I still cannot stipulate enough how much of a godsent Sage was, like we got her as soon as turn 3 when QM's outright told us we wouldn't get her till turn 10-11 if things had gone normally.

God bless our little girl.

But yeah Trickery and Brains are the actions we need more of most.

Come to think of it how are we supposed to find the hidden factions anyway?
Do you think that we will be expanding our influence around the world without unlocking the second actions that GUN and the Restoration represent? The ceasefire is to fight the next Black Arms incursion in the Green Hills. After that it gets difficult. We can fight kings around the globe once we get the full action economy going. That includes Black Doom.

Do you understand that is a just to test waters at first right?

Towers himself is using this negotiation to see how Eggman is willing to compromise. He hate it but he very much understand getting Eggman's help would be a boom.

Prove we would keep our word they probably be willing to extend the truce until we be ready to storm the Ark and consequently the Black Comet. Towers said himself, Black Doom is threat to everybody, open a second action, while nice, is not much of a game changer as you believe.

You are really underestimating how difficult is to truly fight Black Doom and how easy is his winning condition. He needs to get the Seven Chaos Emeralds, that's it and he won. He would activate the Eclipse Cannon and wipe out everybody that could be a threat.

The fact GUN and the Restoration are even willing to talk with Eggman and the doctor is considering to even speak with them, despite being mortal enemies, speaks volumes of the threat they represent.
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Camelot maybe? Quite magical place from what I heard.
Oh no Merlina and her kingdom is another can of worms entirely and are like hella away from green hills and probably Merlina is spending quite a lot of time holding off Dark Raven from Billy Hatcher and the guy from conduit.

We still dunno who the 2nd hidden faction of green hills is, but my guess is either Mogul or Naugus faction since they are the ones mostly related to mystics in the Sonic franchise.

God bless our little girl.

But yeah Trickery and Brains are the actions we need more of most.

Come to think of it how are we supposed to find the hidden factions anyway?
Ruffle enough feathers, break enough bones or really tick off the leader and they will reveal themselves in due time.

Clutch was probably not happy about the lance heist and that we got it, her employee was lucky no one picked up that commentary she made about an oppossum.

Right now Clutch is probably planning something, but we will have to wait to other reports to see which is.
Do you understand that is a just to test waters at first right?

Towers himself is using this negotiation to see how Eggman is willing to compromise. He hate it but he very much understand getting Eggman's help would be a boom.

Prove we would keep our word they probably be willing to extend the truce until we be ready to storm the Ark and consequently the Black Comet. Towers said himself, Black Doom is threat to everybody, open a second action, while nice, is not much of a game changer as you believe.

You are really underestimating how difficult is to truly fight Black Doom and how easy is his winning condition. He needs to get the Seven Chaos Emeralds, that's it and he won. He would activate the Eclipse Cannon and wipe out everybody that could be a threat.

The fact GUN and the Restoration are even willing to talk with Eggman and the doctor is considering to even speak with them, despite being mortal enemies, speaks volumes of the threat they represent.
I have to comment that no, Action Economy is one if not the biggest thingsthat can be a game changer. Having more actio s means you can focus on more projects at the same time. It's such a game changer that's why we lock them behind defeating the other factions on green hills, as you defeat them and grow in power, the second action is a representastion of that.

It opens much versatility with what you can do that thinking is not as big as you think surprises me a bit.

And yes, before anyone ask, You will only obtain the second action when you defeat the respective faction.
Oh no Merlina and her kingdom is another can of worms entirely and are like hella away from green hills and probably Merlina is spending quite a lot of time holding off Dark Raven from Billy Hatcher and the guy from conduit.

We still dunno who the 2nd hidden faction of green hills is, but my guess is either Mogul or Naugus faction since they are the ones mostly related to mystics in the Sonic franchise.

Ruffle enough feathers, break enough bones or really tick off the leader and they will reveal themselves in due time.

Clutch was probably not happy about the lance heist and that we got it, her employee was lucky no one picked up that commentary she made about an oppossum.

Right now Clutch is probably planning something, but we will have to wait to other reports to see which is.
It might involve racing if you remember previous rival reports about a certain bear hanging up posters. And don't forget we have a crime man aka the mad dog himself wanting our help so if we get him that might allow us to get the clutch presumably of course, and probably try to take over the criminal underground, ironically enough of Greenhill.

If our theory of clutch being the person who holds our second trickery reaction is true
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It might involve racing if you remember previous rival reports about a certain bear hanging up posters. And don't forget we have a crime man aka the mad dog himself wanting our help so if we get him that might allow us to get the clutch presumably of course, and probably try to take over the criminal underground, ironically enough of Greenhill
Yeah that is an in, but we haven't had options to really investigate that or the drive to do it really.
that's because you havent infiltrated any faction.

But yeah, that hasnt appeared on Eggman's radar yet too, that' s a thing to consider

Urgh...we really need another intriuge action.

We have so many things that need to be done there.

Getting the emerald away from the Empire for instance, can't be much harder than what we're going to do with Chuck.
Urgh...we really need another intriuge action.

We have so many things that need to be done there.

Getting the emerald away from the Empire for instance, can't be much harder than what we're going to do with Chuck.
Yes, we really have a lot of stuff we need to do thankfully once we get Chuck out out of the angry red man's hand we slow him down quite a lot and once we shake the virus out of Chuck, we then focus our attention on getting the conch, doing a bit of takeover against the angry red man and once we're confident we try attack on him.

Probably build more of our machines and more metal mines and getting more hero units to assist us like convincing the bat herself to help our jailbird escape from the restoration.
Do you guys think we get the Mean Bean Machine back with us clearing Stone's name?

Edit: To expand. Income is important for us. It lets us take actions like hiring Chaotix to do investigations for us, it allow us to participate in auctions like Nack's. Overall, a constant source of income means we get some money to expand our range of actions...which is also part of why I want to get Honey's shop fixed, as it's likely some of the income there will bleed over to us.
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You know it is funny, no doubt the three of them would appreciate we are making them drop the larceny charges which aren't much.

Outside of Canaan who may or may not have fucked up one of the skunks.

But Starline will still be wanted cause of that Emerald bussiness he did.

Well apart from being related to us.

Still this is something Eggman doesn't do usually, he normally would leave anyone behind if they weren't capable of keeping pace.

But alas this is also logic, being literally banned from one territory is still kinda annoying to deal with.
[X] Plan: A Inch is just a inch
You know, I shock at how many people vote for my plan, so thank you all. Also thank you @Aron593 for posting my plan.

Just one small thing.

It should be An Inch not A Inch.

I know it's incredibly minor thing that won't matter at all, but for some reason it's annoying me.

Otherwise great, that's pretty much everything I wanted out of those negotiations.
[X] Plan: A Inch is just a inch

Might as well though with such lead, it probably be better to call the vote in early.
Funnily enough, those are the actions lower on the totempole to unlock at the moment by thread concensus.

Like don't get me wrong, they will be hella useful later down the road.

But right now?
I agree with most of this analysis, though I have a few counterpoints. You're right about a second Heart action not being as useful in the Green Hills. I think you're wrong about the Logistics action though. We need Logistics to build our armies, to get mines, and factories. As we take more territory, we're going to find it more and more contested. Zavok building Super Badniks was probably a Logistics action we can do once we get our stuff back. There's probably a lot more of that sort of thing we can do once we make our triumphant return.

Do you understand that is a just to test waters at first right?

Towers himself is using this negotiation to see how Eggman is willing to compromise. He hate it but he very much understand getting Eggman's help would be a boom.

Prove we would keep our word they probably be willing to extend the truce until we be ready to storm the Ark and consequently the Black Comet. Towers said himself, Black Doom is threat to everybody, open a second action, while nice, is not much of a game changer as you believe.

You are really underestimating how difficult is to truly fight Black Doom and how easy is his winning condition. He needs to get the Seven Chaos Emeralds, that's it and he won. He would activate the Eclipse Cannon and wipe out everybody that could be a threat.

The fact GUN and the Restoration are even willing to talk with Eggman and the doctor is considering to even speak with them, despite being mortal enemies, speaks volumes of the threat they represent.
You didn't address the point about the action economy. Like, the impression I get from the QMs is that the quest is set up so we consolidate our hold on the Green Hills, defeating the other factions, then we deal with the global kings. I'll let that be dropped though, since the QM already interjected. But I'm very skeptical in your assessment of GUN. Eggman has worked with the good guys to deal with threats in the past. They've always gone back to the status quo right after. We've been told that Towers doesn't have unlimited authority in GUN. The other factions are going to want to strike at Eggman no matter what he does and dealing with the Black Arms' next incursion will remove a significant portion of the arguments to be made against it.
[X] Plan: An Inch without Creating Massive Problems
-[X] Yes (When the Black Arms return, you and GUN will collaborate to fight them, collaboration next turn to study the Black Arms, material)
-[X] with some conditions
--[X] thunderbolts release into our care
--[X] Dropping the charges of the auction for the stealing of the lance off Starline, Stone and Canaan.
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