vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by M3lk0r on Jul 14, 2017 at 12:47 AM, finished with 19 posts and 12 votes.
Case of Kotomine Kirei
Just managed to get one out before Christmans, Merry Christmas you guys, on that note hopefully I will be able to get another out later

"I" "you begin as you take out your deck of tarot cards "I could scry if for you" you offer Rin. To emphasize this you begin to shuffle the deck. Inwardly you are grateful that Magnus is subtly influencing her to agree.

Rin ponders for a bit "what will this cost me? A Magus never does anything for free." she states.

<While I would never settle for you being just a Magus she already knows otherwise so there is not harm in reminding her> Magnus instructs.

You smile the way Magnus as made you practice, that knowing smile that makes a person viewing it that you are aware of something they are not. "If you can recall I am not a Magus, not exactly" you state.

<Draw them now before she can react> Magnus intructs

<Yes Magnus sensei> you reply as you quickly draw five cards and lay them in order. The Hanged man, the devil, he Two of Swords, the Death, and the Ace of Wands. You note that two of these are not from the Major Arcana. "Kotomine Kirei" you whisper the name "so this is what motivated you."

"What?" Rin asks lost and confused "what do you mean? What does this mean?"

" What we are seeing is the actions of Kotomine Kirei and his motivations" you explain. Now holding up the Hanged Man " the Hanged Man indicates that he had a lack of ability to help himself ore was unaware of what he desired, it also means that he had an accomplice" you inform her "It is highly likely that your guardian was doing some some soul searching."

"I don't see how this means he killed my father, it also doesn't explain why" Rins comments looking at the other cards.

"The Devil Card is representing something that is taboo or rejected by society" Rin seems to be rather taken in as you explain this card to her. Perhaps since she has a low opinion of Kotomine Kirei she is please that this card is associated with him. " Then here is the two of swords" you inform her of the lesser arcana. " This represents the conflict of visions, ideals and desire so perhaps his motivations in the Grail War changed" you suggest.

Rin nods accepting that, you note that Magnus must be influencing her rather heavily to achieve this, like your sensei said you are at one point going to need to stop relying on him.

"Unsurprisingly this lead's to the Death card, which may not represent your father being murdered but the end of an idea or concept, perhaps a goal since what I seemed to have scryed was Kotomine Kirei's motivations" you explain. You now turn your eyes over to the final card, like the two of swords it is of the lesser arcana but it still is very much important here. "This" you say lifting up the final tarot waver "is the Ace of Wands" you inform her. "It represents a pivotal act or fateful step that will set loose a chain of events that will be towards your desired goal."

<You have done well> Magnus states <I will handle it from here.>

With that the scenery is enveloped by a pitch blackness. Thought that isn't for long, the before you and Rin a scene unfolds, just a moment frozen in time. There is a man wearing a red suit, he is shocked and turning to face the man behind him, clearly he is in pain.

"Otoh sama" Rin gasps falling to her knee and beginning to tear up, clearly this man is her father though you had assumed that already. Behind him is the one you know as Kotomine Kirei, he is stabbing Rin's father in the back, literally. The Irony is not lost one you nor is it lost to Magnus, who is rather quiet, probably because Rin might here him, or just not to distract you.

"Fascinating" you murmur as you walk around the two men to see what Kirei is stabbing Rin's father with. Amusingly it's an Azoth sword. You blink it's Rin's Azoth sword, now the potential irony runs even deeper.

<Shirou stop her> Magnus orders, you look up to see Rin preparing to make a dash at Kirei <she might get herself killed or worse noticed> your sensei informs you.

Moving in front of Rin you restrain her "it's too late" you lie "he already killed him."

For your efforts you receive a punch to the face, not that it hurts, Rin cannot really hurt you here "baka" the Tohska labels you "you can't just expect me to let it happen."

"I" you hiss with a bit of annoyance "am not expecting anything" you inform her "this has already happened and I do not have the power to change it" what you leave out is the 'yet' that belongs at the end of the sentence.

Magnus's voice echoes in your mind <While it would be best to leave, there is more that she can learn if you stay, what say you?>

[] Refuse, Rin is clearly not taking this well, best for you to leave now before she is traumatized further.

[] Stay, though you will have to do something to keep Rin from intefering, though Magnus sensei may be able to help with that.

[] Ask Rin what she thinks, you are doing this for her sake, or at least you need to appear to be for her.

[] Write in
[X] Ask Rin what she thinks, you are doing this for her sake, or at least you need to appear to be for her.

Well nice to see you've updated, now what about your fic Fate Incarnate X4?
I am glad it back.:D for action,I don't want to stay any longer,mess with the past is not good idea....despite I want us to create singularities and met Gudako.
[X] Refuse, Rin is clearly not taking this well, best for you to leave now before she is traumatized further.
Really think we should leave before RIn gets herself killed. That and it seems pretty dumb to expect a little girl to be rational in this kind of situation.
[X] Refuse, Rin is clearly not taking this well, best for you to leave now before she is traumatized further.
my guess it's time to close the vote
Adhoc vote count started by M3lk0r on Dec 24, 2017 at 8:16 PM, finished with 10 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Refuse, Rin is clearly not taking this well, best for you to leave now before she is traumatized further.
    [X] Ask Rin what she thinks, you are doing this for her sake, or at least you need to appear to be for her.
[X] Ask Rin what she thinks, you are doing this for her sake, or at least you need to appear to be for her.
well I guess I can count that though it would now make it a tie

Edit: vote reopened
I wonder if we stay will we be seeing the event with Kariya and Ao?
Probably thats all folks
ok then vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by M3lk0r on Dec 28, 2017 at 5:49 AM
This vote count is in an error state, please contact support

Adhoc vote count started by M3lk0r on Dec 28, 2017 at 5:49 AM, finished with 22 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Ask Rin what she thinks, you are doing this for her sake, or at least you need to appear to be for her.
    [X] Refuse, Rin is clearly not taking this well, best for you to leave now before she is traumatized further.