Oh, the player can use them. However, the nature of the Kingdom Key is more than just some powerful object. Remake one and you'll see. Here's a hint. Think carefully on what happened when the Book of Darkness, what the Book of Ebon based off of, was completed in Nanoha.

So it will probably be sentient. We might get another advisor out of this... although...

Here is hoping for the Book of Ebon not running rampant.
Oh, the player can use them. However, the nature of the Kingdom Key is more than just some powerful object. Remake one and you'll see. Here's a hint. Think carefully on what happened when the Book of Darkness, what the Book of Ebon based off of, was completed in Nanoha.

So be ready for a defense system capable of wiping out entire planets to go berserk on the protag...awesome (also didn't see nanoha or its spin offs so only know whats been out there on the web). Hopefully others can fill me in on details on just how OP the Book of Darkness was.
If I've got one question, it's if Jacob is only capable of working towards one Key at a time.

We could probably work towards all of them at the same time... but even one of them will take a lot of time.

Let us say we need X weeks for each of those (broadly speaking). If we focus on one, we have one powerful artifact in X weeks and have the full set in 5*X weeks.
If we try to do several at once, we get two to five powerful artifacts in 2*X to 5*X weeks, but would not have any before that time is up.

In other words, focussing on one is more effective than trying to create several at once.
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:facepalm: seriously? You guys do realize that the vote is on what key we'll be prioritizing the acquisition of over the rest till we get it, right? Meaning we'll still be working on the others, we'll just be focusing on the one we vote for the most.
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Or this could also end up like some Ebon-based Trophy/Achievement System.

Example said:
Darkness Writ in Magic

- Collected 1111 Magic Cores to remake the Book of Ebon.

- 1x Divine-Class Artifact "Book of Ebon"
- Social Link: Arcanum Personae "Reinforce" (Starts at Lv. 5), ???
:facepalm: seriously? You guys do realize that the vote is on what key we'll be prioritizing the acquisition of over the rest till we get it, right? Meaning we'll still be working on the others, we'll just be focusing on the one we vote for the most.
I am aware. I just really want Kingdom Hearts :V
Case Ebon: Evaluation by Basarin (Canon) (+15)
Take three on an omake. Quality may vary, but I'm still having fun with the Company trying to find additional clues about Ebon.


The following transcript is extracted from an overall Squadron EVALUATION. This transcript was extracted specifically in regards to Assault Blaze in an attempt to develop a better understanding of ANOMALY: Ebon.

Personnel Present:

Frost Fractal (Squad Leader)
Ranbey (Squad Familiar, on Rotation)
Chubey (Company Planning Office Familiar)

Chubey: All in all, your performance has been pretty good. Stellar, even.

Ranbey: Of course it's been! We fucking rock, in case you've been living under a tree.

Chubey: Ranbey, I do live under a tree. Please stay on topic.

Frost Fractal: Still, thank you very much for your kind words, sir.

Chubey: I'm only speaking the truth. We evaluate each Squad remotely, but our data's meaningless without the leadership's input. And as the Squad Leader and Familiar, you observe and see things that we on the higher levels are hard pressed to. And what you've been reporting so far lines up with what we're seeing.

You've done well this season…but we do have concerns.

Frost Fractal: …is it about Assault Blaze, sir?

Chubey: *sighs* I'm afraid it is. *Sounds of paper shuffling* Now, let me head something off. She's not in trouble. But she IS our one window into Ebon. Because of how unusual this all is, we need to keep a closer eye on her.

Ranbey: Called it! *silence, approximately two seconds* And we did notice something you should know.

Chubey: Please.

Ranbey: It's specifically about our last target. We just hit a new cycle, so this Wraith takedown's not on the books.

Chubey: Yes, yes, I know. We are classifying all Wraith takedowns with Ebon's assistance as subject to a new harvest cycle.

Ranbey: That's the thing! Because of that, you wouldn't have seen this yet. Frost?

Frost Fractal: Our last mission was just two nights ago, sir. It was a success with minimal property damage. But I… *silence, approximately three seconds* …I noticed something strange with Assault Blaze.

Chubey: …I am listening. Continue.

Frost Fractal: Assault Blaze's rate of recovery is much, much faster than normal. We are already faster than baseline humans as is, but even for us…this is not normal.

Ranbey: Right after the last takedown, she's back up and ready for another target in fifteen minutes. Like it's no big fucking deal! It's like she's chugging energy drinks when no one's looking.

Chubey: …that is abnormal. Has this happened before?

Ranbey: Don't you think I'd have told you earlier if it did, man?

Frost Fractal: No, not to my knowledge. *silence, approximately four seconds* It…while it very well might have, I can't say for certain. I only noticed it in this previous mission.

Chubey: Not to worry. It's early yet, so we still have time if it sets a trend...

Chubey: Ranbey. Frost Fractal. I cannot give direct guidance to you, but I am recommending that you do not bring this up with Assault Blaze at this time. It's possible that her increased recovery is a part of her interactions with Ebon. Keep quiet, but keep a close eye on her.

Ranbey: And what if it makes her go effin' nuclear?

Frost Fractal: It won't.

Chubey: And we will make sure we treat her to the best of our ability. And I think this is a good point to wrap up.

Ranbey: What!? You can't just leave it at –


Conclusion: Assault Blaze's interactions with Ebon have been noted to develop additional properties of an undetermined nature. As no direct study of Ebon's powers have been available up until now, our recommendation is to continue quiet observation of Assault Blaze. If any additional powers manifest, it will provide an excellent case study of Ebon's capabilities.

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The Show Must Go On! by PurposefulZephyr (Non-Canon)(+10 for effort though)
Because Jacob is terrible at diplomacy, and it'll be nice to get a diplomatic advisor.
Also because we need more waifus.
Senpai... why...
The Show Must Go On!
A drama of Personal options, in 2 turns.
Critical, with an intermission.

[X] The Show Must Go On!:
Christina came to you with... an unusual request. Drama Club's lead actor disappeared in quite mysterious circumstances, just two weeks before the big show! While there are actors who could fill in his role, none of them match the aesthetic the club president expects. No one expect you, apparently. This is such a bother and a waste of time. Still, you just can't stand the sad look on her face... God dammit. Cost: $100. Time: 2 Turns. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Learn how to act. Increased relations with Christina. ???

Roll: 100: Critical Roll: 93 + 3: 96 (... Okay then.)

"Thank you so much for helping us out! We couldn't find any other replacement, and we've searched the whole school and even asked that cool guy from the café... Ah, you haven't met Prez yet, have you? She can be a little bit... eccentric, let's just say. But she's really good and takes this very seriously, and you can't find a better actress in the whole world!" At the end she is pretty much flailing in her boss's defense. You smile at your friend's earnestness.

You both enter the gymnasium, temporarily serving as the drama club's 'base of operations'. Various props are sprawled on the floor, actors standing among them, practicing dramatic poses or just trying not to fumble with their lines.
A pair of massive red drapes, made from some really fine silk, hang from the walking track circling the hall. In between those you can see a hand-painted picture of a medieval castle, standing more than three meters tall.
You aren't sure if you should be impressed by their ingenuity and determination or pitying their miserable budget, even if half of it was spent on those drapes.

"Why, hello there.~" From behind the curtain emerges a slim, curvy figure. Wearing a simple, if a bit too tight, school uniform, and purple stockings with a rose theme. On her arm she wears the 'official Drama Club leadership symbol' (thanks Chris, real informative). Her hair is a pair of purple drills, each held by a red rose. On her neck a collar... with a rose on it. She really likes roses.
Taking slow, elegant steps, she circles around, her purple eyes inspecting you from every angle. It makes you just a bit uncomfortable.
I would do anything to be in your place right now.
After confirming that you do match her imaginary standards, she exclaims: "Excellent! You are just the person we need! Kizana Sunobu, glad to meet you." You nod, your face showing just how little you care for all this nonsense. Kizana frowns at this: "Why, we can't have such a dead expression! Where is the emotion, the passion?! The Prince is the one who carries the audience with his inner turmoil and deep, painful longing for his beloved!". You give just a single glance at Chris, standing right next to her president, trying to look as small as possible. 'I am doing this for you' your eyes say. 'I know' her expression replies.

And without any further introductions, you two get right to it. Your role may not the most complex, but it does require quite a lot of dramatic gestures and, frankly, exaggerated reactions.
You understand that this Prince is heartbroken, but does he really need to wail so much about it?
While there is a lot to say about Kizana, one thing you have to admit: she's an excellent actress, and a great teacher. Every scene, every line, every gesture was meticulously repeated ("No no no, this barely looks like a passable soap opera!"), explained ("You need to feel your throat tighten, your mouth dry up!"), and even demonstrated (you've never in your life seen a person cry on command).

After further work on my body language ("A prince needs to announce his presence with every move he makes!"), small revisions to Christina's script ("No no dear, it should be 'absolution to all those who wronged me' instead.") and general polishing of each and very aspect of the play (why do we need 5 different kinds of carpets, I'll never understand) you were finally let go ("Don't forget to practice for at least two hours on your own!").

All this repeated every day, with small variations, like the fire that took one of the carpets ("Your sacrifice shall never be forgotten, oh poor dear Carpetus!").
Overall she was 'moderately impressed' with your progress, which was apparently the equivalent of a being awarded the Victoria Cross.
This didn't stop her from commenting and personally adjusting (don't ask) the more 'subtle, yet regal' poses you had to make in the final act.
On this day a house in your neighborhood burnt down. Cause unknown.
You are thankful to be made of Ebon Power and not normal flesh. A mere human would quickly perish from this constant pressure.
Sometimes you wish you were the real Jacob, and not the clone who has to go to those practice sessions.
Well, at least you are the one to experience the ballroom dance with her firsthand.

Reward: You are on your way to learn how to act. Increased Diplomacy. Christina is happy. Got a migraine.
Avoided at least two murder attempts.
The Show Must Go On will be completed next turn.

Week X+1
[X] The Show Must Go On!:
Christina came to you with... an unusual request. Drama Club's lead actor disappeared in quite mysterious circumstances, just two weeks before the big show! While there are actors who could fill in his role, none of them match the aesthetic the club president expects. No one expect you, apparently. This is such a bother and a waste of time. Still, you just can't stand the sad look on her face... God dammit. Cost: $100. Time: 2 Turns. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Learn how to act. Increased relations with Christina. ???

[To be detailed in interlude]

Reward: The play is completed without a problem. Greatly increased relations with Christina Bellino. Increased reputation in your school. Learned to play a role. ???

Totally a QM said:
Don't mind me, just doing some rolls...
Scarred Veteran said:
We are doomed! DOOOOOMED!
Practical Guy said:
Alright, how many Omakes can we write in next 2 hours?
Some shitposter said:
Totally a QM said:
Don't mind me, just doing some rolls...
Ey look at me, I can do rolls too!
Anyone hungry?
Wise man once said:
Some shitposter said:
Ey look at me, I can do rolls too!
Anyone hungry?
YOU FOOL! You've doomed us even further!
Now QM will make Jacob eat as many burritos as many die he just rolled!

Week X+1 - The Play

The last few sessions before the big day were, somehow, even more hectic than usual.
This time it wasn't another carpet, but an actor that caught fire. If not for your timely intervention, your play would lack the oppressive father figure.
The situation certainly wasn't improved by the ridiculous standards the President expects from even the extras. ("You are supposed to drink jovially, not discuss fiscal margins!")
You are not even going to mention how many times you had to go through that dreaded monologue at the end... ("No! NO! You are NOT leaving until you pour your whole HEART into this!")
If it wasn't for Christina giving snacks, words of encouragement, and just pure good vibes, you are pretty sure the death toll would go into double digits.

Yet, in spite of all the challenges, the day finally came.
The seats were all taken, with your friends taking the front row.
You can see the subtle worry on Chris's face, and can't quite decipher what is Roselyn's expression trying to convey. Jealous, dear?
Ando sits right next to Asuka, flashing you his stupidest grin. You'd flip him off, if it wasn't befitting of a noble.

Unbeknownst to everyone here, the building is actually surrounded by your shadows, Ebon himself supervising this event.
With all the unfortunate incidents you wouldn't be surprised if half of the actors turned out to be possessed by skeletal demons.

Thankfully, the only demon you'd have to deal with right now is a tyrant of your father.
"But why, oh dear father? Why have you forsaken my happiness? For what reason have you ripped out my very soul?!" You say, your face contorted in pure agony, your thoughts applauding the guy who made the patterns on that robe.
"Such is my word. To oppose the will of a king is to oppose God himself! Leave my sight, prodigal son of mine!" And so you leave, hiding your sadness from courtiers around you. Oh, dear father. If only you've seen a Real King, you'd be on your knees, begging for even a sliver of attention, yet alone forgiveness.

The play continues. Knights waving their swords threateningly at the former jester, ghosts calling for revenge, daughters resisting molestation from an ambitious if rowdy clerk... you know, the usual of medieval times.
After all the banter, finally comes the scene everyone was waiting for. The titular Bella enters the scene, currently decorated with chains and few surprisingly realistic skulls.
"Oh, James, the pure light shining upon the dew on my sorrowful leaves." You'd come up with some snarky commentary, but you are to busy contemplating just how did the school authorities allow this outfit. You mean, look at the cleava... *ekhm*. Yes. The Play.
"Bella, oh Bella, may the world end right this very moment so our reunion might last forever!" One more thing? Thank you Chris. Thank you for using (relatively) normal, everyday English.
"What are you saying, dearest? Have our woes fallen upon deaf ears? Has the Cardinal himself declined his favor?" It's very hard to connect this damsel with the girl who ordered you around just few hours ago.
"Do not worry, ambrosia upon my lips, for like all the things upon this wretched world, this too shall pass." A soft gasp goes through the crowd as I draw an unremarkable bottle from my pocket.
It's oddly enjoyable, seeing them all tremble at your smallest gesture. You've got to make a proper show, as the real Jacob, once you've got a big enough audience.
"Have you lost your mind, brother by heart?!" Ah, here you are, James. Oh, right: shock, surprise, guilt.
"H-how were you...?" Besides this castle having apparently only a single place connecting to the manor.
"Ha! You should know better than to doubt my shadowy step and keen senses!" A cocky grin bloomed on his face.
Oh, dear brother. You and your fantastic stealth capabilities. If only you'd seen some transfer student's faces right now.
"It matters not! En guard, vagrant friend of mine!" And so you both draw your swords, hoping not to stab anyone this time.
You could take him without a sword. Even if this armor was real, it wouldn't really matter. Metal protects your flesh, not your balance.
But as it stands, you have to dance with him in this weird fencing tango, which is as far from fighting as it can get.
She lights up my world, gives it color, meaning...
Thankfully it only lasts for few minutes, when your most loyal advisor falls to the ground, your sword piercing the floor behind him.
You shake your head, then let it fall down, just a single tear falling down your cheek. You'd thank Kizana for this trick, but the fact that their budget just received a mortal blow is enough on it's own.
You stay there, motionless, for just a few moments, a single hand on your heart. Then, you immediately take the bottle, and chug half of it! Ah, if only I had shadows to collect all this negative energy!
Your pulse quickens, your breath is shallow and sweat [drips on your forehead]. You are afraid. You'd say it's your amazing acting, but in reality it's that stupid scene that is waiting for you. You repeated it enough times to give Ebon himself nightmares.
What's supposed to happen is a "carefully choreographed dance of longing, desire and pure emotion" whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. Oh, and you're supposed to make a massive speech while doing so. Joy.
While Christina is a good writer, her works tend to have those long, sentimental speech-dances for no apparent reason. If you were this Prince, you would not bother with some melodramatic performance. You would just walk to her, sweep her off her feet, and kiss her.
... As you just did. To her credit, Kizana didn't even make a sound as you went completely off script. She's currently in your arms, her eyes closed, your lips locked in a very passionate kiss.
All this 'entering the character's life' must have really gotten to your head.

The entire room falls silent for what feels like an eternity. Then, a single person starts clapping. After that the applause grows dramatically, drowning the scene in sound of awe and admiration.
You break off the kiss. For a moment you stare at her, her face in pure shock and... something else. You help her stand up, as she still tries to comprehend what just happened.
Every actor walks onto front of the scene, bowing. You still hold Kizana's hand. You can feel her emotional energy fluctuating wildly.
In retrospect, it might have been better to stick to the script...

You rub your temples in mild frustration. Kizana stands in the middle of the glowing magic circle.
When you accepted (or more accurately gave in to) her advances and invited her home, you didn't quite expect this to happen.
"Can you please tell me again- why is that a good idea?" You still can't quite believe Evetta convinced you to do it.
"Since she is already completely loyal to you, why not turn this loyalty into something more?" Evetta repeats her argument, tone of a mother answering a particularly silly question from a child.
"What if she won't be accepted by the Ebon Emperor?" Not that you are worried. It'll be just hard to explain why Drama Club's president disappeared right after visiting your house.
"Do not worry darling. I am absolutely sure my burning love and devotion to you will convince the great, glorious Emperor that I am a worthy servant.~"
You sigh. I guess you can always make a shadow clone that looks like her. Or erase everyone's memories of her. You'll think of something.

Injecting just a bit of Ebon Power into the circle, you wait anxiously in front of the pillar of pure darkness.
After a full minute, it disappears, a motionless Kizana standing with her hands on her heart.
After a few silent moments, you go to her, to see if there's anything left of her mind.
Right when you touch her shoulder, she immediately springs to life, wrapping her arms around you.
"Oh my dear, mighty Lord, I swear my utmost loyalty to Ebon Emperor and you.~ Let us revive our Dark Master!"

You aren't really sure if you should be relieved or utterly terrified right now.
At least you won't have to figure out what to do with her body...
No, not like that!
His body probably lies three meters under our school petunias.

The play is complete. Christina is very glad. Roselyn is furious. The entire school is impressed. You became a real actor.
Saved half of the Drama Club from certain demise.
Gained Kizana Sunobu (Diplomacy Advisor)


Martial: 11+5+3+1: 20: While not a warrior, you did have to learn how to move with grace, to imitate dueling nobles or ruthless pirates. That and your unreadable movements allow you to catch the enemy off guard.
He didn't see it coming. Was it a hammer? Or maybe a bag of rocks?
Stewardship: 12+3: 16: Hard to manage a theater without the props, or with actors who aren't paid on time (not that students get any pay from this, but the principle stands).

Diplomacy: 20+4+1+3+3: 31: A real actress needs to understand the people she plays. The moment she enters the scene, she needs to become them fully and completely.

Intrigue: 17+3+1+3+1: 25: When you wear so many masks, it's childishly easy to see when someone else tries to do the same. Lies are the foundation of the craft, after all.
It's hard to sympathize with someone who's nothing but a mask, dear.
Learning: 15+1+3+3: 22. Managing all the different scripts and peculiarities of each and every role requires a fair deal of mental flexibility, a sharp mind and very good memory.

Piety: 4+5+1+3: 13. While you did dabble in a few occult rituals to experience the mystique, you didn't come across anything that could actually affect reality.


Actress: To perform, to recreate an entire world in front of the audience, to expose to them your very beating heart! That is the essence of being an actress. +4 Diplomacy. +3 Intrigue.

Servant of the Ebon Emperor: The Black King has chosen you to serve them and in doing so has granted you powers beyond the ken of mortal men. +5 Martial. +5 Piety.

Perfectionist: Good is the very enemy of art. To reach real beauty you cannot cut corners and should accept nothing but the very best. +1 to all stats.
There was not a single stain left after the previous lead actor.
Fabulous: It's not just your immense talent that draws everyone's attention.~ +3 Diplomacy. +1 Intrigue.
It's so much more than that.
Artistic Soul: Your soul hums a peculiar melody. You are always hungry for new experiences, new sensations, new creations to bring to this world! +3 Learning.

True Love: Your heart beats faster whenever you see your beloved. Your every thought eventually comes back to him. You give it all in the name of love. +3 to all stats.
Why did you choose HIM?!

Oh, also the trait for Jacob:
A True Actor: While you still prefer to be yourself, you are capable of assuming a different persona for the sake of appearances. +3 Diplomacy. +3 Intrigue.
I won't give up...
At this point this Omake grew in size to become without comparison the biggest thing I posted on the internet.
Also, miraculously, this time I actually waited with and revised before posting. Here's to actually doing some editing! :D
Thanks shibosho! Your story is the very reason I started writing Omakes in the first place!
I love omakes. I'm also sorry about not updating these last couple of days. A combination with not getting enough sleep, getting Shadow of Mordor when it was on special, and binge reading Martial World has kept me from writing. Hopefully I'll get one out today or tomorrow, depending on what everyone's timezone is.
Zephyr. Do you really see me as that much of a worry wart as to inanely comment about a burrito picture inspiring a QM to make the character consume such, and at such quantities? I mean, if I was in a snit, I might snark about making the QM hungry and delaying the quest. But otherwise I'm more apt to post a dozen or so face palms, if I responded at all to the burrito shit post. ... Or was the worry wart poster someone else?

[Edit] *Nervously looks around* Everyone else heard that rim shot cadence too, right?
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Zephyr. Do you really see me as that much of a worry wart as to inanely comment about a burrito picture inspiring a QM to make the character consume such, and at such quantities? I mean, if I was in a snit, I might snark about making the QM hungry and delaying the quest. But otherwise I'm more apt to post a dozen or so face palms, if I responded at all to the burrito shit post. ... Or was the worry wart poster someone else?

[Edit] *Nervously looks around* Everyone else heard that rim shot cadence too, right?

Frankly, I wanted to make a joke based upon the previous character roll. Two people worrying, 'me' making a joke, 'you' calling me out on provoking the QM, maybe another response being the punchline.
Then I made something of a parody of the original, and your retort was enough for said punchline. (there was my helmsman joke, but it was unnecessary now)
If not for your original response, there pretty much wouldn't be such an intermission in the first place. For that I am thankful.
EDIT: To clarify: Yer not a worry wart. Just me trying to make a joke with what I have.
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Week 6
Week 6

"So that's going to be the Book of Ebon?"

"Is, Lord Jacob and Officer Yuudai. It is already the Book of Ebon. Using a grimoire that I was in possession of, I have created the Book of Ebon. As you should have surmised already, it is currently empty and unable to demonstrate its true power, thus requiring one thousand, one hundred, and eleven pages worth of magical power to be collected."

"Hmph, doesn't look like much. I was expecting something more...I can't believe I'm saying this...more magical looking."

"Do not worry, Officer Yuudai. While its current appearance is not dissimilar to a normal leather hardcover book, as the pages are filled up, it will take on a more suitable appearance worthy of its nature as the Book of Ebon."

After Evetta hands you the featureless black hardcover book, you flip through the pages to find that they are indeed completely empty. However, even as you hold it in your hands, you notice that the book is pulling at your internal magical power. You sense a vague sapience within the tome. It hungers for its pages to be filled and you plan on doing so.

You have no doubt that once the pages have begun filling up, its true powers will be revealed to you and the others. According to Evetta, however, in order to drain the magic core of a person, you will have to weaken their physical strength before you can directly tap into the magic core. In order words, you'd have to drain a person of both their life energy in order to directly drain them of their magic core.

Evetta has thankfully created a set of auxiliary books that are connected to the main book so that any core magical power that you successfully drain can be transferred to the Book of Ebon without needing you to carry the actual thing with you every time you go out to drain someone personally.

It looks like you're gonna be needing more Neoshadows in order to make progress in filling the Book of Ebon. Fortunately, you've found that your regular Shadows have not only been multiplying on their own but some of them have spontaneously evolved into Neoshadows as well. +20 Shadows. +5 Neoshadows.

Your new ninja prisoners have also been helpful in supplementing your Ebon Power supply as well, having a much larger reservoir of life energy than a normal person. +1600 EP

With the addition of a new member joining your group and a proper long term objective beyond the short term, things are gonna get busy in more ways than one! At least you've been freed up from some of your stuff in order to focus on other stuff, thanks to Yuudai. +1 Personal Action. +1 Martial Action.

Ebon Power Upkeep: 150

4140 Ebon Power Available.

29300 Funds available.

80 Ebon Shadows Available (Don't get used up during actions unless destroyed due to poor rolls)

10 Neoshadows Available(Don't get used up during actions unless destroyed due to poor rolls)

1 Wishing Stone Available

1 Human Captive (poor condition) Available

5 Ninja (Low-rank) captives (Good Condition) Available

Book of Ebon: 0/1111 pages filled


Your forces are growing but they are still essentially small fries in relation to other factions' combat strength. While you could be considered a one-man army, capable of taking on large groups of combatants with ease, you are still one person and one person can not do all the things you need to do alone. (Choose 2)

[ ] Soldiers in disguise:
You've got some advice from Evetta on how to actually go about improving the combat capabilities of your Golems. According to her, you could theoretically grant your golems a more combat capable form though it would also depend on the intelligence and ego of the golem themselves. If successful, your golems may be able to become completely viable combatants. With power to spare, you're ready to bring up the existence of your golems up a notch. Cost: 400 EP. Chance of success 100% Reward: Minion Type - Golem Rank Up. All existing Golems gains combat upgrade. Certain Golems evolves into Spirit Tools.

[ ] Steel Sentinels:
Ebon Steel does not lend itself to life very easily. It's not impossible if you consider Evetta's Ebon Steel Doll Soldiers. Even if it\ was on the same level as your weakest golems, they were intelligent or at least sapient. Having examined some of the few remaining Ebon Steel Dolls, combined with your greater mastery of Ebon Power, you believe you can create your own versions. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: New Minion Type - Knight gained. ???

[ ] Shadow Army:
The Shadows are your most numerous combat assets. While they seem to multiply on their own, as things stand, you're going to be needing a hell lot more of them, both the regular Shadows and Neoshadows. Thankfully, it seems that your regular Shadows have also developed the ability to hide in other people's shadows and drain their energy though only the Neoshadows can drain enough energy to be a threat. Time to make some more Shadows. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success:70%. Reward: 200 Ebon Shadows. 40 Neoshadows.

[ ] Beasts of the Black Kingdom:
You realized that before you try making monsters out of people, you should try making loyal monsters out of ordinary animals. There are lots of stray cats and dog as well as wild animals out in the city that you can use. PETA would be on your ass for using animals to test your powers but you're a villain so screw them. Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: New Minion Type – Beast.

[ ] Magic Core Hunt:
In order to start filling up the Book of Ebon, you'll need your forces to drain magic cores. The magic core of a normal person is close to non-existent so you'll have to actually target those who are actual mages, magical creatures, or have high level of magical potential if you want to get any substantial gains in pages. It will definitely attract attention but thankfully you'll be doing it in a completely different identity. Cost: 50 Ebon Shadows. 10 Neoshadows. (Will not be used up unless poor roll occurs.) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Book of Ebon Pages. 500+ Ebon Power Gained. Rising awareness within the magical community.

: Ebon Power is always in demand for your projects and so is money. A large chunk of money has disappeared just like that but you have plans to set up a proper means of income for your financial needs. Still, power will always be an issue and cash isn't something you desperately need right now. Right now, your group is more of a social thing than a proper group. (Choose 1)

[ ] Energy Farm:
The easiest way to get more Ebon Power is to increase the number of captives that you can drain energy from. With the number of Shadows you have under your control, it should be child's play to capture a bunch of people to act as your Ebon Power generators. You'll have to make sure that whoever you kidnap will not be missed anytime soon. Cost: 60 Ebon Shadows. 10 Neoshadows. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: 2d6+5 Human Captives. Increased Ebon Power Income.

[ ] Enchantment Receptacle Sellout:
With only a little Ebon Power expenditure from you, an object perfect for enchantment is created, worth thousands of dollars. Atticus isn't the only store around that wishes to sell your wares. There are a lot of places in the city that deals in magical materials and the likes so why don't you set up a supply deal with all of them. High-quality enchantment receptacles for cash is cheap compared to the usual requirements. Cost: 800 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: $5000+ Fund Income gained.

[ ] Teleport Network:
Thanks to your high-level enchantment ability, Evetta's own magical strength, knowledge, plus Ebon Power to fix up the gaps in your knowledge, you've come up with a plan to set up a network of teleportation circles for Ebon Servant use only. Not only will this allow you to move across the city unseen in an instant, you'll be able to ensure that people will have a harder time connecting your other identities to each other if you're doing something on one end of the city and then doing something else on the other end. It'll take some work and legwork to find and enchant the ideal locations across the city but it'll help you out a lot. Cost: 1000 EP. Time: 2 Weeks. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Ebon Teleportation Network Online. Easier time moving across the city. ???

There are problems all over your city that makes you wish you had more people on your side or at least several more officers to take care of things. Still, things have been cooling down in regards to the ninja clans, the mages have managed to collect another cursed artifact from its owner, exorcists have been taking out both regular demons and weird mechanical skeleton demons, and the Company has been fighting it out with Witches and Wraiths. The other magical girl groups haven't had anything concerning them this week though. Is this a breather or the calm before the storm? In any case, you need to make nice with all these people or at least tolerate you. (Choose 1)

[ ] Making Nice with Ninjas:
There are at least a dozen different ninja groups ranging from whole clans to individual mercenaries for hire in this city that you call home. With Ando being thrown head-first into the deep end, it has become important for you to better understand the nature of these ninjas who live far away from the home of their origins. Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Information on Ninja Factions. Support Link Gained. ???

[ ] The Mage Circle and the Cursed Junk:
A set of cursed objects have made their way into the city and it has gotten all the good mages' knickers in a twist. With your ability to sense various kind of energy, you could probably help them out with locating these mysterious objects. It'll make a good first impression if you showed up and gave them one of these cursed items. Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Information on Mage Factions. Support Link gained. ???

[ ] Skeleton Demon Hunt:
There is a grinning monster from hell that turns innocent people, blinded by grief, into vessels for its skeleton minions. The Exorcists make hunting down these abominations one of their top priorities. However, they do not seem to have the means to locate these skeleton demons until they act out but by then there are already victims. You can sense the difference between a normal person and a demon skeleton meat puppet. Offer them your services and see how things go. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Information on Exorcist Faction. Support Link gained. ???

[ ] Magical Girl Mayhem:
A Magical Girl fights for love, peace, and friendship. The means they do so are varied. Type A uses love-empowered magical elemental attacks while Type B uses empowered fists of love and justice. Both, however, don't really have a support network like the Company do. Thus, you find both types running themselves ragged fighting all these strange monsters. How about you go and take the pressure off them a little by destroying a bunch of these posers? How dare these magical villains try and home in on your energy harvesting schtick. Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information on Magical Girl Factions. Support Link gained. ???

[ ] Demon Days:
The demon denizens of the city has something of a peace treaty or at least a ceasefire between them and the exorcists. Demons don't prey on humans and exorcists will leave them alone. Unfortunately, several demons have decided to attempt to break this ceasefire and the other demons don't like it. Having heard about your sensory abilities, the demons at the Peach Pit want you to help them out by taking out these rogue demons before the Exorcists get involved and things escalate. Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Increase relations with Las Angeyoto Demons Denizens. Lower chances of exorcist and demon conflict resuming.

: Yuudai has seamlessly integrated himself into his new role as your spymaster. Having given him authority to command the Seekers, you are certain that Yuudai will do his job well. As a professional assassin, spy and saboteur, Yuudai is sure to help you get things done in the world of backstabbing and backdoor dealings. (Fallback will be finished this turn)(Choose 1)

[X] Fallback:
Anonymity is one of your greatest tools at this point of the great game. With the cash that you have, you can start making full use of it. You'll need secret identities to hide your civilian actions behind since doing Ebon stuff as Jacob is just asking for trouble. Your glamour needs an upgrade so that you can appear as more than just a guy in a black coat with glowing red eyes. You'll need to also make sure your base is extra secure since it's not actually that hard to break into. You need to truly hide all traces of your assets if you want to keep some nosy idiot from getting lucky and finding their way into your base. Cost: 300 EP, $20000. Upkeep: $1000. Time: 2 Turns. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Base properly hidden and secure. False identities acquired. Better Glamour. Loose threads severed. (Will be completed this turn)

[ ] Information Network:
Yuudai's greater understanding of the world of espionage, as well as his own connections with various information brokers, has prompted him to set up a proper information network for you instead of trying to sift through hundreds of hours of Seeker Recordings of whatever seems interesting. Of course, he's going to change how the Seekers do their thing but he also needs more seekers to do so. Cost: 800 EP, $5000. Upkeep: $500. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information Network available. Weekly Rumour mill.

[ ] Ninja Corps:
Yuudai wishes to make your ninja captives into loyal shinobis to the cause of the Ebon Emperor. He believes that with the use of Ebon Power, some memory and emotional alterations, as well as the use of some subtle enchantments, you'll have a squad of loyal ninjas to command. Not only that but Yuudai also hopes that this experiment will also give you a way to transform normal people into trained assassins as well. An interesting idea so to speak. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: All ninja captives become Ebon Ninjas. Gain ability to turn human captives into Ebon Ninjas.

[ ] It's Not Stealing, It's Borrow - Okay It's Stealing:
There are magical artifacts out there that are chock full of magical power. Evetta suggests that due to the nature of these artifacts, they themselves count as magic core and thus if you were to drain these powerful artifacts of their magic, you'll be able to fill up pages in the Book of Ebon faster. Of course, that's if you can get your hands on them and if it works. Cost: $8000 Fund. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Magical artifacts. Above 90: ???

The Power of Ebon does weird things to the laws of physics and normal science, even when you're not using it as a source of magic. The Science-dominated society that you live in is just something that you need to learn how to mess with using the power of Ebon. (Choose 1)

[ ] Ebon Power Substitution
: The Power of the Ebon Emperor is incredibly malleable. With effort, it changes according to your thoughts. Could you recharge a phone with it? Can you use it as nourishment instead of actual food? And can you fire Ebon Power instead of lead out of a gun? Just what can you do with this? Cost: 300 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Learn how to replicate mundane energies. ???

[ ] Science Wing Exploration:
In your base is an entire area related to research and development that has been cordoned off for reason yet unknown to you. It's time to crack open the area and see what you can find and more important what you can use. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 50% Rewards: Science Wing explored. ??? New options unlocked.

[ ] Ninja Techniques and Ebon:
Ninja uses a combination of their trained bodies and qi in order to pull off some of their more fantastical ninja techniques, the ones that you usually see in anime and movies. Turns out that a lot of them are legit but for most parts are usually held in reserves since they are usually too flashy for the usual stealth-based task ninjas do. Still, pulling off ninja skills as either Ebon or Jacob sounds like fun. Time for some experimentation! Cost: 400 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Acquire ability to replicate Ninja Techniques. Increased intrigue.

Evetta has finished setting up her magic workshop in the base as well as an area for working on her doll soldiers. Having now taken up the reins as your magical advisor, you hope that all magic related matters will now go more smoothly now that you have a magical doll assisting you. (Choose 2)

[ ] Power of a Wish:
The Wishing Stone is an object of great power that is capable of altering reality to grant wishes. You had originally planned to try and replicate this incredible power by absorbing the Wishing Stone. However, Evetta has informed you that such an approach would either result in nothing but a large influx of Ebon Power or you being bound by rules and compulsions beyond your current means to resist, essentially partially becoming a wish-granting machine. Instead, she has theorized that you might be able to create your own version of the Wishing Stone. It'll require a lot of effort but it'll be worth it to create your own magical girl army. Cost: 600 EP, 1 Wishing Stone. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Gain the ability to create your own Wishing Stone variant.

[ ] Restoration and Renewal:
Through brute force, you've healed wounds and restored the loss of limbs through recreating the flesh that had been destroyed. For a number of schools, that is pretty much what healing magic is. However, Evetta shows you a much more powerful and efficient style of healing. She demonstrates by having you cut off your arm and destroying it. Afterward, she restores your arm like it had never been lost in the first place in mere seconds. You want to know how she did that and you wanted it several weeks ago. Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Gain Greater Healing capabilities.

[ ] Teleportation and Transference:
Being able to teleport from one place to another in an instant is one of your biggest fantasies. However, magic that messes with time and space, and playing with portals can be quite dangerous. Thankfully, Evetta is more than capable of teaching you the basics as well as the combat applications. You want to blink from enemy to enemy, slashing them as you pass them by, and continue enhancing your Reaper cosplay with a Shadow Step skill. Cost: 200 EP. 70% Reward: Gain short-range teleportation ability. Gain ability to generate portals and set them in places.

[ ] Familiars:
While your golems are a helpful bunch, Evetta requires more capable assistants in her work and wishes to acquire them by creating familiars. Different from the familiars of the Company, these familiars are magical creatures that are created by a mage. They are created by extracting the soul of an animal and infusing it into a magical body sustained by a mage's magical power. They usually appear humanoid and can shapeshift into their animal forms as well. They frankly sound useful and more help around the base would be great. Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Evetta gains magical familiar. Jacob gains magical familiar.

: Your personal life has been getting a bit chaotic as of late, especially when ninjas are involved. You still don't really know that much about Yuudai or Evetta plus there's still the whole business with Ando and his ninja bodyguards as well. Still, with them helping out, you've got a bit more free time to yourself now. (Choose 2)

[ ] Ebon Meditation:
From a source unknown, the power of Ebon flows into you. It is a great and powerful thing but the flow is small. Weak. You need more than what is being given to you and you know if you can widen the gates even by a little, you'll be able to draw upon so much more Ebon Power. What you simply need is a clear mind and to see the flow. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: Increased Ebon Power Generation. ???

[ ] Friends and Family:
While you do have a clone doing the things that Jacob Anderson should be doing, not to mention you also gain his memories when you come and replace him with a new clone, it'd be nice to take a break and hang with your friends and family for a bit for real. Plus you may spot things that Jacob misses as well. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Increased Relationship with Friends and family. Lowered Suspicions from Friends and Family. ???

[ ] My Little Slime:
You've got a pet slime of magical ebon-fueled origins. Cuddles seems capable of eating anything organic and it can blow bubbles. It is also technically your first minion. Spend some time with it. Get to know it better. Build up your bond with the little fellow. Cute is justice and nothing's cuter than Count Cuddles. Cost: 10EP. Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Increased Relationship with Count Cuddles. ???

[ ] Ninja Training with Yuudai:
Ever the professional shinobi, Yuudai keeps up his training, especially since he needs to incorporate his new abilities into his fighting style as well. He's offered to give you some ninja training in exchange for some advice on how to manipulate Ebon Power. From what you can tell, he's having a difficult time messing with the stuff. Strange considering how easy it comes to you. Getting some proper ninja training sounds good though and may be worth a look into. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Closer to Yuudai. Yuudai gains new trait. Gain Below the Belt: There's no such thing as a dirty trick, especially when your life is on the line. 1/4th of Intrigue is added onto Martial. +1 Martial or Intrigue.

[ ] Magical Lessons:
Evetta wishes to teach you and Yuudai the way of magic, especially since Yuudai's own magical potential is greater than your own. Yuudai would do well to learn how to do magic and you could use the lesson as well, simply because it is a powerful tool to have in the right situation. Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Closer to Evetta Blackstone. Closer to Yuudai.Yuudai gain trait: Lesser Magical Arsenal: ⅓ of Piety Added onto Martial. +1 Martial, Diplomacy, or Piety.

AN: Sorry for the delay. Was dealing with shit in my life and I was using games to keep my mind off things.

Also 1 Hour Moratorium for voting.
[X] Plan Low Profile Windup
-[X] Beasts of the Black Kingdom
-[X] Shadow Army

Going to need a lot more dudes for this. Once we start draining we'd start getting aggro, so make sure we have the manpower for it.

-[X] Energy Farm

Renewable efficiency!

-[X] Magical Girl Mayhem

100% success rate, and we could have a shot at draining energy drainers, getting the loot while looking good.

-[X] Information Network

Need this since yesterday. Expensive, but we need the information.

-[X] Ninja Techniques and Ebon

Also need the stealth. We'd be drawing heat, so best get good at hiding.

-[X] Power of a Wish
-[X] Teleportation and Transference

Time to go for a wish, and the teleport lore to buff the teleport network when we get to it.
Familiars should wait for after we finish Beasts of the Black Kingdom. Useful bonuses there.

-[X] Friends and Family
-[X] My Little Slime

Cuddles neglected for too long. Get him and also our friends to temper any weird ideas they might be getting recently

Going to be asleep when voting opens up, I'd X it in later in the morning
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If we were actually going to be tactical about this instead of anime villian, I'd say the best method would be to fill up each Key to near completion and then complete them all in rapid sequence
[] Plan Substitution no Jutsu
-[] Soldiers in disguise
-[] Steel Sentinels
-[] Teleport Network
-[] The Mage Circle and the Cursed Junk
-[] Ninja Corps
-[] Ebon Power Substitution
-[] Teleportation and Transference
-[] Ninja Training with Yuudai

Better transportation has high utility. Ninjas have high utility. Sentient pieces of Ebonsteel and random brooms have high utility. Mage Circle because I want voldemort dead. Competition is irritating.

Mostly I just care about Ebon Power Substitution and Soldiers in Disguise. I want to fill out our base and these two have been waiting for a while.
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Damn. almost missed the moratorium.

Ok for Martial, let's get do Soldiers in Disguise and Steel Soldiers. They both have a 100% chance of success. We can do the animal testing and shadow army next week.

Stewardship. That teleportation network is very shiny, but only a 50% chance of success makes me leery. The Energy Farm is the safe option.

For Diplomacy, I favor Demon Days, but I would settle for magical girls.

If the Intrigue "choose one" is in addition to Fallback, then I want the Information Network.

In Learning, Ebon Power Substitution is my favorite, but I'd settle for ninja techniques.

Piety. Teleportation would probably make the teleportation network easier, but I like the Familiar and Wishing Stone options better right now.

Personal. I'm fine with anything that isn't meditation.
Okay, glance wise... Gonna comment on possible options now, and likely say we may want to start 'set up', but not fully go on Ebon book just yet, set up wise...
Martial: (Choose 2)

[ ] Soldiers in disguise: Cost: 400 EP. Chance of success 100% Reward: Minion Type - Golem Rank Up. All existing Golems gains combat upgrade. Certain Golems evolves into Spirit Tools.

[ ] Steel Sentinels: Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: New Minion Type - Knight gained. ???

[ ] Shadow Army: Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success:70%. Reward: 200 Ebon Shadows. 40 Neoshadows.

[ ] Beasts of the Black Kingdom: Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: New Minion Type – Beast.

[ ] Magic Core Hunt: Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Book of Ebon Pages. 500+ Ebon Power Gained. Rising awareness within the magical community.

Other than two actions on Martial, WOO!

I'd lean towards Soldiers in disguise, and either Neo-Shadows to prepare a 'harvest', or go cheap and focus on Beasts to ride on.

Either way, the moment we go on a Magical Core hunt, is likely the moment Magi may turn into a potential threat/headache on our end... Unless by chance, we could possibly get lucky, or point the 'evil magician did this' card on the not!Voldemort.

Stewardship: (Choose 1)

[ ] Energy Farm: Chance of Success: 100% Reward: 2d6+5 Human Captives. Increased Ebon Power Income.

[ ] Enchantment Receptacle Sellout: Cost: 800 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: $5000+ Fund Income gained.

[ ] Teleport Network: Cost: 1000 EP. Time: 2 Weeks. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Ebon Teleportation Network Online. Easier time moving across the city. ???
Given our current expenditure, I'd feel that short term, we'd likely need to capture some more people to harvest from, instead of passive luck...

Especially when the other two are REALLY Expensive on Ebon, Ebon we may not have thousands to spare on.
Diplomacy: (Choose 1)

[ ] Making Nice with Ninjas: Cost: 0 EP. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Information on Ninja Factions. Support Link Gained. ???

[ ] The Mage Circle and the Cursed Junk: Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Information on Mage Factions. Support Link gained. ???

[ ] Skeleton Demon Hunt: Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Information on Exorcist Faction. Support Link gained. ???

[ ] Magical Girl Mayhem: Cost: 100 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information on Magical Girl Factions. Support Link gained. ???

[ ] Demon Days: Cost: 50 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Increase relations with Las Angeyoto Demons Denizens. Lower chances of exorcist and demon conflict resuming.

Quick, get us a Magical Diplomat!

More seriously, we could either help chill the Demon shenanigans for some adviser? Or play it safe with trying to reinforce our 'alliance' with a Magical girl, and potentially get a Magical Girl as an 'Adviser' if we're lucky.

Or, we could help the magi out, and totally not 'drain' not Voldemort at the same time. It'd be a 'totally' benevolent anti-dark mage technique, even if it's dark and edgy!
Intrigue: (Fallback will be finished this turn)(Choose 1)

[ ] Information Network: Cost: 800 EP, $5000. Upkeep: $500. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Information Network available. Weekly Rumour mill.

[ ] Ninja Corps: Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: All ninja captives become Ebon Ninjas. Gain ability to turn human captives into Ebon Ninjas.

[ ] It's Not Stealing, It's Borrow - Okay It's Stealing: Cost: $8000 Fund. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Magical artifacts. Above 90: ???

Stealing loot, or artifacts could lead to at lesat some sort of Magical Artifacts short term, that could be... 'reacquired' to feed our Ebon-Book chan, and maybe if lucky, a possible useful tool for later use/sacrifice. Though it'd use cash instead of Ebon, which is a rare mercy?

Past that, I'd likely say balance the books, and look at if we'd be better brainwashing Ebon Ninja's for a short term counter ninja shenanigans, or set up an Network now for roughly 1/4th of our EP reserves.
Learning: (Choose 1)

[ ] Ebon Power Substitution: Cost: 300 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Rewards: Learn how to replicate mundane energies. ???

[ ] Science Wing Exploration: Cost: 0. Chance of Success: 50% Rewards: Science Wing explored. ??? New options unlocked.

[ ] Ninja Techniques and Ebon: Cost: 400 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Acquire ability to replicate Ninja Techniques. Increased intrigue.

Alright, at a glance. Ninja tech needs 400 EP. And substitution 300 EP. At a glance, I might say it'd be 'safer' to just go on ninja technique for the short term, given priority of things.

Piety: (Choose 2)

[ ] Power of a Wish: Cost: 600 EP, 1 Wishing Stone. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Gain the ability to create your own Wishing Stone variant.

[ ] Restoration and Renewal: Cost: 200 EP. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Gain Greater Healing capabilities.

[ ] Teleportation and Transference: Cost: 200 EP. 70% Reward: Gain short-range teleportation ability. Gain ability to generate portals and set them in places.

[ ] Familiars: Cost: 500 EP. Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Evetta gains magical familiar. Jacob gains magical familiar.
Past the Wish option, I might feel that short term? Unless proper accountants are in accord, we'd be better picking both Restoration and Renewel, and Teleportation and Transference for cheap piety options.

Not only so we can finally be a 'back alley doctor', but also heal our investments better should injury happens.

And lastly... Not counting costs as their cheap, if at all...

[ ] Friends and Family:

[ ] My Little Slime:
[ ] Ninja Training with Yuudai:
[ ] Magical Lessons:
First of all, Personal wise, I'd at a minimum feel we better at least pick Friends and Family. Past that, I may also suggest either going My Little Slime for Cuddles. Magical Lessons or Ninja Training would likely help with our own weaknesses, though due to circumstance, I might lean towards Ninja Training 'short term' due to how we'd need to introductionary bond with Yuudai, while Evetta can be slightly left for a short term.

Now, that's my of the top of my head speculation on the options, while respecting the moratorium.