Professor Vesca
Good News Everyone!
I have been thoroughly convinced.I think personally that the narrative of Kora's Progeny will work very well here, which seems to be all about alienation from the people around us? Titanagalbat and Koinon have another theme going around, but Kora's Progeny seems to specifically focus on the experience of profound loneliness in a world where everyone else is connected on a level you never can. There is a vibe I feel myself there, of course, as an asexual woman in a very sexualized culture, where everyone else seems to get this fundamental thing, but even more so, right? Everyone looks the same, but everyone else seems to get something, to know something, to feel something that we don't, that we can't. There's almost something autistic, to that kind of vibe? I think that would be be really fun, but also make a great narrative point to work off for this kind of transcendence narrative.
[X] Kora's Progeny