On one hand, it's nice and sensible that they shut down the Tournament like that, but it's a bit less Anime than I expected? The reduction in potential XP gains is comparatively rough, but fair enough.
We're out on injury and if we haven't actually received XP from all of our passed Skill Checks then we're practically guranteed one level due to how close we are...
Also, if anyone can gather up all the XP you guys have earned since the start of the Tournament Arc, that'd be great.
Can you mark a specific update? I'll try to grab every passed Skill check and whatnot during lunch.
[X] Plan: Relaxing Is Training Right?
-[X] Train with Yamato
--[X] Supernatural: Persons of Interest (The Who)
---[X] This is blatantly a cover to hang out and watch anime with our Bro.
-[X] Train with Yato
--[X] Resistance: Spiritual
---[X] Heart to Heart, Spirit to Spirit, it looks like we need to have a chat with Yato about what all that was.
-[X] Call up Hose and see if he wants to Train/Hang Out
--[X] Perception: Environment
---[X] This is blatantly a cover for taking a walk and giving Hose the opportunity to bring up whatever Sensei stopped him from talking about when we just got back.
Previously there was a
little bit of talk about Write Ins I think? So
@LinkOnScepter please give a yeah or nay if this is all alright.
Beyond the intended "Following the Spirit of Doctor's Orders and actually trying to Rest this week", if we get 1 level then 1 AP into The Who gets us the All-20, Spiritual Resistance is our weakest Resistance and I suspect if we had it higher we could have resisted the Magical Attacks we received, plus it pushes us closer to the All-50, and our Perception is honestly kind of trash so any investment into it is good, and this maybe gives Hose the opportunity to talk to us about the bullcrap going on.
want to start doing Massive Combat Training, but there are three things holding me back.
First, I don't actually remember where the caps for our Partner Arts are listed, and we apparently train them at
35 points per AP right now, so I want to make sure everything is set up properly before we revisit UMT and start pushing for proper mastery.
Second, it's only the fact that we're out on Injury that's preventing Sensei from training with us, and I suspect that we'll be able to do a Training Montage with him once we've gotten better, so it's best that we don't delay our recovery (Link, can we have an update in our SLs to include any training bonuses we've discovered as well as Sensei's info even if we don't have his SL yet? (I don't *think* we actually got his SL...)) so we can properly work on that.
Third, I'm expecting there to be mechanical or narrative consequences, or both, to trying to do Proper Combat Training before recovering, so best to put a pin in that for now.
Once we've recovered, I have thoughts in mind about a Training Montage where we follow after our Bro like he followed after us, and spend some time pushing for the prerequisites we need for a higher raw UMT score, especially as we see Martial Arts provide a lot more benefits than we'd previously seen for getting them to the "traditional" cap. Maybe grinding up one of our Resistances to 100?
After that I'm thinking we narrow in on Empathy Training to grab the All-100 and fully unlock our next steps, since I think that's the Tree that people had been wanting to work on before for that? I wouldn't be opposed to going for the Supernatural All-100 as our fused class component but I remember Empathy being what people wanted.
[X] Plan: Wisdom and Charisma
This plan is good too.