JainaQuest, giving SV voters control of Jaina in the Warcraft 3 era

What quest would you guys like as my secondary one (will update sporadically)

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[x] tnt24tryon

Ah, saw the updates in the alerts but the word count matches normal commentary so I thought it wasn't an actual update, my bad.

This plan works.

Next turn we can mine the quarry, build the shooting grounds so we can recruit some riflemen in the future and prep for building the blacksmith which is when the fun really begins.
[x] tnt24tryon

Ah, saw the updates in the alerts but the word count matches normal commentary so I thought it wasn't an actual update, my bad.

This plan works.

Next turn we can mine the quarry, build the shooting grounds so we can recruit some riflemen in the future and prep for building the blacksmith which is when the fun really begins.
ya up until turn 5 here is going to be short and fast updates to get the base up and running (turn 5 and on I'm going to be rolling to see if the undead send an attack force, the longer you go without one the stronger the next one they send gets PLUS the chance they send one on a later turn increases for every turn you go without one.) ;)

and ya lots of stuff to build and train once the blacksmith is up and running ;)

just don't forget if you run out of food your troops will start to starve.
Chapter 2, turn 2: Results, Marwyn OP, and you lucky bastards.
"Well the town halls and barracks are up, I intend to have a quarry and a hunting camps built next while 2 more of my peasants gather some lumber. I also intend to send out a scouting party to the northwest. What about you Jaina?" Arthas asked.

"I intend to do the same, except that I intend to send my scouting party to the southeast instead."

"I see, that's probably a good idea, best to get as much information as possible on our immediate surroundings swiftly so we know whether or not enemies are nearby."


Jaina's orders.

[X] Build a level 1 Quarry. (Jaina)
Cost: 6 hours, 10 lumber, 20 gold, 10 iron, 2 space.
DC: 40: reduce costs to 6 hours, 10 lumber, 15 gold, 5 iron, 2 space
100: all level 1 quarries now allow each peasant to harvest 23 stone per turn.
Roll: 38+14=52 DC40 PASS!!! DC100 fail...
Cost reduced.

[X] Build a level 1 hunting camp.
Cost: 6 hours, 20 lumber, 10 gold, 1 population, 0.5 space.

[X] Gather Lumber x3
60 lumber gained!

Arthas's Orders.
[X] Build a level 1 Quarry. (Arthas)
Cost: 6 hours, 10 lumber, 20 gold, 10 iron, 2 space.
DC: 40: reduce costs to 6 hours, 10 lumber, 15 gold, 5 iron, 2 space
100: all level 1 quarries now allow each peasant to harvest 23 stone per turn.
Roll: 24+22=46 DC40 PASS!!! DC100 fail....
Cost reduced.

[X] Build a level 1 hunting camp. (Captain Marwyn)
Cost: 6 hours, 20 lumber, 10 gold, 1 population, 0.5 space.
DC: 20: cost reduced to 6 hours, 15 lumber, 5 gold, 1 population, 0.5 space.
65: All level 1 hunting camps provide 2 food 3 leather per day.
Roll: 92+11=103 MINICRIT!!! DC20 PASS!!! DC65 PASS!!! DC65 REWARDS INCREASE!!!
Cost reduced, All level 1 hunting camps are now built as level 2 hunting camps at a cheaper cost overall. They also provide +1 food and leathers.
New cost of building: 12 hours, 30 lumber, 20 gold, 2 population, 0.5 space, reduced this turn to: 6 hours, 20 lumber 10 gold, 2 population and 0.5 space
Provides: 4 food 3 leather per day

[X] Gather Lumber x3
60 lumber gained!

"Lady Jaina! Captain Marwyn has once again come up with a massively better design than the original version! This time he altered the hunting camps, he figured out a way to more efficiently and cheaply build a better hunting camp though it takes a bit longer to build. He also improved the smokeracks and figured out how to teach future hunters how to skin more efficiently in a much swifter way. This will greatly improve food and leather production in the future ma'am, he also told your peasants how to do everything as well and they are making your hunting camp with his design." A messenger told Jaina in a frenzy.

"Well! Tell the Captain that this is amazing work and thank him for his aid. Now we just need to continue setting up our base while waiting for the scouting parties to get back." Jaina stated smiling.

Current Resources will be added to new turns from now on for ease of voting

Turn ends here

OK guys, got you your results for turn 2... bloody lucky rolls twice with Captain Marwyn... Because of that I am boosting his Admin score to 26 instead of 21... just because those were some AMAZING rolls on his part.

if he keeps this up and I get an omake for him I might make him into a mini-hero. Basically the same as he is now but with Hero stats no extra abilities or war stat increases.
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so scouting results next and now we are actually playong warcraft 3 . Brings back some memories , dear god how i didnt like the arthas at all and felt so good about seeing him turn evil and be right about a char ,
so scouting results next and now we are actually playong warcraft 3 . Brings back some memories , dear god how i didnt like the arthas at all and felt so good about seeing him turn evil and be right about a char ,
no it takes 12 hours to scout (I forgot to add costs to it before I posted) so results will be up next turn.

I am assuming World of warcraft scaling is only 1/20 of normal size at its largest and 1/50 at its smallest, with warcraft 3 scaling non-existent. For example, i consider Stormwind city (any version) to be a 50th of the actual size if it was real life scale given how many people are supposed to live there. Also I consider the barren Tundra in DragonBlight, Northrend to be only a 20th of the actual size and breadth because you supposedly can go days and even weeks of walking without encountering anything or anyone. just to give you an idea of the scale I am considering here.

I basically consider where you are at now, the region around Andorhal to be about twice the size of a world of warcraft region like westfall for example. Therefore to travel from one end of it to another by walking or marching it takes a several days (less than a week though.)
so build a town hall again for more pop ? and have the rest of the troops gathering wood and stone i guess?

my keyboard has issues with doing the neclosures around x for plans and i usually rely on copy pasting it so im not doing it.
so build a town hall again for more pop ? and have the rest of the troops gathering wood and stone i guess?

my keyboard has issues with doing the neclosures around x for plans and i usually rely on copy pasting it so im not doing it.
ah i can add x's into them for you if thats the case... but a town hall doesn't give you Pop. the only way to get more people/pop is by finding and saving them. you currently have just barely enough for this mission if you are thrifty with it.

also only peasants can gather resources.
I am abit confused cause it says we have 71 free population that sounds pretty decent, if thats true then our issue is resource limit for now and army recruitment running into it.

also assign some people to hunting now aswell since we have food upkeep costs.

Maybe a warehouse type building instead of having to build more town halls for resource limits?
I am abit confused cause it says we have 71 free population that sounds pretty decent, if thats true then our issue is resource limit for now and army recruitment running into it.

also assign some people to hunting now aswell since we have food upkeep costs.

Maybe a warehouse type building instead of having to build more town halls for resource limits?
sadly you have to actually build more huts for hunting, however training isn't as big a problem as you might think.

you can train more than 1 troop at a time, however to train new troops you need to commit at minimum one of your captains to training them... and for the most basic kind of troops the recruit level footmen (which are weaker than any of the footmen you have used so far) take 24 hours, or 4 turns to train with a level 1 training grounds... during which the person training them can do nothing but train them. Also to train higher levels of footmen like regulars you need level 3 training grounds.

There are a few factors that determine how many troops you can train at the same time though, 1) How well the trainer knows the combat style of the trainees. 2) how experienced the trainer is and training others. and finally 3) a weird combination of diplo/combat/tactics that takes the average of the three and then uses that to determine how many troops you can train.

Also higher leveled training grounds train troops faster, for example a level 2 training grounds cuts off 6 hours of training from recruit level troops, while a level 3 training grounds cuts off 12 hours from recruit troops. (the 6 and the three don't add together they are just total numbers.)
i ment that converting the peasants into the troops and later it might be a problem income wise was my thought there and how many hunters per camp?
i ment that converting the peasants into the troops and later it might be a problem income wise was my thought there and how many hunters per camp?
none, Villagers do your food production for you, they are directly assigned to do it when you build a camp or other food production building. As for converting peasants into troops? You can't, peasants are basically a troop in their own right and can turn into militia temporarily if needed, but they can't become footmen or something like that.

but ya like i said in the update each level 2 camp gives you 4 food and 3 leather every day that passes thats every 4 turns atm.
Chapter 2, turn 3: beginnings of a base..
Main base: currently has a level 1 Barracks, a level 1 Town Hall, a level 1 quarry, a level 1 hunting camp, and 5 empty space

Current Resources: 230 gold, 60 lumber, 45 iron, 40 food, 20 leather, 5 peasants.

Current population: 69 current unused population, 2 hunters.

[x] Upgrade to a lvl 2 town hall. (Grants the ability to train peasants, serves as peasant sleeping quarters, can hold 12 peasants. Also serves as a place to drop off resources, storage space for 400 gold, 350 food, 300 lumber, 210 stone, 160 iron, 60 leather. Finally allows you to send troops on missions.) Cost: 24 hours, 80 lumber, 20 stone, 60 gold, 3 space. DC: 20, 90

[x] Build a lvl 1 blacksmith. (produces the equipment, arms and armor your army needs, repairs and maintains arms and armor and equipment as it gets used.) Cost: 12 hours, 30 stone, 20 gold, 0 space. DC: 15, 85

[x] Upgrade to a lvl 2 Barracks. (serves as a place for troops to sleep and store their weapons, provides room for up to 70 troops. Needed to build training grounds, shooting range and stables.) Cost: 12 hours, 40 wood, 30 gold, 1.5 space. DC: 20, 90

[x] Build a lvl 1 lumber mill. (serves as a secondary place to drop off lumber, increases efficiency of lumber harvesting, needed to build wooden towers.) Cost: 6 hours, 25 lumber, 10 iron, 5 stone, 15 gold, 1 space. DC: 20, 90

[x] Build a level 2 hunting camp. (provides a place for villagers to hunt from letting them provide 2 food 2 leather per day for your army.) Cost: 12 hours, 30 lumber, 20 gold, 2 villagers, 0.5 space. DC: 30, N/A

[x] Build a level 1 Training Grounds. (allows you to train footmen up to recruit level.) Cost: 6 hours, 5 stone, 10 gold, 5 lumber. DC: 40, 90

[x] Build a level 1 shooting Range. (allows you to train riflemen up to recruit level.) Cost: 6 hours, 10 gold, 10 lumber. DC: 40, 90

[x] Gather Lumber: Max peasants: 5, each peasant gathers 20 lumber per turn.

[x] Mine Gold: Max peasants: 3, each peasants gathers 10 gold per turn.

[x] Mine Iron: Max peasants: 5, each peasant gather 15 iron per turn.

[x] Quarry stone: Max Peasants: 2, each peasant gathers 20 stone per turn.

You have to send a commander to lead each party, and then you can decide what troops accompany them. Commanders are the captains and hero units available to you. A max of 5 troops may accompany commanders on scouting missions.

If you scout in the same direction as Arthas, troops scout further and more thoroughly, plus if there is a split in the path each party goes in a different direction.

Scouts may be attacked by whatever they find, also mixed parties have highest survival chance if something really bad happens.

[x] Send a scouting party to the Southeast. {commander: } (Troops: ) Time, 12 hours

[x] Send a scouting party to the Northwest. {commander: } (Troops: ) Time, 12 hours

You have 0 Peasant Equipment and therefore can't train new peasants.

[x] Train Peasant. (builder and resource gatherer, can turn into militia if needed.) Cost: 6 hours, 10 Gold, 1 set of Peasant equipment. Tax per day: 0.5 gold, 0.2 food, 0.1 iron.

As they look over the newly completed Quarry and hunting camp Arthas asks Jaina. "So, with this we have the beginnings of a proper base. While we wait for the scouts to return with their reports of the immediate surrounding area, I intend to start my peasants on breaking in that quarry, Alongside it I'm going to build a shooting range so I can start training riflemen once I have the guns for it. Finally I think a barracks upgrade is in order so my troops have somewhere to sleep once I recruit them. What's your plan going forward?"

"ah, well my plan is to..."

Go ahead and Vote.. though see above actions to do so please ;)
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just putting it out there as well, while early on there was really nothing you could do different from Arthas from here on out your actions will have more and more reason to be different.

for example, this turn he is making a shooting range to train additional troops as well as upgrading his barracks, You however have troops that are VERY gold heavy and it might be a better idea to instead mine some gold with some of your peasants instead to mitigate that cost... just food for thought.
[x] Plan Covering bases
-[] Build Hunting camp lvl 2 x2
-[] Quarry Stone x2
-[] Mine Gold

This will continue to build up our food production which we need to manage to stay ahead of our daily consumption.

Meanwhile we will be able to mine enough stone to afford building a Blacksmith next turn which will allow us to start producing Peasant equipment so we can increase our workforce.
[x] Plan Covering bases
-[] Build Hunting camp lvl 2 x2
-[] Quarry Stone x2
-[] Mine Gold

This will continue to build up our food production which we need to manage to stay ahead of our daily consumption.

Meanwhile we will be able to mine enough stone to afford building a Blacksmith next turn which will allow us to start producing Peasant equipment so we can increase our workforce.
thanks dude was waiting for someone to finally make a plan lol ;)
soooo ummm is anyone else going to vote? IK @Hoshu is around and able to vote... if he wants i mean... you don't have to.
Consider me Abstained from Voting on Buildings and shit its either i make omakes write in tactics or romance. So yeah they won
ok so I am noting a distinct lack of interest in this quest... so i'm letting you guys decide if i switch it up a bit.

see the poll to decide, I will continue this quest in the meantime, rest assured if starcraft does win I fully intend to come back to this quest after a few months of getting better as a writer, most likely with a reboot, and proper mechanics.
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Not really lack of interest more of I got no fucking clue what these numbers mean I usually just let stats and building shizz past by unless its a tie and then i roll dice to vote. I'm more into the litreture aspect of the quest
Not really lack of interest more of I got no fucking clue what these numbers mean I usually just let stats and building shizz past by unless its a tie and then i roll dice to vote. I'm more into the litreture aspect of the quest
ya but the thing is this quest is pretty much just 4 people doing anything close to consistent voting... and honestly? I need more than that to feel like its worth my own time to continue the quest.
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