Last Light of a Dark Age (Warhammer 29K/Disco Elysium)

You're left to wonder if any of the Philosophers lived in Dis and so managed to survive the phagic collapse. Probably not because even those who were willing to suffer the relative agony of living among a population of Pariahs probably would have been killed off by the Deceiver when it ASSUMED DIRECT CONTROL or whatever happened there, but if they'd sought shelter in the Warp (and somehow managed to get across) then they might have been relatively safe compared to those others who went into Dreamspace and got corrupted by the Hydra. The Warp around Dis if you could get across must have been positively sterile.

They'd also be post-post-post-post-post-post-Apocalyptic (DAOT collapse, Eater Plague, Dreamspace Corruption, Fall of Dis, Koran Collapse, Titanfall/Digital Collapse) if they somehow managed to survive to the modern day through all the shakeups. For a given value of 'apocalypse' at least on a world where just going back into realspace would start eating away at your body.

During an apocalypse in which the planetary temperatures rose to around 900 degrees celsius, the oceans evaporated, atmospheric pressure became Venusian, and nanite swarms swallowed every living organic being on Illuminata, the least safe place to be on the planet was in the warp.
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And they are kind. You didn't see it at first, with how they intimidated the hands and hearts, but they listen. Their inquiries are frank, but never cruel. When it is revealed after questioning that Diligent Serenity has been having shape-dreams, and drawing triangles without thinking, she panics and begs for her life. She didn't mean to have these dreams. She didn't mean to have her soul touched by Dreamspace. But her mentor Devout Tenacity has died, and she missed her, and the dreams began, please -

But Lovergirl pulls the trembling self into her arms, and Mulberry sends an egophagic pulse through her mind that soothes her, calms her down. She stops shaking, and they walk her through the implant of a palingen.

Mulberry retrieves it from within her cassock. It is one of Monad's tools. A rehabilitated nerve staple augment, sentient like any staple, but without the malice used in those machines applied to slave-prints, and prisoners of war.

"It's good we found her early," Lovergirl says after. She's smoking incense with you and leaning against a grove tree. "The more memory the palingen eats the worse the long-term effects and the less likely the block will hold. I've seen monks try to wipe everything from cradle to grave and it always ends with them face-down in some hotel, memory dead, minds bricked. Awful way to go."

There's a second's interruption in the memory. An echo of something.

[???]: +I only wanted to help.+
>Triangles prompted by depression over death.
>Telling us to despair and die.
>Vaguely sympathetic but utterly toxic.

If ??? isn't at least Nurgle adjacent then it's a hell of a red herring.
[X] Egophage: Masters of electronic warfare, egophages adopt the trappings of pneumatic psychic powers for a cybernetic age. Manipulating light in order to attack enemies from ambush and range, Egophages are snipers, commandos, and assassins.
[X] Warweave. Pull your hair into a tight and intricate spiral weave which focuses the power of your null field to disrupt electronic attacks. +1 INFOWAR (so long as Warweave is active).
[X] Feral Machines. There are wonders of this planet that should not have survived the fall. Mad and corrupted, they hold a hatred for mankind and an appetite for organic flesh. And when the initial defenses fail, Koinon unveils its secret menagerie, and releases the worst nightmares of the dark age, things of chainsaw teeth and mimic-faces, on you.
[X] Egophage: Masters of electronic warfare, egophages adopt the trappings of pneumatic psychic powers for a cybernetic age. Manipulating light in order to attack enemies from ambush and range, Egophages are snipers, commandos, and assassins.
[X] Warweave. Pull your hair into a tight and intricate spiral weave which focuses the power of your null field to disrupt electronic attacks. +1 INFOWAR (so long as Warweave is active).
[X] Feral Machines. There are wonders of this planet that should not have survived the fall. Mad and corrupted, they hold a hatred for mankind and an appetite for organic flesh. And when the initial defenses fail, Koinon unveils its secret menagerie, and releases the worst nightmares of the dark age, things of chainsaw teeth and mimic-faces, on you.

Vote has closed, sadly, and next update is being worked on!

>Triangles prompted by depression over death.
>Telling us to despair and die.
>Vaguely sympathetic but utterly toxic.

If ??? isn't at least Nurgle adjacent then it's a hell of a red herring.

I have no comment on ???'s identity, but be careful with associating Dreamspace with chaos! Not everything in the warp is chaos, chaos is just the dominant form of warp life :)
The only thing missing is a pilgrimage site to which the orks regularly migrate because their ancestors fought here in the War in Heaven.

And some fossilized Old One remains.
Vote has closed, sadly, and next update is being worked on!
Happy that the sword option won. This quote from K6BD may be applicable as we are a Hand wielding a sword. "The sword does not kill. The hand kills. The hand is the most beautiful part of a human being, and is capable of nearly infinitely other things than parting men from their ghosts. Once you touch the sword, a terrible tragedy will occur, and your hand will slowly lose this ability. Over time, it will cease to be a hand, and become a sword."
That sounds like a long and complicated process. Why not just turn your hand into swords to begin with and skip so much work?? Honestly archaic humanity had no sense of efficiency. Always taking years and decades to create traumatized soldiers.

Our batch-order Koras are born traumatized and ready to kill from the moment they get the torture implement taken off their head at the trial of names by their 100 identical copse-selves who love them so much and are definitely not in any way manipulating her or being manipulated themselves. You stick a takyon tripwire and some hand blades on her and she just starts going at the enemy, no further encouragement required.

And honestly, who besides screaming enemy orphans (who are strangers and don't get a vote!!) could say no to that damned smile?

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That sounds like a long and complicated process. Why not just turn your hand into swords to begin with and skip so much work?? Honestly archaic humanity had no sense of efficiency. Always taking years and decades to create traumatized soldiers.
Our batch-order Koras are born traumatized and ready to kill from the moment they get the torture implement taken off their head at the trial of names by their 100 identical copse-selves who love them so much and are definitely not in any way manipulating her or being manipulated themselves. You stick a takyon tripwire and some hand blades on her and she just starts going at the enemy, no further encouragement required.
And honestly, who besides screaming enemy orphans could say no to that damned smile?

While my heart yearns for the super happy fun time 360 no scope omae wa mou shindeiru sandevistan kill la kill samurai approach, I prefer the more intellectual and slow approach of sword cultivators where they dress up their swording of various things as an artform and a means of spiritual enlightenment. Where others see only a horrific and inhuman machine, we see ourselves on a road of self-enlightenment and self-improvement.
While my heart yearns for the super happy fun time 360 no scope omae wa mou shindeiru sandevistan kill la kill samurai approach, I prefer the more intellectual and slow approach of sword cultivators where they dress up their swording of various things as an artform and a means of spiritual enlightenment. Where others see only a horrific and inhuman machine, we see ourselves on a road of self-enlightenment and self-improvement.

It is always a bit of A and B here. Of course Walter Benjamin has things to say about aestheticizing the horror of war into a beautiful artform and thereby abstracting the actual consequence into an expression of aesthetic preference. I am sure it is nothing though and has no psychological consequences. Especially not for a 5 Interlace character.
>Triangles prompted by depression over death.
>Telling us to despair and die.
>Vaguely sympathetic but utterly toxic.

If ??? isn't at least Nurgle adjacent then it's a hell of a red herring.
I'm going to make a genuinely Massive Brain prediction and guess that [???] is actually Superior Sympathy. This makes sense if you really think about it and should be taken as gospel.
It is always a bit of A and B here. Of course Walter Benjamin has things to say about aestheticizing the horror of war into a beautiful artform and thereby abstracting the actual consequence into an expression of aesthetic preference. I am sure it is nothing though and has no psychological consequences. Especially not for a 5 Interlace character.
Indeed. Look at any wuxia or xianxia novel and see how well-adjusted sword cultivators are. It's not like they carve out pieces of themselves, namely critical thinking, self-doubt, empathy, or interact with the world only exclusively through the lens of swording. I'm sure being extremely quick on the draw (motion blur), having incandescence as our second-highest stat, cognition as our lowest stat, and having ambition and cruel honesty as some of our driving character traits will lead to only careful and rational decision-making on when to engage in ultra-violence.
Indeed. Look at any wuxia or xianxia novel and see how well-adjusted sword cultivators are. It's not like they carve out pieces of themselves, namely critical thinking, self-doubt, empathy, or interact with the world only exclusively through the lens of swording. I'm sure being extremely quick on the draw (motion blur), having incandescence as our second-highest stat, cognition as our lowest stat, and having ambition and cruel honesty as some of our driving character traits will lead to only careful and rational decision-making on when to engage in ultra-violence.


MISS NORMAL: You are courting death...
Jokes aside, I try to avoid a tropey 'you sneezed now you die' approach to formality and insubordination generally on Illuminata.

I think it is much more insidious that rather than being executed on the spot you are more likely to be 'coached' and 'conditioned' to improve, and that there is an explicit emphasis on how merciful this is. Great beings of psychic or other power tend to flex their strength by their ability to restrain it - the crudity of just killing someone for looking at you wrong is a barbarian behavior better left in the early ages of the reawakening before Gnosis had converted the many to its cause.

Humans are expensive tools and investments. Why throw them out when you can reshape them to your liking? Kind of a difference with the Imperium's tendency to execute or servitorize civilians for arbitrary offenses. But of course, when the limit is reached and you have gone beyond the pale (e.g. strangers who rebel) or simply have a much shorter leash (hylics), there are terrible retributions to be had.

This creates stronger, more resilient, more totalitarian societies, where autocracy is reinforced by strong popular participation and conditioned consent. These are 'rational' and 'reasonable' societies - but starting from deeply disturbing and irrational values and axioms.
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Jokes aside, I try to avoid a tropey 'you sneezed now you die' approach to formality and insubordination generally on Illuminata.

I think it is much more insidious that rather than being executed on the spot you are more likely to be 'coached' and 'conditioned' to improve, and that there is an explicit emphasis on how merciful this is. Great beings of psychic or other power tend to flex their strength by their ability to restrain it - the crudity of just killing someone for looking at you wrong is a barbarian behavior better left in the early ages of the reawakening before Gnosis had converted the many to its cause.

Humans are expensive tools and investments. Why throw them out when you can reshape them to your liking? Kind of a difference with the Imperium's tendency to execute or servitorize civilians for arbitrary offenses. But of course, when the limit is reached and you have gone beyond the pale (e.g. strangers) or simply have a much shorter leash (hylics), there are terrible retributions to be had.

This creates stronger, more resilient, more totalitarian societies, where autocracy is reinforced by strong popular participation. These are 'rational' and 'reasonable' societies - but starting from deeply disturbing values and axioms.

I would imagine that those approaches take precedence in peacetime, but such restrictions are lifted in times of war. If you have a high value tool or investment, as Miss Normal is viewed by the copse's management, then surely some allowances can be made for slight deviance from the party line? And that does make sense, since if you have a bad habit of draconian punishments then you decrease the amount of useful people you have to maintain your society and all the stuff necessary to support its functioning.
I would imagine that those approaches take precedence in peacetime, but such restrictions are lifted in times of war. If you have a high value tool or investment, as Miss Normal is viewed by the copse's management, then surely some allowances can be made for slight deviance from the party line? And that does make sense, since if you have a bad habit of draconian punishments then you decrease the amount of useful people you have to maintain your society and all the stuff necessary to support its functioning.

Well I honestly don't think even with a bunch of killing blades attached to her that Harmony would ever be the kind of person to kill on a lark.

Empathy and general sensitivity is too high. You have a tendency to be cruel and lash out to twist a knife, but that doesn't mean you write off the lives of others like that. Cogitation being so low is going to be a problem here. You aren't good at rationalizing your actions and self-justifying.

And the serenade of the chandlers still stirs your heart even if past-you doesn't remember why or what it was.
Somewhat related: what exactly is the Face-Tax of the Progeny?

When a stranger emerges from an amniotic slate, a domesticated face-taster machine hunched and looming in the nursery engulfs their head. Normally this would result in the detachment of the faceplate, but domesticated face-tasters are detusked and fed a calcite and semi-organic diet that promotes shell formation. So instead, the stranger's face is covered with a mask of gray, lacquered chitin that solidifies when exposed to air. A copy of the face underneath is saved by the taster's databanks.

Using similar technology to memory wafers, strangers are fed identity-wafers on a monthly basis. These wafers contain the stranger's face-data, and ensure the mask of gray chitin does not begin to grow and eat at the skin underneath, destroying the face. The progeny controls the supply of identity wafers.

In order for Strangers to obtain these wafers, they must pay the face-tax, which are production quotas strangers must deliver to the Progeny. Breaking their mask of chitin is strictly forbidden, and difficult without tools, which are a major part of any rebellion. As the masks appear to give near-immunity to Dreamspace and resistance to many other dangerous hazards such as Hydra and infophages, some strangers do not object to this practice, which was originally a purely medicinal facemask. But rising quotas in recent years have put severe pressure on Isolates.

This is a major point of contention between the Progeny, Monad, and Tetras, which were former strangers who freed themselves from the Progeny in an uprising. Tetras wishes for the practice to stop altogether; Monad at least expects that it returns to the status quo when Kora was alive, where strangers had both both rite of conversion (the ability to obtain a Kora-face even after printing) and rite of visage (their faces were not barred from being seen at all times). These laws have become far more severe as the Progeny have lost territory and turned upon the strangers in their midst as a fifth column.
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When a stranger emerges from an amniotic slate, a domesticated face-taster machine hunched and looming in the nursery engulfs their head. Normally this would result in the detachment of the faceplate, but domesticated face-tasters are detusked and fed a calcite and semi-organic diet that promotes shell formation. So instead, the stranger's face is slathered with a mask of white, lacquered chitin that solidifies when exposed to air. A copy of the face underneath is saved by the taster's databanks.

Using similar technology to memory wafers, strangers are fed identity-wafers on a monthly basis. These wafers contain the stranger's face-data, and ensure the mask of white chitin does not begin to grow and eat at the skin underneath, destroying the face. The progeny controls the supply of identity wafers.

In order for Strangers to obtain these wafers, they must pay the face-tax, which are production quotas strangers must deliver to the Progeny. Breaking their mask of chitin is strictly forbidden, and difficult without tools, which are a major part of any rebellion. As the masks appear to give near-immunity to Dreamspace and resistance to many other dangerous hazards such as Hydra and infophages, some strangers do not object to this practice, which was originally a purely medicinal facemask. But rising quotas in recent years have put severe pressure on Isolates.

This is a major point of contention between the Progeny, Monad, and Tetras, which were former strangers who freed themselves from the Progeny in an uprising. Tetras wishes for the practice to stop altogether; Monad at least expects that it returns to the status quo when Kora was alive, where strangers had both both rite of conversion (the ability to obtain a Kora-face even after printing) and rite of visage (their faces were not barred from being seen at all times). These laws have become far more severe as the Progeny have lost territory and turned upon the strangers in their midst as a fifth column.
This reminds of an extremely old 3d sci-fi short movie. It's probably been 2 decades since I've seen it.

The plot was a bunch of Rebels/Bank Robbers hitting a government bank. Once the lone survivor breaks in, it's revealed to be a vault for Faces seized by the government. The MC takes back his face, and goes to enjoy a moment under the sun with his own face before he's tracked down and shot to death.
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