person that the author writing him personally hates. No one can stop the redemption arc!
Ad Hoc tries to do good, but makes no secret that he hates Lisa.
Checkmate Warren tries to work with her, but their clashing egos get in the way.
The Avatar, though? The Avatar sees the potential heroism in everyone. The Avatar believes you can be better. The Avatar's last name isn't Rogers, but you'd almost think it was.

Side note, since we can just conjure stuff out of thin air couldn't we just make her a gold bar or something? Has the side benefit of fucking with her just a little bit since converting gold to money is a wee bit of a hassle.
I'd be surprised if Bet!America hasn't made that illegal as a precautionary measure. Gold's value comes primarily from its rarity. If a cape starts mass-producing it... heck, one of the future disasters you saw in the Simurgh's mind was someone causing a financial mini-crash by making it look like they were using parahuman ability to produce gold.
What, no love for Megalovania for Behemoth or Your Best Nightmare for Ziz?
Psh, No chance Behemoth deserve megalovania, and Ziz's fight was confusing enough to deserve something closer to Death By Glamour or Finale, it needs that synthy bop.

Edit: Hopes and Dreams definitely goes to Leviathan. The entire point of Avatar showing up at that point fits the emotional resonance that song has.
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I'd be surprised if Bet!America hasn't made that illegal as a precautionary measure. Gold's value comes primarily from its rarity. If a cape starts mass-producing it... heck, one of the future disasters you saw in the Simurgh's mind was someone causing a financial mini-crash by making it look like they were using parahuman ability to produce gold.
Eh, maybe it's time the world stopped treating gold as being inherently valuable due to being shiny and relatively scarce, and started treating it like any other metal with useful properties.

Nothing could possibly go wrong :V
Ad Hoc tries to do good, but makes no secret that he hates Lisa.
Checkmate Warren tries to work with her, but their clashing egos get in the way.
The Avatar, though? The Avatar sees the potential heroism in everyone. The Avatar believes you can be better. The Avatar's last name isn't Rogers, but you'd almost think it was.

I'd be surprised if Bet!America hasn't made that illegal as a precautionary measure. Gold's value comes primarily from its rarity. If a cape starts mass-producing it... heck, one of the future disasters you saw in the Simurgh's mind was someone causing a financial mini-crash by making it look like they were using parahuman ability to produce gold.

That image doesn't quite hold as much of a punch now that it's been revealed that Captain America was a Hydra agent this whole time.
That image doesn't quite hold as much of a punch now that it's been revealed that Captain America was a Hydra agent this whole time.
I haven't really been following that kerfuffle, but, eh. It's in terrible taste, but you know it will either turn out to be a huge misdirection, or get retconned the hell away, like the time Bleu-blac-Rouge "supposedly" joined Shadow. :p
That image doesn't quite hold as much of a punch now that it's been revealed that Captain America was a Hydra agent this whole time.
Shut your dirty lying mouth that shit ain't canon and you damn well better think so or I swear to god I'll reach through my screen and throttle you for bringing that non-canon bullshit up in this thread about HEROES DOING HEROIC THINGS and there is no fucking way Cap would ever-

*deep breath*

Apologies. This topic does not bring out the best in me.
The recent problem with Captain America isn't that it's an out-of-nowhere twist for the sake of sensationalism and boosting sales - comics have been doing that for decades. Most deaths of superheroes tend to be played up, but they tend to come back eventually, for instance. And having heroes 'secretly turn out to be villains' has also been played out numerous times.

The problem is that really, you're crossing a line by making Captain America an agent of Hydra. Even if by the next issue it turns out to be a body double or he's brainwashed or whatever (I'm not actually reading this comic line), it's just so disrespectful to all the people that suffered due to Nazis, and disrespectful to the original writers of the comic industry. Jack Kirby and Joe Simon, creators of Captain America, and Joe Shuster and Jerry Seagel, who made Superman - all of them were Jewish. Like, I don't want to go into a rant about it, but they really screwed the pooch on this one. That's just my two cents on the matter.
Psh, No chance Behemoth deserve megalovania, and Ziz's fight was confusing enough to deserve something closer to Death By Glamour or Finale, it needs that synthy bop.

Edit: Hopes and Dreams definitely goes to Leviathan. The entire point of Avatar showing up at that point fits the emotional resonance that song has.

Oh, the in-quest fights! I was just thinking the Endbringers in general for some reason: Megalovania for Behemoth because lasers, Battle Against a True Hero for Leviathan because fish, and Your Best Nightmare for Ziz because goshdarnitthat'screepy.

EDIT: Maybe Megalo Strike Back for Ziz fight?
I guess I probably should have put in that line about how I do in fact believe that the Hydra thing is stupid. I left it out because I couldn't figure out how to say it without sounding tacked on, and also because the Hydra thing is so goddamn stupid that I felt it was probably self-evident. My bad, I guess.
I guess I probably should have put in that line about how I do in fact believe that the Hydra thing is stupid. I left it out because I couldn't figure out how to say it without sounding tacked on, and also because the Hydra thing is so goddamn stupid that I felt it was probably self-evident. My bad, I guess.

As much as I agree about the sheer, undiluted, monumentally moronic idiocy that caused Marvel to think that it was in any way a good idea to make Captain America a HYDRA agent and thus invalidate literally everything he stands for... this discussion is probably somewhat off-topic and should be moved to... wherever it's appropriate to relocate this discussion to.
Someone cribbed heavily from Sailor Moon. Unfortunately for the Magical Girl Ward, the only person who's got the closest thing to Magical Moon Powers is someone who has more in common with Beryl than Usagi.
I was actually getting 'Once Upon a Time' flashbacks: the whole 'remove a heart, get a crystal, victim can't feel emotion and has to do whatever you say' thing is a major plot point for many of the shows storylines, as multiple characters are capable of the feat.
EDIT2: So what are the rest of the Undersiders doing, exactly? Lisa's doing consultant work (or somesuch) for the Guild, I know, and Rachel is probably spending time with her dogs. Brian and Alec, though...what exactly are they up to? Did Aisha even trigger?
Forgot to mention earlier:
There's also Uber and Leet, whose current priorities are "help Leet recover from his ordeal".
Wait, did you answer about what Brian, Alec, and Rachel are up to? I never saw one, but the way you said that makes me think I missed it somehow...
I think I did? Anyway, Brian is mostly working on getting a real day job and keeping Aisha out of trouble, Rachel's helping set up the newly-funded dog shelters (Tattletale pulled a few strings), and Alec's mostly hanging out and not doing much.
I recently got directed to this story and read it through from the beginning (including most if not all of the commentary). There's something I want to bring up from the very beginning of the story that I don't think anyone ever touched on again. When Madman transported the Avatar to this universe, a bunch of fully packed luggage bags appeared with him, which the Avatar noted is weird because he has no/few personal possessions. Immediately afterwards Leviathan's tidal waves smashed the docks (and presumably the bags).

It strikes me that given Madman's personality, it's equally likely the the bags are full of useless vacation clothing or that Madman actually included something useful inside them. The joke would be that the Avatar would only 'earn' the help if he bothered to go back and find his luggage later.

It would take some time and effort to scan the harbor, but anything coming from Madman should be carefully examined if possible.
What were the Entities looking for, again?
Ideas, mostly.
The entities had issues with overpopulation on their homeworld, even when taking advantage of a colossal number of parallel dimensions. They realized that even if they spread to the entire multiverse, eventually, they'd still fill it out. Lacking the creativity to solve the problem, they decided to start parasiting the brains of other species and get ideas from them.
Not gonna lie, the "cosmically powerful being connects to human brains, lets humans channel fractions of its power in order to learn from their intelligence" parallel amused me, considering Wildbow and I apparently both came up with it independently. :lol