[x] Make a Firm Commitment to Visit Zaun

A reminder of the pitfalls of having the firelights defend a single point, like a charity food stall. This is focusing on the wrong problems again and not considering important questions in the process.

[X][Willpower] Spend Zero
Yes the fire lights are hit and run guys but using them will likely attract less attention and actually get the food in the hands of people who'll need it. Also they'd likely use their knowledge to pick the best places defensively and that can actually help.

Bringing the enforcers might cause pushback due to the status of both cities. Attracting more attention and this more danger. They're lacking knowledge might give Silco more chance to interfere and the food won't go to those who need it. Plus it won't give her a true tour of Zaun since there's no way the Council let's them go to the bad places to get a true feeling of Zaun and embarrass them.

This might push them to make improvements in Zaun if Lux sees and mentions their true conditions afterwards.
If we use the Firelights then we should expect Silco's ambush as Firelights would be station at the distribution spot with limited mobility if you want them to control the mob.
Also killing the ambassador's daughter will ruin everyone's day especially the Council and ending Demacian food trade.
Looks like telling Lux "yeah, sure, we can do that" on the spot, leaving the Council stuck playing along.

Pretty much. If Jinx gives her a firm yes the Council can't waffle about it without looking bad. If she said something like "I'll talk to the Enforcers about setting something up," it would give them a lot more freedom to run damage control and limit Lux's exposure to Zaun. They'd much rather do something like set up a food bank on their side of the river that only lets pre-screened photogenic poor people through (as well as being much more secure than anything in Zaun).

If Jinx okays a trip to Zaun, they can't back out of it without losing face.
[X] Ditch the Guards Completely, The Firelights Can Handle Security
[X] Make a Firm Commitment to Visit Zaun
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[X] Ditch the Guards Completely, The Firelights Can Handle Security
No Roll Needed
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero

Go with the fireflies

Zaun deserves to represent itself

And I'm tired of being deferential to Pilties
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Ekko strikes me as smart enough to use the chance and make a good pitch

This is a real chance to get Zaun some foreign friends

Anyway, i want to do something that unequivocally prioritizes Zaun, even the water treatment was done Piltover's way, on their side of the river and named after a cop.
Jinx to Caitlyn: "You know all those times I teased you for sneaking a girl in overnight? Im sorry, I get it now.

[X] Even Better, What If We Snuck Out and Went to Zaun in Disguise?
"I don't know why you go through all the fuss of sneaking them in. It's so much easier to walk them through the front door as dinner guests."

[X] Even Better, What If We Snuck Out and Went to Zaun in Disguise?

The Firelights and going openly would attract too much attention, this is the best way to show Zaun as it truly is.
Would it? They know who can be trusted and the best places to setup. Would anyone run back to Silco to tell them if they're handing out to people they trust.

Plus we do need some kind of defense. Going out and doing it with disguise is just begging to be robbed or mobbed as soon as things are handed out. We're trying to get food out to people instead of it ending up in the hands of the Chem Barons, robbed, destroyed etc.
[X] Ditch the Guards Completely, The Firelights Can Handle Security

I'm 90% certain the Firelights would make for better security regardless just because they'd provoke less hate from the locals.
Of course I'm also fairly certain that while the other options may piss off the council, this one most certainly will.
But lets be honest, they need a little humbling now and then, and we can justify our decision with basically that first sentence.
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero
The Enforcers will scare off locals who we want to give help to. On the other hand, the Firelights are guaranteed to draw fire from Silco's goons even without his order, since they are explicitly a side in the mess out there. And there's no way Lux can pass for local if going in disguise, someone will try to mug the 'Piltie'.

So pick our poison.
Is showing Zaun as it truly is a goal here? I thought we were here to get food for Zaun. The Firelights and going openly would do that better.

That's the question, isn't it? A disguise would give Lux the rawest look at Zaun unfiltered, but makes any charity work less secure. Voters' choice whether they want the higher risk of an incident to really hammer home to Lux how bad things are in Zaun.
[x] Make a Firm Commitment to Visit Zaun
[X][Willpower] Spend Two for +6 to Rolls

This is a problem thats been going on long enough, Piltover and Zaun keeps separation, and treach each other in a us or them mentality, if they could be more like Jinx and consider the two cities both her home it will be the best, as long as the two cities don't interact, nothing will be solved.

The enforcers and council should never have treated Zaun as a out of sight out of mind problem, its time to repair or start making a effort to have a relationship,
that will be good for a long term consequences. If neither city would reach out than let Jinx or Powder be the one to take the first step to start a relationship and perhaps make a foreign friend.

The point is to reunify Piltover and Zaun into a single city that considers each other citizens as one of them and make friendly relatiins with Demacia and other foreign countries. So we have to start somewhere, and the first step is to open the eyes of the council and have them and the enforcers start awknowledging the undercity instead of ignoring them.
Independence is good sometimes.

coming from a real politiks aspect,they are 2 cities living next to each other doors,there is no scenario where independence doesnt devolve into a de dacto apartheid (tho it already is one tbf) combined with cold war
they share services,infrastructure,logistic etc

best case scenario is a form of political and economic union EU style

because rivalry and mutual opposition lead to grindlock and low intensity war for generations to come

zaun can never be fully independent as result of geography,they are the literal underground of pilltover,they can only trade through pilltover,any independence project has to be done with ''how to befriend pilltover long term" in mind
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[x] Even Better, What If We Snuck Out and Went to Zaun in Disguise?

I don't think this is the optimal choice. I think it's a Jinx choice. Stick it to the man, do good, and have a fun time with your new friend.

Going openly is risky. Silco might use this to start another bloody conflict. Ekko doesn't have the muscle, and enforcers don't have temperament.