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I have ideas for some of the worlds you can encounter, but not enough to settle an entire region of space. So...yeah.

(If they will be used is another story altogether.)
Alright then, lets see.....

Name: Sjávarhús I
-Formally a colony of the Taurian Concordant but due to the Reunification War and Succession Wars, has long since lost proper contact with the greater galaxy and is considered a 'dead world' by the TC.
-No HPG station and only a couple of traders even know about the place.
-Used to be a series of cities above and below the water on a series of archipelagos, but nowadays everything that isn't underground or underwater has long since been looted/blown up.
-Near-constant and severe weather patterns mean any exposed structures need to be heavily reinforced.
-Tech has degraded to <Age of War levels (building sized fusion reactors with fuel cells etc for vehicles) with primitive ultralight/light industrialmechs to do various tasks inside and outside the habitats.
-15 million population (spread across handful of cities and habitats
Name: Nadiya
It was originally part of the Ukrainian government sponsors a colonization mission, which reaches the rimward edge of settled space.
Sigar IV

A desert planet extremely rich in iron that takes the form of huge deserts. Former mining outpost of the Star League whose sparse settlements were barely self-sufficient. With the fall of the Star League Sigar IV fell into oblivion and its settlements slowly fell into chaos. Today the population barely reaches half a million people and its society is made up of hundreds of small warlords with dozens of loyal minions and several hundred people under their control. The few mechs that survived the constant conflict are little more than scrap attached to a rusted and mutilated skeleton.
A Capital Without A Nation
Initially, the colonies the Furina De Fontaine had been tasked with founding would have, internally, become nations in their own right, with all the self-determination and claims to their celestial parent bodies nationhood entailed. They would have, in time, also grown from a large city to...a collection of one large city and some medium-sized towns. I will be honest here, even with the Furina De Fontaine settling all 50 colonies and then upgrading them to their full million population size, each of them would have, realistically, been nothing more than a city-state clinging to life in the void of space.

Though the second and third Alcubierre Drives were pegged to be used in ships that would unite the colonies in trade and travel, Earth and the Solar Colonies, with their billions, would remain a political and industrial juggernaut that would overcome the colonies if there ever was a reason to do so, be it in war or peace. When faced with a potential crisis in the future over the colonies getting plundered instead of grown and supported, thus sparking the first interstellar war of humanity, the same body of United Nations that had set out to create these colonies decided that the same were to be united in a confederacy.

Each planet would obtain a seat, a representative chosen for 10 years for each seat by the nation in question, in the United Nations Stellar Confederacy's Senate the moment they managed to become self-sufficient. More seats would be gained in the following ways;
1. Reaching a population size of 1 million, with 1 additional seat for every 10 million afterward, capping at 10 total seats.
2. Having the capability and ready plans to house and feed 1 million refugees without problems, gaining 1 seat and 1 seat for every 10 million refugees afterward, with no set cap on these seats.

While far from perfect, it was argued that this solution was the best way to organize an interstellar polity while pushing it with an eye toward growth and interstellar aid, humanity, and cooperation without placing so many restrictions on the budding colonies that they would chafe under a system they could simply alter themselves how they saw fit once they had been assembled in their fullness of 100 Seats for the first time.

And now, with the people of the Fontaine seeking to continue their mission, but with planets that have already been settled, even if in various states of civilization, industrial capacity, societal development, population, etc., etc., etc., questions arose on whether to keep the same system in place, alter it to fit the new reality in yet undebated ways, or create something wholly from scratch.

Eventually, the debates settled on the following:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Keeping the UNSC as it is.
[] Altering the UNSC such that (Write-In)
[] (Write-In)

AN: Added the proposed nations to the submitted portion and added your research timers to Assets - Research.
For some reason, I feel like we should immediately begin producing child super soldiers to combat the insurrectio- Pirates.

Yes, pirates. The UNSC has no other enemies.

Also I honestly have no idea how to come up with a better system of government, I'll try tomorrow and see if I can come up with anything coherent.
Other things we might want the nations to prioritize:

One additional seat per significant voidship production capability, capped at 5?
Not sure how to do science. Maybe "Recognized research academy with ten thousand students or more." Capped at 2.
Maybe one additional seat per colonized planet, definied as orbital body with 1 million+ people on it? Capped at 10.
No problems with having a population-based Senate, however it is clear that rules for gaining seats was based on the idea of all member planet being the 50 small colonies, with roughly equal populations, planned to be set-up by the Fontaine. With the number of population seats being limited to 10, which equals 81 million if I'm interpreting the rules correctly, and heavily incentivizing spare capacity for refugee for what I'm assuming was the chance of early colonies failing and needing to evacuate.

However, since it is the 41st century, and there are now thousand of colonies that have existed for centuries, and may have populations in the hundred of millions if not billions, we should probably revise those rules. The first step is to remove the 'refugees capacity' seats, as the risk of colonies failing now is lessened, and the no-cap limit seems ripe for possible abuse by more urbanized/industrialized worlds that may join us.

We should probably also revise the 10 total seat cap gain from populations, although I'm not sure how to balance preventing lack of representation for more populated worlds and stopping heavily urbanized ones from controlling most of the Senate. I suppose doing a USA Congress and doing a bicameral Senate of by-planet Senate and by-population House is possible, but I just find that over-complicated. Maybe keep the current seat gain rules, but changing the cap to limiting a planet to only holding a certain percentage (10%, 25%?) of the total seats once the Senate passes 100 members?
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[X] Altering the UNSC such that seats are only gained through population size, and that the cap on Senate Seats per planet is changed from 10 total to 10% of overall Senate Seats once the number of Seats exceeds 100.
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