Thus we are tied again. I will just be happy when we create a shadow organization that will root all of the corruption.
Could people who had vote for Storm of the East change their vote for The Tsar-Khagan please ? It could be interesting to have this plan, unfortunately we are too small to hope win.
Europeans have been fighting each other for the last five thousand years. I'm sure we'll find someone who wants to be either independent or Emperor themselves and sow the fields with their corpses. We'll probably have to focus on centralizing power, winning over the military, rooting out corruption, taxes, etc. Conquering an Empire is far easier than actually running one. The Empire of the actual Alexander the Great disintegrated the moment he died, while Rome lasted a thousand years, and even longer if you count the Byzantines. Running around open territory and stabbing everyone who doesn't kneel to you will get you an empire, but unless you have the infrastructure to make that Empire last it's only going to end up as a footnote.
Five thousand years? No matter, this does sound like the most likely scenario if Alex wins. Still, I don't want to just conquer an empire, I want to build one. Almost impossible? Even better! I like hard option, especially if they're unusual.
Kay, just give me a moment to drink my vodka.
No it isnt. it is best DLC.:p
Your taste is shite mate :V
Conquering the world in medieval times just isn't feasible, it is logistically impossible to govern such a large empire. You're going to run into problems after a while and then you're stuck actually ruling what land you already have. Unless you want your empire to fracture after your death, like with Alexander and even Ghengis. No, if we want to conquer the world it has to be a multi-generational project, which is much harder to do when you're a steppe civilization. Nomads are pretty hard to control.
To be fair we're actually Russian and not exactly a nomad, though we probably will adopt the title of a Khan anyway and may (try) to conquer some of the nomadic tribes. The world conquering was mostly a joke referencing to main character's ambition, I agree it would obviously be a work for many generations. And hey, actually creating a functioning empire from/near the steppes sounds interesting. Difficult af, but interesting.
Europeans have been fighting each other for the last five thousand years. I'm sure we'll find someone who wants to be either independent or Emperor themselves and sow the fields with their corpses.
Yeah, but... Genghis Khan, man! I don't think there is quite anyone else of similar caliber in that time period. I think the Crusades were the most known European military campaign of the XIIIth century, and they don't entirely compare.

I don't know if such a scenario would even be winnable. The weight class of Rus and the Mongol Empire are completely different.
To be fair we're actually Russian and not exactly a nomad, though we probably will adopt the title of a Khan anyway and may (try) to conquer some of the nomadic tribes.
More likely they will come under our wing by their own will, fleeing the Mongols. The Cumans who were raiding the Russians for decades before joined forces with them to repel the invasion. Didn't help them much, though.
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Yeah, but... Genghis Khan, man! I don't think there is quite anyone else of similar caliber. I think the Crusades were the most know European military campaign of the XIIIth century, and they don't entirely compare.

I don't know if such a scenario would actually be winnable. The weight class of Rus and the Mongol Empire are completely different.
The Empire Spans almost all of Europe, and parts of Africa and the Middle East. At this point, world conquest is a possibility in the next few centuries. We're the new Roman Empire basically.
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Something just came up and I need to get it done before I can focus on the quest. So... I think I'll extend the vote for another hour.

Edit: Here's a tally
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Nov 2, 2017 at 4:01 PM, finished with 89 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] The Tsar-Khagan
    [X] Plan: Alexander The Great
    -[X]Heir to the Throne: Your Grandfather, His Imperial Majesty Phillip 'The Wise' is dead. Murdered in the Coup that killed many of your closet family. Europa has been devastated by the loss of their longest reigning sovereign, and many of the nobles fear that his death is just the beginning, and in the House of Lords in Berlin, they clamor for the new emperor of Europa to come to court and be coronated. And you did. (Age must be over 16 but younger than 30)
    -[X] Alexander Karlson
    -[X] Image:
    -[X] 24
    -[X] Male
    [X] The Tsar-Khagan
    -[X] The Child of the Frontier
    -[X] Vasiliy Aristov
    -[X] Long dark blond hair and greyish eyes; usually clothed in furs.
    -[X] 14
    -[X] Male
    [X] Plan Oxfords, Not Brogues
    [X]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly.
    [X] Harry Hart
    [X] 57
    [x] Male
    [X]Storm of the East
    -[X] The Child of the Frontier
    -[X]Alexandra Akilina
    -[X] 14
    -[X] Female
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And the tie is back.

In all likelihood we're not going to be like the actual Alexander The Great.
We're going to be better at ruling, because honestly, Alexander was kinda shit at that. Also, I hope we can conquer stuff with less raping and pillaging than him, but we're in medieval times, so some of that is going to be unavoidable.
While the Mongols come and "visit".
The won't be any Mongols by then, only Russians :V

Seriously though, it's an AU; Mongols may not be as much of a problem compared to, for example, China which also apparently wants to conquer Europe. It really would depend on our actions, but in the worst case we're getting destroyed and in the best conquer Mongol Empire or, more likely, ally them and try to conquer China.
The Empire Spans almost all of Europe, and parts of Africa and the Middle East. At this point, world conquest is a possibility in the next few centuries. We're the new Roman Empire basically.
HRE rather. Well, hopefully not because with q such level of decentralisation we'd have a lot of problems. It's still possible our vassals are going to be extremely powerful though (like king of Iberia or Britain), which would be only marginally better.
It's still possible our vassals are going to be extremely powerful though (like king of Iberia or Britain), which would be only marginally better.
You are kinda correct. Our Vassels are indeed powerful (politically at least), but not powerful enough where they can cause HRE levels of decentralization.

Edit: But they can still be one hell of a headache.
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You are kinda correct. Our Vassels are indeed powerful (politically at least), but not powerful enough where they can cause HRE levels of decentralization.

Edit: But they can still be one hell of a headache.
Pff, everyone complains about HRE-level decentralization, but nomad societies are enormously decentralized as well. And those are the people we'd be trying to conquer as the Tsar-Khagan.
Okay calling the Vote. I'll tally it up and we'll find out who we are going to be.

Edit: We are The Tsar-Khagan, Grand Prince Vasiliy Aristov of the Rus, Protector of the Frontier, Bastard of Alexei 'The Unbroken' Aristov. The Unlikely Leader. And our quests first protagonist.
Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Nov 2, 2017 at 5:04 PM, finished with 95 posts and 27 votes.

  • [X] The Tsar-Khagan
    [X] Plan: Alexander The Great
    -[X]Heir to the Throne: Your Grandfather, His Imperial Majesty Phillip 'The Wise' is dead. Murdered in the Coup that killed many of your closet family. Europa has been devastated by the loss of their longest reigning sovereign, and many of the nobles fear that his death is just the beginning, and in the House of Lords in Berlin, they clamor for the new emperor of Europa to come to court and be coronated. And you did. (Age must be over 16 but younger than 30)
    -[X] Alexander Karlson
    -[X] Image:
    -[X] 24
    -[X] Male
    [X] The Tsar-Khagan
    -[X] The Child of the Frontier
    -[X] Vasiliy Aristov
    -[X] Long dark blond hair and greyish eyes; usually clothed in furs.
    -[X] 14
    -[X] Male
    [X] Plan Oxfords, Not Brogues
    [X]On Her Majesty's Secret Service: You were chosen to lead the Empire's secret service because you were the right person for the job. The enemies of the state knew nothing but whispers about you. You would destroy your enemies and the enemies of the state. You just had to be sure to handle it... subtly.
    [X] Harry Hart
    [X] 57
    [x] Male
    [X]Storm of the East
    -[X] The Child of the Frontier
    -[X]Alexandra Akilina
    -[X] 14
    -[X] Female
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Character Creation Part 2: Traits and Education
Character Creation Part 2:

Choose Your Education:

[]Diplomacy: Ever since you were a child, you had mastered the art of talking your way out of trouble. You were good enough to receive praise from speakers everywhere for you eloquent arguments and debates. (Will roll for what your diplomatic education will be when you are 16 and finish your training. Gains: +5 to diplomacy stat. +1 diplomacy action)

[]Military and Personal Combat: You wanted to be a soldier as far back as you could remember. The lifestyle they led was so different than yours, and the stories of glory and honor filled your dreams every night. Every day you went to the yard to train with all manner of weapons and swords. By night you read as many texts on strategy as you could read (Will roll for what your Martial education will be when you are 16 and finish your training. +5 to martial. Gain trait Skilled Fighter +1 to Martial action.)

[]Stewardship: You loved gold. The sound of it jingling in a bag on your side, and the joy you had whenever you earned it by by working honestly. When you were old enough, you invested all your gold into a tavern with your mother to help her family. After all, you had no reason to believe you would inherit anything. Soon you found yourself investing in all sorts of enterprises, making even more money than before. (Will roll for what your Stewardship education will be when you are 16 and finish your training. +5 to stewardship. Gain trait Administrator. Starting taxes increased by 10%/ +1 to Stewardship action.)

[]Intrigue: Gossip, Rumor, Anonymity. Those were words you learned from an early age and you learned their meaning well. Information could do more damage than a blade to the heart, start and stop wars, and even make the most lowly man into a powerful player in politics. Court intrigue suited you and you rose quickly in your elegance and grace for your allies, and brutality to your enemies. (Will roll for what your Intrigue education will be when you are 16 and finish your training. Gain: Trait: Ruthless +5 to intrigue. +1 to Intrigue action)

[]Learning: Nothing interested you like the knowledge of books, and you had little patience for anything else. Sure you were able to do all your studies with little effort, but you only craved for knowledge and the study of the world.(Will roll for what your Learning education will be when you are 16 and finish your training. +5 to learning. Gain Trait: Scholar. +1 to Learning action. Certain matters will be brought to your attention.)

Do you want to roll for a Genetic trait: (Be warned, you can get a bad Genetic triat)

Choose 2 traits:

[]Diligent: You are a hard worker. When you set your mind to something, you will complete it. (+1 to all stats except personal combat)

[]Patient: You were always one to sit and wait... and see what happens (+1 to all stats)

[]Just: You will always try and bring criminals to justice. (+4 stewardship, +2 to diplo)

[]Gregarious: You can talk like no one's business, and get people to fall in love with you (+4 to diplomacy)

[]Temperate: You have never wasted anything, be it time, money, or food. (3 to Stewardship)

[]Administrator: You know how to delegate important tasks to your underlings (+4 to stewardship, +1 to diplomacy)

[]Brave: You are utterly fearless on the battlefield and off it. (+2 to martial stat and +2 to diplomacy, +2 to Personal combat.)

[]Trusting: You have always tried to see the good in people and give them the benefit of the doubt. (+4 to diplomacy. -4 to intrigue)

[]Formidable Fighter: Your skill in personal combat is legendary, to the point where your body has not even been touched by a blade (+4 to martial. +16 to personal combat)

[]Kind: You always try to brighten up someone's day, even when it costs you. (+4 to diplomacy, -2 to intrigue)

Choose 2 bad traits:

[]Deceitful: You were not what one would consider the trustworthy type. (+4 to intrigue, + 2 to personal combat -6 to diplomacy)

[]Proud: You think yourself better then anyone else. (-1 to diplomacy, +5 to personal action rolls)

[]Paranoid: You don't trust many new people, and are always wary of the ones you know. (+3 to intrigue -1 diplomacy)

[]Wroth: You are quick to anger, especially with your children involved. (-2 diplomacy, +2 to personal combat)

[]Ruthless: You will do anything to accomplish your goals. (-4 to diplomacy, +2 to intrigue, martial and Personal combat)

[]Slothful: You never really try at anything. (-1 to all stats)

[]Lustful: You have enjoyed many of the finer things in life, notably the pleasures of the flesh. (-2 to diplomacy, +20 for fertility rolls)

[]Blind: You have no sight in your eyes. (-2 martial. -1 stewardship -1 learning. Personal combat skill locked at 0)

[]Shy: You never liked to go out in front of people and talk to them. (-2 to diplomacy)

[]Stutter: You have had a stutter ever since you were born. (-4 diplomacy)

[]Crippled: Either due to an accident or a troubled birth, you have been born crippled. (-5 to martial, -5 to personal combat skill)

[]Wounded: You got injured, either in battle, a personal duel, or your own stupidity. (-1 health, -4 to personal combat skill, -2 to martial)

AN: I am calling A Manditorium. You can all make plans but you cannot vote on them until 4 hours after this has been posted. I want a lot of discussion and be warned, these traits will not go away that easily once chosen.

And to repeat above: If you choose for a genetic trait be warned, You can get bad genetic traits if you roll low enough.

Enjoy! And please vote in plan format.

Edit: Something didn't get posted in the intrigue and I had to put it back in.
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