A Bro's Life (AGG-ish Anime Bro Quest)
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The Saga Of The Best Brother Ever
OP/Genre Choice


The One who Strangles Concepts to death
Many anime archetypes have managed to stand the test of time, while others have fallen from grace. Some have risen from the ashes of obscurity to find new life. Most have retained the fundamental parts of their character. Others have been forced to change along with the advancing times and an aging audience.

However, one archetype has managed to remain relevant no matter how much things change:

The Bro.

The Best Friend.

The Main Man.

The Dude.

The Secondary Protagonist (in some cases), the Bro archetype can take on a wide variety of story roles. The supportive older brother (blood related or not). The stranger turned friend. The glue that holds the entire main group together. They can even be the rival/antagonist that pushes the protagonist to improve their lot in life.

But there is one universal law that they follow: They take care of the protag and make sure he gets the character development he needs to accomplish his goals. Whether this be through being a steadfast pillar of support that never lets his bro down, a constant goal set up so that his bro will never stop improving, or secretive figure who watches from the shadows but always seems to be there to assist the protag when they need it most.

But it is not all fist bumps and high fives. Being a protagonist's brother is a hefty weight. You can't let yourself look bad lest your bro lose faith in you, you have to make sure you give them the spotlight so they grow as a person, and you tend to become the protagonist emotional base...one which they would be lost without.

This is a risk that many Bros take on with a smile.

Because, at the end of the day, their bro is what's important.

And that will be the premise of this Quest.

You all will not be playing the part of the main protagonist.

You will be playing as the protagonist's Bro/Best Friend/Main Man.

However, before we get too far into the details, let us get some things straight about the story that you all will be apart of.

Starting off with the Genre of the story.

Your choice of Genre will have a major effect on how the story evolves. It will affect the tone, the power level, the characters, and more.

[] Shounen - Ah. The stereotypical genre for a Bro character. Not that that's a bad thing. This Genre is littered with this archetype and for good reason. This genre has it all. Over the top action sequences, epic tales of friendship, love, and loss, and badass dudes and girls doing badass things. This is a time where idealism rings true, and all you need to change the world is a never ending supply of hot-blood!

However, while Shounen shows can start noble and bright, they tend to get darker as the story goes on and the threat escalates. In fact, this Genre is extremely deadly to Bro characters because of a major rule: The cooler you are, the more likely you are to die or turn evil. Either to make the main character grow as a person, or to establish that the story has taken a seriously dark turn. And since the job of Bros is to be the coolest of the cool to support the protagonist, they tend to not live long.

Nevertheless, you must press on. For defying the odds is exactly what Bros do. And besides, this is a Shounen Genre. It's all about accomplishing the impossible...

[] Slice Of Life - The fuck is this? I thought we made Quest like this to escape real life? Seriously speaking, this Genre is similar to the Shounen Genre. Your job as a Bro is to ensure the protag develops into a decent person. The difference? There's not gonna be a lot of fighting, most of your challenges will be simple, real life ones, and things will generally focus on having a normal existence in the world. No world spanning quest, no over the top battles, no bad guys wishing you harm. Just a simple life.

Of course, all of us here know that life is anything but "simple". Things that are out of your control will happen. Sometimes they will fuck you over, sometimes they won't. But you just gotta take it one day at a time. And I believe that's the best way to describe this Genre: taking things one day at a time.

[] Seinen/Dark - If you were to compare these different Genres to "Difficulty Settings", this would be Hard Mode. This Genre is much the same as the Shounen Genre, but with "realistic" circumstances applied to them. What exactly does this entail?

Your enemies are numerous, almost uncountable. Their influence is great, they have a hand in almost every important part of society. They have the power to back all their plans up, and see them through. The populace is under their control, no one suspects they have an evil agenda. You are constantly being hunted, you can't rest your head even for a little bit. Allies are few and far between, it's either too dangerous for them or they're likely to betray you.

Basically, EVERYTHING is against you from the start. No pressure.

These are your choices of Genre. Keep in mind, none of these choices are set in stone. The choices you make, the events you trigger, the people you meet, and the causes you choose to fight for can all effect how the story evolves over the course of the Quest. What starts as a light-hearted Slice Of Life story can turn into a dark tale of trying to survive when the whole world is against you. Likewise, a Dark story where everything is against you from the start can be turned into a hopeful tale of succeeding against the odds. Choosing a Genre determines how things begin, not how they end.

WTF Is This: New Quest. You guys play as the Bro of the Main Protagonist. Basically, you're gonna be the Kamina to their Simon.

AGG-ish?: If anyone here remembers old Sage_Of_Eyes' "A Geek's Guide" Quest, think that. As in, I'm going to be using the same system idea (with Stats that go from 0 to 100, traits, SL Levels, and so on), but not just straight copy everything from them.
The Bro (AKA You)
Chosen World Creation Options:
- Genre: Shounen
- Style: Martial Arts/Monster Partners
- Setting: High School
- Harem: Yes, but no focus


Character Status:
Nagai Hayato Lvl: 3
Health: Full Health
Armor: N/A
- Your Fist (+10 When Street Fighting or Brawling, Natural)
- Your Partner (Twin Gauntlets; Allows for combined Skills and Attacks during Combat; +10 When Using UMT; Concealed)
Budget: N/A
Upkeep: N/A

Income: N/A

Current Currency: 3 Raijin Tokens

Current Club: Martial Arts Club
- Status: New Member
- Current Group: MMA
- Strikes: 1

Current XP: 50/200

Martial Savant - You have honed your martial abilities into an artform. And yet you still have far to go.
Bonus to: Empathy, Martial Arts, and Supernatural
Deductions to: Education, Culture, and Firearms
Social Advantages: +1 Rank with Idealist and Optimist
Social Disadvantages: -1 Rank with Realist, Pessimist, and Authority Figures
Evolves into: The Unstoppable

Skills (+ = Bonus, - = Debuff):

- Armor: 6
- Weapons: 6
- Tools: 6

Culture (-):
- Art (-): 13
- Music (-): 13
- Religion (-): 13

Melee Weaponry:
- Swords: 31
- Axes: 6
- Spears: 6

- Necessity (Edison): 6
- Practicality (Ford): 6
- Extravagance (Tesla): 6

Education (-):
- History (-): 56
- English (-): 60
- Mathematics (-): 56

- Covert: 6
- Mundane: 6
- Overt: 6

Empathy (+):
- Motives (+): 63
- Feelings (+): 65
- Interests (+): 25

Supernatural (+):
- Fundamental Knowledge (+) (The What): 23
- Persons Of Interest (+) (The Who): 8
- The Myths Themselves (+) (The How and Why): 23

Throwing Weaponry:
- Darts: 6
- Daggers: 6
- Improvised: 6

Firearms (-):
- Small Arms (-): 3
- Assault Weapons (-): 3
- Heavy Guns (-): 3

- Sun Tzu (Preparation): 6
- Alexander (Cleverness): 6
- Patton (Overwhelming Logistics): 6

Martial Arts (+):
- Brawling (+): 11
- (Tagged) Street Fighting (+): 31
- Unyielding Mountain Technique (+) (Cursed Gauntlets): 43
- Karate (+): 106 (Super Art)
- Kendo (+): 106 (Super Art)
- MMA (+): 106 (Super Art)

- Smuggling: 6
- Business: 6
- Trade: 6

- Surgery: 6
- Pharmaceutical: 6
- Narcotics: 6

- (Tagged) Diplomacy: 66
- Persuasion: 33
- Intimidation: 33

- Physical (Your Body): 53
- Mental (Your Mind): 47
- (Tagged) Spiritual (Your Spirit): 23

- People (Determining Skills of other person.): 6
- Environment: 6
- Objects (Knowing what an object truly is.): 6

- Stealth: 6
- Dodging: 6
- Trickery: 6

Loyalty: To follow others no matter the consequence and inspire others to do the same. +5 to Speech

Danger Sense: Feelings: 20: During a conversation get a warning on "bad" choices.

Raijin's Secret Saviors: You saved the school but very few people know it was you. The ones that do will recognize how much clout you could have, and will react differently based on their personalities. +20 Bonus to negotiation with people who know your secret.

Bilingual: You can speak and read not one, but TWO Languages! That'll go great on your Resume! (+10 to all English Checks: Will always get above 50 on your English Exams; Can speak and read English]

The Ever-Present Shield: You have committed yourself to defending others from outward threats. The opposition's power doesn't matter. The opposition's numbers don't matter. The opposition's social status don't matter. If someone is in trouble, you will be there to help them. Gain +20 to Resistance: Physical, but Hayato will jump to people's defense when they're in trouble. Even when it might be disadvantageous to him.

Time Management: Mathematics Edition: Focus on properly managing your time so you can do more things during the week. (+1 AP)

A Busy Mind: They can't know what you're thinking if you're thinking of random crap. (+5 to all Mental Resistance Checks)

Pantomath: You know a lot of information. To the point where you're just about a walking library of History, English, and Math. It's kind of scary how much you're able to recall off the top of your head. Auto-Pass 1 History, English, or Math Check. This Auto-Pass works on multiple Checks, however they must happen one after the other.

No Man On Earth: Your Body, Mind, and Soul have all been conditioned to the point where they can resist most harmful things. Primarily, those of the typical mundane variety. All mundane weapons (save Guns, Cars, Buildings, etc.), physical, mental, and spiritual suffer a -25 Penalty to their rolls and deal 3 Less Damage.

Words Filled With Confidence: Through training your social prowess, you're now able to put the confidence you feel everyday behind your words. This makes it easier for you to form bonds with people who share your ideology or are simply normal people. Cynical or villainous people will find your attitude either respectable or annoying, but can't fault you for your bravery. SLs with Idealist, Optimist, and Normal people start at Level 1 and you get a +5 to Persuasion Checks against them. SLs with Cynics, Pessimists, or Villains start at Level 0 instead of Level -1 and you get a +5 to Intimidation Checks against them.

Read The Room: You have an innate understanding of people's emotional state. Automatically get a general understanding of how a person feels the moment you see them. Right now it doesn't go beyond surface level, but sometimes that's all you need

A Good First Impression: Try to ensure that every first meeting you have is a good one. That will make sure people like you more. (+3 to Starting Relationship Points)

Mixed Work Of Art: In Combat, Automatically Pass a Perception Check to know what Style your Opponent is using. Only works on Mortal Arts and not when outnumbered. All other Mortal Martial Art Skills gain a +30 Bonus to Combat Checks

Precise Strike: I can end this in one blow. Gain the ability to perform a powerful attack that gives you +30 to your Combat Checks when you use it. Can only be used once per fight.

Impregnable Defense: Enemies suffer a -10 Debuff to Martial Arts Melee Attacks against you. You can now disarm enemies if they're using Any Mortal Melee Weapon against you. Enemies that attack you first suffer a -10 Debuff to their attacks.

Kenjutsu: Any and all swords are valid for the use of Kendo Perks. Gain +15 to Swords. You know how to hit someone with your blade that will make it really hurt, giving you +10 to all Combat Checks when using a sword.

Meditative Mentality: +10 to all Culture Skills. +5 to Resistance: Mental.

An Iron Grip: When using Kendo, you can't be disarmed by any mortal means save severing your arm or wrist.


- A Pair Of Leather Gloves - Your Bonded Item. If these get destroyed, your Partner is gone.

- Two Cursed Gauntlets - Your Partner. A Spirit that has possessed two metal gauntlets that help you fight.

- Room 287 Key Card: The Key Card required to enter your Shared Room at Raijin High School.

- School Uniform: The required Uniform for Raijin High School.

- 3 Raijin Tokens: Tokens used to buy rewards from the shop.

- School Planner: A Planner that helps you with your scheduling. +1 AP.


Unyielding Mountain Technique
Passive Boosts:
+10 to Resist Soul Based Combat Actions. +5 to Resist Emotion Based Combat Actions. +10 to Resist Mental Based Combat Actions. +10 to Resist Physical Based Combat Actions.

- Reflecting Wall Technique: Soul Version: A counter that guards your soul with a barrier made of excess bodily energy, then explodes when an enemy attempts to attack your Soul. It both deflects the attack and deals damage to the attacker. Automatically activates in Combat. +10 to Resisting Spiritual Attacks; Deals damage to Foes who strike your Soul; 2 Charges per Combat.

- Reflecting Wall Technique: Mental Version: A counter that guards your mind with a barrier made of your spiritual energy, then explodes when an enemy attempts to attack your Mind. It both deflects the attack and deals damage to the attacker. Automatically activates in Combat. +10 to Resisting Mental Attacks; Deals damage to Foes who strike your Mind: 2 Charges per Combat.

- Impenetrable Soul Armor: Expands your spirit to cover your body in an ethereal armor. Gives you better defense, but puts your Soul at risk of attack. Must be activated before or during Combat. +10 to Physical Defense, but -5 to Spiritual Defense in Combat.

- Spirit Guarding Cage: Uses your mental energy to form a "cage" around your spirit. Gives you better spiritual defense, but puts your Mind at risk of attack. Must be activated before or during Combat. +10 Spiritual Defense, but a -5 to Mental Defense in Combat.

Bound Partners:

1. Cursed Gauntlets - Weapons with Minds all their own who's only purpose is to be worn and used.

Name: ???
Nickname: Yato
Relationship Rank: 6/10 (Points 4 out of 7)
- You're Partners who have formed a Bond together. Not only that, but your philosophy matches with the Gauntlet's purpose.

Current Bonds:
A Monster's Confidence: Your Partner approached you to make the Bond. They've made it clear that they expect you to do "Great Things". Or at least they're confident you can protect them.

History Buff Buddies: Your Partner is very appreciative of you going out of your way to help him remember his past. He won't forget it very soon.

Bonus To: Martial Arts And Resistance

Deductions To: Speech And Evasion

New Skills: None

Evolves Into: Varies By User

Martial Art: Unyielding Mountain Technique - The user becomes as a mountain. Unmovable, unbreakable, yet hitting with enough force to shake the earth beneath them. This Style requires the user to not just be physically resilient, but mentally and spiritually as well. For only when all three are in balance does this Style truly shine. Corresponding Skill: Resistance


- Armor: 10
- Weapons: 10
- Tools: 10

- Art
- Music
- Religion

Melee Weaponry:
- Swords: 10
- Axes: 10
- Spears: 10

- Necessity (Edison)
- Practicality (Ford)
- Extravagance (Tesla)

- History: 10
- English
- Mathematics

- Covert
- Mundane
- Overt

- Motives
- Feelings: 10
- Interests

- Fundamental Knowledge (The What): 40
- Persons Of Interest (The Who): 40
- The Myths Themselves (The How and Why): 40

Throwing Weaponry:
- Darts
- Daggers
- Improvised

- Small Arms
- Assault Weapons
- Heavy Guns

- Sun Tzu (Preparation)
- Alexander (Cleverness)
- Patton (Overwhelming Logistics)

Martial Arts (+):
- Brawling (+): 20
- Street Fighting (+): 20
- Unyielding Mountain Technique (+) (Cursed Gauntlets): 50

- Smuggling
- Business
- Trade

- Surgery
- Pharmaceutical
- Narcotics

Speech (-):
- Diplomacy (-)
- Persuasion (-)
- Intimidation (-)

Resistance (+):
- Physical (+) (Your Body): 50
- Mental (+) (Your Mind): 55
- Spiritual (+) (Your Spirit): 50

- People (Determining Skills of other person.)
- Environment
- Objects (Knowing what an object truly is.): 30

Evasion (-):
-Stealth (-)
-Dodging (-)
-Trickery (-): 30


Possessed Objects - These objects are possessed by a spirit of some sort. Through the spirits power, they can appear to be any kind of normal handwear to fool humans. Trickery starts at 20.

Who Am I? - The spirit does not know who they are. He understands his purpose, but he doesn't know why it's his purpose. Nor who, or what, he was before all this. ???

Immobile - Due to being...gauntlets, the spirit is unable to move on its own. If the user is ever disarmed, they must find the gauntlets again. Though the bond will not be removed.

Current Major Goals:

- Win the Tournament as a Sole Participant for Raijin Academy. Requires 50+ in Kendo, MMA, and Karate to participate. (1 Weeks Until Tournament)
- Discovered that you won't be able to use Combined Skill Checks in Tournament. Only Martial Art Skills. Secret Locked behind 30 Evasion: Trickery.

- Tournament Victory! See Martial Arts Club for full Reward!

- Discover what the Organization is up to in your school. Currently know that they are trying to get kids to find employment with the Organization.
- Have various pamphlets and promotional material for the Organization. Secret Locked behind 80 Perception: Objects.

Current Bond/Partner/Relationship Goals:

- Help Yato by melding with his mind. ??? (No current time limit)

- Find out what changed about Yamato when he was a kid. ??? (No current time limit)
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The Protagonist (AKA Your Bro)

Character Status:
Nagai Yamato Lvl: 3
Health: Fine
Armor: N/A
Weapons: N/A
Budget: N/A
Upkeep: N/A

Income: N/A

Current Currency: 20 Raijin Tokens

Current Club: Chess Club
- Status: Important Member

Current XP: 50/200


Nagai Hayato (Brother): 6/10 (Points: 10/15) [Gives +5 to Education Training, +3 to Diplomacy Training, +4 to Tactics: Cleverness Checks, +3 to Barter: Business Checks] [Gives +15 to Resistance: Mental when in Combat]
- He's your brother. You're family. Family takes care of family.
- He's been with you since the beginning. He's protected you, helped you, and stuck by you no matter how bad things got.

Blood Ties: Your brother is your closest blood relative. He trust you, and you trust him. Cause, to your knowledge, you're all you've got.
He's My Best Friend AND Brother: You're the same age as your brother...when speaking in such terms at least. Mentally, you'd say you're much older than Hayato. But no matter what, you wouldn't trade him for the world.
Family Over Fame: Hayato cares more about you than gaining fame and being called a Hero. You can't logically understand that...but it makes you happy.


- Armor: 6
- Weapons: 6
- Tools: 6

- Art: 26
- Music: 26
- Religion: 26

Melee Weaponry:
- Swords: 6
- Axes: 6
- Spears: 6

Invention (+):
- Necessity (+) (Edison): 28
- Practicality (+) (Ford): 28
- Extravagance (+) (Tesla): 28

Education (+):
- History (+): 71
- English (+): 43
- Mathematics (+): 74

- Covert: 6
- Mundane: 6
- Overt: 6

Empathy (-):
- Motives (-): 27
- Feelings (-): 15
- Interests (-): 3

- Fundamental Knowledge (The What): 38
- Persons Of Interest (The Who): 6
- The Myths Themselves (The How and Why): 18

Throwing Weaponry:
- Darts: 21
- Daggers: 6
- Improvised: 6

- Small Arms: 6
- Assault Weapons: 6
- Heavy Guns: 6

Tactics (+):
- Sun Tzu (+) (Preparation): 8
- Alexander (+) (Cleverness): 38
- Patton (+) (Overwhelming Logistics): 28

Martial Arts:
- Brawling: 6
- Street Fighting: 6
- Shadow Fox Style - (Yameko) 16 (Current Cap: 75)

- Smuggling: 6
- Business: 29
- Trade: 6

- Surgery: 6
- Pharmaceutical: 6
- Narcotics: 6

Speech (-):
- Diplomacy (-): 23
- Persuasion (-): 3
- Intimidation (-): 3

- Physical (Your Body): 6
- Mental (Your Mind): 21
- Spiritual (Your Spirit): 6

- People (Determining Skills of other person.): 32
- Environment: 32
- Objects (Knowing what an object truly is.): 16

-Stealth: 6
-Dodging: 6
-Trickery: 102

Time Management: Mathematics Edition: Focus on properly managing your time so you can do more things during the week. (+1 AP)

Pantomath: You know a lot of information. To the point where you're just about a walking library of History, English, and Math. It's kind of scary how much you're able to recall off the top of your head. Auto-Pass 1 History, English, or Math Check. This Auto-Pass works on multiple Checks, however they must happen one after the other.

Poker Face: You're really good at looking calm during a difficult situation. Both in cases where you are entirely sure that everything will turn out all right, and when you are bluffing while trying to find a way to reach a better outcome. All Perception Checks against you suffer a -15 malus.

Don't try lying...: People tend to lie. They do it for numerous reasons. Sometimes the reasons are good, other times they are not. You are aware of this...and can see through many of them. Not all, but enough that it won't be easy to fool your ears. Once per week, any mundane attempt to use Trickery against you Auto-Fails.

....To a professional liar: And while you will be able to see through their lies, they can't see through yours. Once per week, any Trickery Check against a mundane target Auto-Passes.

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind: You find it relatively easy to hide objects from other people. Even when they are clearly looking for it. You can hide objects no bigger than your hand hidden from all but the most perceptive of people.


Passing The Torch - You don't remember your parents, but you do remember that your time with them was a happy one. They raised you and your brother as best they could, and ended up leaving you a bunch of stuff. You've tried to do some research on them, but nothing's come up so far. You're not stopping though. You can't stop. Not until you know the truth. ???

Logical Guy - Emotions get in the way. They cause disruptions that can lead to distractions and can be used to easily mislead others. That will not happen to you...not again. (Bonus to Education, Culture, and Invention. Deductions to Empathy, Speech, and Perception)

The Intellectual - None of your peers seem to understand your educational acumen. Many have asked how you can be "so smart" all the time. Truthfully, it just comes natural to you. Many subjects that stump the other students or your brother, you can solve in a heartbeat. It's always been like this. And your life hasn't been easy because of it. (Certain Skills Start with Points already in them)

I Planned For This: Alexander 20: Once a Week, use Tactics: Alexander in place of an Evasion, Barter, or Empathy Skill Check.

Raijin's Secret Saviors: You saved the school but very few people know it was you. The ones that do will recognize how much clout you could have, and will react differently based on their personalities. +20 Bonus to negotiation with people who know your secret.


- A Laptop: It's the best laptop the two of you can afford. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.

- Room 287 Key Card: The Key Card required to enter your Shared Room at Raijin High School.

- School Uniform: The required Uniform for Raijin High School.

- 20 Raijin Tokens: Tokens used to purchase rewards from the shop.

- An Old Kitsune Hair Comb: His Bonded item. If this is destroyed, the Bond is Broken.

- School Planner: A Planner that helps you with your scheduling. +1 AP.

Bound Partners:
Kitsune - A fox spirit that can shift it's form to suit its needs.

Name: Yameko
Yamato Relationship Rank: 7 (Points 15 out of 15. YAMATO CAN RANK UP!) [Yamato Gains +5 to Trickery Training, +3 to Trickery Checks, +3 To Stealth Checks, and +2 to Ranged Weapons: Thrown Checks]
- The two have Bonded to better stand a chance against Hiroko when the time comes.
- Hiroko was found, she was safe, and you guys didn't have to fight. She's indebted to both of you.

Munagi Relationship Rank: 1

Hayato Relationship Rank: 3 (Points: 2/3)

Current Bonds:
Heartfelt Affection - The Kitsune seems very...attached to Yamato after they bonded. The reason for this is unknown, but not unwelcome.
Life Debt - Yamato and Hayato helped her find Hiroko. She owes them a debt of gratitude.

Bonus to: Throwing Weaponry and Evasion

Deductions to: Explosives and Resistance

New Skills: None

Evolves into: Nine-Tailed Fox

Martial Art: Shadow Fox Style - This style is known to be more...intimate than others. Primarily because it requires both the Human and Monster to be completely insync with each other to be used. The Partner uses its power to mislead its opponents to augment its Human's own abilities to misdirect. When working in unison, practitioners become completely undetectable by all but the divine. And an opponent the enemy can't see, is one they have no hope of defending against. Corresponding Skill: Evasion.

- Throwing Darts (+10 When using Shadow Fox or Throwing in Combat; Concealed)


- Armor
- Weapons
- Tools

- Art: 20
- Music: 20
- Religion: 30

Melee Weaponry:
- Swords
- Axes
- Spears

- Necessity (Edison):
- Practicality (Ford):
- Extravagance (Tesla):

- History: 25
- English: 15
- Mathematics: 10

Explosives (-):
- Covert (-)
- Mundane (-)
- Overt (-)

- Motives: 20
- Feelings
- Interests

- Fundamental Knowledge (The What): 30
- Persons Of Interest (The Who): 35
- The Myths Themselves (The How and Why): 35

Throwing Weaponry (+):
- Darts (+): 20
- Daggers (+): 35
- Improvised (+): 20

- Small Arms
- Assault Weapons
- Heavy Guns

- Sun Tzu (Preparation)
- Alexander (Cleverness)
- Patton (Overwhelming Logistics)

Martial Arts:
- Brawling
- Street Fighting
- Shadow Fox Style: 50

- Smuggling: 25
- Business: 20
- Trade: 20

- Surgery
- Pharmaceutical
- Narcotics

- Diplomacy: 31
- Persuasion
- Intimidation

Resistance (-):
- Physical (Your Body) (-)
- Mental (Your Mind) (-)
- Spiritual (Your Spirit) (-): 20

- People (Determining Skills of other person.): 15
- Environment: 15
- Objects (Knowing what an object truly is.): 15

Evasion (+):
-Stealth (+): 20
-Dodging (+): 25
-Trickery (+): 50

- Shapeshifting: As a Kitsune, Yameko can shift between a full fox spirit form and a humanoid form that shares characteristics with her fox form. The humanoid form is better for communication and blending in, but the fox form gives her access to her full range of powers as well as the abilities of a fox.

- Master Of Disguise: Using her Magic, Yameko can easily disguise herself as different people. Her range of disguises is broad and increases with her Trickery, but she can't completely replicate someone else. People will be able to see through her disguise if she starts acting out of character for the person she's impersonating. And she has an easier time turning into someone of the same sex as her.

- Supernatural Charm: As a Kitsune, Yameko can easily charm others to get them do her being. When in use, +10 to any Persuasion or Trickery Action. If used against a male, increase Bonus to a +20.
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Everyone Else/Misc.
Hayato Relationships:

Hose Kohei:

Relationship 4/10 (8/10 Points)

Bond: Buddies: The two of you are friends. And friends help each other.

A fellow member of the Martial Arts Club at Raijin Academy.
- Helped you fight the Raid.

Ritsuko Satoshi

Relationship Rank: 6/10 (4/10 Points) [Gives +7 to Brawling Training,+5 to Melee Weapons: Swords Checks, and +4 to Perception: Objects Checks!] [Gives a +10 to Brawling when in Combat]

Sister of Yunagi Satoshi, and thus daughter of the Mondo Circuits CEO.
- She's been practicing since last time and is looking forward to another fight with you.
- Thinks you're...interesting. Maybe, possibly, in that way.

Elizabeth Young

Relationship Rank: 3/10 (8/5 Points. CAN RANK UP!)
Transfer Student from Europe.
- Believes in the Supernatural like you do.

Sakutaro Keishi

Relationship Ranks: 3/10 (6/3. CAN RANK UP!)
Partner of Aina The ???
- Seems similar to Hayato in some ways.


Relationship Ranks 2/10 (6/3. CAN RANK UP!)
Partner of Sakutaro Keishi
- You're not sure what she is.

Tatsumi Iji
Relationship Ranks 1/10 (2/3)
- Girl from your Rival School, Jindai. Quiet. Doesn't talk much.

Yamato Relationships:

Munagi Rishi

Relationship Rank: 7 (9/17 Points) [Gives Yamato +9 to Tactics: Alexander Checks, +7 to Barter: Business Checks, and +5 to Invention: Extravagance Checks] [Gain +10 to Alexander When in Combat!]

Heiress to the Apexi Vehicle Corporation, and Head of the Chess Club. Currently sees Yamato as a Rival.


Yamato Relationship Rank: 5/10 (10/10 Points (Can Rank Up) [Gives Yamato +3 to Evasion: Stealth Checks and +2 to Speech: Persuasion Checks] [Gain +1 to Stealth When in Combat!]

Hayato Relationship Rank: 0/10 (0/5 Points)

Yamato Bonds:
- A Deal Upheld: Yamato kept his end of the bargain and helped Agano.

Hayato Bonds:
- A Deal Upheld: You held up your end of the bargain and helped Agano.

A Kumiho and Counsin to Yameko. Expecting you to keep Agano from getting an unfair sentence.


Relationship Rank: 2/10 (0/8 Points)

Student Council President. Searching for the truth behind Agano's Case. Wary of you.

Kazama Yuki, The Bakeneko

Bakeneko girl from Kirin High. Smart. Sassy. Tactical.

Yamato Relationship Rank: 3/10 (9/6 Points, CAN RANK UP!)

Hayato Relationship Rank: 1/10 (6/3 Points, CAN RANK UP!)

Sensei Hazma

Relationship Rank: 1/10 (3/3 Points CAN RANK UP!)
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...Really, LOS, really? Again? Do we have to put you on a leash? :V

Dammit, I like all the options. This is like a different version of BAHHSCQ.

[X] Seinen/Dark
...Really, LOS, really? Again? Do we have to put you on a leash? :V

Dammit, I like all the options. This is like a different version of BAHHSCQ.

[X] Seinen/Dark

No mere bonds can hold my writing spirit!

And yeah I realized how similar the two were in premise the moment I wrote it.
[x] Seinen/Dark

More for Seinen than for the Dark. I'd like some "realistic circumstances", but uncountable enemies with terrible influence is more of a Shounen deal with its focus on surpassing impossible odds. "Realistically impossible" odds would see the game ended sooner rather than later.

But hey, if I have to go through Hard Mode to get my fix, so be it.
[x] Seinen/Dark

More for Seinen than for the Dark. I'd like some "realistic circumstances", but uncountable enemies with terrible influence is more of a Shounen deal with its focus on surpassing impossible odds. "Realistically impossible" odds would see the game ended sooner rather than later.

But hey, if I have to go through Hard Mode to get my fix, so be it.

Basically, this would mean things are more Guyver than the lighter Kamen Rider series.

For those that don't know, the Bad Guys manage to actually take over the world about half-way through the Manga, which turns the main group into fugitives.
So what type of anime styles would you follow for the shounen if it won also is it a harlem

If by style, you mean whether this will be Martial Arts, Mecha, or Superpower, that will be the next vote. Alongside Setting.

As for Harem....maybe.

It's certainly not gonna be the focus, and if there is one the Harem will be focused around the MC not you.

And as the Protag's Bro, while you should be happy for him, you are also obligated to make sure anyone who tries to get with him is on the up and up. Don't want your little bro going through heartbreak...unless it's one of those "He needs to learn this himself" things.

Edit: I will probably put Harem to a vote as well.

So when does the vote end and rake up the tally

Depends. Will likely have this go through tomorrow at least.
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[X] Seinen/Dark

Now, what kind of bro will we want to be, and what kind will we actually become? Huehuehuehue...