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Welcome to Nyctohylophobia, the Perma-death Quest!

"What is Perma-death...
Intro Post

Welcome to Nyctohylophobia, the Perma-death Quest!

"What is Perma-death Quest", you ask. To put simply, this is a quest where you, the players, will have to make it through the the entire quest without dying. The players will take control of the player character who is going on a camping trip with their friends, which starts out normally enough until things go wrong. The players must navigate them to safety; should they get a Bad End at any point, the quest is over. No do overs, no continues. You Are Dead.

So with that said: just who is our unfortunate protagonist for this quest?

[ ] Write-In

[ ] Male
[ ] Female
I'll be closing the vote on who the protag is going to be at 1 PM Pacific Time tomorrow, everyone! So if you want to vote on this be sure to do so before then!

In the mean time, if anyone has any questions regarding the quest I will be happy to answer them. :3

edit: Vote is now closed! Writing up the first post!
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Chapter 1: Morning
[X] Medea Parth
[X] Female

It was the morning of Sunday as you slept peacefully in your bed. Early sunlight drifted in through the window of your room, landing on your still sleeping face. Disturbed by the unwelcomed morning light you unconsciously pulled the covers over your head so that you may resume your slumber.

However, before your can truly fall a sleep again, music you set as your phone's alarm on the nightstand next to your bed began to sound off.

"I used to think maybe you loved me, now baby I´m sure
And I just can't wait till the day when you knock on my door"

"Shut up, stupid phone..." you sleepily muttered from beneath the covers, grabbing your pillow and placing it over your ears to hopefully drown out the alarm.

"Now everytime I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down
Cause I just can´t wait till you write me you´re coming around"

"Alright, you win I'm up..." You sat yourself up, the blankets covering you sliding off your head and exposing your eyes to the light that had previous disturbed you, causing you to squint at the sudden shift from the total darkness of the covers to the morning light. Not paying much attention to that, you reach over to your phone to end that infernal racket.

"I'm walking on sunshine, wooah
I'm walking on sunshine, wo-"

"I need a new alarm..." You say as you swung your legs over the edge of the bed, stood up, and began trudging your way over to the bedroom door so that you may begin your day.

It was 8:30 AM, which was way more early for you to wake up than you are used to, but you have plans today and you needed to prepare. A few months ago your parents had asked in advance for you to watch their house while they went to Hawaii for their anniversary, something which you gladly accepted. While you loved living in a big city like Seattle, it was nice coming down and visiting your old home town, and with your parents being out of town for a week you figured it would be a great opportunity to reconnect with some old friends. It really has been some time since you've all hanged out together, with school and just day to day life in Seattle you can count the number of times you came down to hang out with them or they came up to visit you over the last year on one hand. That's not to say you haven't kept in touch; social media and just plain texting and phone calls let you all keep in contact, but that can't replace actual social interaction.

Still, you are determined not to waste this time you'll all have together. A week ago you had told them you were coming back to town and that you all should hang out. As it turned out, your friend Eli had planned a camping trip around that time with your friends Danielle, Lucas, and Sierra all signed on, and they'd be happy if you joined them. You told them you would, but you did feel bad about leaving your parent's house to go camping when you said you would watch it for them. But you figured it should be fine. After all, you will only be gone for a few days and you'll be right back, what could happen in that time?

Still, first official day of being back and you'll be gone for most it. Oh well.

You go through the motions of your morning routine: shower, comb hair, brush teeth, get dressed. Once you are done, dressed in blue jeans and a white shirt, you head down stairs to get some breakfast. The house had changed quite a bit since you moved to Seattle, with lots of new furniture. The biggest change was probably your old room, which had been remodeled to be a guest bedroom. Which made sense given you no longer lived there.

The kitchen stayed the same, however. Pristine marble counter tops, old oak cabinets, and a cute little homemade island in the middle of the room to tie it all together. Just like you left it. As you entered the kitchen, you notice a piece of paper on one of the counters. Picking it up you read what was written on it.


Thank you again for watching the house for us while we are out of town. It means a lot to both your father and I.

For your stay we got a few frozen dinners and your favorite cereal for you to eat. Of course if you want to order something I've left some money by the front door.

Have fun, dear!

Love, Mom

"Thanks, Mom." You say aloud, smiling to yourself. You were so lucky to have such great parents. Placing the note down you briefly leave the kitchen to go collect the money your parents left you. Once you returned you got to work making breakfast. Turning on the stove and getting the ingredients, less than a half hour later you have a nice meal of eggs and bacon in front of you, which you greedily gulp down.

Once you were finished you headed back upstairs back to your room. Once there you picked up the backpack that you brought from the floor and placed it on the bed, opening it so that you can double check its contents. You feel as though you got plenty of the essentials. A couple changes of clothes, a flashlight, batteries, a bottle of water, a Swiss Army Knife, and a book just in case to kill boredom. Once you were done looking through your bag you looked to your phone's text messages to see what time Eli told you he'd be pick you up.

Hey Medi, I'm going to pick you up 12:30 tomorrow!​

Sounds good! Remember at my parent's!

I remember. lol​

That was right, 12: 30. And it is currently 10:30. So you've got two hours to kill until Eli arrives to pick you up. You look through your camping supplies once more, cocking your head to the side.

You feel like you could bring something else. Do you?

[ ] Yes - Write-in what else do you bring.

[ ] No - Write-in on how you should kill the time.
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[X] No- Write-in: Go for a run,watch the news, research/ask about are camping area not necessary in that order
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[X] No- Write-in: Go for a run,watch the news, research/ask about are camping area not necessary in that order
[X] yes: the pair of Thompson Contenders that your parents have for the yearly hunting trip to Alaska. 40-06 barrel on one, .22 on the other-and a box with 25 rounds for each. The wildlife can be dangerous, you know! Hmm... Let's bring our old polypropylene walking staff, too. Who knows when we'll need some help with rough terrain, or to bushwhack some small trees.
[X] No- Write-in: Go for a run,watch the news, research/ask about are camping area not necessary in that order
[X] Yes - Write-in: That red toolbox with woodworking tools. Never know when you need a handsaw, a carving knife, and whatever else. Besides, it'll give you something to do.
-[x]Couple more books. Chemistry 101, never hurts to get a leg up, and that well worn copy of the ICS Mechanics Handbook. You shouldn't have to turn a car into a makeshift elevator, or transmit power using wooden rods, but you never know.
-[x]Matches, first aid kit, and sleeping bag can't hurt.

Hey, if a red tool box, a chemistry book, and an engineering book(steam engines) were good enough for Ashley Williams, they're a good start for us. Seriously, the ICS Mechanics Handbook has pretty much everything you could ever need for any engineering project. Even jury-rigged traps.
[X] Yes - Write-in: Sleeping bag, matches, small first aid kit, non-perishable snacks, compass

Changing vote. We should bring some common sense items. Should we add a survival guide and a map? Maybe a notebook and pen?
[X] Yes - Write-in: Sleeping bag, matches, small first aid kit, non-perishable snacks, compass

Changing vote. We should bring some common sense items. Should we add a survival guide and a map? Maybe a notebook and pen?
You guys are in control here. Put down whatever you feel like Medea should bring on this totally going to be safe camping trip.
Oh fine. We are going to be responsible.

[X] Yes
- Sleeping Bag
- Matches
- Small first aid kit
- Trail Mix or Energy Bars or something similar
- Whistle
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[X] Yes
- Sleeping Bag
- Matches
- Small first aid kit
- Trail Mix or Energy Bars or something similar
- Map
- Compass
- Whistle