[X][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[X][Entertainmet] Tour Of The Academy
[X][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero
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[x][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[x][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[x][Entertainmet] A Show by Seraphine's Band
[x][Willpower] Spend Zero
[x][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[x][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[x][Entertainmet] A Show by Seraphine's Band
[x][Willpower] Spend Zero
[X][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[x][Entertainmet] A Show by Seraphine's Band
[X][Entertainmet] Meet The Firelights
[x][Willpower] Spend Zero
Everyone can see hextech anytime, let Jinx show her a unique experience.
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Can overhauling the ventilation for Zaun be a next big project?

Or will Hextech becoming the new standard address that as a low hanging fruit?

As one of the three tri-inventers we do have a degree of actual influence as seen with heading the water treatment plant (even if its controlled by the upper city). Still more like fixing ventilation, improving roads, markets, clinics, schools, etc.

Oh and keeping Silco from starting a ruinous war.
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Can overhauling the ventilation for Zaun be a next big project?

Or will Hextech becoming the new standard address that as a low hanging fruit?

for this arc of the quest

>magic containing/regulating devices (mages are nukes,we need a way to both allow them to control their powers,but also a way to neutralize rogue ones)
>improved air filtering

those 2 should really fix a shiton of issues on zaun
It's fascinating watching how different Jinx is though she still has different ways of applying her favored methods with way more suppprt, funding and allies though I really need to get around to watching Season 2...

I dread what Vi has become, if she's still alive, and the never found the body rule is definitely in play here.

Setting is absolutely fascinating. I hear Ruined King shows a look at another more coastal/nautical region? Would be nice to see some full on Golden Age Bioware Tier RPGs, CRPGs using League.
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[X][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[x][Entertainmet] A Show by Seraphine's Band
[X][Entertainmet] Meet The Firelights
[x][Willpower] Spend Zero
[X][Behavior] I Can Fake Being Piltie
[X][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[X][Entertainmet] A Show by Seraphine's Band
[X][Willpower] Spend One for +3 to Rolls
for this arc of the quest

>magic containing/regulating devices (mages are nukes,we need a way to both allow them to control their powers,but also a way to neutralize rogue ones)
> Improved air filtering

those 2 should really fix a shiton of issues on zaun
Honestly, I doubt that we can do that, because like the Hexgates or the Water Filtration Systems, the Improved air filtering is big and complex that will require months to set... So I doubt we can take it until we get a new time skip (we are still 4 years away from episode 4).

So if we have the chance to develop some tech in this arc I would go for the Magic Flow Regulator and/or the Hoverboards

[X][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[X][Entertainmet] Tour Of The Academy
[X][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[X][Entertainmet] Meet The Firelights
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero
[X][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[X][Entertainmet] Tour Of The Academy
[X][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero

At this point the goal of the quest for most people just seems to be make "Jinx" as little like Jinx and as much like Jayce/loyal Piltie as possible.

Like there was absolutely nothing in the time skip vote that was even remotely Jinx. At All.

No real weapons (a glorified taser), no explosions, no violence, no wild actions, no fun, no spontaneity, no creativity.

It was literally "Plan: Be a Good Little Piltie" - like Good Student AND acting like a Kiramman (i.e. Piltie Noble) AND No Vigilantism AND Infrastructure Work AND Health/Safety Work

It wasn't even a mix - like Good Student by day but wild violently lethal vigilante by night, helping with public works but ALSO making big fucking booms, staying with the Kiramman's but NOT aping them etc

If options were on a Piltover-Zaun behaviour scale they would ALL be full on the Piltover end.

Even the ONE option chosen to help Zaun was IN A PILTOVER WAY - building a Water Treatment Plan IN PILTOVER that is owned and provides profits to Piltover. i.e. the kind of thing Jayce/Mel would do to throw Viktor a bone for helping the "Undercity" - yes it DOES help Zaun but in a very "Noblesse Oblige" way. The Piltover Council owns it, controls it, runs it, and staffs it.

It's a Piltover operation ultimately reinforcing their control and superiority over the Undercity (like, they LITERALLY now control access to clean water - Undercity scum start getting uppity? Well they can just turn off the plant, Piltover would still have clean water after all).

Like the options to help Zaun were in the Zaun way - harassing abusive Enforcers, taking down Silco's goons, fucking up Chembaron plans etc
In the Piltover way - start a business that is ultimately owned by and profits the Piltover Council

And you guys did the second.

This isn't about "effectiveness" or "morality" or anything like that - purely about BEHAVIOUR - what would a Zaunite do? vs what would a Piltie do? - and every single decision was full Piltover.
As the person who made the winning plan I'm going to point out that things were balanced. I specifically picked 3 Piltover things and 3 Zaun things. They even made sense.

Jinx spends time assisting with hexgems and fitting in with the Kiramman's, and gets encouraged to do better in the academy, which in turn has her do better in both of these.

Jinx spends time with the fireflies, so she builds the Zapper, because Sevika was Messy and that proved a problem in the end, so she has something a bit more effective at range but not necessarily ineffective or dangerous at close quarters, the way grenades would be while still having her nailgun for if things need to get messy. She also get's the water filtered because that's one of the big things she notices.

I also made a plan for going full on immediately. With Jinx flying around, bombing Silco's goons, and pushing controversial mage reform. Two balanced but opposite extremes. People wanted to take things slower. Nothing wrong with that when Jinx was twelve.

Jinx does fun things. She goes to Seraphine's concerts, she hits the shooting range with Caitlyn, she goes down and helps Ekko with some stuff and probably Zaps Silco's goons of they try anything. She's still a rockstar even If she isn't rocking an instrument.

Also, the plant is for cleaning up the river, not just extracting clean water. Good luck convincing the 5 out of 9 councilors who care more about it running than any troubles with Zaun. Hoskel and Salo care more about having the river not stink, Heimerdinger and Mrs Kiramman will be against it, and Mel will both see resort to such measures as weak and want to keep the Hextech project she has a stake in running.

Also, we haven't seen the Zaun end of what she's been doing.

"Hello fellow Pilities, Piltie fellows. Shall we talk about how much we love money and hate the poor?

Daughter of a high-ranking noble family from Demacia who's around the same age as Jinx? And when the quest opening said I'd be pondering on ways I could work Lux in at some point? It could be anyone, really...

Pretty much. It's one of those plot threads I'd been thinking of working in for a while, but a Jinx that wasn't being a good student and playing political games might be meeting the character under very different circumstances (or I could've decided it just didn't fit and dropped the idea). Plus at least one aspect of the current plot setup was something I came up with in the middle of writing up the update.

So basically the SV standard of "I have a vague outline of plot ideas and directions, but keep it flexible depending on Quest choices."
It's the bread situation isn't it. As an agricultural exporter, their ability to irrigate there crops is key. If they've been selling less bread not by choice but because of a shortage do to some important source of fresh water getting contaminated, the plant opening, which Piltover is clearly boasting about to the world, would draw there attention.
You misunderstand. If they're more on high alert looking for mages don't drag the super mage snitch to our mage friend with magic music's show
Unfortunately I'm not sure if we'll get it switched over at this point. People want to go to the concert and it has a strong majority. Fortunately, we're showing her Hextech first, so probably we can blame it on that. It's not like they know enough about it to actually call us out.

[X][Entertainmet] Meet The Firelights
[X][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[X][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero

About the Air filtration. It's a bit early to be discussing this given it's literally the first update of a new set of arks which will be pretty impactful as to the quests direction, but assuming they finish the Hexgates for the council (it should have received a boost from early Hexgem refining completion) the kiramman's would probably push Jayce and Viktor to begin working towards a Hextech upgrade to the air filtration on their own.
People still need to eat," Mr. Kiramman pointed out. "Demacia hasn't been selling us as much grain as they did before we started developing Hextech. A loaf of bread that used to cost eight bronze washers four years ago goes for a silver cog now."

So point to the ideas - Demacia specifically has a bee in it's bonnet about Hextech.

I really do think keeping away from Seraphine is a good idea for this trip.
It's the bread situation isn't it. As an agricultural exporter, their ability to irrigate there crops is key. If they've been selling less bread not by choice but because of a shortage do to some important source of fresh water getting contaminated, the plant opening, which Piltover is clearly boasting about to the world, would draw there attention

Hopefully it's water problems not "We won't trade with the people using magic (Hextech)"
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[x][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[x][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[x][Entertainmet] A Show by Seraphine's Band
[x][Willpower] Spend Zero

[X][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience

Let's be authentic! If she doesn't like what she gets, that's her problem.

[X][Entertainmet] Tour Of The Academy
[X][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech

We wanna show off what makes Piltover kinda cool sorta. And also try and win her over on Hextech, for Bread reasons.

Ekko's really protective of the Firelights' hideout so bringing in a Demacian ambassador's kid would be a huge no-no, and given the weird lights that sometimes follow Seraphine around for no reason, we wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea, eh?

Since Jinx doesn't know Lux has a secret of her own, I wanna vote with in-character knowledge in mind.

[X][Willpower] Spend Zero

Let's save these for when we need 'em.
Hopefully it's water problems not "We won't trade with the people using magic (Hextech)"
They've been specifically trading less bread. If it was about trying to force Piltover's hand, they'd have gone for a full on embargo, trading elsewhere. But no, after a general cold shoulder but trading more meager amounts of bread and there is a specific part of the plot scenario which was added mid update, their here for a diplomatic venture they brought along a family member too, which smacks of putting things behind us more than escalating.

Showing up ahead of the new plant being built to deliver an ultimatum would make more sense. Showing up after the technology is implemented and benefiting the city works better if you want to see how it goes because it's of interest to you. I really hope it's not an ultimatum, because the water filtration plant opens up Hydroponic farming options.
[X][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[X][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[X][Entertainmet] Meet The Firelights
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero
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Ekko's really protective of the Firelights' hideout so bringing in a Demacian ambassador's kid would be a huge no-no
I figure we probably wouldn't be bringing her to their hideout without specific approval. Going to a Seraphine concert is one thing, but a gang hideout isn't a public event. Meeting the Firelights probably involves going to the arcade or something.
I figure we probably wouldn't be bringing her to their hideout without specific approval. Going to a Seraphine concert is one thing, but a gang hideout isn't a public event. Meeting the Firelights probably involves going to the arcade or something.
Ahhhh, right. I forgot the arcade didn't get trashed in this timeline.

[X][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[X][Entertainmet] Meet The Firelights
[X][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero

I guess assuming this would be at the Arcade instead of the tree, this could be a good option. Show her what Zaun's all about too.
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The biggest concession I'd had to give up was putting the treatment plant on the Piltover side of the river.

You misunderstand. If they're more on high alert looking for mages don't drag the super mage snitch to our mage friend with magic music's show

Ouf yeah.
[X][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[X][Entertainmet] Tour Of The Academy
[X][Entertainmet] Meet The Firelights
[X][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech

Hextech might be a trigger but also it's already public and I feel seeing her reaction to just the gems would be a safer "gauge" than immediately showing off the mage lady's cool magic band
I just found this quest. Very nice, loving it so far.

I assume it's Lux? Man, it's been so loong, I remember people ship Jinx and Lux.

[x][Behavior] The Full Jinx Experience
[x][Entertainmet] Show off Cool Hextech
[x][Entertainmet] A Show by Seraphine's Band
[x][Willpower] Spend One for +3 to Rolls