Earth Bet: House of the Sun (Cultist Simulator/Worm)

@Witherbrine26 does a fascination always manifest as an obsession with the glory and trying to reach it?

Since we have a ritual that gives fascination now.

Perhaps having our mistress help her. Fill her ears with how she was destined for more. How God hood awaits her if she only takes up the climb...

Naturally we would then have to keep that ritual a secret from everyone but our Master. And whoever she designs to share it with.
@Witherbrine26 does a fascination always manifest as an obsession with the glory and trying to reach it?

Since we have a ritual that gives fascination now.

Perhaps having our mistress help her. Fill her ears with how she was destined for more. How God hood awaits her if she only takes up the climb...

Naturally we would then have to keep that ritual a secret from everyone but our Master. And whoever she designs to share it with.
Honestly I bet we can give her power a weak fascination without any rituals at all.
@Witherbrine26 does a fascination always manifest as an obsession with the glory and trying to reach it?
Fascination is an obsession in Glory. However how that manifests heavily depends, that can be studying lore, going out and making a name for yourself. Glory is simply the idea that there is something better that there is something more. The way that is shown is heavily depends on the character.

We know that this fascination ritual can target something deeper than the flesh. Can it target a Shard through their Parahuman? If we were to have the Parahuman physically there, the Shard also has a physical connection to the Parahuman in their brain, so could we target that instead of the Parahuman themselves directly?

Or is that something we'll have to figure out ourselves later on? I know it won't be possible until we know about Shards, but I'm curious.
I think Damsel appreciate the Grail. She is afraid to look stupid or weak, but at the same time she longs for company.
The Grail will give her the control and love she seeks.

We know that this fascination ritual can target something deeper than the flesh. Can it target a Shard through their Parahuman? If we were to have the Parahuman physically there, the Shard also has a physical connection to the Parahuman in their brain, so could we target that instead of the Parahuman themselves directly?

Or is that something we'll have to figure out ourselves later on? I know it won't be possible until we know about Shards, but I'm curious.
You'd have to figure that out
Honestly I bet we can give her power a weak fascination without any rituals at all.
This was also one of the principal modes of failing in Esquestria

"I bet we can do it without expending any effort" trumping "We can spend time and energy to be certain."

Fascination is an obsession in Glory. However how that manifests heavily depends, that can be studying lore, going out and making a name for yourself. Glory is simply the idea that there is something better that there is something more. The way that is shown is heavily depends on the character.
Compounding that on top of her existing insanity is a risky gamble. That also already sounds like something she is doing. The question I suppose would be moving her obsession from earthly power and success to ethereal.

You'd have to figure that out
"try it and find out" I believe is the catch phrase.
[] Ensure Continuation: Mankind is a fragile thing, a group prone to failure and death. Yet that doesn't mean they should be wiped out. Remold them, change them until their beating hearts can withstand anything.

Main Objective: Ensure that mankind, as a people, can survive.

Secondary Objective: Make new people that will be able to take mankind's place if needed.
I think we should present Damsel of Distress as a case study in Para-humanity and their interactions with our ultimate goal of ensuring the continuation of humanity.

Some have claimed that Parahumans are the "next step" of human existence. But is that actually the case...?

No one can deny their power, but understanding it, and them, and how it affects not just the world around them. But them as people. Within their minds and their spirits.

And perhaps more importantly if they are still able to seek the glory.

This is also an incredibly perilous undertaking. At the same time Damsel of Distress is 14. She triggered nearly as young as it was possible to do so. Indeed her brain will not even finish developing for many more years. Her passenger actively and aggressively toys with her power and her mind to push her in what it views as the "right" direction.

This is a chance to learn about Parahumans and passengers. Even a mundane psychologist would be able to pick up The Damsels mental stresses and maladies.

She is essentially possessed. Which has interesting implications if we can send a dappled wing after her. Can it fight of an existing possessor? Can an entity do so?

Either way. She IS ripe for recruitment. She is a danger to herself and everyone around her, violent, unpredictable, and terrifyingly, awe inspiringly dangerous.

She is also alone, desperate for acceptance, desperate to find meaning for her life and prove herself worthy of love and admiration. And probably to be feared as well. The cult offers many avenues in that regard, but only if we can actually help her control her power. Or let her use them somewhere there wont be excessive unnecessary casualties.

@Witherbrine26 do we know the barbers warning?

I would assume so, since we are able to enter the mansus but... is it something we can teach others. Or are allowed to teach others.
@Witherbrine26 do we know the barbers warning?

I would assume so, since we are able to enter the mansus but... is it something we can teach others. Or are allowed to teach others.
You do, you have Knock 0 which allows you access to the Mansus. That can be through many ways which includes the Barbers Warning. You can teach it, mark that under one of the out of cult actions as you want to teach X Knock. They will then gain Knock 1, with all the bonuses that entials.

As for if you are allowed to, you don't know. Lady Mylissa hasn't talked about it, but you can presume that if you are teaching somebody that they are under your control. That is they are either a Confident or a Minion.
You do, you have Knock 0 which allows you access to the Mansus. That can be through many ways which includes the Barbers Warning. You can teach it, mark that under one of the out of cult actions as you want to teach X Knock. They will then gain Knock 1, with all the bonuses that entials.

As for if you are allowed to, you don't know. Lady Mylissa hasn't talked about it, but you can presume that if you are teaching somebody that they are under your control. That is they are either a Confident or a Minion.
Not being able to simply present her with the woods, and then teach her going from there is problematic, but not impossible. The expectation that she will be our problem is also... informative.

Raises the question of if the Damsel of Distress would let us teach her I suppose.

Her power might synergize with it, or might not. Being a power that focuses on warping and tearing the fabric of space time.
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If we're going to be doing Preparing for a Heart Ritual (even though there's basically no reason to take the Heart lesson this turn vs. once we actually get another scrap), I'd rather we do it while actually taking advantage of our +1 AP. We've got 5 AP as a default now! We should be taking full advantage of it!

So have a variant.

[] Plan: Preparing for a Heart Ritual - More AP
-[] On work and the people you preach to.
--[] You'll end a few minutes early, subtly of course (Gain an extra action)
-[] On the goal, of rites, rituals and summoned creatures
--[] Search out a Ritual (Ask for cult's SH follower)
--[] Search the Woods for summonable creatures
-[] On learning the Lores.
--[] Lady Mylissa is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[] What lore? (Heart)
-[] The Mansus, a place of contradictions. It calls to you, reach out.
--[] Explore the Woods and it's many secrets
-[] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions might never be available again)
--[] Get involved Damsel of Distresses planning (There will be a vote on how to approach this later.)
-[] [Dappled Wing] (Search for an easy expedition)

(edit 2: removed my vote since it picked up enough traction to survive/compete against 4-AP version on its own)

[X] Plan Extra Credit
-[X] On work and the people you preach to.
--[X] You'll end a few minutes early, subtly of course (Gain an extra action)
-[X] On the goal, of rites, rituals and summoned creatures
--[X] Search out a Ritual (x2) (ask if SH cult members can help out)
--[X] Search the Woods for summonable creatures
-[X] The Mansus, a place of contradictions. It calls to you, reach out.
--[X] Explore the Woods and it's many secrets
-[X] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions might never be available again)
--[X] Get involved Damsel of Distresses planning (There will be a vote on how to approach this later.)
-[X] [Follower] Search for an easy expedition

Edit: BTW @gale, I changed the plan name slightly after you added it.
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So, looking through the Cult's gains for this month, it appears that Edict is basically the only Cape in town who is neither in the Cults pocket or in the process of being converted. We may have more avenues to deal with her than either she or Damsel suspect we do.
This was also one of the principal modes of failing in Esquestria

"I bet we can do it without expending any effort" trumping "We can spend time and energy to be certain."
Eh, it's more that keeping our first (non summoning) ritual secret is something of an ask, so I'd rather not take the risk of affecting Damsel with it when it could lead back to us, not before we try other means. What she wants more than anything is a win. getting her power obsessed with the lores is a bonus, not a requirement.
[X] Plan: Preparing for a Heart Ritual - More AP

[X] Plan: Preparing for a Heart Ritual - Dappled Wing helping

Then switching I go
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We are hoping that in the Woods we get the second Heart scrap. Either by finding Temple of the Wheel or by surviving an encounter with that zombie we found in the previous run.
No I get that. My point is that there's no meaningful difference between getting the Heart lesson now vs. next turn (edit: when it comes to researching a Heart ritual next turn). Either we find the Temple of the Wheel this turn, in which case we hit Heart 2 regardless of if we do the Heart lesson this turn or next turn. Or we don't (somehow), and taking the Heart lesson is effectively pointless (re: short-term efficiency) because we didn't hit the threshold. And if we want to report something other than "we can drive someone insane" in regards to rituals for this round, it's better to use that AP for ritual searching or summon searching because cult meeting is at the end of this turn.
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An action to take a Heart lesson still has to be spent. If we don't take the lesson now and we won't find a scrap either, then we would have to find 2 scraps in one turn to research a Heart ritual in that same turn.

The name of my Plan is Preparing for a Heart Ritual for that very reason, so we can research it next turn with Charlotte and show her that Lores can have benevolent uses.

As for having a benevolent ritual now, I think spending one action on searching for it is enough.