Soberan you ALWAYS fear monger and ita getting old really fast
Then in an attempt on that, you fear mongerer, Zavok would release Metal from his control and have a very angry robot Sonic going for his throat.

Besides Cassia won't instantly die. Hell how would Zavok even know that the suit is a Care Unit?

As for crits, if Cannan gets crit she'd be forced to retreat so she can go save Maria later. If Isara gets crit she just loses her tank. There's no implication she'd be hurt herself or taken out of battle.

I am not fear mongering!

I warn that just because Metal resist Zomon in Round 1 does not mean it was true in Round 2 when the QMs reveal a preview and people accuse me of fear mongering back then.

I genuine pointing out a a very real possibility to Isara be out of action thanks to a crit because of her 2 HP, a glass cannon true and true there's nothing fear mongering about that. Not all people are wishful thinking here we would get all good rolls all the time.

I also genuine point a possibility Zavok could try, not that he will but he could try, to mess with Omega Care Unit once he realize is not a mech and Clove is oddly protective of that pilot in the battlefield because he ain't stupid.

Why would he do it and let metal sonic go

Who says anything he would do before Metal Sonic is out commission for one reason or another?

He could even leave as partying gift if he retreats just to make sure Eggman still lose something today and tarnish his victory.

We don't know, we would take a real gamble he would not try to mess with the Omega Care Unit.
Alright, caught up again. We lost Metal Sonic but the battles still went well and i honestly do believe that we can beat Zavok, despite him having Metal under his thumb.

[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom
[X] Plan There Is No Retreat
-[X] Eggman(Darc-Egg Robot)
-[X] Isara
-[X] Proghorn Sisters
-[X] Canaan
-[X] Piastol
[X] 1) Big's Grand Adventure
Okay er, have the QM's even confirmed that Zavok or any Zeti needs to constantly use their needs to Magnetism Ability to control Metal and can't expand it to control anything else?

Because I do not want us to make a false assumption again and I do not want Cassia to get hurt.
How would he know that's not just a robot

He don't need to know they are sisters only notice that Clove is oddly protective of that pilot and if going by Zeena options he as myriad of options he could do besides the basics once he lose control of Metal for some reason.

As for how he would find out it's not like Cassia will hide the fact she's piloting a mech and his power could tell he's dealing with a mech or a robot.

About Isara, of her Tank goes down, she will Still fight. Reminder that you gaver her an Egg gun.

She is Still a trained soldier after all.

Nice to know at least.

Still think Isara is too much of a glass cannon, if Isara lose her Tiny Tank she lost 20 in Power Stats, even with the +5 of the Egg Gun, for the rest of the fight not exactly a good trade in my opinion.

Edit: also since new rules will apply in Wave 3 Conquering Storm, a ninja, will no doubt try to propose some Trickery actions to get advnatge on this fight.
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He don't need to know they are sisters only notice that Clove is oddly protective of that pilot and if going by Zeena options he as myriad of options he could do besides the basics once he lose control of Metal for some reason.

As for how he would find out it's not like Cassia will hide the fact she's piloting a mech and his power could tell he's dealing with a mech or a robot.

Nice to know at least.

Still if Isara lose her Tiny Tank she lost 20 in Power Stats, even ith the +5 of the Egg Gun, for the rest of the fight not exactly a good trade in my opinion.
Actually loses 25

17+15+15(with Tank ) va 17+5(Egg gun)

Isara had 3 HP and Tinu Tank 2 HP
On the other hand Isara tank equalizes any roll againts Zavok a lot more.

Compared to Clove and Cassia.

If Tiny Tank has more than 2 HP I would not mind to for Isara to be in the battlefield.

I am genuine surprise we are doing very well in this battle but this is not the time for arrogance and complacency to set in. We have to leave little to no advantage as possible for Zavok to be able to exploit and by the new rules Zavok may also try to pull a fast on over us.

Also Clove does have the +5 in fighting aliens alongside the +10 in fighting non-aerial units.

Trow Clove alone at Zavok and she would have in total 44 against him as a example.
[X] Plan: Showdown (original)
-[X] Dr. Eggman (Darc-Egg Robot)
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn (Alone)
-[X] Conquering Storm
-[X] Canaan
-[X] Piastol

[X] 1) Big's Grand Adventure

[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom
[X] Plan: Showdown (original)
-[X] Dr. Eggman (Darc-Egg Robot)
-[X] Clove the Pronghorn (Alone)
-[X] Conquering Storm
-[X] Canaan
-[X] Piastol

[X] 1) Big's Grand Adventure

[X] Capture Zeena and Zomom
[x] Plan: Showdown (original)
- [x] Dr. Eggman (Darc-Egg Robot)
- [x] Clove the Pronghorn (Alone)
- [x] Conquering Storm
- [x] Canaan
- [x] Piastol
[x] Capture Zeena and Zomom