My Magical Warrior Best Friend can't find out my Secret!


[x] Offer to let her use your spare.

It's the polite thing to do.
It's definitely a bust... But she has to be "responsible" and "mature" and "a hero."
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Aug 3, 2017 at 8:48 PM, finished with 17 posts and 13 votes.
[X] Offer to let her use your spare.

Also isn't our other two friends the Gear Lady and the Mad Scientist?

I sense team ups in our future.:evil:
So votes look like we're not giving her the easy way out.
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Aug 3, 2017 at 8:49 PM, finished with 18 posts and 13 votes.
[x] Spare

"That's fine." You give Mary a wide smile. "I brought a spare!"

"Wait what?" The surprise and shock on her face is delicious. She may be your best bud but unfortunately you've inherited your father's love of messing with people, and while you usually prefer that she knows your messing with her variety is the spice of life after all. The Wires aren't interested in actually killing anyone given all the chances they've had before the newscaster even got out so it's not like this is an urgent matter for her to attend too.

"I brought a spare in case mine broke." You keep up the smile. "I mean I'd absolutely hate it if mine broke again and I wound up having to mooch off you a second time."

The first time was actually because her powers surged and she accidentally busted the one you'd been using in a burst of Fey magic but you aren't going to let her know that you know that.

"That wonderful of you." Even as she smiles you recognize her face as the one that she makes when she's screaming internally. "But I can't ask that you give something you went through the trouble of bringing just for little old me"

"Nonsense.!" You laugh happily putting up the oblivious act. "Your my best friend, if I can't help you out in a spot like this than what kin d of best friend would I be?"

"Jonathan." Mary says somewhat happily. "Why do you have to on top of everything all the time."

She whispers that last bit but you pick up on it anyway thanks to your enhanced hearing.

"This just in." The News Reporter appears back on the screen. "A second force of monsters, led by a much larger one has just appeared on the Campus Park. Police are scrambling to respond but have been delayed by as of yet unknown factors."

Wait a minute. That's a Homunculus Crusher, those weren't even in the production phase when the Steel Empire was destroyed. They shouldn't even exist yet alone be rampaging in a park of the Mortal Realm of Earth. What the heck is going on? A handful of Wire's is one thing considering that there where neigh endless amounts even after the empire fell but a finished prototype? Someone's either been doing some potent scavenging or the Steel Empire isn't as gone as the Fey Courts had hoped.

A close combat Homunculus type was in the prototype stage when the Fey Courts invaded. The Prototype actually did manage to see combat for a short while and did severe damage to groups of Fey Soldiers not expecting it's appearance but it was assumed lost during the Battle of Labs, a fight that had seen most of the more advanced prototype Homunculi vanquished

Either way you're actually kind of glade that you'd managed to delay Mary, if she'd gone off to face those Wires she'd had missed the Crusher, and the latter is a far greater threat in all meaning of the word. Well that and the Wire's where probably just there to distract from the Crusher to begin with.

You turn back to Mary to find out that she managed to sneak out while you were distracted by that little revelation.

Well she is a Fey Princess after all you'd have been disappointed if she wasn't good at sneaking off if given even the slightest chance. You suppose you'll just have to give her trouble over it later.

A quick glance over at Anna reveals that she managed to sneak off too leading poor Joseph all by himself.

"Hey Joseph." You give the smaller bro a toothy smile. "Likes like that lady's have given you some bro time."

"Ahhehehehehe." Joseph laughs nervously before gulping as his checks start glowing red. "Yeah, bro time."

That's just adorable; you can see why Anna likes the guy.

Sadly it seems your own window of opportunity to leave seems to have closed….You can if things get surely desperate in the upcoming fight but you have a much higher chance of getting caught. Oh well at least you can keep an eye on things from a distance…and Joseph is a pretty fun guy to mess with either way.

Choose a perspective for the next update!
[x] Remain with the PC.
[x] Joseph.
[x] Mary.
[x] Anna.
Last edited:
[x] Joseph.
I wanna know what's the deal with this guy.

P.s. Great update as always undead frog.
[x] Joseph

Let's see how the mad scientist reacts to all this.
Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Aug 4, 2017 at 11:45 AM, finished with 4 posts and 2 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by AbZHz101 on Aug 4, 2017 at 3:20 PM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.