[x] Trying it Out
"Well." You cross your arms and let a small grin spread across your face. "Dad gave me this new disguise, I had better try it out before I need to use it for anything important."
"Good idea." Your octobro begins. "While you father has impeccable fashion sense and genuinely means well his nature means that he has a different perspective of 'helping' someone than most people, so it's best for you to get familiar with his gift."
Yeah you remember some of the…more ridiculous ideas he's had when it came to helping you, like the birthday cake that let you teleport to another dimension, or the time he stopped an army of angry monster by turning them all into kittens, sure the later one was effective…and adorable it was still far from a conventional method of dealing with such problems.
Not that his strange attempts to help aren't appreciated…far from it you love your father very deeply and are thankful that he's so invested with your life….you just wish that you could understand him better. Then again you suppose that's the flaw that comes with the Fey, even ones from the same houses can have mindsets so different from one another that they may as well be aliens in their own right, you still don't know why your parents are as deeply in love as they are, the domains that they govern are so far apart that the only thing they have in common are the increased power during Night Times….Yet even with those differences the two are so smitten with one another it actually makes some of the more…sour members of the Court of Black Weeds physically sick whenever the two of them enter the same room.
Then again the very fact that you were born a werewolf is in itself a surprise. The original werewolves where humans uplifted by the Lady of Humanity early in the species evolution….waaaay back when humans butchered one another with just as much cruelty as they did in these days, just with more magic instead of technology.
That human origin has led to more than a few other Fey looking upon your kind with derision and contempt, as the majority of them held nothing more than for humanity. In fact it's the lack of such prejudice within the House of Savagery that leaves werewolves so loyal to the place...it's hard to convince someone to side with you when your rhetoric is borderline genocidal regarding them after all.
Funny if the earlier Fey attempts to completely wipe out humanity the werewolves would be the last remnants of the species, and here you are in service to the court that hates humanity most…you really hope that mom turns on them at some point…the Black Weeds are insuperable.
Still how two Fey managed to produce a werewolf by yourself is anyone guess. You assume it comes from your mother's ability to copy any species she's created through uplifting. That said she can choose what species comes fourth from her womb and she's mention consulting dad as well…so why did they choose a werewolf?
Eh oh well, you'll have to ask one of them later….right now you have an outfit to try on!
You have to admit this thing feels really nice! It does nothing to impede your movement and even protects you from the sun allowing you to use the full extent of your New Moon generated powers during the day. Sure you can't shift in this form and thus you'll still barred from your strongest stuff, but this certainly is an improvement from.
It is a nice day
Something smashes into you sending you careening into a nearby wall.
What the!?
You catch a glimpse of your assalient….it looks like some kind of strange baggy doll thing. It's held entirely together by switching and it has massive claws on the end of its hands. The monster lacks any kind of face beyond the massive maw that seems to act as its head…and it smells of sin.
It smells of an all-consuming hunger….one that will destroy everything and everyone if given the chance.
This enemy….it's far stronger than anything you've ever even seen before.
What do you do?
[x] "Why! Why are you going after me!?"
[x] Try and fight...you can use more of your magic in the day now….it should be enough to stay alive.
[x] Write in.
OOC: Nat 1 on the encounter role baby!