So, despite voting for the book, I DONT think we should just go and grab everyone with magic. I suggest getting the information network up and running. Then work with the magical girls to find their enemies. That's one of the martial actions. It's not evil if we're stealing the magic power from the bad guys. :D

@shibosho is it possible to combine Magic Core Hunt and Magical Girl Mayhem?

For research/learning. I'm leaning towards learning more about Ebon power. So, Power Substitution, meditation, and spending time with cuddles to figure out what the heck it is.

More help is always nice, familiars would be useful.

first we need to up our stats, increase our forces, then pad out our utility abilities for mobility and healing as we will need them, then increase our income before we start to do anything concrete
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Also 1 Hour Moratorium for voting.
*tap-dances in happiness while praising Jesu shibosho*
You have no doubt that once the pages have begun filling up, its true powers will be revealed to you and the others. According to Evetta, however, in order to drain the magic core of a person, you will have to weaken their physical strength before you can directly tap into the magic core. In order words, you'd have to drain a person of both their life energy in order to directly drain them of their magic core.

In order to start filling up the Book of Ebon, you'll need your forces to drain magic cores. The magic core of a normal person is close to non-existent so you'll have to actually target those who are actual mages, magical creatures, or have high level of magical potential if you want to get any substantial gains in pages.
Welp. Here goes the "Sneaky Civil Magic Sucker" plan.
1. We cannot be sneaky about it. Who we suck, we take as prisoners pretty much.
2. We have to target the big guys.
3. Book may not be good news. Being connected to Cthulhu realm is never a good thing in an artifact, especially sentient one.

Let's break down what we need before we even try:
  1. Information about mages- Sun Tzu is crying in a corner because we know nothing about our enemy.
    1. How many are there? Where are they?
    2. Is there a one, massive group or are they loosely connected individuals? What reaction can we expect to our kidnappings?
    3. How strong they are? Can one arch-mage match Jacob in power? How about our neoshadows?
    4. That extends to their abilities. Can they drop a "Detect evil magic shadows" spell and somehow find us if they really try? (or, you know, any other magical nukes...)
  2. Enough DAKKA. (well, enough for them)Nevar enuff dakka...
    1. To fight off at least one major mage group without massive casualties.
      1. That's the minimum. Preferably we Blitzkrieg them with massed power. Less casualties, more gains.
    2. On top of that- enough to keep forces for other groups and to react to events.
    3. Enough to forcefully tame Book of Ebon if it turns out evil.
      1. Also more information on that damned thing. It'll be bad if it goes thirsty on Jacob's magic core.
  3. Infrastructure- you don't think we are going to spend weeks slowly kidnapping mages, are you? We need to take a chunk out of them before they even Blink. (like, you know, the spell...?)
    1. Teleport network- mobility and element of surprise.
    2. Good networking in mage community- to get info on them, get close without being suspicious, possible alibi later (It wasn't me! I was just selling trinkets to our good archmage!)
      1. That includes recruiting/bribing whoever we can, including the Dark Lord (assuming we don't eat him).
    3. Any and all countermeasures against powerful magic- maybe a massive Quiet spell?
TL;DR We wait with Book until we can get them in one go. (at least to a percentage where we can start using it)
If we were actually going to be tactical about this instead of anime villian, I'd say the best method would be to fill up each Key to near completion and then complete them all in rapid sequence
That is simply wrong. To get near completion for any of those artifacts, you'll have to draw plenty attention to yourself anyway. You'll have to kidnap and (possibly) kill mages, ninjas, etc. you'll have to incite conflict and capture notable souls.
That's pretty much all notoriety that comes from the whole project. Finishing the artifact is a piece of cake in comparison.

Unless you mean dealing with artifacts themselves. Then... I can actually kinda agree on that- we'll get to finish those artifacts later, and as such will be stronger when facing the abominations.
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Might as well throw my hat into the ring;

[X] Plan: SN94 T6

At start of Turn:
29300 Funds available.
4140 Ebon Power Available.
Ebon Power Upkeep: 150

At End of Turn:
24300 Funds available.
1540 Ebon Power Available.

Martial: (Choose 2)

-[X] Soldiers in disguise:

You've got some advice from Evetta on how to actually go about improving the combat capabilities of your Golems. According to her, you could theoretically grant your golems a more combat capable form though it would also depend on the intelligence and ego of the golem themselves. If successful, your golems may be able to become completely viable combatants. With power to spare, you're ready to bring up the existence of your golems up a notch.
Cost: 400 EP. Chance of success 100% Reward: Minion Type - Golem Rank Up. All existing Golems gains combat upgrade. Certain Golems evolves into Spirit Tools.

-[X] Shadow Army:

The Shadows are your most numerous combat assets. While they seem to multiply on their own, as things stand, you're going to be needing a hell lot more of them, both the regular Shadows and Neoshadows. Thankfully, it seems that your regular Shadows have also developed the ability to hide in other people's shadows and drain their energy though only the Neoshadows can drain enough energy to be a threat. Time to make some more Shadows.
Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success:70%. Reward: 200 Ebon Shadows. 40 Neoshadows.

: (Choose 1)

-[X] Energy Farm:

The easiest way to get more Ebon Power is to increase the number of captives that you can drain energy from. With the number of Shadows you have under your control, it should be child's play to capture a bunch of people to act as your Ebon Power generators. You'll have to make sure that whoever you kidnap will not be missed anytime soon.
Cost: 60 Ebon Shadows. 10 Neoshadows. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: 2d6+5 Human Captives. Increased Ebon Power Income.

Diplomacy: (Choose 1)

-[X] Demon Days:

The demon denizens of the city has something of a peace treaty or at least a ceasefire between them and the exorcists. Demons don't prey on humans and exorcists will leave them alone. Unfortunately, several demons have decided to attempt to break this ceasefire and the other demons don't like it. Having heard about your sensory abilities, the demons at the Peach Pit want you to help them out by taking out these rogue demons before the Exorcists get involved and things escalate.
Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Increase relations with Las Angeyoto Demons Denizens. Lower chances of exorcist and demon conflict resuming.

: (Fallback will be finished this turn)(Choose 1)

-[X] Information Network:

Yuudai's greater understanding of the world of espionage, as well as his own connections with various information brokers, has prompted him to set up a proper information network for you instead of trying to sift through hundreds of hours of Seeker Recordings of whatever seems interesting. Of course, he's going to change how the Seekers do their thing but he also needs more seekers to do so.
Cost: 800 EP, $5000. Upkeep: $500. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information Network available. Weekly Rumour mill.

Learning: (Choose 1)

-[X] Ebon Power Substitution
The Power of the Ebon Emperor is incredibly malleable. With effort, it changes according to your thoughts. Could you recharge a phone with it? Can you use it as nourishment instead of actual food? And can you fire Ebon Power instead of lead out of a gun? Just what can you do with this?
Cost: 300 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Learn how to replicate mundane energies. ???

Piety: (Choose 2)

-[X] Restoration and Renewal:

Through brute force, you've healed wounds and restored the loss of limbs through recreating the flesh that had been destroyed. For a number of schools, that is pretty much what healing magic is. However, Evetta shows you a much more powerful and efficient style of healing. She demonstrates by having you cut off your arm and destroying it. Afterward, she restores your arm like it had never been lost in the first place in mere seconds. You want to know how she did that and you wanted it several weeks ago.
Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Gain Greater Healing capabilities.

-[X] Teleportation and Transference:

Being able to teleport from one place to another in an instant is one of your biggest fantasies. However, magic that messes with time and space, and playing with portals can be quite dangerous. Thankfully, Evetta is more than capable of teaching you the basics as well as the combat applications. You want to blink from enemy to enemy, slashing them as you pass them by, and continue enhancing your Reaper cosplay with a Shadow Step skill.
Cost: 200 EP. 70% Reward: Gain short-range teleportation ability. Gain ability to generate portals and set them in places.

: (Choose 2)

-[X] Friends and Family:

While you do have a clone doing the things that Jacob Anderson should be doing, not to mention you also gain his memories when you come and replace him with a new clone, it'd be nice to take a break and hang with your friends and family for a bit for real. Plus you may spot things that Jacob misses as well.
Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Increased Relationship with Friends and family. Lowered Suspicions from Friends and Family. ???

-[X] Magical Lessons:

Evetta wishes to teach you and Yuudai the way of magic, especially since Yuudai's own magical potential is greater than your own. Yuudai would do well to learn how to do magic and you could use the lesson as well, simply because it is a powerful tool to have in the right situation.
Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Closer to Evetta Blackstone. Closer to Yuudai. Yuudai gain trait: Lesser Magical Arsenal: ⅓ of Piety Added onto Martial. +1 Martial, Diplomacy, or Piety.
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[X] Plan Preparation
Adhoc vote count started by PyrrosWarrior on Jul 13, 2017 at 2:08 PM, finished with 46 posts and 21 votes.

  • [X] Plan Low Profile Windup
    [X] Plan Preparation
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[x] Steel Sentinels
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Information Network:
    -[X] Science Wing Exploration
    -[x] Power of a Wish
    [X] Familiars​
    -[X] Friends and Family:
    -[x] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    -[x] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    [X] My Little Slime​
    [X] Familiars​
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution:
    -[X] Information Network:
    [X] Beasts of the Black Kingdom​
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    [X] Slow and Steady blindsides our enemy
    [X] Plan Upgrade
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Shadow Army:
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[X] Making Nice with Ninjas
    -[x] Ninja Corps
    -[X] Science Wing Exploration
    -[X] Restoration and Renewal:
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    -[x] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    -[X] Magical Lessons:
    [x]Plan Warfare readiness
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[x] Steel Sentinels
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[x] The Mage Circle and the Cursed Junk
    -[x] Ninja Corps
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution:
    -[x] Power of a Wish
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    -[x] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    -[X] Magical Lessons:
    [X] Plan: SN94 T6
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Shadow Army:
    -[X] Energy Farm:
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Information Network:
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution:
    -[X] Restoration and Renewal:
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference:
    -[X] Friends and Family:
    -[X] Magical Lessons:
    [X] Plan Substitution no Jutsu
    [X] Fallback: Anonymity is one of your greatest tools at this point of the great game. With the cash that you have, you can start making full use of it. You'll need secret identities to hide your civilian actions behind since doing Ebon stuff as Jacob is just asking for trouble. Your glamour needs an upgrade so that you can appear as more than just a guy in a black coat with glowing red eyes. You'll need to also make sure your base is extra secure since it's not actually that hard to break into. You need to truly hide all traces of your assets if you want to keep some nosy idiot from getting lucky and finding their way into your base. Cost: 300 EP, $20000. Upkeep: $1000. Time: 2 Turns. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Base properly hidden and secure. False identities acquired. Better Glamour. Loose threads severed. (Will be completed this turn)

Adhoc vote count started by PyrrosWarrior on Jul 14, 2017 at 2:57 AM, finished with 85 posts and 35 votes.

  • [X] Plan Low Profile Windup
    -[X] Beasts of the Black Kingdom
    -[X] Shadow Army
    -[X] Energy Farm
    -[X] Magical Girl Mayhem
    -[X] Information Network
    -[X] Ninja Techniques and Ebon
    -[X] Power of a Wish
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference
    -[X] Friends and Family
    -[X] My Little Slime
    [X] Plan Preparation
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Steel Sentinels
    -[X] Energy Farm
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Information Network
    -[X] Science Wing Exploration
    -[X] Power of a Wish
    [X] Familiars​
    -[X] Friends and Family
    -[X] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    [X] Plan Substitution no Jutsu
    [X] Fallback: Anonymity is one of your greatest tools at this point of the great game. With the cash that you have, you can start making full use of it. You'll need secret identities to hide your civilian actions behind since doing Ebon stuff as Jacob is just asking for trouble. Your glamour needs an upgrade so that you can appear as more than just a guy in a black coat with glowing red eyes. You'll need to also make sure your base is extra secure since it's not actually that hard to break into. You need to truly hide all traces of your assets if you want to keep some nosy idiot from getting lucky and finding their way into your base. Cost: 300 EP, $20000. Upkeep: $1000. Time: 2 Turns. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Base properly hidden and secure. False identities acquired. Better Glamour. Loose threads severed. (Will be completed this turn)
    [X] Plan: SN94 T6
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Shadow Army
    -[X] Energy Farm
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Information Network
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution:
    -[X] Restoration and Renewal:
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference
    -[X] Friends and Family
    -[X] Magical Lessons:
    [X] Plan Upgrade
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Shadow Army
    -[X] Energy Farm
    -[X] Making Nice with Ninjas
    -[X] Ninja Corps
    -[X] Science Wing Exploration
    -[X] Restoration and Renewal:
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference
    -[X] Ninja Training with Yuudai
    -[X] Magical Lessons:
    [X] Slow and Steady blindsides our enemy
    -[X] Soldiers in disguise:
    -[X] Beasts of the Black Kingdom
    -[X] Demon Days:
    -[X] Information Network
    -[X] Ebon Power Substitution:
    -[X] Teleportation and Transference
    [X] Familiars​
    -[X] My Little Slime
    -[X] Ninja Training with Yuudai
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Because at a glance, it spent at least one action/slot on Personal options to attending to ever persistent Family issues...

[X] Plan Low Profile Windup

Also, Substitute no Jutsu had a lack of second personal actions. Which I might suggest should at least, take into account friends and family, since that by proxy ALSO means keeping in contact with Ando the future Ninja Arthur...
Considering how our shadow army makes more of itself... I'd say our action is better spent on making Knights. Because they (most likely) have the advantage of being a moving Ebon Steel Golem which means they're probably really, really tough to destroy compared to our shadows. And thus very helpful in filling in our 'shock trooper' role that is rather... hero-only at the moment.

Our shadows are fragile for those who can deal with such things (they pop on certain magic defenses for example) so while really helpful for our ninja/intrigue, we'll likely need our Ebon Knights for more Martial/Defense actions.
[ ] Demon Days: Lower chances of exorcist and demon conflict resuming.
[ ] The Black Sword - The symbol of violence and war. Violence is life's most primal force, an eternal force that will never disappear as long as life exists. Violence for the sake of others. Violence for the sake of one's self. Violence for the sake of Violence. All becomes fuel for the might of the Black Kingdom. The vehemic energy of a city at war with itself would bring forth the sword of the Black King.
Bit of an anti-synergy here.
Sakura would be either mentally scarred from trauma or an empty shell after breaking from fear and pain.
Also, rape didn't happen. Genjutsu practice did. Which might have been just as bad. Kagemaru only wanted a virgin body after all.
A small reminder what would happen if we didn't pick an option to spend time with our friend.
Think about it: Count Cuddles could be molested by neighborhood cats as we speak!

[X] Plan Low Profile Windup
Shadows army feels weak, but rest is pretty much my pick.
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Bit of an anti-synergy here.

A small reminder what would happen if we didn't pick an option to spend time with our friend.
Think about it: Count Cuddles could be molested by neighborhood cats as we speak!

[X] Plan Low Profile Windup
Shadows army feels weak, but rest is pretty much my pick.
We aren't going for Vehement Sword at this time

[X] Plan Preparation
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[X] Plan Upgrade
-[X] Soldiers in disguise
-[X] Shadow Army
-[X] Energy Farm
-[X] Making Nice with Ninjas
-[X] Ninja Corps
-[X] Science Wing Exploration
-[X] Restoration and Renewal
-[X] Teleportation and Transference
-[X] Ninja Training with Yuudai
-[X] Magical Lessons

make nice with ninjas, work now so we can relax next turn!, make more forces!. more power! more SCIENCE!!
Hmm. Again, our primary constant is Ebon power. Keeping a supply of captives that no one cares about for long term sounds like a good investment, but still limiting in the long term. @shibosho, is there any other way to gather energy than what we naturally produce or can take from living subjects? Just asking because Ebon power seems remarkably fluid when it comes to energy conversion in both directions...and there is a lot more energy in the world around us. Could we convert electrical, or kinetic energy to Ebon Power, or even tap into nuclear bonds directly? Obviously this would be infrastructure heavy, and maybe late tier for it's possibility, but it certainly seems like the way we're going to need to go. It is the only way I can think the original Black Kingdom got so big or lasted so long. Just sacrificing large numbers of slaves or serfs is pretty unsustainable for the sheer amount of power that the kingdom seems to be implied to produce and consume.
Hmm. Again, our primary constant is Ebon power. Keeping a supply of captives that no one cares about for long term sounds like a good investment, but still limiting in the long term. @shibosho, is there any other way to gather energy than what we naturally produce or can take from living subjects? Just asking because Ebon power seems remarkably fluid when it comes to energy conversion in both directions...and there is a lot more energy in the world around us. Could we convert electrical, or kinetic energy to Ebon Power, or even tap into nuclear bonds directly? Obviously this would be infrastructure heavy, and maybe late tier for it's possibility, but it certainly seems like the way we're going to need to go. It is the only way I can think the original Black Kingdom got so big or lasted so long. Just sacrificing large numbers of slaves or serfs is pretty unsustainable for the sheer amount of power that the kingdom seems to be implied to produce and consume.
the obvious solution is to clone the victims and set up a Matrix style human farm field with the simulation being hell to constantly torture them to produce negative energy for us with armies of shadows constantly harvesting the power to be deposited into our own variants of giant wishing stone batteries
[X] Slow and Steady blindsides our enemy
[X] Soldiers in disguise
[X] Beasts of the Black Kingdom
[X] Demon Days
([-] Fallback)
[X] Information Network
[X] Ebon Power Substitution
[X] Teleportation and Transference
[X] Familiars
[X] My Little Slime
[X] Ninja Training with Yuudai​

All told, 3,460 EP, $5,000; and we finally find something out about Count Cuddles, while not crowding Yuudai (and learning something about being Ninja for inevitable Ando montage)
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the obvious solution is to clone the victims and set up a Matrix style human farm field with the simulation being hell to constantly torture them to produce negative energy for us with armies of shadows constantly harvesting the power to be deposited into our own variants of giant wishing stone batteries
Besides how human beings in general are inefficient as all hell when it comes to energy production vs maintenance...the charge of the energy doesn't matter to Ebon power. Negative, positive, what's more important is quantity and quality. And if charge doesn't matter, might as well take a page out of the Evil Overlord rules and not pointlessly give motivation for rebellion. Personally I think it'd be far better to just, I dunno, drain momentum from the Earth's rotation? Conduct direct Nuclear power transfer, it maybe experiment with electromagnetic fields and quantum reality layers? Even if it's complicated, I'm almost certain it's going to be less fiddly then slave farming. Probably subtler too.

Edit: And even if 'human' derived power is off higher quality...I don't think it's really possible for it to beat out the quantity of energy sunk in astronmical bodies and physical phenomena. Hypothetically accessible energy that is.
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I think I'm going to murder someone if we don't finally leverage our fantastic crits on the Ebon Steel Sentinels.

There's absolutely no good reason to not leverage the crits we got on Ebon Steel and enchanting in favor of fucking around with Beasts right now- it saves a whopping 300 EP when we're actually pretty solid on EP right now.

We need military and we need it fast- and I've yet to see a minion design more militarized than 'giant knight golems made out of indestructible metal'.
And we can't use Ebon Sentinels anywhere public, nor can we store them in our person to dump out on unsuspecting enemies. Until we can get 'teleport ho!' abilities, Ebon Sentinels is basically all flash, little substance, and we'd still have to wait until we could use them... so... your anger on the subject is moot Karugus.
Besides how human beings in general are inefficient as all hell when it comes to energy production vs maintenance...the charge of the energy doesn't matter to Ebon power. Negative, positive, what's more important is quantity and quality. And if charge doesn't matter, might as well take a page out of the Evil Overlord rules and not pointlessly give motivation for rebellion. Personally I think it'd be far better to just, I dunno, drain momentum from the Earth's rotation? Conduct direct Nuclear power transfer, it maybe experiment with electromagnetic fields and quantum reality layers? Even if it's complicated, I'm almost certain it's going to be less fiddly then slave farming. Probably subtler too.

Edit: And even if 'human' derived power is off higher quality...I don't think it's really possible for it to beat out the quantity of energy sunk in astronmical bodies and physical phenomena. Hypothetically accessible energy that is.
so what you are saying is....we need a volcano base. or dig a hole straight to the earth's core.
so what you are saying is....we need a volcano base. or dig a hole straight to the earth's core.
Meh, we can make that a long term project at some point when we're not trying to scramble and secure our current assets (and self) from getting blown up. Once we're more stable, we can go looking for a Volcano Lair to satisfy Nal.
@veekie since your plan has an early lead I'm going to critique it a bit. I mostly like it but I have 2 issues.

1. Beasts of the black kingdom

If this was taken a few turns ago I would be all for it but not now. We have seen that unless we get a crit these starter options net us really weak minions who we have to upgrade. If you want heavy hitters (which we are going to need because filling the book will make us enemies) we should go with the Knights. They are already high level and guaranteed success.

I like getting more shadows. We will need a lot more to fill this book quickly.

2. Magical girls

Are you sure about this? I like the idea of stealing energy from a faction that is already stealing energy, but if we get rid of them who are we going to blame our energy stealing on?

Not a large problem really, just wondering.
And we can't use Ebon Sentinels anywhere public, nor can we store them in our person to dump out on unsuspecting enemies. Until we can get 'teleport ho!' abilities, Ebon Sentinels is basically all flash, little substance, and we'd still have to wait until we could use them... so... your anger on the subject is moot Karugus.

Uh, we have a choice to get a form of teleporting spots set up or our own teleporting this turn. So... considering how apparently supernatural stuff is hidden easily, we can most likely make good use of them.

Even if it's limited to just around our teleporting spots, it means we can protect our transport routes and our base.

Then there's the part where maybe we can hide them as statues and donate them to places lol, suddenly statue defense :V
. . . @LightMage, I think you need to re-read the description.
[ ] Teleport Network: Thanks to your high-level enchantment ability, Evetta's own magical strength, knowledge, plus Ebon Power to fix up the gaps in your knowledge, you've come up with a plan to set up a network of teleportation circles for Ebon Servant use only. Not only will this allow you to move across the city unseen in an instant, you'll be able to ensure that people will have a harder time connecting your other identities to each other if you're doing something on one end of the city and then doing something else on the other end. It'll take some work and legwork to find and enchant the ideal locations across the city but it'll help you out a lot. Cost: 1000 EP. Time: 2 Weeks. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Ebon Teleportation Network Online. Easier time moving across the city. ???
And yes, I put in the option for our own teleporting in my plan, and no, it doesn't invalidate my point. We need teleportation to make use of Ebon Sentinels, and they'll still be there next turn, and hopefully we'll have our own teleport ability that we can use to either cut down the network time, or use to create a remote teleporting ability thereafter. Thus making Ebon Sentinels useful, and not just sitting around our base, at best doing menial chores.

@veekie since your plan has an early lead I'm going to critique it a bit. I mostly like it but I have 2 issues.

1. Beasts of the black kingdom

If this was taken a few turns ago I would be all for it but not now. We have seen that unless we get a crit these starter options net us really weak minions who we have to upgrade. If you want heavy hitters (which we are going to need because filling the book will make us enemies) we should go with the Knights. They are already high level and guaranteed success.

I like getting more shadows. We will need a lot more to fill this book quickly.
I bring your attention to this
[ ] Beasts of the Black Kingdom: You realized that before you try making monsters out of people, you should try making loyal monsters out of ordinary animals. There are lots of stray cats and dog as well as wild animals out in the city that you can use. PETA would be on your ass for using animals to test your powers but you're a villain so screw them. Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: New Minion Type – Beast.
They're both guaranteed to succeed. And both have the same risk of just how good a minion we get depending on the value of the roll. Ebon Sentinels just hit harder because Ebon Steel. (and aren't as splooshy if they get hit) But we come right back to how are we going to transport them to a/the fight without teleportation set up before hand (which we'll have to work on for two turns)
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