Death World creature quest

arent we still in our tunnel and dragged it in alread how are we supposed to investigate and leave some meat on the surface when we are under ground.
[X] Continue dragging the food in, but leave a portion of it out to satisfy any potential threats.
- [x] Eat any bits that fall off as we drag it further in.
We're not ready to fight, after seeing what the toad did to the centipede, I'd rather not tangle with anything else. But it's always worth a look at our new friend.

[X] Continue dragging the food
-[X] Investigate the other worm

By seeing the worm up close, we would be able to understand the actual size and strength of it. Because if it's smaller or weaker than us, maybe we could feed off it.
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I might have enough time to update again today, so votes will end soon probably.


Actlly nvmind cant doit today lolololol XD
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I think it is viable, but I don't want to rely too heavily on the Queen Ant deal currently. Too soon developed into it, and we are a food source for way tooooo much on this Death World. It's likely a good endgame goal, but for now let's focus on survival to that point.

The thing about Queens in insect society is that while they gain the utility of the hive concept, they lose out of personal adaptation and defense. Remember that we live on a planet of Death World adapting Zerg-esque creatures. Anyone of our young can adapt to survive without us at a whim. If at anytime they decide they don't need us, they are gone and we are possibly shanked and nibbled upon for Essence/potential adaption features. Queens in nature, whether it be the Queen Bee or the Queen Naked Mole Rat control their underlings via use of pheromones, which we would need to adapt alongside increased reproductive ability. It's harder to adapt this sort of thing then it is others, but still a likely useful path. Like I said before, it's a useful end goal thing for life in eventual comfort.

What I'm thinking right now is on having two sexes on the species, male and female for advantage of sexual reproduction and genomic variability.

The females would stay on the nest being divided in queen, princess, and workers

The males would be divided in King, Princes and Legionaries

The females would organize themselves as Bullet-Ants, with the queen having the job of breeding, and when she dies the princess would fight between themselves for the right of being the new queen, the losing princess leaving the nest to form their new kingdoms.

Everyone of them would be equipped with the bullet ants standard weapons;

The males would act as Legionary ants, walking around being ruled by the deadliest ant of them (king), where the princes would try to gain the right of ruling by killing and eating interesting creatures (the most dangerous probably) in hopes of getting a genomic upper-hand in hope of beating the other princes and the actual king.

The King would be only one with the right to approach a established nest and gain entry to the queen quarters to breed the next legion.
[X] Continue dragging the food in, but leave a portion of it out to satisfy any potential threats.
- [x] Eat any bits that fall off as we drag it further in.
i want to be king to breed our army poor wormy has to have at least something to look forward to in this death trap and having a harem and being the most powerful of his kind is just the thing to want to survive for.
[X] Continue dragging the food in, but leave a portion of it out to satisfy any potential threats.
- [x] Eat any bits that fall off as we drag it further in.

i want to be king to breed our army poor wormy has to have at least something to look forward to in this death trap and having a harem and being the most powerful of his kind is just the thing to want to survive for.

I want the King to be similar to a south american warrior wasp... that bunch of lovely and nice creatures Synoeca cyanea - Wikipedia
[X] Continue dragging the food in, but leave a portion of it out to satisfy any potential threats.
- [x] Eat any bits that fall off as we drag it further in.

so animalkrazed my main goal with the any queen thing isnt so much how our ants do it but more how zerg do it via and im not a big starcraft guy so i can be wrong but isnt it telepathy or something.
[X] Continue dragging the food in, but leave a portion of it out to satisfy any potential threats.
- [x] Eat any bits that fall off as we drag it further in.

so animalkrazed my main goal with the any queen thing isnt so much how our ants do it but more how zerg do it via and im not a big starcraft guy so i can be wrong but isnt it telepathy or something.

The only thing in this quest that's remotely star-craft related is the fact that adaptions can be stolen and even then, the method you use to do so is very different.
so animalkrazed my main goal with the any queen thing isnt so much how our ants do it but more how zerg do it via and im not a big starcraft guy so i can be wrong but isnt it telepathy or something.
The only thing in this quest that's remotely star-craft related is the fact that adaptions can be stolen and even then, the method you use to do so is very different.
That's kind of what I figured, seeing how most of what we have seen is more easily explained than mystic powers of the mcGuffin.
Well shit. I WILL HAVE MY SWARM. Pls
Don't worry Raptor580 noscope ahem, we can still have the swarm. We just have to really work for it...just realized another potential flaw concerning it though. Do I want to give QM ideas or not....imma do it. :D

Given the viciousness of the local fauna, how much do you guys wanna bet that any Swarm types employ a Locust strategy over the Queen strategy? *shivers* Given that we live on an ever-adapting, extremely hostile Death World, I'm getting a premonition that the strategy of holding a position through sheer force of numbers Queen method gave way to the all-consuming horde eternally roaming. After all, what's easier against a vastly superior force as is suggested to exist on this world. Set up shop and stay put OR always moving, always consuming.

Naw, setting up a permanent Hive makes us a sitting duck for the super powers. The Hive's survival depends on sufficient numbers, irritation, and sacrifice. On Death World, as I'm calling our planet, the force won't stop till its had every last bit of flesh for adaptation or if it left, then we would be weak to other invading forces.

The Horde, on the other hand, would exist by having every member be a reproducing unit that spawns forth brood that will create a new horde given time and enough generations before marching off to the sunset. In the case of the Horde Swarm, it wouldn't be so much that a Queen rules so much as anyone who disagrees with continual movement gets devoured to further fuel the continuing March. Excessive predation doesn't stop the Horde either, since it has left spawn elsewhere. Even if the spawn is targeted, the survivors will continue as a differing life stage (the grasshopper to the locust for example) before reaching such numbers that population density results in transformation into the Horde Swarm once more. Yes, that is how locusts exist in real life. Yes, it is as terrifying as I make it out to be.
*shivers again*
Jeez, I think I just gave myself a nightmare.
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grasshoppers can turn into locusts my god we have to commit insecticide quickly get all the bug spray.
grasshoppers can turn into locusts my god we have to commit insecticide quickly get all the bug spray.
Ah, she not that bad. It's only a few specific species. Both forms are usually known by the locust name, such as in the case of the Desert Locust.

Pictured: Forms of Desert Locust. GH top, L bot

However...there are those that are known by a grasshopper name alone such as the African Rice Grasshopper. Don't worry though, they only exist on every continent with the exception of North America and Antarctica...maybe. We still don't know for sure if the Rocky Mountain Locust is extinct or waiting to the proper conditions for the Locust stage as a known/Unknown grasshopper. It's only been formally recognized as extinct in 2014 after failed population density experiments failed to produce the famed insect...given that it was last seen in 1902, that is a long time to wait for the extinction designation. While it is probably extinct we don't know for sure.

Sweet Dreams.
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why in the world would they try to bring that menace back might as well turn jurassic park into real life as well what could go wrong right.
look i just want a kaiju. a lone kaiju , a kaiju leading a swarm or a swarm of kaijus, i'll take what i can get.
[X] Continue dragging the food in, but leave a portion of it out to satisfy any potential threats.
- [x] Eat any bits that fall off as we drag it further in.
-[X] Investigate the other worm
I just want my swarm so we can reach the stars and conquers worlds. Not bloody locust.
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look i just want a kaiju. a lone kaiju , a kaiju leading a swarm or a swarm of kaijus, i'll take what i can get.
[X] Continue dragging the food in, but leave a portion of it out to satisfy any potential threats.
- [x] Eat any bits that fall off as we drag it further in.
-[X] Investigate the other worm
I just want my swarm so we can reach the stars and conquers worlds. Not bloody locust.
The swarm of Kaiju is probably our best best. Be big enough for moderate threats to be wary, and numerous enough to keep larger threats indecisive. The Queen Plan could and probs should work, but it'll take time and effort and purposeful adaptation to get to. Nothing says we have to stay as we are, a purely landlocked beastie. Eat enough fliers and we can fly to other ecosystems in search of better adaptation for Queen-hood. Eat swimmers and we can base ourselves in underwater tunnels, never lacking for water and never lacking protection (given current sensitivity to vibration, water would amplifiy that ability a touch beyond). We will definitely need pheromones or something akin to help control the Hive though, without them Horde will likely develop.

The Horde thing isn't what I want. Naw, it gives me nightmares. I was just stating that Queen adaptations are going to be harder to find then the likely Horde adaptations that will thrive in the current environs. Thankfully, in the Jungle biome we are we are most likely to find the Queens, since Horde style is normally found in grassland/desert biomes here on Earth. No clue what it'll be like underwater though.
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it will most likely devolve into a horde we will have to rule with strength if that happens or just kill em all and try something else.
What im looking for is something like o jeez has anyone seen the new movie the great wall the alien creatures in it thats basically what im going for there in some sense any way. were we control all from our mind so they cant do anything against us.
why would aquatic be more solitary. would there be more and bigger monsters in the water.
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