A Certain Gravitational Villain (A Certain Magical Index Quest)

If they think that then they're mistaken. We actually, I suppose it depends on your opinion on what's good and what's evil. Personally I value my freedom above all else to I find lawful evil the most despicable.

To be honest, I don't think the standard DnD alignments are all that good of a way to determine a villain's mindset or personality. Especially as how they are being interpreted here. I mean, going by these descriptions, our choices are either an evil overlord, a self-centered douchbag, or a deranged murderer.

I think something like choosing two of the seven deadly sins would be an interesting thing to do.

Greed - Acquiring money and wealth along with conspicuous consumption.
Pride - Loves to be seen as the best around and have others listen to or obey them.
Lust - Puts personal pleasure above all else (not necessarily sexual, could be something like playing video games or something)
Sloth - The sin of not caring. A villain with Sloth as their sin can casually ignore the suffering of others or any perceived responsibility on their part. "A bunch of people will die? Not my problem." "Yeah, I did promise I'd let them go. Thing is, I lied."
Envy - Always want what someone else has.
Wrath - Violence. Plain and simple.
Gluttony - I think it's more of a sin of wastefulness as opposed to just eating too much. Probably goes more into conspicuous consumption or drug addiction or something. Pretty sure World of Darkness had drug addiction listed as a Gluttony sin.

Or not, I mean... I'm kind of curious who our villain will be or where the setting is before I worry about motives or personality.
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To be honest, I don't think the standard DnD alignments are all that good of a way to determine a villain's mindset or personality. Especially as how they are being interpreted here. I mean, going by these descriptions, our choices are either an evil overlord, a self-centered douchbag, or a deranged murderer.

I think something like choosing two of the seven deadly sins would be an interesting thing to do.

Greed - Acquiring money and wealth along with conspicuous consumption.
Pride - Loves to be seen as the best around and have others listen to or obey them.
Lust - Puts personal pleasure above all else (not necessarily sexual, could be something like playing video games or something)
Sloth - The sin of not caring. A villain with Sloth as their sin can casually ignore the suffering of others or any perceived responsibility on their part. "A bunch of people will die? Not my problem." "Yeah, I did promise I'd let them go. Thing is, I lied."
Envy - Always want what someone else has.
Wrath - Violence. Plain and simple.
Gluttony - I think it's more of a sin of wastefulness as opposed to just eating too much. Probably goes more into conspicuous consumption or drug addiction or something. Pretty sure World of Darkness had drug addiction listed as a Gluttony sin.

Or not, I mean... I'm kind of curious who our villain will be or where the setting is before I worry about motives or personality.
I'm assuming that wemll get to those next: widest lenses first (world, overarching alignment), then zooming into particulars (character and focus of villainy).

Level 6 Misaka Mikoto plz CX
To be honest, I don't think the standard DnD alignments are all that good of a way to determine a villain's mindset or personality. Especially as how they are being interpreted here. I mean, going by these descriptions, our choices are either an evil overlord, a self-centered douchbag, or a deranged murderer.

I think something like choosing two of the seven deadly sins would be an interesting thing to do.

Greed - Acquiring money and wealth along with conspicuous consumption.
Pride - Loves to be seen as the best around and have others listen to or obey them.
Lust - Puts personal pleasure above all else (not necessarily sexual, could be something like playing video games or something)
Sloth - The sin of not caring. A villain with Sloth as their sin can casually ignore the suffering of others or any perceived responsibility on their part. "A bunch of people will die? Not my problem." "Yeah, I did promise I'd let them go. Thing is, I lied."
Envy - Always want what someone else has.
Wrath - Violence. Plain and simple.

Or not, I mean... I'm kind of curious who our villain will be or where the setting is before I worry about motives or personality.
That would be an interesting way of determining character motivation. However I'd like to keep things simple. I'm just going with the three most common villainous motivations (Take over the world, Amass wealth, Kill people cause it's fun) and applying the Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic tags to them. Don't worry about about those tags taking up the entirety of your personality.
All the people who go Lawful Evil are doing so because Lawful Evil is the closest to being a good guy out of the Evil Alignments.

Lawful Evil in Index is...pretty far from being a good guy(because all the heroes are Chaotic Good). Fiamma is a textbook case of "Start World War 3 as part of a giant ritual to ascend me into divinity so I can FIX the world to be perfect by my eyes. Also fuck all the heathens"

Or pick any of the sane Kiharas.
I don't care too much about the setting, but I think I would just prefer
[x] (Lawful Evil) You have the overwhelming desire to rule over, dominate and control others. It doesn't matter to you what methods you use to get people to obey so long as you are obeyed. Those that refuse you shall be destroyed. You will not stop until the whole world is bowing before you.
Although I won't be upset if FOR KHAOS! wins, either.
I tell a lie,
[X] Puella Magi Madoka Magica
If only because this gives us the potential for incubators.
(Actually, I see incubators more as an extreme lawful neutral, so eh.)
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[X] Puella Magi Madoka Magica
[X] (Chaotic Evil) You like killing. No, you love killing. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The look in someone's eyes as they realize they're going to die is beautiful sight. The scent of blood is sweeter than any rose. The screams of your victims are a symphony. You are a complete and utter monster. (Note: Despite your insanity you are still capable of acting normal.)

I've been thinking of a quest as XtremeTetris!Mami but then realized I don't have the skill to pull it off sooo...
[x] (Neutral Evil) You have acomplete and utter lack of empathy. You don't care about what other people think or feel. All that matters to you is yourself. All you want is to live a long, comfortable life. If that it takes stealing, cheating, and killing then so be it. The only thing important in this world is you and your happiness.
Examples: Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist), Larfleeze (DC comics), Gendo Ikari (probably) (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

Neutral evil is the best evil.
[X] (Lawful Evil) You have the overwhelming desire to rule over, dominate and control others. It doesn't matter to you what methods you use to get people to obey so long as you are obeyed. Those that refuse you shall be destroyed. You will not stop until the whole world is bowing before you.
Examples: Lex Luthor (DC comics), Doctor Doom (Marvel Comics), The Master (Doctor Who)
[X] Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Because why not try to take control of the Incubators and/or possibly wrestle with a demonic Akemi Homura.

All the people who go Lawful Evil are doing so because Lawful Evil is the closest to being a good guy out of the Evil Alignments.
Considering that 'A Nazi by any other name' villains are Lawful Evil and that Bloodknights are a common hero-type, I am not too sure of that.
[X] (Lawful Evil) You have the overwhelming desire to rule over, dominate and control others. It doesn't matter to you what methods you use to get people to obey so long as you are obeyed. Those that refuse you shall be destroyed. You will not stop until the whole world is bowing before you.

Man, I want Rick and Morty just for the heck of it, but eh...

[Q] Bojack Horseman
[X] Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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All the people who go Lawful Evil are doing so because Lawful Evil is the closest to being a good guy out of the Evil Alignments.

I'm playing Lawful Evil because I want to apply my boot directly to the back of someone's head, grinding their face into the dirt as they accept the depths of their submission and realise how completely hopeless their lives are.

Their despair and weakness are to be savored like the finest wine. It's more interesting that "Giggle, giggle, gonna murder a whole buncha people."

Also, Lex Luthor > The Joker
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I'm playing Lawful Evil because I want to apply my boot directly to the back of someone's head, grinding their face into the dirt as they accept the depths of their submission and realise how completely hopeless their lives are.

Their despair and weakness are to be savored like the finest wine. It's more interesting that "Giggle, giggle, gonna murder a whole buncha people."

Also, Lex Luthor > The Joker
Issue is SV won't go like that, they will white knight/ Be pragmatic with only hints of evil.

Only decent villain quest was Dungeon Keeper by Lord Panther and that's because he knew how to incite the players for making the evil choices, all others become white knighting fests.
[X] Puella Magi Madoka Magica
[X] (Chaotic Evil) You like killing. No, you love killing. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The look in someone's eyes as they realize they're going to die is beautiful sight. The scent of blood is sweeter than any rose. The screams of your victims are a symphony. You are a complete and utter monster. (Note: Despite your insanity you are still capable of acting normal.)

Yandere Meguca, let's make it happen.
[X] Puella Magi Madoka Magica
[X] (Chaotic Evil) You like killing. No, you love killing. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The look in someone's eyes as they realize they're going to die is beautiful sight. The scent of blood is sweeter than any rose. The screams of your victims are a symphony. You are a complete and utter monster. (Note: Despite your insanity you are still capable of acting normal.)

Yandere Meguca, let's make it happen.
See, that's at least better than playing Homura or QB who "are already evil".

*sigh* I was hoping for slightly less Madoka for a change since its all over the place.. *then sees all the Madoka quests in sig* Precisely.
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[x] (Lawful Evil) You have the overwhelming desire to rule over, dominate and control others. It doesn't matter to you what methods you use to get people to obey so long as you are obeyed. Those that refuse you shall be destroyed. You will not stop until the whole world is bowing before you.
Examples: Lex Luthor (DC comics), Doctor Doom (Marvel Comics), The Master (Doctor Who)

[x] A Certain Magical Index
[X] Lawful Evil

[X] Sailor Moon

Let's show these twits how to really take over the world.
Y'know I'm surprised no one's voted for Worm yet considering how popular it is in quests. Oh well.
Also, to clear up any confusion, you will be playing as an original character no matter what setting you chose.
[x] (Lawful Evil) You have the overwhelming desire to rule over, dominate and control others. It doesn't matter to you what methods you use to get people to obey so long as you are obeyed. Those that refuse you shall be destroyed. You will not stop until the whole world is bowing before you.
Examples: Lex Luthor (DC comics), Doctor Doom (Marvel Comics), The Master (Doctor Who)

[x] Rick and Morty

Would love to play as Evil Morty. Or canon Rick. Or anything, really.
Yeah, I'm going to have to veto Rick and Morty. I've never seen it and I can tell just by looking that the art style would prevent me from getting into it. Sorry. You should change your vote so as not to waste it.

Or pick any of the sane Kiharas.
:o They have those?!
Y'know I'm surprised no one's voted for Worm yet considering how popular it is in quests. Oh well.
Also, to clear up any confusion, you will be playing as an original character no matter what setting you chose.
Even less fun—you normally do that in Worm anyways, even with "white-knighting"

Also, sadness for part of Index (though I have an idea about that), but that does mean no QB (they're all one) or Homu/classic characters
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Allow me to make my argument for Lawful Evil.

Let me start by saying, Lawful Evil does not equal the "least" evil. Lawful Evil is the oppression of the system. It's the engine of society that stresses the cogs within until they snap. It's the crushing weight of authority, pushing your face into the dirt.

To be LE is to seek power in the most pure sense. The truest law that LE follows is that of Might Makes Right. It is not Good and I will fight tooth and nail to avoid white knighting bullshit.

As for why we should choose Lawful Evil, I'd say that it will ultimately form the most interesting story.

Sure, the lolrandom murder of Chaotic Evil will be fun for a while, but it's the same story every time. We find someone we want to murder and we murder them.

Neutral Evil is just straight up boring. If I wanted to read a story about a greedy bastard CEO attempting to scramble for wealth, I'd look at the Wall Street Journal or follow Donald Trump on twitter.

Lawful Evil is the story of one man making the world bow to his will, the story of an idea fighting the world and winning. It's the story of how one man tore the foundations of society down and remade them in his image.

Also, Lawful Evil has jackboots and Mobile Oppression Fortresses.

That's all I have to say

Allow me to make my argument for Lawful Evil.

Let me start by saying, Lawful Evil does not equal the "least" evil. Lawful Evil is the oppression of the system. It's the engine of society that stresses the cogs within until they snap. It's the crushing weight of authority, pushing your face into the dirt.

To be LE is to seek power in the most pure sense. The truest law that LE follows is that of Might Makes Right. It is not Good and I will fight tooth and nail to avoid white knighting bullshit.

As for why we should choose Lawful Evil, I'd say that it will ultimately form the most interesting story.

Sure, the lolrandom murder of Chaotic Evil will be fun for a while, but it's the same story every time. We find someone we want to murder and we murder them.

Neutral Evil is just straight up boring. If I wanted to read a story about a greedy bastard CEO attempting to scramble for wealth, I'd look at the Wall Street Journal or follow Donald Trump on twitter.

Lawful Evil is the story of one man making the world bow to his will, the story of an idea fighting the world and winning. It's the story of how one man tore the foundations of society down and remade them in his image.

Also, Lawful Evil has jackboots and Mobile Oppression Fortresses.

That's all I have to say

I'd say you're assuming Chaotic Evil = Murder Who We Want, and I don't think that has to hold true. In a way, you're straw-manning against Murder instead of chaos.

Ultimately I care more about what series we get than our alignment, but don't assume.
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I'd say you're assuming Chaotic Evil = Murder Who We Want, and I don't think that has to hold true. In a way, you're straw-manning against Murder instead of chaos.

Ultimately I care more about what series we get than our alignment, but don't assume.

I'm not strawmanning. The QM has explicitly stated Chaotic Evil is the-

Kill people cause it's fun)

-alignment. Also-

[x] (Chaotic Evil) You like killing. No, you love killing. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The look in someone's eyes as they realize they're going to die is beautiful sight. The scent of blood is sweeter than any rose. The screams of your victims are a symphony. You are a complete and utter monster. (Note: Despite your insanity you are still capable of acting normal.)

-the entire option talks about murder and absolutely nothing about anarchy.

I'm not making assumptions, I'm drawing logical conclusions based on the evidence presented to me. Maybe Chaotic Evil can be heavier on the"Chaotic" and lighter on the "Evil" but it's not like what I said was baseless.
I'm not strawmanning. The QM has explicitly stated Chaotic Evil is the-

-alignment. Also-

-the entire option talks about murder and absolutely nothing about anarchy.

I'm not making assumptions, I'm drawing logical conclusions based on the evidence presented to me. Maybe Chaotic Evil can be heavier on the"Chaotic" and lighter on the "Evil" but it's not like what I said was baseless.
But that doesn't mean we're sworn in to play it as that—because it's a general choice—or else why do we bother playing? Picking the kills? Just choosing a character/alignment and then they wrote a story with minimal choices? You put too much in the example.

If that's really the case—that it's murder and nothing else, and that's a rule not a standard—then it's not actually chaotic. And if that is the QM's intent then I'll leave, but I don't believe that is actually the intent.


Humanity is a world of assumption. I'm sitting in a logic class right now and we just had a talk cause someone cheated on an exam and a letter was submitted to the teacher anonymously about it. We can't yet know that the letter is true—someone could have faked it to rat out/frame someone—but we assume it's true and thus declare what follows.

Similarly, you don't know for 100% sure that I'm not making that story up. Maybe I'm not even in college, and it's all some elaborate ruse. But you assume the evidence so far is true.

You are assuming the "evidence" of the description is 100% true, in the Law of No Middle in Logic where there is only True and False—because other logic systems with a third system don't work within themselves. But that doesn't mean logic will always allly with reality. Human beings aren't 100% logical.
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