The amount of sheer unbridled hate for a 14 year old lad who's being a massive dick is astounding. I feel like jumping straight to murder is a bit much, yeah?

I mean, our protagonist has already been eating actual babies alive on law-of-the-jungle justification, and its not like she's safer now than she thought she was when she ate those Buneary. I don't see why the significantly older, more mature, and less innocent Paul should be declared off limits just because he happens to be a Human.

Like, even if our protagonist was inclined to go full fuck-you-got-mine specist double standard about her eating habits, those Bidoofs and Paul are still equally not Mawiles.
No, he's being abusive because he tries to make his Pokemon feel like shit rather then helping them improve. For, I might add, doing something he sanctioned. Murkrow "taunting and toying with [her] opponent" wasn't accidental here, it was clearly something she felt she had been given permission to do by Paul, and she then got ragged on for doing it. There's a reason Flairile's response is a "small pang of sympathy" here, Murkrow actually doesn't deserve the insults Paul is piling on her.

Any single incident doesn't necessarily imply a pattern, just looking at that fight in isolation it could be e.g. that Murkrow is just a shitty training partner, but everything we've seen out of Paul so far fits into this.
He is helping Murkrow improve, by giving her pertinent instruction. It's true that he's an asshole, but many of his insults are wrapped around a core of solid advice. I could easily see him as a drill sergeant character, and judging by the strength of his team his style of instruction is effective for a significant number of Pokemon.

Given the apparent glee with which Murkrow taunted Flair, I find it more likely that it was just something she enjoyed doing and chose to do on her own volition.
And Flair didn't consent. The only reason she isn't peace-ing out is because that carries a high chance of imminent death, which means her decision to stay counts as "coerced." @asefsace What do you think the chances are that Paul's other pokes will stop helping him "train" her if she explains this to them?
Nothing happened when she went off on her own and took a bath. The Ursarang is probably caught or still unconscious, since she was furious enough that I doubt she would have been able to hold herself back from attacking otherwise. Flairina could've just walked off right then, and she would have been no worse off than if she hadn't met Paul.
And Flair didn't consent. The only reason she isn't peace-ing out is because that carries a high chance of imminent death, which means her decision to stay counts as "coerced." @asefsace What do you think the chances are that Paul's other pokes will stop helping him "train" her if she explains this to them?
okay but i'm a little confused as to why you're replying to my comment with that. what my comment was agreeing too, and what the original post i replied to was about how pokemon battles in general aren't the same as "magic dog fighting"

i wasn't talking about mawiles situation at all. i don't disagree with you necessarily. presumably most trainers at least talk to their new captures and get to know them a bit before tossing them into battle/training. though, i dont really consider this torture either. certainly in our world it is. but considering even what some of ash's pokemon do as part of training, particularly pikachu... they do harsh stuff sometimes.

i agree pauls a dickbag and screw him and all that, and he could be overly harsh to point of verbal abuse especailly but idk that i'd consider what he's doing to his pokemon torture. idk that what he's doing is the best way to train his pokemon either. he's clearly skilled at it though and from what little i remember his pokemon generally seem to care about him to some extent even if they're probably not the happiest bunch. he kinda reminds me of a bigger asshole version of the guy with the sandshrew and the whip from the first pokemon anime as far as training goes; with the harshness at least, the whip guy clearly cared about his sandshrew and wasn't afraid to show it.

side note, everyone who genuinely wants the mawile to kill paul and aren't just memeing is a little messed up.
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Im starting to think that putting Paul into the story might not be a good idea. Not for the story but for the thread. Im feeling a bit too much hate and some passionate back-and-forth from the posters...
I for one am glad this thread has boarded Paul's wild ride and am eager to see where this goes. I wouldn't mind straying into villain territory tbh, though him getting redeemed or punched by Ash or whatever are fine too.
I think Paul as an antagonist shouldn't be wasted. Even if we hate it, he's got maybe an arc in him before he gets stale.

But I say that with the understanding that I would consider Actual Cannibal Mawile eating the entire Paul a reasonable end to that arc. For the sake of his health, he may want to cut the partnership short. :V
Nothing happened when she went off on her own and took a bath. The Ursarang is probably caught or still unconscious, since she was furious enough that I doubt she would have been able to hold herself back from attacking otherwise. Flairina could've just walked off right then, and she would have been no worse off than if she hadn't met Paul.
That Ursarang encounter got her pretty dang hurt, so, it could have been pretty bad. And there's a lot of large pokemon who might crush her out there that she's not prepared for.
While I can agree with the spirit, if not the wordings, of most of the responses, there can be no doubt that Paul is not a good or decent trainer. Catching a pokemon like he did HAS to be warned against somewhere because pokemon are sentient. They remember and can get even later, maybe when they are fully evolved and powerful... Keep in mind that the Most Universally Hated Trainer is exactly who Paul was modelled after: Damian. His treatment of charmander broke some laws, whether we saw all of it or not. Paul's former pokemon will all have new mental health issues from his "care", and they will be harder to deal with for everyone in their orbit. Note: chimchar and charmander.
And speaking personally, I like Eraserhead. He is funny and caters to a lot of my coolness stereotypes. He is NOT a good teacher though, at least at first. Any teacher who does what he did, to several classfulls of hero hopefuls, is in a field of their own with cruel and unusual. What happened to the kids after that unethical treatment will not have been good or heroic, in most cases. Kakashi could get away with similar things because, PG or not, NINJA ERA.
Paul, in game and anime, is made to be unlikable with his training and methodology. They do give him enough past protagonist habits to not be immediately lynched; he just never gets significantly better. The Sandshrew trainer was shown to actually care about his pokemon and expressing concern over them. Paul is never shown hitting that point.
Kakashi got away with it because every team he failed still received training and was allowed to advance in the workforce; they just didn't receive personal instruction and guidance from the most talented and powerful ninja still in active service.
I figured they either received enough training to not be completely useless even if many didn't progress past Genin. But most probably didn't get the training needed to become more than cannon fodder. That being said, Sarutobi and Danzo wanted Kakashi for a specific someone, and the Council were overjoyed at the end result. With al that, Kakashi wasn't a great teacher but teamwork makes his Dream work... maybe the other's were all too individualistic. Like the code strict Young!Kakashi was. It is still suspicious that none of the previous teams had decent teamwork, but what can you do?
While trying to think up dialogue for one of my fics, my mind came back to this one. I was thinking about where the story would go after Flairwile left Paul. Something would have to happen to keep the purpose of "getting stronger so no one will eat me" going, or at least changing it a little somehow. Traveling along with Ash is an option. But what could be a more interesting one?

Joining Team Rocket.

Humor me here. Meowth knows how to talk like a human. Jessie and James treat their pokemon ...mostly with respect (even to their detriment; see most interactions James has with Cacnea and Victrebel). While they are thieves, and are sometimes successful when Ash isn't around, they would be an interesting bunch to follow, even for a little while.

Now, Meowth is the first reason I thought Flair might join the team. Learn to speak human! Get the heck out of dodge! The other?

The episode where Weezing and Arbok are released. Gaining a resistance to Pikachu's strong electricity is something referenced in passing by Meowth. With how the last chapter left off, I was reminded of that.

Kind of hope that's where the story leads but I'll be happy regardless of what happens.
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Y'know judging Paul's effectiveness as a trainer by the strength of his pokemon might not actually stand up to scrutiny considering that one of his Biggest Criteria for capturing a pokemon is, y'know, that they're strong to begin with. Not saying he's being carried by crutch pokemon with high IVs and all that, but it's food for thought.

The rocket idea has merit, honestly dont be afraid to consider an OC trainer or one of the one-off trainers of the day either. Or Cynthia if you get lucky. Or Dawn if you want a degree of separation from the plot without being comepletely divorced from it. Honestly there are alot of options.
Y'know judging Paul's effectiveness as a trainer by the strength of his pokemon might not actually stand up to scrutiny considering that one of his Biggest Criteria for capturing a pokemon is, y'know, that they're strong to begin with. Not saying he's being carried by crutch pokemon with high IVs and all that, but it's food for thought.

The rocket idea has merit, honestly dont be afraid to consider an OC trainer or one of the one-off trainers of the day either. Or Cynthia if you get lucky. Or Dawn if you want a degree of separation from the plot without being comepletely divorced from it. Honestly there are alot of options.
This is actually my thoughts on Paul since he first appeared on the show. If he was actually a good trainer, then he wouldn't need to be obsessed with finding strong pokemon.
I don't think anyone here likes Pual but he's clearly a skilled trainer. He's basically meant to be the anti-Ash in the show and that implies a certain amount of skill. And while he releases the ones he considers weak and only trains the ones he feels have potential, he still trains them. Whether we agree with his methods and how harsh he is, he does train his pokemon and he can get results. His Electrive is incredibly powerful and he's had it since it was an Elekid. He has an Aggron that started as a Lairon as well. Training was clearly involved at some point during their, and his other pokemon's growth.

No one here likes him much. I get it. I don't really like him either. But lets not ignore the fact that he's established in the show to be a powerful trainer just cause he's a dick.

Mawile will get stronger for however long she sticks with this guy of that I have no doubt.
No one here likes him much. I get it. I don't really like him either. But lets not ignore the fact that he's established in the show to be a powerful trainer just cause he's a dick.

Mawile will get stronger for however long she sticks with this guy of that I have no doubt.

Ah ah ah! This does not necessarily follow. The thing about sink-or-swim training is that nobody starts out ready to swim, but we're all born ready to drown.

Pointing at the people who have walked away from Dr Johnathan Crane's Swim Class as great swimmers and saying "See? He's a good teacher!" is to ignore the experiences of those whom did not walk away.
Ah ah ah! This does not necessarily follow. The thing about sink-or-swim training is that nobody starts out ready to swim, but we're all born ready to drown.

Pointing at the people who have walked away from Dr Johnathan Crane's Swim Class as great swimmers and saying "See? He's a good teacher!" is to ignore the experiences of those whom did not walk away.
okay? look im not defending paul. if you don't want to consider him to be a good pokemon trainer then we have to at least acknowledge he's good at making pokemon powerful. this is just a fact that's shown in the anime. mawile will gain something from this part of her life. either directly from the training (which im seeing as most likely) and/or from her own insights in seeing the other members of his team's training. yeah maybe he tosses her next chapter snd she doesn't get any stronger except being faster with fairywind but i doubt that to the point of it being almost unbelievable. not after he saw what she did to that ursaring. not to mention, it'd just be a weird story choice for the author to have him catch her and then ditch her 10 seconds later.
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Just found this thread, it seems really interesting! Watched.

Paul is insuffrable, and the moment the SI is strong enough to survive without his 'protection' would be a good nom nom time. But it's probably worth temporarily sticking around.
So you're going to go the route of him not actually being likable at all or worthy of loyalty, but for some reason you end up submitting to him and being "loyal" (aka his bitch) out of admiration/stupidity? Seriously, just skip to rhe point where you ditch him. "Boot on Face" doesn't make an entertaining story.

I write characters based on what we actually see of them. I did my best to keep Paul in character here - this is just what he's like.

As for "submitting" to him... you know what, let me just address that below.

Various comments regarding killing Paul, with varying levels of seriousness I can't precisely determine

I feel like a lot of people just sort of skimmed the reasoning noted in chapter for not attacking Paul, so let me try summarizing it in a slightly different way:

You are lost in the middle of the wilderness, and are surrounded on most sides by forest. You have been stuck in this forest for the past week, despite all attempts at leaving it, and because of that, a bear has just tried to kill and eat you, an event you are highly interested in not repeating. Suddenly however, you encounter and are taken captive by someone, who even aside from sort-of kidnapping you turns out to be a pretty massive asshole, which he makes quite clear to you right from the start.

Now, you have no desire to be around said asshole for any longer than necessary, and while you're injured, you likely have the capacity to kill, or at least maim your captor in service of getting away from him. You might even be able to run or sneak away without having to do either of those things, OR he might just let you go on his own if you annoy or "disappoint" him enough. However, unlike him, you have virtually no idea where the nearest town, city, or just generally safe place is, and no way of really figuring that out on your own. Meanwhile, heading back into the forest (especially while still injured) risks the aforementioned potential bear mauling.

So, what exactly happens if you DO kill, or at least attempt to kill your captor? Well, 1) the friends/bodyguards he brought along with him probably beat you up and kill you, or maybe just leave you for dead, and 2) even if they don't, you still have no idea where to go to reach civilization, and are once again lost in the middle of nowhere, very possibly with an angry bear still after you. If you run away into the forest instead, the latter still remains an issue, and you are also at risk of being eaten by something else entirely, as you are small, weak, and still hurt.

...thus, the conclusion you are led to is that the best option for the moment, loathsome though it seems, is probably to "play nice" and stick with the asshole until either a) he reaches civilization with you in tow, or b) you manage to figure out which way he's heading and steal his map before escaping, or something of the like. It's like a choose-your-own adventure book: Options 1 and 2 both may sound viscerally appealing in the moment, but seem a lot more likely to lead to BAD ENDs than the far less appealing Option 3. As noted in the chapter, it's a necessary evil, at least for the time being.

This metaphor kind of ended up being too literal, but hopefully this helps people follow the intended train of logic a little better.

did you actually read it? she's staying because just going back into the wilderness now will likely just have the ursarang find and kill her.

It's not even necessarily the Ursaring, it's the realization of "Oh wait I'm FOOD FOR THINGS NOW".

You seem to be complaining about your own assumptions about the direction and conclusion of an entire character arc, more or less the moment it started.

Yeah, no matter how I plan on this continuing from here, I wouldn't introduce Paul and then kill him off/remove him from the plot within the span of a chapter. I don't intend the current state of things to continue in this particular manner for long, but I'm not going to just bring up a plot point only to immediately remove any impact it may have. For those who seem angry at the direction they think this is going, please just be patient, alright?

You could literally just have walked away. Just gone for a bath and not come back. Wanting a trainer and settling for Paul are two different things.

Correct, as mentioned in the chapter. The question however is: walk away to where, exactly?

There is also this. Given that this is a setting with a more tangible sort of destiny, it isn't an unreasonable conclusion. Obviously, this is for plot reasons, but it is interesting to see a character that's actually somewhat conscious of it.
I feel like she should push back against destiny at least once before concluding that it's inescapable.

Oh, definitely. "Because destiny MIGHT have said so" is not nearly a good enough reason to just let things happen to you as they may, especially since said destiny could just as easily be meant to entail getting away from Paul at the earliest convenient opportunity.

I give the guy a day at this rate.
That is "push until they break", and sadly for him this is not a case where "break" means "break down in tears".

"Push until they snap" would likely be more accurate, and most likely on one of Paul's limbs.

Now, I can mostly get going along for that whole day, at least out of fear of the wilderness, but I do not in any way expect the SI to actually put up with this long term.

You're not wrong. I'm not the kind of person who can just sit and take poor treatment from someone, even with the earlier justification. As previously mentioned, do not expect the situation to stay in this state for very long, one way or another.

Basically it's been 1 chapter and yeah I hope it lasts less time than more also with him but at least trust the author a little. This doesnt feel like a long term thing at the moment anyway. It's a fanfic not a book so unfortunately we just have to wait and see.

This is the downside of writing something piece by piece instead of publishing it all at once - you can get instant feedback for motivation and work at your own pace, but if a chapter ends off somewhere readers don't like (and there's nothing to continue to yet), pushback and dissatisfaction tends to happen in a rather fast and furious manner.

And in the Pokeverse you can build up resistance to being electrocuted.
This'll be a good reminder that the common sense in this world is different.

Next chapter will have another reminder of that, in a different way.

Paul is fine, he's basically Eraserhead.

Like a sports team captain who cuts underperforming or unprofessional players. He has no tolerance for bullshit and wants to build a team that has the same ideology.

Eh... he's a fair bit worse than Eraserhead, honestly. Eraserhead at least knows when to let up... though, if he genuinely did expel entire previous classes of people who did pretty much nothing to deserve it other than not meet his standards, then he's pretty terrible too, just in a different way.

I have no problem with your reasoning for staying so far, I just really hope you're going to leave him soon (with or without violent action against him), rather than "realising that staying is actually good for you" or something like that.

I will guarantee you that second possibility will NEVER happen in this story so long as Paul continues to act the way he does. Paul may have more reasoning behind his actions than I can actually show just yet, but I am absolutely not going to advocate for people to stay with their abusers out of the notion it's somehow "good for them", whether in writing or anything else.

Yeah not so sure how good this will turn out to be. Seems like its going to be angsty & victimy, if so I'm not so sure if this will continue to be entertaining or transition over to being tiresome.

Angsty, maybe sometimes, as most stories with actual conflict occasionally are. "Victimy" though... well, there are certainly no long term plans for such.

Just a thought, Flairina is technically one and a half month old right? What she did is technically impressive for her age. Now if only Paul would know that... Or not, don't want him to raise the bar yet.

Not really sure where that number got pulled from. Mawile!me has been here for a week, now a week and a day. Whether or not said body is only a week old, equivalent in growth to my actual age, or unrelated to either factor, is currrently completely unknown.

It seems more that the former path is longer and less initially rewarding, but can get you much more surprising results.

As with many things in life, or so they say.

I like that better. Pokemon are too smart for it to be like dog fighting and they can give consent. It's like all pokemon are just born with the ability, and most, also, the inclination to be a UFC fighter

I think that was basically declared canon at some point, actually. Almost all Pokemon supposedly just like to fight, and actively seek out conflict, hence why so many are eager to go along with trainers that can make them stronger and get them into more fights. Don't have a source on that, mind, so take it with a grain of salt.

"Electrocute her. Don't stop until she stops you." That's not a battle.
Nothing in this chapter can be described as "training"... it's pure dominance exercise.

Not entirely wrong. Though, I will say the fight here was more of a "preliminary evaluation", albeit done in an incredibly painful way, and the so-called resistance training actually has another, non-cruelty related purpose to it that Paul didn't explicitly mention. Not that this makes any of what Paul is doing okay, but there IS a reason to most of it that doesn't just boil down to him being a dick (even if he most certainly is).

Nope! At this point I can only hope she does something so horrendous that it would make a QQ thread queasy about.

Well, that would get the thread locked at the very least, so I'm gonna have to say no to that just on general rules and principles.

The amount of sheer unbridled hate for a 14 year old lad who's being a massive dick is astounding. I feel like jumping straight to murder is a bit much, yeah?

There's a reason I got about three chapters into a Worm fic before immediately deciding to stop writing for the fandom altogether. People's sheer hatred for just-into-their-teens antagonist characters, particularly bullies, just explodes on SB and SV.

I kind of wonder what the deal with fairy-type being a known thing means.

It means I didn't want to have to try and deal with the logic of Fairy types somehow not having been discovered before now, despite the fact that there are many common pure Fairy-typed Pokemon, as well as a literal Fairy-type themed Champion. ^_^;

The issue is that Siwile is being thrown into the deep end, and Paul's party is two for two for assholes.

Well, he has at least one other party member, who probably isn't, but ah... there might be different issues there.

Ya know, there is an other option to defecting via running into the forest. There's another trainer around who would probably just shrug at a pokemon who isn't that interested in fighting.

This is like saying that if you get lost and separated from someone in the woods, picking a random direction and walking that way will eventually guarantee you meet up. Forests are big, and Paul has presumably been travelling for multiple hours now. Besides which, Mawile!me doesn't even know if the nearby forest is the same forest as the one I just got out of - there's a LOT of woodland in the Pokemon world, particularly in the anime, where half the episodes tend to be spent surrounded by trees. If Ash (and his presumed company) are still anywhere in the vicinity, Mawile!me isn't going to know it without them literally just happening upon Paul's campsite.

i agree pauls a dickbag and screw him and all that, and he could be overly harsh to point of verbal abuse especailly but idk that i'd consider what he's doing to his pokemon torture.

Pokemon probably have a higher threshold for what can really be considered "torture" since they heal (even naturally) so much faster than people do. Whether or not what Paul is doing here crosses that threshold is... difficult to say, as a result.

Im starting to think that putting Paul into the story might not be a good idea. Not for the story but for the thread. Im feeling a bit too much hate and some passionate back-and-forth from the posters...

Fun fact: An early idea for this fic was to simply let Mawile!me stumble onto a road in a state of exhaustion at the end of Chapter 3 (after running for most of the day and night away from the Ursaring), then get caught by some random kid/trainer on their way to Jubilife while too tired to fight back. Even though things probably wouldn't have stayed that way for long however, I ended up deciding against it, because I feel like SIs are generally more interesting when they affect a known quantity in canon. "For Want of a Nail" type plots are a lot more intriguing to me in fanfic than ones that pull out OCs at every corner - not that I have anything against OCs, but a plot consisting of nothing BUT them tends to fall flat a lot of the time. Hence I went the route of involving canon characters, and, well, this story was always written as starting out in a specific forest...

I wouldn't mind straying into villain territory tbh, though him getting redeemed or punched by Ash or whatever are fine too.

Is Paul does get punched, it probably won't be by Ash, but I will not rule out the possibility.

Joining Team Rocket.

Humor me here. Meowth knows how to talk like a human. Jessie and James treat their pokemon ...mostly with respect (even to their detriment; see most interactions James has with Cacnea and Victrebel). While they are thieves, and are sometimes successful when Ash isn't around, they would be an interesting bunch to follow, even for a little while.

If this fic does go that route, rest assured I will be reading Pocket Rockets beforehand, if just to make sure I'm not treading the exact same ground.

The thing about sink-or-swim training is that nobody starts out ready to swim, but we're all born ready to drown.

...that's actually a great quote, I just have to say.

not to mention, it'd just be a weird story choice for the author to have him catch her and then ditch her 10 seconds later.

Exactly - if there's no lasting impact to an event in any real fashion, then it's just bad writing. Rest assured that regardless of what happens, this writing decision was made for an actual purpose, and will not just ultimately boil down to "kill/get released by Paul and move on" without some sort of lasting consequence or story development.
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Honestly it feels like everyone is too used to SI's as power fantasies, where the Inserted character is in total control of the situation and playing around while they decide how they want to solve all the problems.
They aren't used to "Flairina SI" that are dumped in some horrible, mind-bending, soul-destroying situation and they have to cope.

It says something that even now, Siwali is still the happiest of Flairina's SIs, in the best situation, and has the most control over her life.
By which I mean, she was semi-content briefly, and some of her decisions actually panned out.
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Eraserhead at least knows when to let up... though, if he genuinely did expel entire previous classes of people who did pretty much nothing to deserve it other than not meet his standards, then he's pretty terrible too, just in a different way.
It's revealed in a much much later chapter that, while Eraser did expel that entire class, he re-enrolled them all the next day, thus keeping them in the program but leaving a permanent mark on their records. He did it to make a point about taking the hero stuff seriously.
I am absolutely not going to advocating for people to stay with their abusers out of the notion it's somehow "good for them", whether in writing or anything else.
Not that I really expected you to go in this direction anyway, but that's good to hear. Would have been a waste of a good story.

If this fic does go that route, rest assured I will be reading Pocket Rockets beforehand, if just to make sure I'm not treading the exact same ground.
Can't really find anything about pocket rockets, what's that?
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