I'm trying to come up with some spells, that may be helpful, the more spells Medea creates , the more effective her magic will be. The monsters are afraid of fire. I made the spell nonlethal, so that friendly fire is unlikely, that and we don't want to pissed off any friends of the denizens by killing someone, and to prevent the bad guy from escalating to outright murder of our friends.
Plus Michael according to lore values justice and mercy.

[X] Go back.
[x] stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. So backtracking is necessary to a extent, to plan again and finally be proactive. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[x] get their confirmation of how to go back to the obsidian, either by the ladder or the unblocked tunnel, where you pass through the obsidian.
[x] tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them. Grab any extra torches, stop if it will plunge the area in darkness, just in case any other survivors will need the light.
[x] Stay at the area where you met Oriphel or Phanuel

[x] Cast a spell
Prioritize casting a spell over talking , unless its to get their permission. Tell them the more spells you have, the easier it gets.
[x] Light

[X] Defensive fire spell to drive away or incapacitate, but not to kill unless absolutely necessary. The fire spell can also be generated, and controlled by the user both in melee or ranged. In christianity or Catholic, angels are capable of calling out fire and sometimes the fire is harmless.
-[x] use a torch as the object
-[x] use your blood both as a symbol of life, for fire is life and to inscribe the symbol of oxygen in chemistry and Michael, plus a cross that symbolizes protection (life guard, red cross or something )
-[x] chant out "Michael , O Archangel of protection, mercy, and justice, please send out your heavenly flames, protect us from harm, may you show both friend and foe mercy, for I seek only to protect, and defend, not to murder , may no permanent harm or unnecessary death come upon friend or foe"
-[x] blow your breath across the top of torch, and scratch it across the a cave wall or something to generate friction.
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[X] Go back.
[x] stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. So backtracking is necessary to a extent, to plan again and finally be proactive. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[x] get their confirmation of how to go back to the obsidian, either by the ladder or the unblocked tunnel, where you pass through the obsidian.
[x] tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them. Grab any extra torches, stop if it will plunge the area in darkness, just in case any other survivors will need the light.
[x] Stay at the area where you met Oriphel or Phanuel

[x] Cast a spell
Prioritize casting a spell over talking , unless its to get their permission. Tell them the more spells you have, the easier it gets.
[x] Light

[X] Defensive fire spell to drive away or incapacitate, but not to kill unless absolutely necessary. The fire spell can also be generated, and controlled by the user both in melee or ranged. In christianity or Catholic, angels are capable of calling out fire and sometimes the fire is harmless.
-[x] use a torch as the object
-[x] use your blood both as a symbol of life, for fire is life and to inscribe the symbol of oxygen in chemistry and Michael, plus a cross that symbolizes protection (life guard, red cross or something )
-[x] chant out "Michael , O Archangel of protection, mercy, and justice, please send out your heavenly flames, protect us from harm, may you show both friend and foe mercy, for I seek only to protect, and defend, not to murder , may no permanent harm or unnecessary death come upon friend or foe"
-[x] blow your breath across the top of torch, and scratch it across the a cave wall or something to generate friction.
I'm trying to come up with some spells, that may be helpful, the more spells Medea creates , the more effective her magic will be. The monsters are afraid of fire. I made the spell nonlethal, so that friendly fire is unlikely, that and we don't want to pissed off any friends of the denizens by killing someone, and to prevent the bad guy from escalating to outright murder of our friends.
Plus Michael according to lore values justice and mercy.

[X] Go back.
[x] stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. So backtracking is necessary to a extent, to plan again and finally be proactive. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[x] get their confirmation of how to go back to the obsidian, either by the ladder or the unblocked tunnel, where you pass through the obsidian.
[x] tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them. Grab any extra torches, stop if it will plunge the area in darkness, just in case any other survivors will need the light.
[x] Stay at the area where you met Oriphel or Phanuel

[x] Cast a spell
Prioritize casting a spell over talking , unless its to get their permission. Tell them the more spells you have, the easier it gets.
[x] Light

[X] Defensive fire spell to drive away or incapacitate, but not to kill unless absolutely necessary. The fire spell can also be generated, and controlled by the user both in melee or ranged. In christianity or Catholic, angels are capable of calling out fire and sometimes the fire is harmless.
-[x] use a torch as the object
-[x] use your blood both as a symbol of life, for fire is life and to inscribe the symbol of oxygen in chemistry and Michael, plus a cross that symbolizes protection (life guard, red cross or something )
-[x] chant out "Michael , O Archangel of protection, mercy, and justice, please send out your heavenly flames, protect us from harm, may you show both friend and foe mercy, for I seek only to protect, and defend, not to murder , may no permanent harm or unnecessary death come upon friend or foe"
-[x] blow your breath across the top of torch, and scratch it across the a cave wall or something to generate friction.
Well this certainly an interesting post. I would like to point out that Medea doesn't know the more spells she has she gets better. She is getting better with each spell (practice makes perfect, after all), but it isn't like she is aware of it. After all, she has cast three spells successfully, it isn't like she is going to win a duel with Voldemort any time soon.
Can she become the most powerful character in this scenario barring the elder gods and goddesses?

Can she ascend to goddesshood?

Call for outside help, by breaking the 4th wall attaining sv's unlimited knowledge and metaknowledge.
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[X] Go back.
[x] stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. So backtracking is necessary to a extent, to plan again and finally be proactive. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[x] get their confirmation of how to go back to the obsidian, either by the ladder or the unblocked tunnel, where you pass through the obsidian.
[x] tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them. Grab any extra torches, stop if it will plunge the area in darkness, just in case any other survivors will need the light.
[x] Stay at the area where you met Oriphel or Phanuel

[x] Cast a spell
Prioritize casting a spell over talking , unless its to get their permission. Tell them the more spells you have, the easier it gets.
[x] Light

[X] Defensive fire spell to drive away or incapacitate, but not to kill unless absolutely necessary. The fire spell can also be generated, and controlled by the user both in melee or ranged. In christianity or Catholic, angels are capable of calling out fire and sometimes the fire is harmless.
-[x] use a torch as the object
-[x] use your blood both as a symbol of life, for fire is life and to inscribe the symbol of oxygen in chemistry and Michael, plus a cross that symbolizes protection (life guard, red cross or something )
-[x] chant out "Michael , O Archangel of protection, mercy, and justice, please send out your heavenly flames, protect us from harm, may you show both friend and foe mercy, for I seek only to protect, and defend, not to murder , may no permanent harm or unnecessary death come upon friend or foe"
-[x] blow your breath across the top of torch, and scratch it across the a cave wall or something to generate friction.
Not to be a downer but don't we need to repeat everything we did the first time to cast a spell again so depending on how long it lasts the Spell might be useless when we actually need it in combat or have to cast again. Plus our preparation only affects the success of the spell the results, it might still be weak since dice. Plus I feel like we should save this kind of prep for when we want a stronger version of a existing not blowing everything into the first casting.
You could tell how deep the water was as it was dark and murky.
'couldn't', probably. Also, the next sentence begins with a lower-case letter.

I prefer going forward to backtracking. These tunnels are twisted, there are teleporters and likely multiple paths to the surface. After having come halfway to the exit, there is no guarantee we'll be closer to our friends if we turn back. We might just miss them entirely if they go down another tunnel.

What is it at the obsidian area that makes us want to return there?

I am going to borrow the 'Magic is our Savior' part of the vote... while still moving forward and removing all references to backtracking.

[x] Go down the tunnel to you left.
-[X] Cast a spell - Light

[x] Stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[x] Tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them.
-[x] Do some basic inventory checking - every little bit helps.

Not sure whether to try developing a new spell or not. We still have a torch with us, yes?
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Its not whats in the obsidian, its the denizens that dwell in the prison area. If every exit, is guarded by monsters they will likely die. It is unlikely the two of them will actually find a way out, especially if one of them is injured, that is assuming that the two are even together. They are at a high risk of dying. If we advanced to far backtracking will become difficult if the locator spell determines that they are in the starting zone. If you keep advancing then, the party will have, no time to prepare themselves, they will be limited to reacting to situations and threats, instead of being proactive and doing anything useful.

I didn't say go back to the Obsidian, I mentioned going to Phanuel's 'safe area', to decide on a strategy on how to rescue everyone, defeat the badguys and save the day.
Where we can find a way to make a locator spell, write a magical message and leave behind a chalk , which is able to send a message to a blackboard like object being carried by Sierra, While exploring marking areas that have been explored will be useful , leave behind healing items that will be useful if by chance the couple does pass by this area.

We still have no idea where they are, or if they even managed to advanced, which is unlikely given what happened to Sierra, and of the couple the girl has a broken arm.

1. We have not confirmed which prison belongs to which, Morgue-Lucas, chess prison-?, scavenger key-Medea, there are two more prisons, unacounted for.
2. There is the owner of the barefeet, who may or may not be a ally but at the least is capable of talking, and intelligent enough to built a alarm system, so after arming themselves, maybe talking is a option.
3. When Medea and friends exit the original area, they were attacked by monsters and the whistler, they barely escape, the two unaccounted friends are
a. injured due to saving Medea
b. defenseless without magic.
c. denizens are roaming around, which makes it unlikely that they could escape by themselves, especially with the girl injured.
4. wandering aimlessly without a goal will not work, Phanuel's area is a theoretical safe area, to prepare a rescue operation.
5. Up till now, Medea doesn't even have a weapon yet, to defend herself
6. Protection spells (physical, mental, magical) , locator spells, message spells (to leave messages for other human survivors are important, mapping spells, translating spells (for talking with unaligned denizens) and many more are important.
7. The sooner Medea gets stronger, the better, she needs to create as many spells as necessary to be skilled enough to save the day.
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'couldn't', probably. Also, the next sentence begins with a lower-case letter.

I prefer going forward to backtracking. These tunnels are twisted, there are teleporters and likely multiple paths to the surface. After having come halfway to the exit, there is no guarantee we'll be closer to our friends if we turn back. We might just miss them entirely if they go down another tunnel.

What is it at the obsidian area that makes us want to return there?

I am going to borrow the 'Magic is our Savior' part of the vote... while still moving forward and removing all references to backtracking.

[x] Go down the tunnel to you left.
-[X] Cast a spell - Light

[x] Stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[x] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[x] Tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them.
-[x] Do some basic inventory checking - every little bit helps.

Not sure whether to try developing a new spell or not. We still have a torch with us, yes?
You still have the torch with you, yes.
@2005004219, what do you mean by Phanuel's 'safe area'? As far as I recall, we met him only once outside our dream quest, and that was just a little bit back from where we are now. I see no indication that that bit of tunnel is in any way safer than the others we have passed through.

And when we last met Orphiel, he said:
"Christ..." You grunted as your eye twitched from a brief jolt of pain as you rise to your feet upon exiting the hole. "I hope I don't have to go through that again."

"Worry not, I believe you won't need to."
So if we trust him then we don't have to go back.

Also, magic is dangerous. We can't create a broad variety of spells without a high risk of death.
Also, magic is dangerous. We can't create a broad variety of spells without a high risk of death.
Well we can it'll just waste time and slow our exploration to a crawl especially since our situation is time sensitive, plus wouldn't they be more interested in a locater spell that tells if the others are okay instead of weapons we'll have to leave behind since we have to keep going through tight places.
@2005004219, what do you mean by Phanuel's 'safe area'? As far as I recall, we met him only once outside our dream quest, and that was just a little bit back from where we are now. I see no indication that that bit of tunnel is in any way safer than the others we have passed through.

And when we last met Orphiel, he said:

So if we trust him then we don't have to go back.

Also, magic is dangerous. We can't create a broad variety of spells without a high risk of death.

The area we are in is near water, there may or may not be various creatures living in it, regardless a meeting near the entrance is better, for planning, leaving behind a message just in case, the two missing friends will pass by later on so this separation won't be nearly as bad, but its needed to make sure that the bad guy can't read this message somehow. The fallback position is to catch our breaths, make a actual plan besides just wander around, prepare basic spells that is needed. Confirm if Sierra is indeed the prisoner of the chess prison. We know that Phanuel's area is empty at the moment, but th next area is a unknown.

When Orphiel says we trust him then we don't have to go back, he was being vague, I think he refers to crawling inside a tunnel about not having to go back , not the going back to the prison starting area, besides Orphiel isn't really a human, he may have different morality standards than a human, Sierra's betrayal etc., including the value of human life, if you remember he told Medea that the dream riddles and artifact can kill her.

Well we can it'll just waste time and slow our exploration to a crawl especially since our situation is time sensitive, plus wouldn't they be more interested in a locater spell that tells if the others are okay instead of weapons we'll have to leave behind since we have to keep going through tight places.

Without a defensive weapon, there is not much Medea can do besides run or hide, It will leave everyone vulnerable
whats needed is
1. A weapon or offensive spells
2. A Locator spell

The remaining which are not as vital but valuable
3. A spell that can communicate with missing friends, instantly, telepathy or something
4. a spell that can leave message, or a writing material, maybe ward it so, we knows who reads the message, our friends, someone with malicious intent , or unaffiliated
5. translation spell.
6. protection spell
7. a spell that can see both the natural, illusions both truth and lies, or a repair spell to fix the cellphone, to see whats natural or unnatural.
8. others.
Without a defensive weapon, there is not much Medea can do besides run or hide, It will leave everyone vulnerable
whats needed is
1. A weapon or offensive spells
2. A Locator spell
As ChildishChimera pointed out above, a combat spell isn't very useful if the casting involves a lengthy ritual. So if you want to create a spell that is useful in combat, I would consider it essential that the casting involves at most a short phrase and a few gestures.

[X] Go down the tunnel to you left.
-[X] Cast a spell - Light

[X] Stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[X] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[X] Tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them.
-[X] Do some basic inventory checking - every little bit helps.

I wonder whether we should openly confront Sierra. Something like:
[] Claim that you can sense danger from Sierra. Ask her what the hell she is planning to do. Stay near Lucas in case she decides to attack.
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Sierra. Something like:
[] Claim that you can sense danger from Sierra. Ask her what the hell she is planning to do. Stay near Lucas in case she decides to attack.
Eh I don't want to try that yet since we don't have enough proof but something's up with her and that we're not just paranoid. Plus I kinda want to do it after possibly finding the others since then we'd only have to do the explanation once
As ChildishChimera pointed out above, a combat spell isn't very useful if the casting involves a lengthy ritual. So if you want to create a spell that is useful in combat, I would consider it essential that the casting involves at most a short phrase and a few gestures.

[X] Go down the tunnel to you left.
-[X] Cast a spell - Light

[X] Stay as far away from the water as you can, be sure that no monsters can attack you from a vulnerable position, from your party's sides and rear.
[X] Talk to both Sierra and Lucas, all of us should stop running around like headless chickens, we need to find everyone. Magic is now a necessity for finding your friends. But first something to defend ourselves will be needed, then tracking down our friends will be ok.
[X] Tell them to gather any objects that may be helpful in your magic, either as defense or offensive uses, so you can enchant them.
-[X] Do some basic inventory checking - every little bit helps.

I wonder whether we should openly confront Sierra. Something like:
[] Claim that you can sense danger from Sierra. Ask her what the hell she is planning to do. Stay near Lucas in case she decides to attack.

Its not supposed to be cast during combat, its to create a enchanted torch, hence ready made weapon, like a taser or a molotov bomb, to be used later, like the bandage. The author said that casting spells during a emergency situation will have a lower success rate.

Casting instantaneous spells are almost beyond Medea's ability since, you need to roll around 40 something on the dice to succeed, with the rituals and invoking a deity or a powerful being, increases the odds of successfully creating a magic spell, and the backlash of using magic is unpleasant, besides what good is magic if you don't use it, Medea needs to make more spells, to make it easier for her to successfully create magic including instantaneous spell casting . No enchanted weapon=defenseless, plus what makes you think that the other two made it out, the further away from the prison starting area, the harder it will be to back track.

Prepwork magic takes longer but has a higher chance of success while, instantaneous magic is faster but difficult to create at Medea's current level. The enchanted torch may be used more than once or at a later time, such as when a monster attacks Medea's party, no spell casting is needed, because a magical torch is already prepared, free for anyone to use, depending on how long the enchantment of objects last, recasting may be necessary.

Plus there is still two people left behind, not including the bare footed person who create the traps and any other prisoners, that may or may not exist in the starting area
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Possible Spells

1. controlled magic backlash- diminishes the backlash of mistakes made during spell casting,
[ ] Harmonia
-[ ] try to make a crude version of the necklace of Harmonia, the necklace symbolizes misfortune, Harmonia is the goddess of order, magic is part of the universe and sometimes random and chaotic, so controlled chaos is better than random., and draw a balancing scale. inscribe Harmonia on the necklace.
-[ ] "Harmonia Goddess or order, may we weather the misfortunes to come, just as you received the cursed necklace and endure, so shall we endure any backlash we received from this chaotic world."
-[ ] enchant a crude necklace.

2. Locator spell- used to find or track down a item or any person, can work with a map or at the least can point in a general direction, works well with dowsing. Dowsing is allowing a object to be used as a means to point out a answer, or a general direction.
[ ] Archangel Oriphel
-[ ] Inscribe in blue color Oriphels name , if materials for dowsing are not available, use a piece of clothe inscribe in blue Oriphels name, draw a swallow on a cloth to symbolize hope and a heart to symbolize bonds.
-[ ] Chant "Oriphel my guardian, friend and mentor, please lend me your strength, that I may spread your hope and redeem others, in my journey, may this item lead us to where we may spread hope , salvation and redemption. May this instrument be infused with your blessing"
-[ ] while chanting, think about your goal of saving your friends, all the good times, think about the corpses found, the denizens, the creature with the defeated voice near Sierra, the old man playing games, think about making him answer for his crimes, for the sake of any future victims, Let it strengthen your resolve.

3. Portable chalk/ink spell can double as basic elemental molding, to create objects as long as the 'right' elemental matter is present (water, earth, fire, air and aether)
[ ] a minor spell associated with the classical elements
- [ ] draw a picture of the classical elements of earth, water and aether on the ground, use blood if needed
-[ ] gather some small rocks, and water, place it in a specific are near the drawn elements
-[ ] chant out " spirits of the elements, I have need of your power, eath provides solidity, water provides fluidity, aether makes it possible to shift between the two states, mold this combination into the item I desire"
-[ ] Imagine the rock turning into a blue powdering substance, that also stands out a bit in darkness, mixing with water, to create a blue ink like substance, then harden it, combine with magical aether, which allows the tip of the chalk to shift between solid and fluid state, which can be used as writing material.

4. Repair spell
[ ] spell used to repair objects or reform them.
[ ] Call out to Hephaestus, greek god of crafting and smithing, son of Zeus and Hera
-[ ] Draw a anvil and hammer, inscribe Hephaestus
-[ ] "Hepahestus, God of crafting and blacksmithing, please help me reforge this ( 'item' )
[ ]Ritual-Do your best to physically repair the broken item, by cleaning, elemental magic may be used, imagine how the item works in your mind, consult your friends if needed.

5. Instantaneous messaging
[ ] Spell used to enchant a area so whatever is written the area with a blue magical chalk to another wall or a object that fuctions like a black board. Writing on one wall will be magically transfered to another wall like a magical version of texting or email. Oriphel is involved, since he represents hope, can also be used to determine whether friend, ally, enemy or unaffiliated are the ones sending a message. Like instant messageing Medea is the administrator, there are functions like send all, or send to buttons, each location that transmits and receives messages can be linked together, send and receive messages to the admin and are called stations'name' like a magical version of instant messaging, The area also spreads a aura that reminds those who enter of Medea, Sierra and Lucas, it also gives of a comforting feeling of reassurance.
[ ] Write 'Archangel of Hope' in blue chalk on a area you want to used as a relay point for writing messages, draw a swallow as a symbol of hope , a heart with people symbol of love and friendship in it, and use a cellphone as part of the ritual
[ ] Call your friends over, hold hands together with you, they are to keep on thinking about the bonds of friendship shared between the five of you, and think about protecting them and giving them hope. Use Bounds of friendship to strengthen the enchantment.
[ ] chant "Archange Oriphel, bringer of hope, help me spread that hope to others that may need it, with words, I shall bring hope and salvation".
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Hello everyone, sorry for participating late, it took me awhile to binge read everything, horror quests are rare even in questionable questing.

Every rule of horror movie states, always have a weapon, don't be reactive to everything like the 2 dimensionally written characters in a b rated movie who always gets killed off due to ack of initiative. So for now

[x] 2005004219

My phone doesn't seem to have a copy paste function.
It looks like the main point of contention is whether we go back or go forward.

Plus whether we try out some spells. I'll probably be in favor of that one.

-[x] while chanting, think about your goal of saving your friends, all the good times, think about the corpses found, the denizens, the creature with the defeated voice near Sierra, the old man playing games, think about making him answer for his crimes, for the sake of any future victims, Let it strengthen your resolve.
2005004219, you forgot to remove the 'x' out of the brackets, and it overwrote your real vote.
Hello everyone, sorry for participating late, it took me awhile to binge read everything, horror quests are rare even in questionable questing.

Every rule of horror movie states, always have a weapon, don't be reactive to everything like the 2 dimensionally written characters in a b rated movie who always gets killed off due to ack of initiative. So for now

[x] 2005004219

My phone doesn't seem to have a copy paste function.
Hello! Welcome to the quest! I hope you've been enjoying it so far!
It looks like the main point of contention is whether we go back or go forward.

Plus whether we try out some spells. I'll probably be in favor of that one.
Indeed. I'm curious as to how this vote will turn out since this is some of the most discussion I've had in my quest in a while!