JainaQuest, giving SV voters control of Jaina in the Warcraft 3 era

What quest would you guys like as my secondary one (will update sporadically)

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What you talking about my writing is horrendous
That last omake was not horrendous lol, I mean sure there were lots of spelling and grammar mistakes, but the flow, the feeling and everything of the omake. THAT was very much on point, and everything else is fixable with a bit of practice ;)
That last omake was not horrendous lol, I mean sure there were lots of spelling and grammar mistakes, but the flow, the feeling and everything of the omake. THAT was very much on point, and everything else is fixable with a bit of practice ;)

Yeah damn my phone for its word length ill rewrite it later for a more descriptive omake typos are my bane so To you it is good. but when it comes with expectations for myself this is subpar from my normal writing standarf

Yeah damn my phone for its word length ill rewrite it later for a more descriptive omake typos are my bane so To you it is good. but when it comes with expectations for myself this is subpar from my normal writing standarf
still better than most of my writing so far. My biggest problem is character interaction. It always feels so stiff to me and hard to write.
[x] Plan Food, Fighting and Forges
this looks good

The main thing I want now is more workers and a blacksmith enables that nicely. I would actually send Jaina out to scout for things like local graveyards atm as am means of resource denial to the undead.
[x] Plan Food, Fighting and Forges
this looks good

The main thing I want now is more workers and a blacksmith enables that nicely. I would actually send Jaina out to scout for things like local graveyards atm as am means of resource denial to the undead.

If its resource denial better to send Arthas and his silverhand units than Jaina. Paladins have this weird light protection spells for dead bodies. Much more effective
[x] Plan Food, Fighting and Forges
this looks good

The main thing I want now is more workers and a blacksmith enables that nicely. I would actually send Jaina out to scout for things like local graveyards atm as am means of resource denial to the undead.
your better off sending a couple parties with priests. The holy light is more effective at preventing necromancy from affecting bodies than ice magic is after all ;)
vote closed now, starting up a new minichapter shortly for a vote on how you are going to go about the battle itself before I add the results of turn 4 later.
Adhoc vote count started by san on Feb 11, 2018 at 1:04 PM, finished with 93 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Build a level 1 Quarry. (provides a place to get stone from, max peasants: 2, each peasant working here gathers 20 stone per turn.) Cost: 6 hours, 10 lumber, 20 gold, 10 iron, 2 space. DC: 40, 100
    [X] Jaina
    [X] 2x peasants
    [X] Build a level 1 hunting camp. (provides a place for villagers to hunt from letting them provide 2 food 2 leather per day for your army.) Cost: 6 hours, 20 lumber, 10 gold, 0.5 space. DC: 0, 65
    [X] 2x peasants
    [X] Gather Lumber: Max peasants: 5, each peasant gathers 20 lumber per turn.
    [X] Send a scouting party to the Southeast. {commander: Captain David} (Troops: 3 Veteran Footmen, 1 Veteran Priest, 1 Veteran Sorcerer)
    [x] Plan Food, Fighting and Forges

Adhoc vote count started by san on Feb 11, 2018 at 1:05 PM, finished with 44 posts and 3 votes.
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chapter 2, turn 4.1: Plan of attack and possibility of trading troops.
"Well then Arthas it is time to come up with a plan of attack against the bandit camp." Jaina stated as she and Arthas perused the map the scouts had brought back. "I intend to send Captain David along with several of my troops to try and sneak their way into the main compound and free the villagers held there. However they could use a distraction which I am hoping you will provide."

"I see, well I could raid the other side of the camp and draw most of the bandits that way. I also could commit to a full out attack on the main entrance to the bandits hideout while your captain focuses on sneaking in at the back and securing as many hostages as possible and then on blocking the remaining bandits from escaping."

"Indeed... It is a matter of how much risk are we willing to put the male villagers in then... hmmm"

[x] Have Arthas raid the opposite side of the camp and attract the bandits attention towards him before retreating. {Commander: Arthas} (Troops: you pick) Base DC:90
Base chance of losses: 70
(Reduces your raids DC and chance of losses by 5)

[x] Have Arthas commit to a full out attack on the front entrance of the Camp, and attempt to wipe out the bandits while your forces free the prisoners and then cut off the bandits path of retreat. {Commander: Arthas} (Troops: You pick, but has to include at least 1 mortar team.)
Base DC: 90 Base chance of losses: 90
(reduces your raids DC and chance of losses by 10, makes it possible to free all the slaves and wipe out the bandits.)

"Also Arthas I am going to have trouble continuing to pay for all my spellcasters... I was wondering if you had a possible solution?" Jaina asked Arthas as they walked out of the town hall after coming up with a plan of attack.

"Well Jaina I could take a portion of them off your hands and use them myself. I also could trade you some of my riflemen and 1 of my mortar teams for some of them if you are worried about losing too much combat strength. Not much else I can think of for a solution."

"hmm maybe we could..."

[x] Write in how many/what kind of troops you are giving to Arthas and how many/what kind you want in return. (sorcerers, priests and then mortar teams in order cost the most gold.)

Mini Chapter ends here

Ok so ya, need you guys to vote on this before I give the results of this turn ;) the attack will come back at the end of next turn or the turn after depending on how it goes and what you choose to do.
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oh and can someone please give me any kind of rating, my current ratings are o_O 666 :o and I'm not a fan lol :cry:

It makes me feel :evil:
ok guys I love the ratings... but it takes more than just me to run a quest lol ;) I need a couple of votes on the attack plan and troop trading :D
To be fair i did say i suck at anything that isn't figthing or politicking. Though we should probably give arthas some spell casters
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[x] Have Arthas raid the opposite side of the camp and attract the bandits attention towards him before retreating. {Commander: Arthas}

I get the feeling that this whole chapter could be avoided by having this as a subvote of attacking the base in the previous turn. Its rather annoying to have mini-chapters like this where nothing happens besides a wrapper for an extended vote. Maybe try and add some character growth into these chapters so it feels more interesting.

For example have Arthas teasing her about not managing her gold reserves properly.

[] Write in how many/what kind of troops you are giving to Arthas and how many/what kind you want in return. (sorcerers, priests and then mortar teams in order cost the most gold.)

I have no idea what to do about this one...

As for my current rating of this quest... 3/5.

What initially drew me in was the premise of a story based in W3 but with more choices and freedom to do what we feel is interesting. And that has been delivered to an extent. I feel that you may have over-complicated things for yourself by giving basic units experience but it has been pretty seamlessly integrated into the story.

Unfortunately I think the story has been rather marred by your decision at the start to only use well known cannon characters, or at least to use cannon characters from the human campaign. The issue being that the humans did not make any clear mistakes that could be improved on this early in the story so the readers have little reason to divert from the plot which means things are progressing rather slowly. Especially combined with the W3 tendency to combine plot with combat encounters as opposed to keeping them separate.

That said you have not made any clear mistakes and the writing is good enough to keep me going. You have tried to implement divergences from cannon, it has just not main much sense to do so yet. It may be a suggestion after this battle to have a timeskip vote to go to the purge and make a vote to stay with Arthas or split there, at least then we will be breaking new ground.

One of the main let downs is the number of voters and people discussing things is very minimal. I suspect this is more a fault of SV than a reflection on your writing. Most of the quests here have been going for a long time, but pick of of new writing is very sluggish. I would suggest porting this story over to SB and possibly restarting it based on what you have learned.

The only other thing I would suggest (especially if you move over to SB) is trying to get a decent introduction. The initial first few days of a thread are vital and the first chapter can have a massively disproportional effect on the rest of the story.

Hope this helps...
sorry everyone but this quest is dead... it sadly died pretty much right at its birth when I started it so swiftly without much forethought and preparation.

I have changed the mechanics over and over again and it still feels clunky, and hard to write. Combined that with the lack of voters and the fact that we have been pretty much just following cannon with some alternate things happening and I just can't continue this.


I will be putting up a poll here in the next 1-2 days along with a threadmark to let you know of it. The poll will be asking all of you if you want to have a reboot of this quest with a proper mechanics system in place and with more options on character picks, or to end the quest for a time and pick up with a different type of quest such as the starcraft one or one of the other kinds of quests I have had an idea for.

I will be giving a rough explanation of what each quest is on the threadmark with the poll.

I am sorry to all of you for all the valuable time and energy you spent on this quest but I simply can't continue it as it is. It has simply failed in every way and I know I can do better than this with the experience writing this has given me. Remember, this was my first attempt at writing fiction ever... so I can only get better from here right? ;)

Thank you all for reading my work and once again I apologize for the arupt and anti-climatic ending this has had. :( :cry: :(
hmm I suggest a StarCraft one, this time take your time and let us viewers have at least a few days to check it out and discuss it over.

and its alright, this was a decent attempt, you can just try again with the StarCraft one, perhaps give us a bit more of a tutorial time, with some hard limits to prevent to much OPness (this is Sufficient Velocity...were going to go running for OPness due to the nature of the zerg, the dominion/confederacy and the protoss...).

as it is just take more into account for the mechanics system, like the difference between article critical's and true critical's (like one is near the best it could be due to peoples abilities and the other bonus's, while a nat crit has the pieces fall into place perfectly!)

and consequently the artificial and natural critical failures (either by maleus or just rolling a nat 1....though negatives can happen revealing complete incompetence or a unexpected attack or something along those lines, when fate itself says you fail this task HARD)

other then that, figure out a system that works best for you.

have a great time, and take care of yourself, I know I'm not the best for planning, that's why I general wait for others to reveal their ideas before seeing if they could be improved or not.

but still, it was a fun time...but try for a CK2 style maybe for StarCraft? it might work out!
Here are your options
ok I have four possible fics in mind that I can see myself doing.

1) A reboot of this quest:

ok so if this options wins, the quest will be focusing on Empire building, major battles, diplomacy, and the like, Macro decisions big things that affect the universe in large ways rather than small choices. We will be starting it at the character selection screen and I will be giving you multiple possible starts for each character as well as more characters to choose from.

2) A Starcraft/Halo crossover:

If this wins you will be playing as the magistrate from SC1 or the Cerebrate from SC1 (the ones you play as in the game.) Who will be flung into that universe thanks to an accident. You will be given a choice on where in the timeline you wish to start at after a character choice and a brief prologue on how you end up there ;) (fair warning everything post halo 3 is considered non-canon to me)

3) A Starcraft/Warhammer crossover:

If this wins you are playing as the magistrate from SC1 flung to a random human world not in the Imperium a bit after the end of the Horus Heresy. You will be given a choice as to the type of human world you end up on. For all those of you worried about starcraft fanboyism (or warhammer fanboyism making one universe or the other disproportionately more powerful I will be doing this logically and fairly.

For example an idea of how powerful SC troops will be vs warhammer, (basic equipment only) I will be considering a terran marine to be worth 10 imperial guard, 1/3 of a scout marine, or 1/10 of a space marine. However for the same amount of effort to train and equip a space marine you will be able to train and equip about 50 terran marines.

4) a Warcraft/Worm crossover:

If this wins you will pick a class/Race/talent spec combination from World of Warcraft, and then after that is picked you will choose what point in the timeline you will end up in. Choices must be pre-MoP. Your class choice will have some of its abilities weakened and other strengthened for better flavour and balance, I will explain in depth if this choice wins.

This is the only quest that will be more character and micro. focused rather than empire building and macro focused. This means less statistics and more plot, more combat, more fun ;)
And here is where you vote
[] option 1 (Reboot)

[] option 2 (Halo/Starcraft)

[] option 3 (Warhammer/Starcraft)

[] option 4 (Worm/ Warcraft)

ok guys vote away, can't figure out how to add a new poll and change the question so here is the vote.

EDIT: MAKE SURE YOU VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE 2 CHOICES You can choose up to 2 options and I will pick the option that gets the most votes but I would prefer it if I didn't lose too many people because i ended up picking something 5 people wanted but 10 people didn't but they were divided between 3 different options.

remember to look at the previous post for info on what each vote is.
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[X] option 1 (Reboot)

I liked the concept of a Jaina quest.

I'd rather not vote for a second thing, since it actually decreases the chance of my actual favorite winning, but if we have to.

[X] option 3 (Warhammer/Starcraft)
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[X] option 2 (Halo/Starcraft)
[X] option 1 (Reboot)

I'd prefer option 2 but option 1 would be good too
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