Consider that we have only met Paul for what amounts to be an hour or so in universe. The primary reason right now for sticking with Paul is that you're unlikely to be threatened by death. Once other options arrive, stuff will change.
Yeah, that's something that has me curious. The pros and cons of sticking with a trainer have come up within the actual story itself, and with good reason that has become all the more pertinent for the matter being forced. It's a difficult topic because both options have some very good points as emphasised right from the start: yes, Paul is an abusive asshole who hurts people out of completely skewed morality and what some therapists might deem sociopathic tendencies, but on the other hand, er, well, death. Horrible, messy demise. Both are bad choices, but one is, if not actually good, "less bad". Once becoming food for an angry mama bear is off the table, however, well it's no longer a choice between the same two options, now is it. So, where might it go from there? The less immediate aspects of the trainer/wild pokemon paradigm still have appreciable weight, with, as was acknowledged, simply being provided a reliable source of food being a worthwhile consideration, and as an even longer-term matter, a trainer is a route to very real power that is certainly quite tempting, and perhaps even necessary; that said, however, are those benefits worth the negative aspects that come with them? Are they worth it in this particular case? And how is that judgement to actually be measured.

Overall, I don't think a companionship with Paul is going to last. Paul could indeed genuinely change for the better, but that probably won't actually come in time for that uncertain possibility to be deemed a relevant factor even if written communication does allow some degree of better understanding. I think his behaviour and views are just too incompatible for someone who holds herself as a person possessed of the inherent rights and regard thereof expected in real-world society; Paul doesn't consider her a person at all, and even if he did, he's still both egregiously abusive in his own right and actively fosters an abusive environment, with her prior thought about him being ambiguous in physical abuse being altogether meaningless when he has his other pokemon basically hazing her out of stupidity. Paul is not, however, the only trainer out there.

As she said, she met Ash and Paul both in the same day, and not far apart at that. Sure, Ash may not necessarily be as close right now, but he shouldn't be all that far off, and even if he was, we can reasonably expect Ash and Paul to encounter one another again even discounting how Ash kinda seems to warp reality around him. Which he does, a lot. There's in-universe justification for some of the peculiar weirdness that surrounds him in the anime when considered from the meta perspective, given Ho-oh right from the start and a great big heap of subsequent shenanigans up to and including basically divine meddling. Ash, too, is perhaps not necessarily ideal for preferences, but Paul is arguably one of the very worst trainers out there and Ash genuinely one of the best as far as his quality as both a trainer and as a person are considered... and he's, like, right there. Plus there's the possible allure of adventure, too, Ash being Ash.

So, my prediction at least as from how things stand right now is that we probably have two likely possibilities, with Paul perhaps simply ditching her of his own accord and her basically just wandering off to either seek out or be encountered by Ash, or, alternatively, we might see some interesting similarities with typical pokemon universe mechanics playing out in the usual way simply for different reasons. As was noted earlier, the incident surrounding that Ursaring occurred near the very beginning of Ash's journey in this region, in turn meaning that Paul here is probably faced with a very uncooperative pokemon and a lack of gym badges. I think there's a decent chance that Paul might make reasonable misinterpretations of the situation at hand and do as pokemon trainers on their adventures are wont to do in collecting those badges. Were this the anime, I would expect that it would result in Paul encountering Ash there making his own challenge, and Ash to be his usual self over Paul being his usual self when his battle with Roark results in him pushing his conveniently typed new capture too harshly and to poor consequences, and her ending up with Ash because of everyone's behaviour, and maybe a bit of guiding setup work on her part prior to the debacle. This is not the anime, but it might not be too dissimilar regardless; something pretty similar did happen with Chimchar, after all.

Or, who knows, maybe Paul basically spits in her face after rejecting an understanding when she literally spells it out for him, and she just eats him. She doesn't have a human mindset anymore, after all, so it might well be entirely in character for her under the circumstances. *SNAP* Does Paul himself lack plot armour for this no longer being a kid's show? Maybe don't abuse the monster just because it fits in a pocket. That might be a good idea.
i wonder if theres a department that talks to ghost types to find out who killed them?
"It was something I ate."

Y'know, thinking on it... . Ash sees a downed Ursaring with a mangled arm, what does he do? Catches it and rushes to a Joy of course. Ash releases a sad mother-ring with nothing left to go back to, what does he do? Comforts her, of course! So ash and Ursaring have been doing the amateur therapy thing for a while, bonding as a team and making a new future together and all that jazz, when Ash meets his rival Paul and thinks "Hey, I'll show him how strong that pokemon he left behind is!" and Chooses his ursaring to battle... . I have difficulty envisioning how Ash would react to that, he ha never really been that great at his mopey old friends going from zero to VENGEANCE in the span of a half-second realisation.
There is some dark AU out there in the multiverse where the toothy protagonist sticks with Paul and becomes the ultimate endpoint of his philosophy. In all its nightmarish glory. Paul finds out that every single pokemon he abandoned over the course of months was devoured within minutes, that a long string of deaths followed in his wake but that he never realized that he was the cause of. Once he learns, Mawile spreads its jaws and... dangling from them by neatly braided tendons... is a dreamcatcher of bones. Human and pokemon both.

Aren't you proud, Paul? Isn't this what you wanted? None of them really mattered...

That would be a chilling horror story.
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If he feeds her enough to be better than on her own it does fit that, but after seeing him go "my way of introducing you to being on my team is to have them beat the shit out of you" I am no longer confident he will actually feed her if she doesn't meet some unstated quality mark he comes up with.
This pretty much sums up my concerns about where the story is headed. There has been bothing suggesting Paul differs from canon in that while he has a strong team, he is a horrible and abusive trainer. This is compouned by all this talk that seems to be excusing him and saying he isn't that bad and this is needed for Mawile to survive, coming across as reason to stay qndceventually fall under his sway and be dominated until Mawile submits to his abusive methods and becomes another member of his team.

Basically, that this is all leading up to Boot On Face, Forever. Someone who bends over and lets themselves be abused isn't entertaining and the idea that may be where the story is headed removes the ability ti enjoy it.
This is compouned by all this talk that seems to be excusing him and saying he isn't that bad and this is needed for Mawile to survive, coming across as reason to stay qndceventually fall under his sway and be dominated until Mawile submits to his abusive methods and becomes another member of his team.
What the hell are you talking about? People are saying it is needed for Flairile to survive because she honestly believes that it is. Temporarily. Until they get to the next town. Even the comments about her staying with him are jokes about how to fuck with his head or analysis on how he as a trainer would approach her.
This pretty much sums up my concerns about where the story is headed. There has been bothing suggesting Paul differs from canon in that while he has a strong team, he is a horrible and abusive trainer. This is compouned by all this talk that seems to be excusing him and saying he isn't that bad and this is needed for Mawile to survive, coming across as reason to stay qndceventually fall under his sway and be dominated until Mawile submits to his abusive methods and becomes another member of his team.

Basically, that this is all leading up to Boot On Face, Forever. Someone who bends over and lets themselves be abused isn't entertaining and the idea that may be where the story is headed removes the ability ti enjoy it.
first: "strong team but abusive trainer" isn't differing from canon - that Is his canon personality before character development eventually kicks in.
second: the author never said that shit at all. i'm pretty sure there are very few people saying that. the only way this is needed is in the direct short term need - which is completely true, and can't really be argued against(as much as you will likely try); we have just been shown, by the ursaring, that things in the wild are willing to eat mawile, and that mawile is not really prepared for it.
third: the author has specifically gone at length on how that will not happen, as much as you seem to think it will.
now, please: read the thread, actually read the story, etc, etc. this is getting really annoying.
This pretty much sums up my concerns about where the story is headed. There has been bothing suggesting Paul differs from canon in that while he has a strong team, he is a horrible and abusive trainer. This is compouned by all this talk that seems to be excusing him and saying he isn't that bad and this is needed for Mawile to survive, coming across as reason to stay qndceventually fall under his sway and be dominated until Mawile submits to his abusive methods and becomes another member of his team.

Basically, that this is all leading up to Boot On Face, Forever. Someone who bends over and lets themselves be abused isn't entertaining and the idea that may be where the story is headed removes the ability ti enjoy it.
Eh, I don't think it's really going to end up that way. I see three main possibilities on that topic. There's every chance that the two of them simply don't stay together at all, but if they do, I think she's going to either force him to recognise her as a person in her own right rather than a tool to be sharpened and wielded—written communication perhaps serving sufficiently to break his ignorant worldview—or she does not in fact manage to make him change, but in the latter case, I don't think he's at all likely to get her to change either, given what most real-world people would consider the abject unacceptability of being held as a slave to a callously malicious and outright stupid master. To that end, if this story does start heading down that route, I think he's going to end up feeding a hungry Mawile whether he intends to or not.

She has already consciously realised that she does not have the same mentality that she used to possess; she acknowledged that other pokemon could very well be of the like to be considered "people"... and just didn't care about it because she was hungry. She didn't even feel bad about the very fact that she didn't feel bad about it. Other sapient beings are perfectly legitimate prey as far as she is concerned, and not even some sort of last resort, given her choice to eat another pokemon instead of deal with the frustrations of a long hunt for berries expected to be a pointless hassle. To her, it's... simply normal. It's also a normal issue that comes up an awful lot, probably due to rigorous training; as it happens, she's doing a lot of rigorous training right now, too, so if Paul refuses to feed her as some sort of leverage to promote submissive cooperation, she could well end up hungry... and be a hungry Mawile who holds no qualms about what or who she eats. If Paul tries to use her own stomach as a weapon against her, I think she'll end up eating one of his other pokemon if he gives her any opportunity, or some pokemon that he wants her to weaken for him to catch; she is the Deceitful Pokemon with a lot of Dark-type leanings, as well as experience and a tactical mind for duplicity and instantly fatal surprise attacks to make the matter of her being out of her pokeball at all a very real danger for those around her. Said danger could very well apply even to Paul himself, too, if she equates "human" with "food" and has had enough of the boy who outright let her bring her jaws within snapping distance of his face out of arrogant bluster on his part.

The world of Pokemon is not an especially safe place even in the anime and game media that have to conform to viewer base and genre. This here is a decidedly more threatening setting that doesn't even have to get into grimdark territory to be a lot darker, because the for-kids version of Pokemon just set the threshold that high; putting simply a normal, realistic spin on this could turn out very badly for Paul. If this was about a dog instead of a Mawile, the abused dog would be outright expected to turn vicious regardless of any formerly human mind getting involved. In this case, though, there is indeed a human-level mind behind the supernatural maw of the Mawile, and it would be deemed a raging sociopath if held to actually human standards for maybe being more concerned about Paul's shoes or any plastic on him possibly causing indigestion than the prospect of eating Paul himself.

On the other hand, though, I also wouldn't be terribly surprised if it ends in her making a big gory mess out of one of his other pokemon right in front of him to shock him into reevaluating his ideas. Is he really prepared to push his pokemon into "grisly horror" territory to make them "strong"? And, for that matter, even if he actually really does think it a marvelous idea in theory, is he willing to put it into practice personally if it means that he himself might be the one to get brutally slaughtered for it?
there's a weird thing: on one hand, suggestions of saying that she should just eat paul now is wrong, because its being said that it's what should happen as a result of sanity or morality, when paul's just an asshole who abuses his pokemon, and a teenager, and eventually goes through character development, and because shes only just started interacting with him; but on the other hand, when talking about how it will probably happen, or if it will happen, it's fine, because questions of morality and sanity are already long since off the table with her perspective and what she will do, and also because this speculates on the future(likely after future abuse) over now.
just throwing this statement out there, both because it's interesting, and partially to pre-answer accusations of hypocrisy.
I do not believe that I have seen anyone state that she should remain with Paul permanently.
I do not believe that I have seen anyone state that she cannot survive without Paul's training.
Her survival needs seem to be largely a matter of fleeing the scene of the crime escaping the forest, gaining her bearings, and finding a means of surviving long-term.
She most likely does not need to be extremely powerful to just hold up in some remote corner cultivating berry bushes, provided that she knows the local pokemon demographics. She currently has none of these things.
She can likely survive as an assistant to some researcher, or a nurse or something, likely not even being captured and instead just earning a living and tending to her own affairs. She doesn't have any of this either.
She could even live decently by signing up with a trainer and pokemon squad that she enjoys being around, but again she doesn't know how to find such a thing.
She basically has absolutely nothing at the moment, not even knowledge. Paul has knowledge, a plan, and will travel around to places from which Mawile can learn the basics of her world and how she compares to it. She is, in some respects, a minor, unable to provide for herself long-term. She is growing quickly, but a map, guide to pokemon of different regions, a primer on pokemon dietary requirements, and a review of wild pokemon culture would raise her survival prospects by an order of magnitude, and most wild pokemon probably have a pretty close approximation to all of those things.

She isn't sticking with Paul because she respects his attitude towards being powerful or desires his teachings, she is sticking with him because she knows basically nothing, and sticking with him provides both learning and safety to a degree that far outstrips any available alternatives. She is well aware that she wants to survive and doesn't want to be a perpetual punching-bag, and can be expected to avoid the latter once she has a decent shot at the former. This will likely be when she next reaches a town, or pokemon centre, but could be as soon as she sees another trainer.
Just... ignore the fact that it took me about a week fortnight month to pitch in.

...or, perhaps, the world that you are now apparently in, for reasons as of yet completely unknown to you.

Like me.
Is this SI perceptive enough to realize that they would be written into this exact situation? I generally assume not, unless they start thinking about the problem from a meta perspective, like "Hm, maybe I wrote myself into this exact situation."

This regrettably does not elevate my point of view by all that much, as I now stand at a positively minuscule two feet tall. Maybe a little more than that?
The Pokedex says exactly 2 feet, but I assume that's just a statistical average. I don't believe for a second that all Mawile are exactly the same size, so you could be a bit taller or shorter.

Don't get me wrong: whatever the cause of this, there are certainly worse things I could have ended up as. I mean, at the very least, I still have limbs, and actually functional ones at that.
You also have an extra mouth that is designed to eat more than your face mouth is. So you can talk while you chew. :V

I shudder to think how much worse this would be if I had woken up here as, say, a Shellos, or a Voltorb, or, god forbid, a Dunsparce.
Ugh! Dunsparce has high base HP, but that's it. It's rare, but it's so mediocre that completing the Pokedex is the only practical reason to search for one. Competitive trainers will leave it in storage indefinitely. Their eyes probably stopped working after they've been living in dark caves for so long. A cursed existence, Dunsparce is.

On a more legitimate and considerably less pitiful-sounding bright side, my typing as a Mawile is genuinely amazing. Being part-steel and part-fairy makes me innately resistant to more than half of all attack types, and outright immune to two others. In a world where elemental rock-paper-scissors rules ultimately dictate the outcome of a huge variety of scenarios, that's a massive advantage, the importance of which cannot be overstated. In that regard, at least, I have absolutely nothing to complain about.
That's the spirit! Your type immunities are probably the only real reason Eternatus can learn Flamethrower naturally.

My jaws tighten, grinding against each other in response to my silent annoyance.
Sounds menacing.

It just seems so unfair. If I have to be a Pokemon now, why I couldn't I at least be one whose potential for growth — from both a figurative and literal standpoint — isn't so heavily limited right from the outset? I can't even hold out hope of that one day maybe changing, because in addition to being weak, Mawile are also a single-stage Pokemon. Sure, they technically have a mega evolution, but not only is that state a temporary one, it would be nearly impossible for me to attain due to requiring not just the appropriate mega stone, but also a key stone, and (most crucially) a trainer. None of which I have, and the latter of which I don't even want... but with that possibility eliminated, my only remaining choice is to do the best I can with what I've got. Which, sadly, isn't much.
The silver lining to this is that your path to power is extraordinarily straightforward: hard work.

Grimacing, I turn back around, my stomach growling at me discontentedly. This has not been a good day so far. In fact, it's this sort of situation that makes me wonder if I actually should deliberately try to get myself caught, which I admit I've found myself considering more than once now. After all, I'd presumably at least have food provided for me, and thus wouldn't have to spend so much time just trying to find some like I've been doing for most of the morning now. It would probably be a lot less dangerous than staying out in the wild like I currently am as well, and likely a lot more comfortable to boot. From a logical standpoint, there are genuinely a lot of upsides to the idea.
"Come to the dark side. We have poffins."

"Excuse me?" I call up to it, my new voice high, childish-sounding, and slightly scratchy from lack of use. "Um, hello! Have you seen any-"

The Starly looks in my direction, spots me, and immediately takes off before I can even finish my sentence.
Flight response. Prey.

Despite having largely expected that, I can't help but slump in disappointment before resuming my previous course. I don't get why this keeps happening... maybe it's just that no one around here has ever actually seen a Mawile before (probably owing to that whole "living in caves" thing), but every interaction I've had with other Pokemon thus far has consisted of them either getting angry at me, being utterly unwilling to talk to me, or seeming bizarrely scared of me, none of which I quite understand the reasons for. I mean, I am admittedly like 50 percent mouth, but I've been trying my best to seem friendly, and it's not like I've been walking up to them backwards with my horns open and on full display. Yet every time, I'm either told to get lost, am completely ignored, or the Pokemon I'm trying to talk to at the time suddenly bolts. I don't even know if I'm doing something wrong, if I'm deliberately being shunned for some reason, or if Pokemon groups are all just that insular...
The egocentrism is strong with this one.

I let my thought process trail off there as I finally emerge into a small clearing, smiling in relief as I spot my temporary housing sitting in the center of it. I built it on top of where I first woke up in this world, and the small cluster of rocks is quickly becoming an oddly comforting sight for me. I suppose that's simply because it signifies that I know roughly where I am again, and can now rest for a while.
If humans can enter this clearing, you are the reward for reaching this part of the forest at a certain time. Like the Union Cave Lapras.

Damn, looks like I'm not gonna have any choice again. I really wish I didn't have to keep doing this.
Can't say I didn't see this coming...

I lunge, my horns surging through the foliage and clamping down on the Bidoof's head like a vice. Before it can even process what's happening, I whip the conjoined appendages upwards with all my strength, making the motion as sharp and abrupt as I possibly can. There's a loud squeal, a sudden snap of bone... and then silence, once again.
*obligatory Little Nightmares flashback*
*surprised Bidoof face*

well, okay, I have admittedly eaten two Bidoof, three Buneary, and that one Teddiursa I saw in the past week alone.
Of course it's always the cute ones who fall for Sweet Scent... And I posit the very real possibility that literally all of them are rather young.

"You... you're the one who did it, aren't you..." the bear-like Pokemon growls in a deep, but unmistakably female voice.

"Did... what...?!" I choke out, struggling desperately against her grip.

"What have you done with my child?!" the Ursaring roars in my face.
"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?"

"I get the feeling this is gonna be fun." Elekid says, grinning. "For me, at least."

...I wonder if this world has a specific word for "the killing of one's trainer"...
I know it's really hard, but you need to stay calm. Angry and bitter, maybe, but perfectly under control nonetheless. You shouldn't give your jackass teammates the satisfaction of knowing they got under your skin so easily.

Interestingly, part of that is probably because the few Pokemon SIs there are tend to have the MC end up as a Pokemon that literally isn't that far off from being a dog. I went looking for stories like that a while back, and half the ones I found were things like Eevee, Vulpix, Poocheyena, etc.
Which is disappointing, because canines are, like, just about the least interesting Pokemon to write about if you're trying to show off how Pokemon live and behave. Unless you've never seen a dog in real life, I mean.

On a related note, it's odd how few humanoid Pokemon SIs I've seen, even though there are so many to choose from.

the worst this will probably get in that regard is like, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon levels. Although, considering what I remember about Explorers of Time and Darkness, perhaps that's not saying as much as I intended it to. ^_^;
I know nothing about PMD, so I have yet to learn what you mean by that. Aren't I lucky?

I'm just excited I have a reason to use that tag again. :D
I don't know why you're going to such lengths to make us enjoy reading about horror hunger and reluctant cannibalism, but it's working. :V

Distasteful jokes aside, I do appreciate how you use the trope to establish conflict and drama.

Metal Burst is the Steel type variant, although it is unusual for a Mawile.
The biggest restriction seems to be what can be learned, not the ability to use those moves in the first place. That's why you never see wild Lugia with Psycho Boost or wild Pichu with Dizzy Punch. Suffice it to say that Pokemon are terrible at unlocking their full potential. That said, I can believe that Mawile could learn Metal Burst, given experience and creativity.

I think there's a decent chance that Paul might make reasonable misinterpretations of the situation at hand and do as pokemon trainers on their adventures are wont to do in collecting those badges.
"Hey, I'll show him how strong that pokemon he left behind is!"
After the battle: "...Wanna trade that Ursaring for my Mawile?"
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I do not believe that I have seen anyone state that she should remain with Paul permanently.
I do not believe that I have seen anyone state that she cannot survive without Paul's training.
Her survival needs seem to be largely a matter of fleeing the scene of the crime escaping the forest, gaining her bearings, and finding a means of surviving long-term.
She most likely does not need to be extremely powerful to just hold up in some remote corner cultivating berry bushes, provided that she knows the local pokemon demographics. She currently has none of these things.
She can likely survive as an assistant to some researcher, or a nurse or something, likely not even being captured and instead just earning a living and tending to her own affairs. She doesn't have any of this either.
She could even live decently by signing up with a trainer and pokemon squad that she enjoys being around, but again she doesn't know how to find such a thing.
She basically has absolutely nothing at the moment, not even knowledge. Paul has knowledge, a plan, and will travel around to places from which Mawile can learn the basics of her world and how she compares to it. She is, in some respects, a minor, unable to provide for herself long-term. She is growing quickly, but a map, guide to pokemon of different regions, a primer on pokemon dietary requirements, and a review of wild pokemon culture would raise her survival prospects by an order of magnitude, and most wild pokemon probably have a pretty close approximation to all of those things.

She isn't sticking with Paul because she respects his attitude towards being powerful or desires his teachings, she is sticking with him because she knows basically nothing, and sticking with him provides both learning and safety to a degree that far outstrips any available alternatives. She is well aware that she wants to survive and doesn't want to be a perpetual punching-bag, and can be expected to avoid the latter once she has a decent shot at the former. This will likely be when she next reaches a town, or pokemon centre, but could be as soon as she sees another trainer.
Well said. Paul offers benefits not so much for being Paul, per se, but simply for being anyone. Also, he's an alternative to dying to an angry mama bear with superpowers, which is a tad convenient. The benefits available through Paul, however, are indeed available through pretty much anyone else as well, and someone else could well not have the same negative factors that come with Paul, so when he stops being literally the only option at all beyond Bad End, maybe taking another option becomes a good idea. To that end, I do wonder if she might in fact take up some alternative to a trainer.

As said, she wants to be powerful, but as a means to an end; she doesn't have anything like Ash's ardent passion to be the very best, just a desire to, basically, simply look after herself and be safe, because this is a scary new world that honestly is pretty unforgiving to weak pokemon. A trainer could give her that surety, and a nice trainer could be indeed a nice net positive, but a trainer is not necessarily the only means to the end in question. There is the matter of her needing to actually realise the possibility in the first place and actually make it realised, but the idea of her working with a researcher... yeah, the more I think on it, the more attractive that sounds for someone in her position.

Ash knows a whole forest of professors, and any one of them would probably be both thrilled to work with her and much more open to the prospect of teaching this anomalous pokemon mystery like a person instead of some pet. The good Professor Oak and his counterparts are also generally regarded pretty well and respected, and they're certainly in position to provide for her. Incidentally, outside of Ash's magical misadventures, a pokemon professor could also be the best path to satisfying some of her less immediate concerns in getting answers regarding the whole insertion thing and maybe evolution; researching pokemon is what they do, after all. As an added bonus, given how the professors teach so many trainers about pokemon and how to best work with their new partners, she could perhaps help foster better understanding and treatment of pokemon all the more. Too, given where the incident with the Ursaring occurred, Professor Rowan in Sinnoh's "starting town" shouldn't be terribly far away, actually, and if she did manage to get a map with her present location known—say, from somehow getting Paul's pokedex, or whatever—her metaknowledge could perhaps notice that, and even if she does not happen to actually be familiar with the Sinnoh region's games, since they all follow the same overall style of layout for indeed being Pokemon games.
Actually, there's one really good option who lives in Sinnoh: Riley. He's a Steel-type specialist and is good enough with Aura to be able to hold off a Steelix by himself. Additionally, his companion is a Lucario and he lives on Iron Island studying Steel-type Pokemon. I figure that he's basically the best option for a Steel-type to join up with.
Aura should also let him talk to Flairile, if I understand this "aura" stuff correctly.

Though the fact that he lives on an isolated island might bring the story to a standstill. Could train with him for a while during a timeskip, but ughhhhhh screw timeskips.
Aura should also let him talk to Flairile, if I understand this "aura" stuff correctly.

Though the fact that he lives on an isolated island might bring the story to a standstill. Could train with him for a while during a timeskip, but ughhhhhh screw timeskips.
Eh, while his home is isolated, he's still an Aura Guardian (in training), and as such probably occasionally still does the whole "travel around doing good deeds" bit that they do, which could lead to some interesting adventures.
Also we could have a "Mawile goes mad with pain" thing during an Iron Island arc, you know, the thing that happens in the anime.

That could be interesting.
Actually, there's one really good option who lives in Sinnoh: Riley. He's a Steel-type specialist and is good enough with Aura to be able to hold off a Steelix by himself. Additionally, his companion is a Lucario and he lives on Iron Island studying Steel-type Pokemon. I figure that he's basically the best option for a Steel-type to join up with.
There's also the possibility that one route might intersect with the other, too, for that matter. Should she end up working with Professor Rowan (well, or one of his counterparts, I suppose), the very fact that he is a Pokemon Professor could well lead him to consult Riley for the other man being a knowledgeable expert in relevant matters. She's a Mawile who had some kind of weird identity shenanigans happen, and he's a Steel-type specialist who uses Aura; that does rather sound like Riley could perhaps have some useful insight for a Pokemon Professor conducting research, and she or Rowan both could well know that. Just as well, if she did end up with Riley somehow, well, Rowan is a Pokemon Professor, himself a knowledgeable expert who could easily be thought to perhaps be of aid, or at the very least have contacts.
If he ponders the issue of his new catch's dearth of good ranged options and the in-universe Pokedex database on Mawile is informative, that could well lead a trainer like Paul to calculate an optimal move set and conclude that Flash Cannon is indeed the way to go, and if he does happen to have the TM for it on hand already, I should think there a good chance that he might use it right quick.

The question is whether or not TMs even exist in the anime-verse, as we've never seen them in the main series. If Paul isn't using TMs however, then he's clearly teaching his Pokemon TM-only moves through some other method anyways, so it's likely he has some way of going about teaching moves regardless.

Fine with me, but you're committed. If you die, it's misdreavus. No throwing a sheet over your head and calling yourself mimikyu.

(Mismagius, uh, might be my favourite pokémon.)

Mimikyu would also be somewhat fitting, if just because it shares the fairy typing, but Misdreavus would allow me to stay in keeping with the yokai theme of Mawile (being based off yokai themselves), which would make it too perfect of a choice to not pick. So rest assured, if the proposed event ever does happen, there will be no takebacks. :D

(And if it doesn't, it may just happen in an omake anyways, because despite being about Mawile!me dying, this is a kind of fun train of a thought.)

Misdreavus is a fine choice, once you evolve you get a spiffy hat!

And magic! Like, actual magic according to its pokedex entries, not just moves pretending to be magic. Maybe one of them is where Lily picked it up from.

I've heard that middle school deviant art accounts have birthed horrors beyond the ken of regular men, im just happy that during my time at that age i was too busy roaming the forests around my home with my friends and smacking things with sticks while pretending to be knights on a quest. Because im pretty sure the only thing i would have produced would have been massive amounts of CRINGE.

Honestly, I'm really thankful for my early deviantart days. Like, yes, I started out posting drawings that a six-year old could have done better, but the "fakemon community" was (and still likely is) incredibly nice, and I have a lot of really fond memories of that time. I probably even wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't found DA in fact, since art is in large part what led me to reading fanfiction, and thus to writing my own. So I'm pretty happy I stumbled across it when I did. :)

So... I can't help but think about the fact that Mawile and Sableye are a version-exclusive pair, and one in which they have an awful lot in common with one another. Is Sableye the dead-but-not-gone version of Mawile?

...prrrrrrobably not? They do have some things in common (ex. their habitat, their general size, and possibly their propensity for munching on gemstones if that one Mawile from Pokepark was a typical example), but their body shapes and habits are a tad too different for me to buy the idea. You could certainly stretch the connection to that point I think; there's plenty to work with, but I personally don't think I would.

I'm reminded of a particular very scary faerie in The Dresden Files notable for her iron teeth. I'm going to laugh, though, if someone really does try warding off our scary little Mawile with iron for latching onto the Fairy-type part in and trying to get creative in a panic only for her to just... eat it.

They then pull out salt, and that gets eaten too, while Mawile!me is just enjoying the meal.

Well, to be fair, the other pokemon did all run away out of fear. Still, this fic hasn't exactly deviated from the theme in that regard. Ooh, what's that smell? *SNAP* Why is everyone else such a jerk? *SNAP*

...fair enough. :lol:

Paul could indeed genuinely change for the better, but that probably won't actually come in time for that uncertain possibility to be deemed a relevant factor even if written communication does allow some degree of better understanding.

Paul is indeed highly unlikely to suddenly just stop being the person he currently is. Change is slow for him in the show, to the point that is barely noticeable even at the end of it - to shock him out of that sort of attitude immediately, it'd have to be something really, REALLY impactful.

Paul doesn't consider her a person at all

True... though, it should be noted that Pokemon just in general tend to get called "it" by people living in the poke-verse, even when they've been with someone long enough that the person should reasonably know what sex they are, so even the default way of referring to Pokemon tends to be rather dehumanizing.

I have difficulty envisioning how Ash would react to that, he ha never really been that great at his mopey old friends going from zero to VENGEANCE in the span of a half-second realisation.

I'm not sure if Ash has ever had to deal with a scenario like that exactly, but I can imagine what his reaction would be - throwing himself directly into the fray in an attempt to stop anyone from getting hurt. Which he'll likely manage to emerge from mostly unscathed, despite all logic insisting he shouldn't.

third: the author has specifically gone at length on how that will not happen, as much as you seem to think it will.

Yeah, really. I feel like I need to get the next chapter done ASAP, if just to make some people stop talking about certain scenarios with Paul as though they're a foregone conclusion.

This will likely be when she next reaches a town, or pokemon centre, but could be as soon as she sees another trainer.

Hell, it could even be sooner --- a large part of the reason for not trying to brave the wilderness right now is just because of lingering injuries, which Paul has partially fixed twice (which is honestly nicer than I was originally thinking of writing him), but not entirely, as potions aren't instant miracle cures in the anime. If Mawile!me ever manages to get back to full strength without Paul's "training" immediately undoing what healing he's given me, leaving will likely very rapidly become more appealing.

Just... ignore the fact that it took me about a week fortnight month to pitch in.

No worries! Glad to see you here Hillo. :)

Is this SI perceptive enough to realize that they would be written into this exact situation? I generally assume not, unless they start thinking about the problem from a meta perspective, like "Hm, maybe I wrote myself into this exact situation."

I mean, if I was being completely honest in my SIs, there might be a scene in each one of them wondering as much fairly early on. I don't want to write that same sort of scene over and over again however, especially as it would generally distract from more specific, relevant thoughts on the situation, so I tend to just not bring the subject up. No real need to get too meta, even for the ones that are deliberately supposed to be.

A cursed existence, Dunsparce is.

And going by their expressions, they know it too.

The egocentrism is strong with this one.

Eheh, does it come through that obviously? ^_^;

Can't say I didn't see this coming...

Read the tags, did you? ;)

On a related note, it's odd how few humanoid Pokemon SIs I've seen, even though there are so many to choose from.

I'm with you; seems like with the sheer variety of Pokemon there are we'd see it more often, but the closest anyone really gets to that most of the time is like, pokemon transformation stories, which are uh... not generally very high quality, even when they aren't creepy. I guess it's just that Pokemon lends itself so well to wish fulfillment SIs, rather than the more "subversive" SIs you occasionally see... or perhaps it's more that the people most likely to write in the Pokemon universe are also more likely to be writing for wish fulfillment's sake. Possibly both.

I know nothing about PMD, so I have yet to learn what you mean by that. Aren't I lucky?

Er. Well... you know how Darkrai in the tenth movie is portrayed as just being misunderstood? Well, in Explorers of Time and Darkness, he not only is responsible for a future where time has literally been destroyed, but when you manage to eventually fix that by beating up Primal Dialga, he then sends Palkia after you instead. Not to capture you alive or anything, no, he just straight up intends to kill you with a literal god. Then, when that fails too, he pretends to be Cresselia, and attempts to convince you to kill YOURSELF. All this for the sake of dragging the world into an infinite nightmare, which we see a rather horrifying example of in the actual gameplay. There is mention of body/corpse possession, the implication of slow death by Fury Swipes being commonplace in the bad future, and at one point you really DO die - like, yeah, you come back, but that doesn't change that you do in fact straight-up die. The first two sets of PMD games did not mess around - this fic in comparison is likely to be WAY more lighthearted, even in the long run.

Distasteful jokes aside, I do appreciate how you use the trope to establish conflict and drama.

Funnily enough, it wasn't really something I intend/ed this fic to revolve around. It just happened to become a primary topic because I picked Mawile as the Pokemon to SI as, it being one of my favorite non-legendaries, and then considered what the most likely scenario would be for one dumped into a biome not really meant for it. I did at one point actually consider using Hattena instead, but decided that a story about someone who can't shut out the emotions/voices in their head could quickly become frustrating to both write and read (despite that having a remarkable parallel to my real-world hypersensitivity to sound), and I'd had the thought of a Mawile SI in my brain for too long to renege on it anyways. Hence, here we are.

Too, given where the incident with the Ursaring occurred, Professor Rowan in Sinnoh's "starting town" shouldn't be terribly far away, actually

True... to a degree. However, aside from a certain other issue, something that I think a lot of people may be forgetting is just how much space there is between cities in the anime (as would naturally make sense). Keep in mind that in the games, a route from one of the starting towns to the next might take maybe half a minute to pass through, assuming no battles occur to interrupt you. In the anime however, the same route will take days, if not weeks to pass through, and generally isn't even a straight line. This is Route 202 in the games, while THIS is a small section of it in the anime. The rest of it includes fields, hills, and multiple forests, including the one Mawile!me has been stuck in for a week. It's crucial to remember that outside the context of the games, the regions are in fact regions, large enough that they take people many months to fully explore/cross on foot. add on that you're two feet tall and have a giant set of paperweights attached to your head, and perhaps the problem with the idea of "just leave and walk your way to the nearest city" begins to become more apparent.

Though the fact that he lives on an isolated island might bring the story to a standstill. Could train with him for a while during a timeskip, but ughhhhhh screw timeskips.

Yeah, I'm not fond of timeskips that last longer than maybe a couple hours to a day either. Don't expect to see any in this story barring some truly unavoidable circumstances.
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True... though, it should be noted that Pokemon just in general tend to get called "it" by people living in the poke-verse, even when they've been with someone long enough that the person should reasonably know what sex they are, so even the default way of referring to Pokemon tends to be rather dehumanizing.

This might be a translation issue.
It's really easy to be neutral in Japanese, so the translators might've said "it's a kid show, let's not open that can of worms deciding the gender of a rock."

It may not have had the dehumanizing implications in the original writing.
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Last edited: add on that you're two feet tall and have a giant set of paperweights attached to your head, and perhaps the problem with the idea of "just leave and walk your way to the nearest city" begins to become more apparent.
You say paperweights, I say toothy tentacle stilts.

It would be a surprisingly effective, if nightmare inducing, mode of locomotion. Hell, when it comes to camping for the night you could literally sleep inside your own mouth for protection.
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Like, yes, I started out posting drawings that a six-year old could have done better, but the "fakemon community" was (and still likely is) incredibly nice,

This statement weirdly enough holds true even on 4chan. Yes that's right. Many of the designs most beloved by Veepiers aren't actually really memes, and even if they're a little jokey, are totally wholesome. Take Pretzely for example, I've never seen anybody badmouth a single thing about it. Basically anyone who produces fan content or fakemons, especially designs where it's evident the artist put in the work, is going to get constructive criticism (if occasionally a bit edgily worded) and more than faint praise.