[X] Handle it yourself. The Fifth killed them, so the Fifth can clean them up, too. The men might grumble, but there's no risk of more elves escaping your pickets. Army of the Centre may recover fewer elven Casualties. Army Morale falls by 1. Opinion of Arné and
[X] March for the Raoille. Daurstein was only the first step of your grand plan. Norn is wide open for the taking. You'll march north, seize the bridge over the Raoille, and...
-[X] And hold the south bank. You'll establish a position on the south bank of the river, daring the Nornish Army to come and try it. It's a good position to hold back any potential Nornish attack, and keeps the Convention happy with you. 4-5 days. 2 Army Actions allowed.
I really would like to hold the north bank but the Convention has already explicitly told us not to go past the Raoille. We're already not in too good of standing with the Convention and I would rather not anger them any more than necessary. That and Trotha's army is disorganized and will probably need a couple of weeks to reorganize. This gives us time to fortify our position. Also, people, remember, our overarching goal isn't to fight Norn, it's to defend Arne.
A question for the QM, what is the capital city of Norn, and if we take it, what are the chances it will knock Norn out of the war?