You are Yamato Nagai, and you need to move as fast as you can.
You will freely admit, this wasn't something you had expected. You knew that there was a high chance something strange would happen during the tournament. Many schools were involved in this endeavor. And though the reward was more symbolic than physical, it was still something they all would want to obtain. Bragging rights was a good enough reward for some. So, you had expected that someone would attempt to lead your brother astray or otherwise sabotage his attempts at victory.
You did not expect to see someone get taken over by a supernatural monster right before an audience of people.
You jerk to a halt and grab Yameko's hand, pulling her to the side and out of the way of a crowd of students. You wrap your other arm around her and try to make yourselves as small as possible. You are jostled a bit by the passing stampede but otherwise remain unharmed. Most of the people you see aren't from your school, but you do spot a few wearing your uniform in the scrum. All are trying to get to the exit and not looking back. Once the crowd has passed, you grab Yameko's hand and start moving again.
The lights going off proved to be both a blessing and a curse. The blessing came in how everything happening so fast kept all the students and staff from seeing exactly what was going on. Supernatural creatures are still considered the realm of urban myths by the general populace. Things would get complicated if the general public realized that such creatures were actually real. And that's without taking the Organization into account. They would catch wind of the rumors and likely start investigating the schools involved. Which wouldn't be good for anyone involved here.
As of now, most would probably consider what happened a trick of the eyes. Which would be for the best now.
"Wait, Yamato-sama!" Yameko calls as the two of you round another corner. While the lights were still out, you were able to see just fine. Mainly thanks to your training with Yameko in her style. As of now, even complete darkness was hardly an issue for you. To you, it was as if the sun was shining directly into this place from the roof. Only when you are certain that there's nowhere around do you stop running. You turn to your Partner as she tries to get her breath back. She straightens her back as she speaks, "Where are we going? What do you plan to do?"
[Skill Check: Tactics; Alexander: 36 VS DC 30: Success!]
[+2 Yamato XP]
You look around the area while answering Yameko, "We're going to find either the room where the power breakers are or the surveillance room where the cameras are."
Yameko, still disguised as a normal student, tries to follow your gaze as you try to find what you're looking for. She continues even as you both look around for your goal, "And what are we going to do when if we find one of those places?"
"If it's the breaker room, then we will turn the power back on. Hayato will need to see where his opponent is coming from if he's to win his battle."
"And the surveillance room?"
"I do not believe this was an accident," you speak your mind, waving through the air to help a few of the students that seemed lost. They managed to spot your arm in the darkness, moving toward your position. When they were close enough you pointed in the direction of the exit, yelling for them to get going and find a staff member. Whether from desperation or panic, they didn't bother questioning why he wasn't leaving with them. They just started to run in the direction he indicated. Once they left, he continued, "The lights going out happened far too quickly to have been an accident. It was deliberate. Someone turned them off before anyone could get a good look at the transformed Kuziwa."
"But what does that have to do with the cameras?"
"I have little evidence. But taking everything we know about the Organization, what they supposedly want with supernatural creatures, and the fact that two of them are in our school, I can logically come to one conclusion..."
The lights came back on just as Yamato said his conclusion out loud.
"...Someone is watching those cameras, planning to take the video with them. If that is allowed to happen, they will not only have evidence that Kuziwa is connected to a monster, but they will know that Hayato and Yato exist. And if it is the Organization behind this, they will act to capture or eliminate my brother. This can't be allowed to happen."
Statement made, you wave for Yameko to follow you, "The majority of people should be gone by now. You may drop your disguise. We will likely need your full power for this."
"Yes, Yamato-sama," is her reply. The sound of clothes hitting the floor, followed by tails swishing in the air reaches your ears. Before long, Yameko is in her true form and running alongside you on your left. She looks up at the ceiling, her eyes narrowing, "It appears someone else got to the power before we did."
You only nod in agreement, mind already racing with ideas about who could've done it. The last time you saw Munagi, she was being led away by Mitsuhide. You had told her you needed to make sure your brother got out safe. Which was technically true. But neither of them could still be here if they left with the rest of the students. Any faculty and staff would be outside as well, trying to keep all the students in line and call up law enforcement. The only people left would either be those that got left behind or...
Hmm...you don't remember seeing what happened to Estella and her bodyguard. Did they get out? Or perhaps-
You get your answer the moment you round another corner.
Because standing right across from you, both looking tense and hurried, are Estella and Irina.
Your two groups pause as you run into each other. The Baudelaire Heir's singular eye passes over both of you, locking onto Yameko for a moment longer than yourself. Her intact hand holds one of the wheels of her chair, while the prosthetic is hidden by the side. Her bodyguard's eyes are locked onto Yameko, her lips mouthing a silent, "Called it."
Not wanting to waste time, you step forward and speak your mind to your senior, "Estella, I request you refrain from asking any questions that require complex answers. If you do so, then I will do the same for you. What I will say is this: Yameko is a Kitsune that I have bonded with."
"A pleasure to properly meet you both," Yameko bows her head, tails rising and ears bending with her. Irina's lips twitch while Estella seems unaffected by the reveal.
You continue to speak, "My brother has done the same with a different supernatural creature. I assume that you and Irina are similar to the two of us?"
You were being rather trusting right now. Perhaps too trusting. However, the fact that the two of them were still here rather than running away suggested that they had kept their heads level. And the fact that they didn't seem completely surprised when Yameko appeared in her true form shows that they are already initiated into the world you're currently in. While you don't know if Irina is indeed a monster, there is little to doubt that she isn't some kind of powerful fighter. She'd have to be to have her position. And if Estella was involved in this world, then so was Irina. Which would mean...
The two women share a glance. Irina's eyebrow rises then she jerks her head in your direction. Estella says nothing, but her expression shifts from uncertainty to determination. Then she nods and turns back to you, "Indeed. Though I hope you don't mind if I keep the exact nature of our bond to myself. It is merely a precaution."
"That's Estella's way of saying you need to prove you're worthy of hearing the whole story, kids," Irina speaks with a smug grin on her face. Her hands never leave the back of Estella's wheelchair, but you doubt that means she's not on guard. She points in the direction the rest of the students went, "Now, how about the two of you get outta here? Leave this to the professionals and don't let yourselves get hurt."
"I will not leave without Hayato," your voice broker's no argument, "Until he is safe, I will remain in this building."
"And I will not leave without Yamato-sama," Yameko states, stepping closer to you to emphasize.
Irina shakes her head, "Look, kids. I like your spunk and all, but if this is just about your bro, then why are you out here? Shouldn't you be back in the auditorium helping him fight that Oni bitch?"
"He would be...unless he knows that more is going on here," Estella says, turning to face you fully. When you confirm her words with a nod, she hums while tapping at the arm of her wheelchair, "Impressive. Your brother's praise was well founded." She spares one more glance at Irina before she settles herself in to speak.
[Multiple Checks Passed By Estella]
"I believe the Organization has something to do with this. And that they are after Hayato and Kuziwa."
You see Yameko's expression turn to one of shock...but you simply nod, "Hmm, I see."
"You have come to the same conclusion I have then?"
"It would be more accurate to say I had the same expectations. There is a high likelihood that they gathered information to indicate that Hayato and Kuziwa were somehow connected to the supernatural world. We do not know much about the Organization, but we know they seek to gather supernatural creatures and their Bonded Partners for their purposes."
"Thus they would make some attempt to strike at Hayato and Kuziwa. They are likely the ones who turned off the power to remove any potential witnesses, but neither I nor Irina saw anyone when we were on our way back from the breaker room. I anticipate that we will find our perpetrators in the security office where the cameras are. They are likely watching the altercation between Hayato and Kuziwa now."
You and Estella stare each other down. A silent tension falls over the both of you. Irina remains standing at attention, eyes focused on Yameko. Your Partner meets the bodyguard's gaze without backing down. After a few moments, Estella's expression shifts. It turns from one of serious determination to a reassuring smile. One that reminds you of Hayato's own, "Go assist your brother, Nagai Yamato. I can assure you that, on my family's name, I will ensure that those behind do not get away without a fight."
Irina's lips curl into an expectant smile, "That's the princess I know. Get going, kids. That big guy's gonna need your help. Oni's aren't an easy opponent to face. Trust me on that."
You remain silent for a few moments. Your eyes are locked on the two as you consider their words. On the one hand, you don't necessarily know if you can trust them. You have only just met them. And even if they are part of this world, they could be on a side that opposes your own. If you were to let them go now, who knows what they could do to your adversaries once they find them?
But...Hayato would trust them.
You know he would.
And he's in danger right now.
Danger that he's saved you from too many times.
"Understood. We will talk more once this is all over," you turn on your heels and turn to Yameko, "Yameko, we are adjusting our strategy. We shall go assist Hayato in his battle. Prepare your shadows for confrontation."
Your Partner shoots one last glance at the two women. She frowns but turns back to you and nods. Then the two of you are moving again, heading back the way you came.
Hayato has saved you countless times.
It's time you did the same for him.
Here we go. Sorry it's nothing about what's going on with Hayato just yet. I just wanted to set up what Yamato was doing before we get to the next part.
Don't worry. The next update should be in within the next two or so weeks.