If we're going to be doing Preparing for a Heart Ritual (even though there's basically no reason to take the Heart lesson this turn vs. once we actually get another scrap), I'd rather we do it while actually taking advantage of our +1 AP. We've got 5 AP as a default now! We should be taking full advantage of it!
So have a variant.
[] Plan: Preparing for a Heart Ritual - More AP
-[] On work and the people you preach to.
--[] You'll end a few minutes early, subtly of course (Gain an extra action)
-[] On the goal, of rites, rituals and summoned creatures
--[] Search out a Ritual (Ask for cult's SH follower)
--[] Search the Woods for summonable creatures
-[] On learning the Lores.
--[] Lady Mylissa is willing to teach, request a lesson
---[] What lore? (Heart)
-[] The Mansus, a place of contradictions. It calls to you, reach out.
--[] Explore the Woods and it's many secrets
-[] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions might never be available again)
--[] Get involved Damsel of Distresses planning (There will be a vote on how to approach this later.)
-[] [Dappled Wing] (Search for an easy expedition)
(edit 2: removed my vote since it picked up enough traction to survive/compete against 4-AP version on its own)
[X] Plan Extra Credit
-[X] On work and the people you preach to.
--[X] You'll end a few minutes early, subtly of course (Gain an extra action)
-[X] On the goal, of rites, rituals and summoned creatures
--[X] Search out a Ritual (x2) (ask if SH cult members can help out)
--[X] Search the Woods for summonable creatures
-[X] The Mansus, a place of contradictions. It calls to you, reach out.
--[X] Explore the Woods and it's many secrets
-[X] A fleeting opportunity (rumor mills spin, opportunities come and go. These actions might never be available again)
--[X] Get involved Damsel of Distresses planning (There will be a vote on how to approach this later.)
-[X] [Follower] Search for an easy expedition
Edit: BTW
@gale, I changed the plan name slightly after you added it.