I'm gonna be honest the constant comparisons to Jeanne are understandable but pretty disingenuous. As is the "yeah but the last time we missed a prompt SHE EXPLODED AND DON'T WANNA DO THAT AGAIN RIGHT?" in general. They're maybe comparable but they're far from one to one. Jeanne was grappling with the twin pressures of "manage a slowly-dwindling and impossibly shitty team" and "my evil self is deliberately trying to break me". The one managing shit here while in danger of imploding is Rostam, not Medea. The team composition is far friendlier and less inherently combustible (which is to say that the other Argonauts are either low-key grateful for the help or don't particularly care). Medea Lily isn't pulling the strings to deliberately steal away Servants. There is no Gilles equivalent. Medea has a straight line to our head that she is not shy about using if she feels she needs to.
Like, Jeanne exploding wasn't the result of one or two or even three missed choices. It was the result of a decisive trend, increasing pressure, and misplaced judgement IC and OOC. Leaving her alone isn't going to make the Argo instantly sink.
Also I genuinely question the logic of "okay so people being supportive and commiserating hasn't really worked, we need someone who has a rapport with Rostam!"
Medea trusts Rostam, but that's a far cry and different beast than being chummy. Medea trusts Rostam not to fuck her over, not to treat her like an animal, and to generally act in a manner she finds acceptable. That's not the same as being emotionally available or super supportive.
Okay fair enough. I do think talking to her should be a priority but I am willing to let the matter wait until Rostam is in a better headspace.
[X] Pollux