Uh, wouldn't flipping her be a BAD THING? When Walpurgisnacht goes right-side-up, it roils everything in the region with a colossal blast.

[X] Bite leg

Adhoc vote count started by TheBleachDoctor on Sep 26, 2017 at 2:17 AM, finished with 18737 posts and 13 votes.
[X] Flip her.
Clearly Upside Down Girl is trying to hide by not being upside down! You will reveal her true nature... by making her upside down! You, Best Cat, shall flip Upside Down Girl!
So you turn big, grab her by her collar, and flip her into the air! Excellent! Now she's upside down! She's not even trying to hide it anymore, she's just hanging there!
Then the ground is torn up and you're falling! Best Cat is falling and there's nothing to grab onto! You turn small again and yowl in fear. Pink Girl, help!
Soft hands catch you... it's Pink Girl! You're back in the city with the others! You nuzzle her fingers happily. You knew she'd save you!

The battle is going badly. Pink Girl looks tired and the others aren't as energetic as they were when the fight started... and Upside Down Girl is still laughing and destroying things! You have to stop her!
You think you can stop her... with your secret weapon! Yes, your secret weapon... being that you are Best Cat! Surely you can defeat her on your own!
It's what your wish was meant for, after all!

[] Take on Upside Down Girl. Alone.
[] Best Cat works with a team! Just keep fighting!
[] Purr.
[x] Best Cat works with a team! Just keep fighting!
They are going to win because BEST Cat's BEST Catness, has been Cultivated BY THE GODS