[X] Who are we to reprimand the Peuketii for doing as we asked and finding us food? Woe to the Lucani for ranging out of their territory for grazing, they have paid the price. Let us feast now and then return home with peace of mind and full stomach.
The 'Mandatory 24 hour Moratorium' was so irritating I nearly dropped the original quest, to be honest. What it accomplished was to make me skip whatever was said before voting began, and proceed only from there.
When I read an update, and then weigh the options, I generally come to at least a tentative choice before I move on. In an unrestricted quest, that means I can post my choice, with accompanying thoughts, right away. Votes are generally left open for a while, sometimes even several days, before the vote is called and the winning option tallied up.
A 24 hour hold means none of that happens. I have to wait a full day, by which time I've had another full workday behind me, slept, done a score of other things, and usually forgotten what my intention was. I have to possibly read the update all over again, meaning I might have well just waited a day after the update before even bothering to look at it.
'But discussion!'
Yes, and? There is absolutely nothing that prevents voting and discussion from happening. A moratorium and then release only makes sense if you can only post your vote once, cast in stone, and then it is locked forever and ever amen, followed by a rigidly defined and scheduled voting window. None of that applies here. This is an internet forum! You vote can be edited if you are swayed by debate. It can be replaced entirely by a new one, even! The tally programs account for that!
Voting and discussion concurrently is if anything better than a moratorium: You can see how the actual voting is running during, and if you see your preferred choice losing, you have time and motivation to complete a longer and more persuasive post to sway people to your point of view than you might without. A moratorium provides none of that. You might see the arguments, if anyone is making them, but in the absence of seeing the actual voting, you're left to guess the sentiment of the questers by the posts of those that bother to make any during the moratorium, which has never been as revelatory as without it.
It is not the ban on voting that gives the desired end of 'time enough for everyone to be heard, without having to worry about being cut off'. What you want there is a more defined 'I will not call the voted ended until at least X time, so time zones and sleep do not prevent votes and voices from being heard'. You don't want or need a 23 hour moratorium on beginning voting for this, but ending them. Remove the 24 hour ban on starting, and simply say 'You have 24, 48, (or 19.2, or 144, or 3.14159) hours until the vote is called, vote and debate begins now'.
Ceterum censeo 24 Hour Moratorium esse delendam
And Carthage. Fuck those guys.