JainaQuest, giving SV voters control of Jaina in the Warcraft 3 era

What quest would you guys like as my secondary one (will update sporadically)

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never to infinity lol, Ogres are too evil to feel the touch of the light which a paladin needs to be able to feel :D
Teaching of Holy Light based on 3 virtues: respect, tenacity and compassion - defeat would teach him respect, chosing service over death would teach him tenacity, compassion can be properly explained (how egoism is true compassion). In other words, Ogre Lord would easily convert to Holy Light and gain qualification for becoming paladin. Thought it would probably require good omake to justify such convesrion (something about overly compassionate priest, who joined Jaina in heathen city of Dalaran, where neither sermon nor miracle nor feat could bring anyone closer to Holy Light, then suddenly on the 2nd day of their walk princess Jaina have asked him and his brothers and sisters about their teaching and Miracles, it even continued on a 3rd day till they stumlbed on those barbarians, then there was glorious battle and in the end Jaina have shown act of true compassion by giving defeated foe a chance at life and redemption and of course he saw Ogre Lord as both test and chance, so he have put all of his wits, sharpened in Dalaran, to try and convert that poor soul, Ogre Lord was unexpectedly receptive and once he understood true meaning of compassion he have turned to Holy Light, elated by this success priest have taught him about paladins and by the end of the day Orge Lord have became Orge Paladin via simple ritual involving holy water).
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Teaching of Holy Light based on 3 virtues: respect, tenacity and compassion - defeat would teach him respect, chosing service over death would teach him tenacity, compassion can be properly explained (how egoism is true compassion). In other words, Ogre Lord would easily convert to Holy Light and gain qualification for becoming paladin. Thought it would probably require good omake to justify such convesrion (something about overly compassionate priest, who joined Jaina in heathen city of Dalaran, where neither sermon nor miracle nor feat could bring anyone closer to Holy Light, then suddenly on the 2nd day of their walk princess Jaina have asked him and his brothers and sisters about their teaching and Miracles, it even continued on a 3rd day till they stumlbed on those barbarians, then there was glorious battle and in the end Jaina have shown act of true compassion by giving defeated foe a chance at life and redemption and of course he saw Ogre Lord as both test and chance, so he have put all of his wits, sharpened in Dalaran, to try and convert that poor soul, Ogre Lord was unexpectedly receptive and once he understood true meaning of compassion he have turned to Holy Light, elated by this success priest have taught him about paladins and by the end of the day Orge Lord have became Orge Paladin via simple ritual involving holy water).
yep sure, if he lives through this battle and you get some VERY good diplo rolls to get him to join you, and you meet a paladin wishing to teach him before he leaves you or he dies, AND i get a series of Omakes that in total has at least 5k words to it, I will allow you to have a Ogre Lord paladin. (I would be far more likely to allow an Ogre warrior to be one honestly.)
Ok good news guys. Rough copy of the battle is complete I will have it up sometime tomorrow morning. For now I will try to work on the good copy a bit before bed but my job plus chores plus all these rolls and keeping track of everything has tired me out a bit.
Chapter 1, turn 2, The Tutorial Battle and a Royal Escort
The ogres hold their position as Jaina deliberates on the best course of action available to her. 'hmmm, diplomacy would be unlikely to work with ogres, however it would be for the best if we can avoid this conflict entirely. Then it is best to start with diplomacy but to keep the troops ready for a fight and at a distance so the ogres have to come to us if they wish to battle.'

Deciding on her course of action she informs Captain David of her choices. "I don't believe it will work milady, however with the precautions you are taking I suppose it is worth a try."

Moving the troops forward a bit and summoning 2 lvl 2 water elementals as extra insurance. Jaina then gets within easy shouting distance and attempts to reason with the ogres. "Greetings ogres I am..." However her attempt fails completely as before she finishes a sentence the ogres start to charge at her. Expecting such an action but hoping otherwise Jaina instantly reacts by channeling a blizzard in the path of the ogres. The troops however are stunned by how swiftly this went from talking to battle and fail to react swiftly. As the Troops fail to react suddenly several people pop up from where they were hiding to the sides of the road and attack the army. "Ambush!" yells Captain David. "The bandits must have planned this with the ogres beforehand! To arms warriors of the alliance! Defend yourselves!"

However only the 6 reserve footmen and water elementals are swift enough to respond to this event, the Sorcerers are far too stunned to do much of anything, and while the priests do respond they do so slowly. The footmen are able to block the charge of the bandits and absorb the ranged attacks without too much difficulty especially when the priests start to heal them. The water elementals shoot out their ice bolts at the strongest looking of the ranged attackers inflicting severe wounds on him.

While this goes on however 4 of the Ogres charge right through the blizzard and while the ogre lord takes little damage from it thanks to his sheer resistance to magic the ogre magi are severely wounded by it as well as the warrior who failed to avoid it in time. Noticing the ogres continue to get closer, and that the footmen and priests have the bandits handled Captain David snipes the ogre lord inflicting a severe wound unto him destroying the shoulder opposite his club arm.

As the sorcerers continue to be frozen in shock first Jaina and then the Captain attempt and fail to snap them out of it. Jaina because she focuses on casting an empowered blizzard in the path of the approaching ogres again, this time with more accuracy and intent on all the ogres instead of the lord. Captain David failed because he realized the need to take out the ogre lord as swiftly as possible and lines up another shot on the ogre lord.

While this goes on 3 of the 6 reserve footmen continue to battle the 3 bandits that charged them and the rest focus on blocking the attacks from the spear throwing bandits from reaching the priests instead. The priests continue to heal all the injuries the footmen take with ease and the sorcerers stand there like terrified rabbits. The water elementals however switch to individual targets and inflict heavy damage on one of the enemies engaged with a footman, while the other deals severe damage to one of the weaker ranged attackers as well.

Continuing to charge the ogre magi cast bloodlust over all the ogres including themselves speeding up their movement and strengthening their blows. However they failed to account for the Blizzard that opens up in their path and while the ogre lord makes it through with barely a scratch both of the ogre magi and the previously injured ogre warrior are slaughtered by the waves of shards of ice that rain down on them. As this happens Captain David snipes the ogre lord again, only this time he destroys his jaw. The remaining ogre warriors, heavily wounded by the blizzard spell and seeing 3 of their comrades fall and their lord so heavily injured, turn around and run away.

The sorcerers continue to be paralyzed in shock and fear, however when Jaina yells at them to "Get your shit together you damn idiots!" they finally snap out of it shocked by her profanity. The sorcerers split up following the original plan with a touch of improvisation for the bandits. With 6 of the sorcerers flinging arcane missiles at the ogre lord, and the rest splitting their Arcane missiles between the bandits Engaged with the footmen, Jaina nods and leaves the ogre lord to them while focusing on the ranged bandits instead.

Captain David seeing the fleeing ogres goes "Oh HELL NO! your not getting away." and picks them one of them off with a quick shot to the back. While he does this the ogre lord draws ever nearer to the ranks of footmen braced against his charge even while arcane missiles begin to crash into him.

The footmen continue to battle the bandits but noticing the first arcane missiles passing by and injuring the bandits, quickly switch to a more defensive stance focusing more on keeping themselves uninjured and letting the sorcerers finish the job. Jaina meanwhile casts another empowered blizzard upon the ranks of the spear throwing bandits which quickly tears through their ranks slaughtering the injured ranged attackers near instantly and turning the remaining ones into frozen corpses with dozens of holes in them before they can get away.

The ogre lord however continues to approach as the bandits are dealt with tanking 1 and then 2 waves of 6 arcane missiles hitting him as he draws closer, however just as the 3rd wave of missiles is unleashed and approaches him he unleashes a shockwave into the ranks of the footmen hitting several of them and causing massive damage to each footman hit. Then the arcane missiles connect with his torso and throat and the ogre lord dies with his last act being to harm as many of his killers as he could before he fell.

The remaining bandits fall to the arcane missiles of the sorcerers with only the leader of the bandits still standing though only barely. The bandit leader throws down his weapon and starts to gasp out "I sur..." Before the footman he was fighting shoves his sword right through his throat before he could finish. As the last bandit falls a shot rings out from the Captain and it strikes the final ogre as it flees. Screaming in pain its knee is blown out and it clutches its leg as it swiftly bleeds to death its cries getting weaker and weaker until they finally stop and the final oge breathes his last.

This is a line/Timeskip

After the troops were healed by the priests and they all rested for a moment, Jaina and her troops once again started moving towards the meeting point.

"Well Captain, that could have gone better but at least now that the sorcerers have experienced a battle they should be faster to respond." Jaina says, starting a conversation up with Captain David. "Indeed milady, there is that. Also this should get it into their heads that this is not a vacation to the peaceful countryside they are on, but rather a mission to an area possibly filled with enemy combatants."

As they finally approach the meeting site, they see the supposed escort waiting for them impatiently. "Finally, you're here." A tall blonde haired man, dressed in regal looking armor and wielding a warhammer stated. "I know you usually run a little late but this is extremely late, even for you Jaina."

"Prince Arthas! This is a surprise, when Antonidas told me he was getting me a special escort I didn't think it would be you. And I do apologize for my lateness it could not be helped. I heard from a friend that there was likely more than a few undead in the area and I felt it prudent to gather up some extra support, just in case of a worst case scenario. A good thing I did too as on the way here we were ambushed by a group of ogres led by an ogre lord working alongside several bandits. If I was alone for that I would likely have fallen." Jaina replies, surprised to see her former boyfriend being the one escorting her.

"I see, a good thing you gathered them indeed then Jaina... It is good to see you again." Prince Arthas states with a weird expression on his face.

Vote time!!! how do you reply?

[] "You too Arthas, its been awhile since a prince escorted me anywhere." (cannon option)
[] "Yes, it has been far too long since we last saw each other Arthas."
[] "Indeed, but the time apart did us both some good."

"Yes, it has." Arthas states losing the weird expression on his face. "Well, I guess we should get underway."

The party then gathers together and starts moving through the village starting off on their mission to investigate the plague in the region.

Chapter ends here

sorry it took so long to get this out, I slept in a bit.

Edit: i also had to finish writing this as i accidently hit the post button before it was finished sorry ;)
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welp, there you have it the newest chapter to this quest.

I will have Arthas's character sheet up later today and i will add him and the troops with him to the allied faction sheet (it will be attached to your faction sheet but separate.)
Thanks!!! It looks we won't get to loot bandits' camp, what about their bodies (did they have any coin)?
Do we at least get level-up for those bandits and ogres?
Big question for the future: can we train our footmen any holy or arcane magic?

Those answers to Arthas:
[] "You too Arthas, its been awhile since a prince escorted me anywhere." - that is a bit of friendly flirt
[] "Yes, it has been far too long since we last saw each other Arthas." - that is attempt to go back to boyfriend-girlfriend status
[] "Indeed, but the time apart did us both some good." - that returns initative and choice to him

As I see it we get some social interaction and strategy options, my vote is for a 3rd choice.
[X] "Indeed, but the time apart did us both some good."
I don't think but maybe we can learn them how fight efficiency mages or other arcane users.
As far as I remember from the lore, Gul'Dan (or something) have discovered a method to give magic aptitude (required for arcane magic) to orges (using ritual), while holy magic can be mastered by training and discipline (much like Ogre Lord's shock wave).
ok i am just going to put this out there, the vote is to determine how much he likes you still. (i forgot to add this since i was in a rush at the end there)

(like for example, if he still wants to be with you and regrets the split the 2nd option would be best, or if he isn't certain, the 3rd option would be best.)

it comes with a diplo check to determine exactly how well it goes over, the difficulty of which is based off of how well your vote and his opinion lines up.
[X] "You too Arthas, its been awhile since a prince escorted me anywhere." (cannon option)

[] "Indeed, but the time apart did us both some good."

I worry that this feels like we had a fight when we split up as opposed to something like "looks like being a paladin suits you." or "we have both gotten stronger since we last met." which would be my equivalent.
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As far as I remember from the lore, Gul'Dan (or something) have discovered a method to give magic aptitude (required for arcane magic) to orges (using ritual), while holy magic can be mastered by training and discipline (much like Ogre Lord's shock wave).
No Gul'dan figured out how to increase the intelligence of ogres they already had magic potential he just gave them a 2nd head.

as for the footmen? no you can train and create a new unit similar to footmen that can use holy or arcane magic later on but you will still have regular footmen.

(the holy version will be a paladin lol, just a non-hero version.)
No Gul'dan figured out how to increase the intelligence of ogres they already had magic potential he just gave them a 2nd head.

as for the footmen? no you can train and create a new unit similar to footmen that can use holy or arcane magic later on but you will still have regular footmen.

(the holy version will be a paladin lol, just a non-hero version.)
Then, what about sorcery using priests? can we train them in the future?
Then, what about sorcery using priests? can we train them in the future?
no you can only choose to utilize one discipline of magic for your biggest spells unless you are ridiculously strong (aka hero level mage.) anything smaller than the big spells just get turned into DPT so it really don't matter.
Thanks!!! It looks we won't get to loot bandits' camp, what about their bodies (did they have any coin)?
Do we at least get level-up for those bandits and ogres?
oh i guess i forgot to inform you of this. (like i said i was very rushed.)

first no loot, loot will rarely be a thing in this quest as most people only carry silver and maybe 1-3 gold on them except for exceptionally rich people.
(most income will be from gold mines, bounties, or even taxes later on.)

as for EXP still determining exact amount you got as well as how to level. Once i do and once a hero in this gains a level up i will put up a .5 chapter where whatever heroes level up and you get to vote on what they get ;)

i intend level ups to be very customizable and for it to also be balanced so that will be a tad difficult to implement. as for learning new spells and upgrading old ones though? that i will probs force you to earn EXP for separately (like each time you use a spell you get so much EXP in it and you can practice it on the side.) Stats though i am conflicted about how to implement it for balance and customization reasons. I know what i WANT to implement but it won't be balanced if i do implement it i think, so i just need to determine how much i can implement of what i want.
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[X] "Indeed, but the time apart did us both some good."
On levelling up and what stats actually do
Hero stats
Combat: Determines bonuses to rolls when duelling an enemy (fighting an enemy 1v1 with no one interfering.) Also determines reaction speed, and has several other minor factors.
Magic: Grants bonuses to any non-combant action involving magic (rituals, spells, wards, etc.) equal to the score minus 10. Grants small bonus to combat spells in specific ways depending on type of spell. (for example an AOE spell's roll to determine number of enemies hit might have a +1-10 added depending on score, or it might increases a chain spells likely to hit a more important target.
Administration: Grants bonus to management of any base you own, increases how much you can tax people without angering them, decreases cost of building things, etc. etc.
Research: Increases rate of gaining new knowledge skills or improving old ones. Increases rate of developing new technologies, magic, or troop types.
Tactics: Grants bonus to rolls to give orders to your troops increasing the chance they respond to them. Grants small improvements to tactics troops under your command do and increases training rate of troops trained by you.
Diplomacy: Gives a bonus to all rolls involing interacting with someone. For example convincing Arthas not to kill everyone in Stratholme, or Convincing the High Elves to abandon Silverymoon when the undead are at their gates.

War stats

HP: hit points, how much dmg you can take etc.
Mana: how many spells you can cast.
DPT: damage per turn if you use basic attacks
Armor: reduces damage from all physical attacks or spells by 1 per point of armor
Magic resistance: reduces damage from all magical attacks or spells by 1 per point of MR
Moral: if this runs out you run away, if you are a commander or hero unit your troops gain some of this stat from you
speed: how fast you move per turn

On leveling up

When you level up you will be granted 1 point to spend on a HERO stat of your choice and 4 points to spend on WAR stats of your choice (you can't double down on more than one war stat when leveling up.)
HERO stats gain points spent at a 1-1 ratio however WAR stats are different. They gain points based on what stat you put them in and what HERO Class you are.

HP: 5-10 per point (tankier classes get more HP)
Mana: 2-5 per point (mana heavy classes get more mana)
DPT: .5-1 per point (DPT reliant classes gain more DPT)
Armor: 0.25-.5 per point (heavily armored classes get more armor)
Magic resistance: 0.25-.5 per point (classes more involved with magic get more MR)
Moral: Can't be improved.
Speed: can't be improved.

You level up by gaining EXP from defeating enemies in battles or duels, The more difficult the battle/duel the more EXP gained. Difficulty of battle or duel is determined by enemies level in this quest multiplied by their level in warcraft 3. (all units have levels in warcraft 3.) Duels grant more EXP than battles of the same difficulty level.

Amount of EXP needed to level to the next level for heroes starts at 10 at level 1 and increases by 50% for every level gained.

Troops also gain EXP and can evolve into more powerful versions of themselves if they live to gain enough.
Troop levels go by Recruit-Basic-Veteran-Elite-OP in that order. It takes 10 EXP to go from recruit-basic and doubles for each level up after to the max of 80EXP to go from Elite-Veteran

all troops involved in a battle share two-thirds of the EXP from it, though not equally as lower levelled troops will gain more EXP than higher levelled troops. Higher levelled troops just tend to have the level tag in front of the name of the unit they are, unless they are basic in which case they have no tag. Heroes involved in the battle share the final third of the exp, again with lower levelled heroes getting a slightly bigger share.

All spells/abilities level based on how much you use them/practice them. EXP from each use in battle depends on how successful the spell was. While each use in practice/training grants the amount of EXP mentioned before you choose to train. EXP needed to level spells/abilities is 10 to GET the spell in the first place and then doubled for every level afterwards.
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Chapter 1, turn 2.5 JAINA LEVEL UP!!!
Jaina's stats
Class: Frost Mage Hero Level 3->4 EXP to next level: 4/34
Combat: 18 {35}
magic: 34
administration: 22 {23}
research: 31 {34}
tactics: 22
diplomacy: 28 {30}

[] pick a HERO stat to level by +1-2 (depending on a roll)

War Stats:
HP: 45
Mana: 25
DPT: 5 (magic/hero ranged, range: 40 units.)
Armor: 1
Magic resistance: 2
Morale: 30
Speed: 10 units of distance per turn

pick 4 WAR stats to level (remember you can only double down on 1 WAR stat)

[]HP +5 (x2)
[]Mana +5 (x2)
[]DPT +.5 (x2)
[]Armor +.25 (x2)
[]MR +.5 (x2)

your footmen and priests gained +2 EXP each, the Sorcerers gained +1 EXP each.
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Can you explain how HERO stat magic works, what it does/affects?
[X]Armor+1 (x2)
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Can you explain how HERO stat magic works, what it does/affects?
[X]Armor+1 (x2)
look to the informational post just before the level up post lol ;)

Edit: also important for you to know, your getting items eventually and being a spellcasting hero mana is rather important ya'know. (just saying it might be a good idea to invest some points in offense rather than pure defense given very little will attack you given your a ranged hero,)
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Considering dificulty-level is rather high, following scenario will be full of walking exp.
and I choose
[X] Diplomacy

[X]HP +5
[X]Armor +.25 (x2)
[X]MR +.5
Because there will some bandits soon and I want to recruit them.
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ummmmmmmmmmmm sure bandits will be there soon ya..... thats a thing.........

Anyway, vote will be called tomorrow on the reply option and i will tally manually if needed so don't worry about voting for a new thing if you are.

Also please do vote for the stats here and @verynew please put all the things you are voting for in one reply, new votes erase old ones so ATM you are only voting on diplomacy for stats nothing for the war stats.
OK guys i lowered Armor and Magic resistance of all units (both are too op to have so much of each) and Altered the mechanics a bit (Advantages were stupid and needless) Level ups are lowered in terms of armor and MR, and the importance of Mana has been increased by increasing the cost and effectiveness of spells (It felt like mana did not matter.)

anyway Vote is closed on the choice of reply to Arthas will include result in next update

Adhoc vote count started by san on Jan 13, 2018 at 2:52 PM, finished with 125 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X]HP+5
    [X]Armor+1 (x2)
    [X] Diplomacy

Adhoc vote count started by san on Jan 13, 2018 at 2:52 PM, finished with 15 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] "Indeed, but the time apart did us both some good."
    [X] "Yes, it has been far too long since we last saw each other Arthas."
    [X] "You too Arthas, its been awhile since a prince escorted me anywhere." (cannon option)
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