I'm gonna be honest the constant comparisons to Jeanne are understandable but pretty disingenuous. As is the "yeah but the last time we missed a prompt SHE EXPLODED AND DON'T WANNA DO THAT AGAIN RIGHT?" in general. They're maybe comparable but they're far from one to one. Jeanne was grappling with the twin pressures of "manage a slowly-dwindling and impossibly shitty team" and "my evil self is deliberately trying to break me". The one managing shit here while in danger of imploding is Rostam, not Medea. The team composition is far friendlier and less inherently combustible (which is to say that the other Argonauts are either low-key grateful for the help or don't particularly care). Medea Lily isn't pulling the strings to deliberately steal away Servants. There is no Gilles equivalent. Medea has a straight line to our head that she is not shy about using if she feels she needs to.

Like, Jeanne exploding wasn't the result of one or two or even three missed choices. It was the result of a decisive trend, increasing pressure, and misplaced judgement IC and OOC. Leaving her alone isn't going to make the Argo instantly sink.

Also I genuinely question the logic of "okay so people being supportive and commiserating hasn't really worked, we need someone who has a rapport with Rostam!"

Medea trusts Rostam, but that's a far cry and different beast than being chummy. Medea trusts Rostam not to fuck her over, not to treat her like an animal, and to generally act in a manner she finds acceptable. That's not the same as being emotionally available or super supportive.

Okay fair enough. I do think talking to her should be a priority but I am willing to let the matter wait until Rostam is in a better headspace.

[X] Pollux
"No. They're a part of the God Hand."

Oops, wrong franchise

Men and women I had never even met, never would again, but seeing their tears dry was enough for me.
Wow, Emiya really is a faker, even his ideals were lifted from someone else.
EDIT: WOW, I had a massive brainfart and completely forgot about Kiritsugu's existence and role in shaping Shirou's ideology.

Anyway, I'm going to vote for Penthesilea-
[X] Penthesilea.

*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*

this stupid joke has been in my head for weeks im so sorry

Well Tenfold, looks like you won me over. Not because of any sensible arguments that you might have made while I was typing this, but because my other option was tainted.

[X] Pollux
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[x] Blackbeard.

We need to rob Astolfo of his loot!

For bonus points we need to get Marian's help. She was a part of Robin Hoods crew after all, so she should be real good at the whole "robbing the haves to give to the have-nots" thing. :p

So what you're saying there is that Rostam needs to plunder Astolfo's booty?

And with that I think you've made many, many enemies today...
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Also I genuinely question the logic of "okay so people being supportive and commiserating hasn't really worked, we need someone who has a rapport with Rostam!"

Medea trusts Rostam, but that's a far cry and different beast than being chummy. Medea trusts Rostam not to fuck her over, not to treat her like an animal, and to generally act in a manner she finds acceptable. That's not the same as being emotionally available or super supportive.

No no no nonononono.

Think about it.

Rostam: (dead inside monotone)

"Fuck. Everything."

".......I know, right? Just....just fuck it! All of it!"

"Just fuck everything!"

"Fuck everything! All of it!"

"Just fuck all of it!"

(Medea Bond Level increased)

It's not completely outside the realm of possibility.
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[X] Medea

I'm no expert in narrative flow or psychology or anything, but I think letting the elfmom stew without checking in on her is a Bad Idea personally.
"When the Queen Anne's Revenge threatened to sink the Argo, Jason gave Heracles an order to aid her. I saw him die, right there on the spot, by no one's hand but his own," Arash says. "And as he revived he drew a cloth from his own body with a divine aura so thick I could see it from here. I had my immediate suspicions to its true name, but Penthesilea's reaction left no doubt. Hippolyta's royal sash, the Girdle of Ares. It has some sort of enchantment within it to draw out a wearer's Divinity, heightening their abilities. Once Lily donned it she was able to cancel the Queen Anne's Revenge's broadsides completely."
Is that a Strange Fake reference I see?
[Master Interference] Mad Enhancement: B (A+)

The berserker class skill of one who has traded skill and sanity for raw power. The nature of the altered Noble Phantasm that replaced God Hand within the Greek cultural sphere has altered this skill as well. Heracles' personality has been equalised with Jason's, retaining his capacity for rational thought and speech when out of combat yet following every one of his Master's orders and whims with a kind of robotic lack of reason deserving of the Berserker class.

[Cultural Sphere] God Hand King's Order - Twelve Labours to Please the Heavens: EX

Ordinarily a potent curse representing Heracles' status as agent, antagonist and eventual ascendant of the Olympian gods, this Noble Phantasm has been warped by his Greek surroundings. Herakles is possibly the most famous hero to ever exist, and his birthplace was here, in a land where every king has claimed descent from him at one point or another.

As a result, God Hand has manifested as twelve separate Noble Phantasms, one for each of the dozen Labours the hero completed in order to cleanse himself of the blood of his family. However, he bears only two of these when summoned – the first, which grants him invincible skin, and the last, which grants him a total of twelve 'lives', one for each labour.

These two Noble Phantasms are necessary to reinforce Herakles' Servant vessel to the point where it can survive his power – otherwise, he is unarmed. He can retrieve his Noble Phantasms by sacrificing a single life for each, burning away his own immortality. As a result, he possesses only ten lives when first summoned, the other two burned away under the weight of his cultural divinity. This sacrifice allows him to make use of Noble Phantasms that would normally be too complex to operate under the Berserker Class.

Subsidiary Noble Phantasm(s)
Spoiler Nemean Hide – Skin of the Invincible Lion: B

The Nemean Lion was a monstrous beast that could scarcely be called a lion – a huge creature with an impenetrable hide that adapted to overcome any attack, until it could shrug off blades and arrows and bathe in lava. Heracles choked it to death as his first Labour, and claimed its pelt as his armour. As a Noble Phantasm its qualities have adhered to his very skin, allowing him to completely ignore any attack below A-rank, and applying a damage penalty to attacks that have wounded him before.

Lernean Arrows - Fangs of the Unkillable Serpent: A+

The Lernean Hydra was a divine weapon of biochemical mass destruction, intended to reduce humanity to the primordial ooze of their origin. Its venom caused the very soul to denature, its mortal victims dissolving into the black mud of the swamp where it lived. Herakles destroyed each of its hundred heads in an instant, and dipped his arrows in its blood. These serpent-tongue arrows inflict incredible pain – only a high rank in Battle Continuation would allow a Servant to avoid instant death upon suffering a wound, though inhuman traits like Divinity can blunt the poison's power.

Goddess of War - Sash of the Unbreakable Amazons: C+

Hippolyta was a daughter of Ares and the queen of the Amazons, a tribe of warrior-women who bred with spirits and heroes to maintain their ranks, a eugenic program that left them more god than mortal. Heracles claimed the sash of their divine queen as his ninth Labour, though the precise circumstances are lost to the fog of myth. Taking the form of a shimmering silk sash of scarlet and gold made from a strip of Ares' own war-banner, this Noble Phantasm radiates such a thick aura of divinity as to be almost unmistakable from a glance alone. When worn it draws out the user's existing Divinity, passively raising all parameters. If it possesses any further abilities related to the release of its true name, they too have been lost with the death of the queen.

Plutonian Return – Curse of the Three-Headed Dog: A+

Cerberus was the watchdog of the Underworld, a hound bred from the god-killer Typhon with many slavering heads and snakes for hair. As his final, most impossible Labour, Heracles ventured into the land of the dead and dragged Cerberus to the surface. The gods forced him to return the hound to his post lest the dead remain unguarded, but blessed him with true divinity in return – as a Noble Phantasm, this manifests as a divine curse allowing Herakles to ignore death, resurrecting every time he is killed. He has an initial stock of eleven resurrections for a total of twelve 'lives', one for each labour.
Holy shit it is.

Anyway, vote:
[X] Penthesilea.
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I'm gonna be honest the constant comparisons to Jeanne are understandable but pretty disingenuous. As is the "yeah but the last time we missed a prompt SHE EXPLODED AND DON'T WANNA DO THAT AGAIN RIGHT?" in general. They're maybe comparable but they're far from one to one. Jeanne was grappling with the twin pressures of "manage a slowly-dwindling and impossibly shitty team" and "my evil self is deliberately trying to break me". The one managing shit here while in danger of imploding is Rostam, not Medea. The team composition is far friendlier and less inherently combustible (which is to say that the other Argonauts are either low-key grateful for the help or don't particularly care). Medea Lily isn't pulling the strings to deliberately steal away Servants. There is no Gilles equivalent. Medea has a straight line to our head that she is not shy about using if she feels she needs to.

Like, Jeanne exploding wasn't the result of one or two or even three missed choices. It was the result of a decisive trend, increasing pressure, and misplaced judgement IC and OOC. Leaving her alone isn't going to make the Argo instantly sink.

Also I genuinely question the logic of "okay so people being supportive and commiserating hasn't really worked, we need someone who has a rapport with Rostam!"

Medea trusts Rostam, but that's a far cry and different beast than being chummy. Medea trusts Rostam not to fuck her over, not to treat her like an animal, and to generally act in a manner she finds acceptable. That's not the same as being emotionally available or super supportive.

Okay so right off the bat, you are not wrong.

Yes, it is entirely possible that Medea and Rostam being in a room together will end bitterly.

Yes Medea is generally among the more stable and emotionally mature of our Servants, which honestly says more about our roster than her, but I digress.

And yes Medea does have a direct line to our head and she is not afraid to use it for her own amusement and curiosity.

All of that is true.

However, I think that you are making the easy mistake of conflating "Having the capability" to "will necessarily do it when they feel they need support." It's a quite reasonable assumption certainly, but in your view of Medea as the mature Servant that she is, you are forgetting how she acts normally.

To put it simply, she is a lot like Rostam and I don't mean that in a shipping way. I mean that as in I could honestly see our Medea to be what Rostam would be like if he were older, even more bitter and also female at least in terms of general attitude. They are both sheltered individuals who through acts have fate have been thrown into ordeals that they were mentally and emotionally completely unprepared for. And while they both learned to adapt and to survive, their instinctual response to a lot of the shit that the world throws at them is to repress, repress and sulk away in their own corner. Preferring to keep everything bottled up and deal with their issues by themselves, and sharing their fears only with a specific few that have labored to chip through and earn their trust.

Just as Rostam isn't really comfortable to go out and talk to others about his own internal demons, the same applies to Medea. Rostam has become better with this because his job and the situation has forced him go come out of his shell just a little. But by contrast Medea has only had that tendency reinforced by Chaldea what with the locking her up in a cell and then people being mostly content to let her do whatever in her workshop.

So no. I very much doubt that Medea will use the Servant-Master Link to talk to Rostam about her issues or even give an inkling to them. She will certainly use the link as an way of gathering information and take advantage of the tactical edge it'd give her, but nothing more, because it's simply not something she'd consider doing.

Now normally, I wouldn't judge. People are allowed to do what Medea does and it's not that unhealthy in most circumstances. However in this context, it's very much not the same. This entire singularity was already emotionally charged for her from the start, but then she had to face someone she never wanted to see again and then lost to another version of herself in a contest of magic, the thing that she prided herself on. Something that resulted in her being heavily injured and having to be carried off the field and flee from herself and a phantom of her past.

That is not a recipe for mental wellbeing.

I'm not saying that having Rostam go see her right now will go well. I'm not saying that Rostam is good at communicating with her. I'm not even saying that Rostam is the best man for the job. Chiron or Karna might have been better, but well they are down and will be down for a long fucking time. And no one else is going to take the initiative to really approach her. So Rostam is the only one who can by process of elimination.

And even if this does end bitterly, well at least we'd know what her mental state is like, instead of just assumptions because she's been keeping up a godly pokerface for the most part.
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Also here is a present for the update being so agonisingly slow.

True Name: Radu Bey (revealed upon clearing the first battle with Radu Bey in the Sun And Moon sidestory)
Attribute: Earth
Min/Max ATK: 1,190/7,000
Min/Max HP: 1,700/10,000
Max Level: 70
Rarity: 3*
Growth Curve: Linear

Command Cards: QQAAB
Quick Animation: A series of rapid shots, or flurries with his kilij if in melee (closing if he has already performed the first Quick animation in the chain). Three hits.
Arts Animation: A series of more stylish shots, spacing them out while posing as if dancing, or two spinning kicks followed by an axe-kick if in melee (closing if he has already performed the first Arts animation in the chain). Three hits.
Buster Animation: After charging up briefly, he performs either a lightning-fast series of heavy shots or kilij slashes in melee. Four hits.
Extra Animation: A heavy shot followed by a dashing lunge, two slashes, and a downward disengaging slash which sends him skating right back to his position in the ranks. Five hits.

Star Absorption: 150
Star Generation Rate: 8%
NP Gain: 0.55%/3%

Ascension Art
Stage 1: Radu wears the full garb of a Janissary commander, armour polished to a mirror sheen, head adorned with a tall two-pointed headdress, face covered by a finely-worked golden mask.
Stage 2: Radu discards the headdress and mask, his battle sprite constantly grinning with wicked amusement.
Stage 3: Radu discards his armour as well, wearing nothing but the elaborate silk finery of a Turkish noble.
Stage 4: Radu sits on a fine carpet amid a tangle of soft silk pillows, a hookah pipe between his lips, shooting a playful look up at the 'camera'.

Independent Action C - Critical Damage Up 6%
Magic Resistance C - Debuff Resistance Up 15%

[Stage 1]
True Eye of the Mind (Clairvoyance) C+ - Gain Evasion for 1 turn, and Defence Up and Star Rate Up for 3 turns.
Level 1: Defence Up 10%, Star Rate Up 30%, cooldown 8 turns
Level 10: Defence Up 20%, Star Rate Up 50%, cooldown 6 turns

[Stage 2]
Uncrowned Arms Mastery - Charge NP 25%, Star Rate Up and Critical Damage Up for 3 turns.
Level 1: Star Rate Up 30%, Critical Damage Up 20%, cooldown 8 turns
Level 10: Star Rate Up 50%, Critical Damage Up 40%, cooldown 6 turns

[Stage 3]
Janissary Prince A - Arts Performance Up and Star Absorption Up for 3 turns.
Level 1: Arts Performance Up 20%, Star Absorption Up 300%, cooldown 8 turns
Level 10: Arts Performance Up 30%, Star Absorption Up 600%, cooldown 6 turns

Noble Phantasm
Pruva cel Perik - I Am In Control: C~A (C~A post-Interlude)
Card Type: Arts
Effect: Powerful attack to entire enemy team with moderate chance of Charm for 1 turn.
Animation: Radu gathers power in his bow, aiming for the sky and letting fly as he calls its name. Scarlet-fletched, golden arrows rain down on the enemy team, golden bands forming around each sprite. The camera refocuses on Radu as he bows, one hand extended. As he tells the enemies to kill themselves his hand becomes a fist, the camera refocuses on the enemy team, and they become black silhouettes on a pure red background as they explode into gore. Three hits.
Level 1: 450%/600%
Level 5: 750%/900%
100% Overcharge: 30%/50% Charm Chance
500% Overcharge: 70%/90% Charm Chance
Where applicable, dialogue is formatted as [Before revealing true name]/[After revealing true name]
Summoning: "My my, what's this? A little island on the edge of eternity, fighting tooth and nail to survive? How could I ever resist? The Bow of the Dawn is at your service."/"My, what's with that look? Oh, we've met in a previous life? Well then, let me introduce myself with candour - Radu Bey, traitor-prince of Wallachia, at your service~"
Level-Up: "Ahh, what affection you lavish me with."
1st Ascension: "There we are. It may be against regulation, but I think a little rule-breaking is worth seeing my pretty face. Don't you~?"
2nd Ascension: "No more undressing for the moment, I'm afraid. I'm not quite so debauched as to strip naked on the battlefield. Yet."
3rd Ascension: "There we are. Oh, why no more armour? Ahh... something something, freer movement... really, do I need a reason?" / [added on to the existing line] "A traitor-prince must dress the part with pride, must he not?"
4th Ascension: "And here I am, at my limit. You've taken me on quite the journey. Could you perhaps have feelings for me~?" / "Damn. At my limit and still no stronger than my brother. Say, how many Grails do you have lying around...?"

Battle Start 1: "Let battle be joined!"
Battle Start 2: "Tear them to pieces!"
Skill 1: "Form up!"
Skill 2: "Ugh, must I?"
Card Selected 1: *laughter*
Card Selected 2: "Watch closely!"
Card Selected 3: "As-salaam~"
Noble Phantasm Selected: "Not up to my usual standards, but if you insist!" / "Recruits for the Janissaries!"
Extra Attack: "One, two-three-four, tawdie!"
Noble Phantasm: "Pruva cel Perik! ... kill yourselves, for all I care." *laughter*
Defeated 1: "Ngh... have to... regroup."
Defeated 2: "I'll see you... in Hell..."
Battle Finish 1: "Oh, were we fighting?"
Battle Finish 2: "Shall we desecrate the bodies for good measure?" / "Shall we put them up on stakes for my brother to find?"

Bond Level 1: "My my, quite the menagerie you're collecting for yourself, aren't you? Such a grand corps of heroes - and villains such as myself, of course."
Bond Level 2: "Didn't you hear me last time? I'm a villain. A knave. A scoundrel. A traitor. You must be very brave or very foolish to continue associating with me on this level." / "You of all people should know that you court danger by courting me. Perhaps I will abandon you for the strongest side too?"
Bond Level 3: "And still you fight beside the nameless traitor in your midst. I have made up my mind, you are a fool. Luckily, you exclusively attract fools like you." / "Holding noble sons hostage wasn't unusual at the time. Cowards and weaklings would jump at the chance to sell out their own flesh and blood to remain puppets in paper crowns."
Bond Level 4: "How do you do it? How does it not drive you mad? You fight against such overwhelming odds, adrift from any who might relieve your burden, one small island against something so vast..." / "Vlad was so sure of himself, had a will like iron, but even a will of iron cannot replace a blade alone. Then again, if only Father had possessed such pride, then maybe... no. Such idle fancies are not worth my time or yours."
Bond Level 5: [Male PC] "You truly are an odd sort, aren't you? All this time with me, without even knowing my name. I have you at a disadvantage. May I instead call you... my Sultan?" / "You know so much about me, have spent so much time with me, and yet you still refuse to fear me. I have... faith in Chaldea. I have faith in you. You have earned that much, my Sultan."
[Female PC] "You truly are an odd sort, aren't you? All this time with me, without even knowing my name. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had feelings for me. Careful - I am a known heartbreaker~" / "You know so much about me, have spent so much time with me, and yet you still refuse to fear me. Please do not mistake my intentions, but... know that I am your man, come what may."

Generic 1: "Ugh, so utilitarian. How could a facility designed by daVinci himself be so lacking in flair?"
Generic 2: "I've taken the liberty of assuming command of the security team's drills. They'll thank me in the end."
Generic 3: "Do you know how to turn off the smoke alarms?"
If Dracula, Vlad III or Dracula (Avenger) are present: "What a sorry state for a hero to be in. Really, how do you stomach it?" / "My my. Big brother, what has become of you? I would advise keeping us separate, Master."
If Vlad (Lily) is present: "Hah. Look at him. Just the way he was before, all stubborn youth and blind faith. Perhaps he will fall once again. Perhaps, this time, it can be different. Either way, it will be a privilege to witness with my own eyes."
Likes: "You ah... you call it Turkish Delight? They were on the menu in the cafeteria once and I haven't been able to get them out of my mind since. Please, in the Prophet's name (peace be upon him) I beg you to make them a regular item."
Dislikes: "Stubborn fools that refuse to understand how outmatched they are, no matter how much pain that causes."
The Grail: "The Holy Grail? I'm afraid I left that kind of thing behind a long time ago. But if I were to perhaps stumble upon such a heretical item, I would not be opposed to a wish or two. Depending on my mood at the time."
Event: "Aha! Something to excite at last, Master!"
Birthday: "Damn you, you should have told me sooner! Now here I am with nothing on hand to give you. Ah well, the dazzling wit of my company is an eternal gift~"
One Warm, Fateful Night

Art: A brown, youthful hand wearing golden rings among rumpled silk bedsheets.
Effect: Arts Performance Up 15% and Critical Damage Up 25%

Description: One warm, fateful night, two young boys met. One boy would be Sultan, and one was a foreign prince in captivity. The prince was far from home, confused and afraid. The Sultan-to-be sought to comfort him, for he took a liking to the other boy, and wished to see him smile. When they kissed, the hostage-prince stabbed him in the thigh in sudden panic, hiding up a tree until dawn in helpless fear of the punishment he knew awaited him.

No such punishment came. An inch to the side and the Sultan's own heir would have died, and yet the hostage-prince was still welcomed with open arms. The Sultan-to-be forgave him. Miles from home, from the coward voivode whose love for him ended where the Sultan's terms began, the hostage-prince found a love to replace it and more.
The Prophet's Teachings

Art: A finely-made and richly-decorated copy of the Qu'ran, Radu's crescent necklace lying on the pillow beside it.

Description: "Hahaha. Not the most conventional return gift, I'm well aware. And no, I'm not so zealous as to be genuinely trying to convert you. In truth this is not a gift so much as an offer - if you have the time to spare, I would like to work through it with you, teach you as I was once taught. Those lessons are a fond memory of mine."

[If Male] "Perhaps we could read from it aloud? If you have trouble with the words, watch my lips closely. Well... more closely than you already are."

[If Female] "Oh? ... hahaha, no no. While I'm sure you would look dazzling in a niqab, I'd prefer we didn't all die just because you tripped over the hem trying to run from an angry dragon or whatever it is we encounter next."


So I was b UT

The Radu we saw was a shit, but can I just have this one please?
Lilithium, one must accept both the bad and the good of their husbando.
I dunno if I can consider the worldlet one the same as the summoned one tho =\

I mean for one, this ver isn't working for demons and trying to kill everyone as a matter of course? Just the things he says seems different. But it's been a fucking whiiiiiile and I'm tired so I dunno.
I dunno if I can consider the worldlet one the same as the summoned one tho =\

I mean for one, this ver isn't working for demons and trying to kill everyone as a matter of course? Just the things he says seems different. But it's been a fucking whiiiiiile and I'm tired so I dunno.
All Servants are invariably a facet of the truth. The Worldlet One is one that had all his hopes crushed by a greater being, while the summoned one had comrades and a partner to give him hope.

It's why the Male MC earns the moniker of Sultan, because to Radu that's what Mehmed was. Hope for a better future.
All Servants are invariably a facet of the truth. The Worldlet One is one that had all his hopes crushed by a greater being, while the summoned one had comrades and a partner to give him hope.

It's why the Male MC earns the moniker of Sultan, because to Radu that's what Mehmed was. Hope for a better future.

I'm just trying to say they have a different vibe man I didn't... I didn't dispute any of that bruh. I know this thing. But summon Radu is higher tier that's factual I don't see enemy Radu giving me a pimped out Quran

Or loving Turkish Delight

Ergo Archer of Dawn > Enemy Radu

I'm just trying to say they have a different vibe man I didn't... I didn't dispute any of that bruh. I know this thing. But summon Radu is higher tier that's factual I don't see enemy Radu giving me a pimped out Quran

Or loving Turkish Delight

Ergo Archer of Dawn > Enemy Radu

Look, it's simple.

It's all Vlad's fault.

No, I'm serious. You put the two of them together, and they just hammer on one another's buttons, and the next thing you know Radu's monologuing about how everyone should just accept that the Apocalypse is coming & they can't do shit about it and Vlad has turned into Literally Satan.
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[X] Medea

Arguments back and forth have been enlightening. But I'd still choose Elfmom, she's my favorite Caster.
[X] Medea

I like Medea and we keep not getting any interactions with Medea so I will continue to vote for Medea at every opportunity.

See this? This is the Circle of Grief. Rostam is in the center right now. That means he can't and shouldn't deal with anybody who could make things worse... And it also means that he is not able to provide the needed support that other people who also suffered would need. Rostam is not able to help people right now. Rostam needs help himself.

Seeing some of the comments and remembering when I saw this Circle of Grief mentioned in a thread on SB/SV is what drove me to post this now.
We've had Rostam share the company of sympathetic people, and he's generally come out neutral or somewhat grumpier. I feel that Medea, someone whose been hit just as hard - or even harder - than him and is likely in a similar headspace will be easier for him to find rapport with. He needs to talk to someone in a similar situation to him in order to centre himself, and I reckon that Medea will likewise respond well to Rostam.
I greatly disagree with this.

When it comes to a tragedy or disaster or great suffering, you absolutely want people who will selflessly treat with you.

Marian's actions of not criticizing, saying anything bad about/to Rostam, and above all NOT reacting poorly to his lashing out, were exactly correct.

I am reminded of an old thread on SB or SV I read that mentioned something called the "circle of grief." It's the idea that when dealing with grief or tragedy, there's a directions for how stress or support or lashing out should flow. Namely, that the person most affected should not be burdened further, and the people around them are not to add to that burden.
When Susan had breast cancer, we heard a lot of lame remarks, but our favorite came from one of Susan's colleagues. She wanted, she needed, to visit Susan after the surgery, but Susan didn't feel like having visitors, and she said so. Her colleague's response? "This isn't just about you."

"It's not?" Susan wondered. "My breast cancer is not about me? It's about you?"

The same theme came up again when our friend Katie had a brain aneurysm. She was in intensive care for a long time and finally got out and into a step-down unit. She was no longer covered with tubes and lines and monitors, but she was still in rough shape. A friend came and saw her and then stepped into the hall with Katie's husband, Pat. "I wasn't prepared for this," she told him. "I don't know if I can handle it."

This woman loves Katie, and she said what she did because the sight of Katie in this condition moved her so deeply. But it was the wrong thing to say. And it was wrong in the same way Susan's colleague's remark was wrong.

Susan has since developed a simple technique to help people avoid this mistake. It works for all kinds of crises: medical, legal, financial, romantic, even existential. She calls it the Ring Theory.

Draw a circle. This is the center ring. In it, put the name of the person at the center of the current trauma. For Katie's aneurysm, that's Katie. Now draw a larger circle around the first one. In that ring put the name of the person next closest to the trauma. In the case of Katie's aneurysm, that was Katie's husband, Pat. Repeat the process as many times as you need to. In each larger ring put the next closest people. Parents and children before more distant relatives. Intimate friends in smaller rings, less intimate friends in larger ones. When you are done you have a Kvetching Order. One of Susan's patients found it useful to tape it to her refrigerator.

Here are the rules. The person in the center ring can say anything she wants to anyone, anywhere. She can kvetch and complain and whine and moan and curse the heavens and say, "Life is unfair" and "Why me?" That's the one payoff for being in the center ring.

Everyone else can say those things too, but only to people in larger rings.

When you are talking to a person in a ring smaller than yours, someone closer to the center of the crisis, the goal is to help. Listening is often more helpful than talking. But if you're going to open your mouth, ask yourself if what you are about to say is likely to provide comfort and support. If it isn't, don't say it. Don't, for example, give advice. People who are suffering from trauma don't need advice. They need comfort and support. So say, "I'm sorry" or "This must really be hard for you" or "Can I bring you a pot roast?" Don't say, "You should hear what happened to me" or "Here's what I would do if I were you." And don't say, "This is really bringing me down."

If you want to scream or cry or complain, if you want to tell someone how shocked you are or how icky you feel, or whine about how it reminds you of all the terrible things that have happened to you lately, that's fine. It's a perfectly normal response. Just do it to someone in a bigger ring.

Comfort IN, dump OUT.

There was nothing wrong with Katie's friend saying she was not prepared for how horrible Katie looked, or even that she didn't think she could handle it. The mistake was that she said those things to Pat. She dumped IN.

"So say, "I'm sorry" or "This must really be hard for you" or "Can I bring you a pot roast?" Don't say, "You should hear what happened to me" or "Here's what I would do if I were you." And don't say, "This is really bringing me down." "

Right now, Rostam is one of the people in the center of that circle.

This means he needs to be dealing with people who won't get into a misery contest. People won't lash out at him themselves because they're also in a bad state.

So this means that visiting Medea would not be good for Rostam... and also that visiting Medea would not be good for Medea.

Unloading more trouble on Medea would not help her. And neither would her unloading more trouble on Rostam. Right now, they're both in a bad position to be able to offer any help or healing to the other!

He absolutely should be dealing with more Marians than Medea's right now.
She was hurt, likely worse than us, and will ABSOLUTELY be in a position to find some rapport, as a fellow wounded comrade-in-arms.
Also, for all that Rostam is in a bad mood and Medea will most likely be as well, misery loves company. I think that commiserating will allow them to find better rapport than an attempt to comfort.
Unfortunately, Rostam is not really in the place to offer help right now. He needs help himself and he won't be good at offering help until and unless he recovers more at first.
I'm glad we went to Arash first. I think we need to avoid Medea until we're emotionally in a better place. If we go to Medea, except her to rip us a new asshole for falling to Bellerophon. Because our lost fight collapsed our battle lines, and she was the first one to get ganked.

I don't think Rostam can handle hearing anyone talking shit about Karna right now.
The one managing shit here while in danger of imploding is Rostam, not Medea

Also I genuinely question the logic of "okay so people being supportive and commiserating hasn't really worked, we need someone who has a rapport with Rostam!"
So yeah what these people -- GiftOfLove and TenfoldShields -- are saying are exactly correct.

As for who to throw in a vote for... not sure whether to vote for Pollux or Astolfo right now.
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Astolfo is a chatty, cheeky fuck but by all indications he was able to fly into Divine-amped magical AA fire and get Medea out and was also the one who grabbed Stheno. Out of everyone on the beach he's probably one of the ones who contributed most to us not getting absolutely face-fucked and let us salvage something from the day.
As Tenfold points out, Astolfo might have actually clutched the save in this encounter, which was what made me think of going for him, because Rostam needs good news.

Sure, Astolfo probably might not feel like he saved the day -- because of how shit everything feels -- and could feel inadequate or a failure, and so could require a pep talk himself... But, hear me out, I think they could help each other here! Because of the kind of person Rostam is, and the kind of person Astolfo is. Namely that Astolfo is a cheery and friendly type; if he is brought out of a funk, his natural personality would be conducive to helping.

And as for Rostam... whoo boy. Because I think Rostam will be able to recognize how Astolfo tipped the scales in key situations. Rostam has ever felt himself inadequate in comparison to Servants; we've seen from the last two updates how he reacts to the thought that they might be below him in anything... He just sorta idolizes them, while putting himself down, you know? Which I think means that Rostam will see the upside of what Astolfo did and how he might have clutched the fight for them there; thus cheering Astolfo up (if he needs cheering up). So. Yeah.

That's why I think it might be a good pick, even if it turns out that Astolfo is moping himself. Because of how Rostam is, and how Astolfo is.