Death World creature quest

Combat rules
Main rules (Subject to change):

  • All creatures have a defence rating which works via DC, made up of speed, armour and health all added together. In order for you to be injured, a creature must roll over your defence score. The amount of damage you take is equal to the attack result of your enemy minus your defence DC. (For example, if an attacking creature rolled 22 with modifiers against your defence DC of 19, you would take 3 points of health damage)
  • If your enemy attacks with a form of damage you have deflection against (they attack with a crushing attack whilst you have 'deflection crushing', for example), you are able to add the relevant deflection stat onto your defence DC.
  • If your enemy attacks with a chemical weapon (Poison, venom, acid, fire) you may add the relevant defence stat onto your defence DC (If you have it).
Combat rolls
  • For combat, Simply choose a method of attack (for example, biting the opponent's side), add modifiers of the necessary weapon (As well as the most applicable buff for the type of attack enacted), add strength and speed stats, before rolling a d20 die and adding the number received to the total. (Tl;dr: add speed, strength and weapon buffs to the number you roll on a d20)
  • When attacking with a ranged weapon, add the relevant modifiers from the weapon onto your roll, minus your strength and speed stats.
  • If you want to pin an opponent in place, you can try to grab them with one of your limbs. In that case, minus your rolled attack total by 4 and upon success, activate the 'grabbing' status effect.
  • Nat 20s allow an automatic extra injury roll to be made, separate from the normal injury roll rules.
Injury rolls
  • A simple chart that serves to calculate how an injury manifests, based on what number is rolled on a d100 die. (1-49 is a flesh-wound, 50-89 is non-vital tissue removed with +2 damage, 90-99 is a weapon damaged and rendered useless (Not irreparably) with +4 damage, 100 is double damage, crippling of all weapons, and activation of the 'wounded' status effect.)
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changed it. its not a bad idea stay underground and try to find remains of fights and just scavange for a while. i will remind every one make sure to check stats from time to time we need water and food if we hit 100% we die.

... I was thinking more of how we have put some effort and a few hours into a tunnel system, and that we might as well make use of it.
An animal that goes underground to live and nest as well eating plants from the root up. Which makes us real pests for farmers.

Speaking of roots, is that one right there next to us in the picture? Or is it just a crack in the earth from the battle (presumably) raging up above? If it's a root should we eat it?

Either way,

[X] Make a tunnel network inches away and come up for food later (after a few hours).
dice gods givith and dice gods takeith away

Edit: btw and im not trying to be mean its just a question ive hade for a while. why do people do multiple rolls when they ask for one even if the second roll is better wont they still use the first roll.
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Okay then how about:

[X] Snack on grass roots next to you
- [X] Make a tunnel network inches away and come up for food later (after a few hours).
One more thing:

If you are injured, you can rest for a day and heal all your damage back up to full health. However, you must be motionless for the duration of said healing. When this occurs, i make a d100 roll to see if you are undisturbed. (95-100 = you are discovered by a hungry creature which you have to fight off/escape from, 51-94 = A natural event happens, scale depends on number you roll, 1-50 = you get a good night's sleep and regain lost hit-points)
And an extra pair of legs lol. :p
Well he has no sword here so his hands are now feet. sword would have been both cool and horrifying.
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Jun 23, 2017 at 9:09 PM, finished with 197 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Make a tunnel network inches away and come up for food later (after a few hours).
    [X] patient one gets the feast
    [X] Snack on grass roots next to you
    [X] Make a tunnel network inches away and come up for food later (after a few hours).
I don't know if anyone has said it yet, but I'm really enjoying the drawings. Both their inclusion and the style behind them.

Also, that six legged toad is surprisingly majestic.