Where applicable, dialogue is formatted as [Before revealing true name]/[After revealing true name]
Summoning: "My my, what's this? A little island on the edge of eternity, fighting tooth and nail to survive? How could I ever resist? The Bow of the Dawn is at your service."/"My, what's with that look? Oh, we've met in a previous life? Well then, let me introduce myself with candour - Radu Bey, traitor-prince of Wallachia, at your service~"
Level-Up: "Ahh, what affection you lavish me with."
1st Ascension: "There we are. It may be against regulation, but I think a little rule-breaking is worth seeing my pretty face. Don't you~?"
2nd Ascension: "No more undressing for the moment, I'm afraid. I'm not quite so debauched as to strip naked on the battlefield. Yet."
3rd Ascension: "There we are. Oh, why no more armour? Ahh... something something, freer movement... really, do I need a reason?" / [added on to the existing line] "A traitor-prince must dress the part with pride, must he not?"
4th Ascension: "And here I am, at my limit. You've taken me on quite the journey. Could you perhaps have feelings for me~?" / "Damn. At my limit and still no stronger than my brother. Say, how many Grails do you have lying around...?"
Battle Start 1: "Let battle be joined!"
Battle Start 2: "Tear them to pieces!"
Skill 1: "Form up!"
Skill 2: "Ugh, must I?"
Card Selected 1: *laughter*
Card Selected 2: "Watch closely!"
Card Selected 3: "As-salaam~"
Noble Phantasm Selected: "Not up to my usual standards, but if you insist!" / "Recruits for the Janissaries!"
Extra Attack: "One, two-three-four, tawdie!"
Noble Phantasm: "Pruva cel Perik! ... kill yourselves, for all I care." *laughter*
Defeated 1: "Ngh... have to... regroup."
Defeated 2: "I'll see you... in Hell..."
Battle Finish 1: "Oh, were we fighting?"
Battle Finish 2: "Shall we desecrate the bodies for good measure?" / "Shall we put them up on stakes for my brother to find?"
Bond Level 1: "My my, quite the menagerie you're collecting for yourself, aren't you? Such a grand corps of heroes - and villains such as myself, of course."
Bond Level 2: "Didn't you hear me last time? I'm a villain. A knave. A scoundrel. A traitor. You must be very brave or very foolish to continue associating with me on this level." / "You of all people should know that you court danger by courting me. Perhaps I will abandon you for the strongest side too?"
Bond Level 3: "And still you fight beside the nameless traitor in your midst. I have made up my mind, you are a fool. Luckily, you exclusively attract fools like you." / "Holding noble sons hostage wasn't unusual at the time. Cowards and weaklings would jump at the chance to sell out their own flesh and blood to remain puppets in paper crowns."
Bond Level 4: "How do you do it? How does it not drive you mad? You fight against such overwhelming odds, adrift from any who might relieve your burden, one small island against something so vast..." / "Vlad was so sure of himself, had a will like iron, but even a will of iron cannot replace a blade alone. Then again, if only Father had possessed such pride, then maybe... no. Such idle fancies are not worth my time or yours."
Bond Level 5: [Male PC] "You truly are an odd sort, aren't you? All this time with me, without even knowing my name. I have you at a disadvantage. May I instead call you... my Sultan?" / "You know so much about me, have spent so much time with me, and yet you still refuse to fear me. I have... faith in Chaldea. I have faith in you. You have earned that much, my Sultan."
[Female PC] "You truly are an odd sort, aren't you? All this time with me, without even knowing my name. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had feelings for me. Careful - I am a known heartbreaker~" / "You know so much about me, have spent so much time with me, and yet you still refuse to fear me. Please do not mistake my intentions, but... know that I am your man, come what may."
Generic 1: "Ugh, so utilitarian. How could a facility designed by daVinci himself be so lacking in flair?"
Generic 2: "I've taken the liberty of assuming command of the security team's drills. They'll thank me in the end."
Generic 3: "Do you know how to turn off the smoke alarms?"
If Dracula, Vlad III or Dracula (Avenger) are present: "What a sorry state for a hero to be in. Really, how do you stomach it?" / "My my. Big brother, what has become of you? I would advise keeping us separate, Master."
If Vlad (Lily) is present: "Hah. Look at him. Just the way he was before, all stubborn youth and blind faith. Perhaps he will fall once again. Perhaps, this time, it can be different. Either way, it will be a privilege to witness with my own eyes."
Likes: "You ah... you call it Turkish Delight? They were on the menu in the cafeteria once and I haven't been able to get them out of my mind since. Please, in the Prophet's name (peace be upon him) I beg you to make them a regular item."
Dislikes: "Stubborn fools that refuse to understand how outmatched they are, no matter how much pain that causes."
The Grail: "The Holy Grail? I'm afraid I left that kind of thing behind a long time ago. But if I were to perhaps stumble upon such a heretical item, I would not be opposed to a wish or two. Depending on my mood at the time."
Event: "Aha! Something to excite at last, Master!"
Birthday: "Damn you, you should have told me sooner! Now here I am with nothing on hand to give you. Ah well, the dazzling wit of my company is an eternal gift~"