If the science was part of what interested you in PMAS, then I regret to inform you that there had been a shift in the voterbase that resulted in a severe drought of it for quite some time now.
It is more like that the SCIENCE was among the more interesting parts. Definitely above and beyond "we will win this social combat, no matter how many votes it takes" and "we won social combat by having the biggest stick".
It is more like that the SCIENCE was among the more interesting parts. Definitely above and beyond "we will win this social combat, no matter how many votes it takes" and "we won social combat by having the biggest stick".

*We will win this social combat thanks to this vote, it is 10k words long with exact wordings on everything we will say.*

Promptly followed by:

*We somehow lost this social combat when Sabrina didn't adapt to the situation and followed the script we gave to the letter when the situation changed in a way that wasn't covered by our exact wordings.*
Last edited:
[X] Update and consult Sakura.

I'm curious as to what her reaction will be
Actually, if Naron is consistent with Bloody evolution, it is specifically friend.

Since Courage did use this exact kind of loophole with declaring Weiss her wife to remove the risk of Servant of wrath getting out
>Looks at Yuma
We can adopt the younglings instead
>Looks at Yuma
We can adopt the younglings instead
Swerving back fast, I see. Unfortunately, PMMM is not a show where you want yuri to win. That way lies Rebellion :V

Anyway, votes are closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Oct 15, 2024 at 11:53 PM, finished with 42 posts and 10 votes.

At equal x1 weights on both of these, it looks like Oriko will get another visit
11. Friendship's Gambit
You should consult Oriko about what you can do, she is the expert on this kind of thing. Teleport to her with Yuma.

That makes sense to Yuki. She looks up at Kurosawa with her usual, unreadable expression.

"May I take half an hour to discuss this with Yuma? Privately."

"Of course," the man agrees readily. "There is an unused office nearby. You may use that. Takahashi? Take them there, and bring them back once they're done."

"Yes, boss!" Takahashi almost shouts back, seeming eager to redeem himself.

Kurosawa then turns back to Yuki with a smile that is actually almost friendly. "Please take your time."

Yuki nods, then leads the quiet Yuma after Takahashi's broad form. Neither of them speaks until they are shown into a bare office space, a little small but overall fine. Takahashi bows at the door and closes it behind him.

When Yuki presses her ear against it, she can not hear any footsteps moving away.

Stepping up to the window, she finds the ground three storeys below. Leaving through here would be all but impossible for anyone but her. If nothing else, the quiet way of covering their bases these people use is something she can approve of. Much more polite than open threats.

"What are you doing, miss Yuki?"

"Charting our options," she answers while turning back to Yuma. "Do you actually have a plan?"

"Of course!"

Yuma's hands clench to fists, not out of anger but eagerness. "I got a plan, and I'm sure it will work!"

"Good. I figured you would not bluff about that. But I want you to meet someone to talk it over with."

The girl makes a confused noise, head tilting sideways. "But you said you wanted to talk about it?"

"I will be there as well," Yuki assures her, a faint grin tugging at her lips over the half-truth. "Stay close while I move us there."

"Huh? How do we- oh!"

Yuma's confusion quickly turns to understanding as magical energy begins to gather. A soft viridian glow surrounds the pair, then envelops them. A moment later, they are gone from the office. Some motes of dust continue to flutter around the room.

Back in Mitakihara, Yuki appears with Yuma by her side. The child makes awed noises and looks around curiously, eyes going wide at the large gate they stand in front of.

"Wow! Is there a princess living here? Are you friends with a princess?"

Yuki opens her mouth, only to cut herself off without a sound. She does not dislike the thought of calling Oriko her friend. And that in turn makes her frown minutely.

"She helped me before," Yuki finally settles on, ringing the bell as she speaks. "And she has no reason not to help you."

Unlike the Oriko she expected however, Kirika opens the door a moment later. She dresses in a white button-down shirt and black slacks today, her brow creased in mild annoyance. But despite that last part, she still offers a fanged grin that reminds of Kyoko. Kirika quickly strolls over and opens the gate for them with a wave.

"Heya, it's been a while. Yuki, right? And you've found another green, that's pretty cool. Actually, wait." She leans closer to Yuma, who looks back curiously. "Did you split yourself in two or something? Make a new one?"

"You would be the second to think me her mother today," Yuki grouses back as she steps inside. "I am not. And neither am I capable of reproducing asexually. Anyway, we are pressed for time. Where is Oriko?"

"Sitting room," Kirika answers mildly, arms crossed behind her head. "And could you at least use a honorific or something? People might think weird things about you two otherwise."

Yuki has no idea what Kirika is talking about. Maybe some quirk in her translation magic, or something. She just shrugs to play over it.

"Neither Oriko nor I care what people think about us, I believe."

"And you would be correct," Oriko agrees. She is seated on the couch and cards through her blonde hair, faintly mussed up as it is. "I am quite comfortable with things as they are. Welcome back, Yuki. A little earlier than I expected, I admit. And little Yuma is with you."


Yuma stares at the older girl in visible surprise. Yuki is tempted to share that Oriko is a seer, but figures that is not her secret to share.

Oriko herself stands with a pleasant smile, approaching the pair. "If I may introduce myself, I am Oriko Mikuni. Considering that Yuki brought you here, how may I be of aid?"

She bows faintly in greeting, which Yuma returns with a deeper bow. "Ah, I'm Yuma Chitose. It's nice to meet you, miss Mikuni," she babbles, trying to subtly brush off her skirt. Then she looks to Yuki in wonder. "But I kinda don't know why miss Yuki brought me to see you."

"Advice, primarily," Yuki says, her eyes on Oriko. "Yuma's mother was in debt, which now apparently falls onto her. Can you help sound out her plan and offer your opinion? We do not have much time."

"Hm. Explain the gist of it."

She sits back down on the couch, with Kirika taking her right side and holding her hand. Yuki settles for sitting on the floor while explaining, so Yuma copies her.

After a minute or so, Oriko slowly nods her head. "I see. Give me some time to mull over the matter."

She flicks her hand, turning the ring on her middle finger into her Soul Gem. Yuma makes a surprised sound at the sight, leans in with round eyes.

"You're a magical girl, too!"

"That I am," Oriko agrees with a gentle smile. Then she shuffles sideways until she can rest her head in Kirika's lap. The gem is clutched to her chest, gleaming silver with the faintest tinge of green.

Silence descends once her eyes close. The glow of the Soul Gem lowers somewhat. Kirika takes to stroking her girlfriend's head absently, gaze switching between Yuki and Yuma.

"I think you did the right thing coming here," she says with audible pride. "If anyone can help, it's Oriko."

Yuma makes an understanding noise, almost vibrating with curiousity. Yuki simply inclines her head.

Kirika takes them both in a moment longer, but then her expression tightens. She tries to glare at Yuki, but her attempt to intimidate fails.

"Now while we wait, I have a question for you, Yuki. What exactly are your intentions with Oriko? She's my girlfriend."

"I don't want her," Yuki deadpans. Her response is so quick that Kirika needs a moment to even register it. "But you should know best of all that she is the sort to garner respect. She certainly gained mine."

Kirika's expression already slackened in surprise. Now it morphs again, all agitation replaced by a cutesy smile. "Alright then," she chirps. "Just making sure we're on the same page. No hard feelings, yeah?"


When it becomes clear neither of them plans to say anything else, Yuma curiously raises her hand. "Um, are you a magical girl too, miss?"

Kirika nods, switching from relaxed to cheerful in a heartbeat. She waves her right hand, where that same black ring rests. "Sure am, best decision of my life. Oh, and I'm Kirika. Nice to meetcha, Yuma."

Yuma tentatively smiles back, relaxing onto the pillow she sits on. Meanwhile, Kirika leans in with a sudden bout of curiousity. "So tell me, what's your plan to pay off that debt? You're not gonna make a deal with those loan sharks, will ya?"

The younger girl shakes her head at first, but pauses with a complicated expression.

"Kind of?" she tries, then elaborates at seeing Kirika's curious look: "I can't give them the money, but I was thinking: I wanna become a magical girl. And if I ask Kyubey for healing powers like I wanted, I can trade that with Mr. Kurosawa. He doesn't have a pinky finger anymore, and I saw one of his people has only one eye. And you can't get an eye or a finger back once they're gone, unless you got magic, right? So that must be worth a lot."

She started motioning with her hands halfway through, then gets more excited toward the end. Yuki nods along, easily seeing the girl's reasoning. Kirika flip-flops between intrigued, thoughtful, and wary.

"Huh. That's a pretty good plan, yeah. Hospitals and doctors are expensive. If you can heal someone with a flick of the wrist, you can make a lot of money."

"Make sure to be careful, though," Oriko chimes in, startling her girlfriend. She sits up and smoothes out her hair again, an indulgent smile on her face. "Kyubey will not be happy if you let too many people know about magic. He is fairly hands-off most of the time, but we do not want to have him against us."

Yuma nods vigorously, committing the advice to memory. The sight coaxes another smile from Oriko, who folds both hands in her lap to appear more dignified.

"As for your plan in general, I approve. But if I may offer some further advice? You should make certain not to just ask for healing powers, but for the power to heal any injury and malady. Most of the time, healers only think of injuries. But a sickness is no injury, right?"

Yuma nods, now hanging on Oriko's lips. Kirika frowns, though.

"Didn't you say that Kyubey can't suggest wishes because they have to come from the girl herself?"

"Ordinarily, yes," Oriko agrees. "But I am not telling little Yuma to change her wish entirely, just to specify the powers she wants. It is no monkey's paw that tricks you on exact words, but you still need to understand what it is you ask for. Can you do that, Yuma?"

"I can!"

"Very good. And one more thing; you should be the one making the offer, not Yuki. And make sure to mention you can cure anything to Mr. Kurosawa, will you?"

Unlike Yuki, Yuma does not hesitate to agree. She does not even question what that is supposed to achieve. Yuki can guess in this case, but it is a matter of principle.

She says nothing, though. This is Yuma's choice and not hers. And more than that, Oriko seems to know what she is doing.

The seer smiles and stands. "Then that is all I will do. You should make your wish now."

Yuma nods and turns around, then spots Kyubey sitting on a nearby table. "There you are!" she cheers, leaping to her feet. "I want healing powers, strong enough that I can heal anything that's wrong with someone!"

She steps up to the bunnycat, but nothing happens for a moment. Then Yuma clasps her chest with a pained gasp. Yuki stands, but Oriko's hand on her shoulder keeps her back. So she just watches as a soft green light rises from Yuma's chest.

"Congratulations, Yuma. Your wish has surpassed entropy. Now claim your Soul Gem."

Both of Yuma's hands lash out to catch the light, which solidifies in her palms. She stares in awe at her sparkling Soul Gem for a moment, then makes a face and turns to Yuki. Understanding flits over her expression.

"Oh, so that's why big sis didn't like you at first. Is that what Witches feel like?"

"It is," Oriko confirms. "I can assure you that Yuki means no harm, though."

"Mhm. I guess I know that now."

Yuma looks down at her Soul Gem, then offers Yuki a smile. "Thank you for helping me, miss Yuki."

"It was nothing," she denies modestly. And it really was nothing of note for her. She has done very little, beyond being there. The young woman by her side has done significantly more, up to using some of her limited energy to scry the future for Yuma's sake.

"Thank you for aiding us," Yuki tells Oriko. This once, those around her can actually spot her lips quirking up into a genuine smile. "I appreciate it."

Oriko smiles back, offering both hands. "This is what friends are for, no?"


The word seems to echo in Yuki's skull for one agonising moment. But her usual denial is subdued. Rather, she stares at those offered hands, then back up at Oriko. And rather than upset, she feels... content.

"Yes. I guess so. Friend."

She clasps Oriko's hands. Kirika and Yuma gasp in surprise.

Oriko herself simply squeezes, then lets go with a fondly melancholic smile. "You two should get going," she coaxes, one hand absently touching the antenna-like ornaments now covering her ears. The deep green stands out against her pale blonde hair.

Yuki says nothing about them, if she even noticed. She simply takes Yuma's hands and whisks her away with a soft goodbye. Kyubey is long gone by now.

Oriko and Kirika remain behind. With just them, the seer allows herself a sigh.

"I know you have questions, and I will answer them. But not yet."

The other young woman smiles and leans in to peck her lover's cheek. "I can wait," she assures her with utter gentleness. Kirika does not know why Oriko wants to be held and reassured, but she knows that is what Oriko wants right now. So she holds her tight, is her rock in a stormy sea.

"I trust you more than anyone."

While Oriko soaks up Kirika's affection, her resolve slowly firms up again. An almost malicious smirk tugs at her lips; not for the misfortune she might bring, but for the fate she will shatter.

"I will thread the needle, Kirika," she promises. "I will find our golden end and grasp it with these hands of mine. No matter what."

Even if Yuki heard what her friend said, she would not know her meaning. She and Yuma return to Kazamino, where nobody tried to disturb their 'discussion'. They exit and rejoin Kurosawa for a private conversation, during which Yuma transforms into her magical girl outfit for the first time. To say the man is flabbergasted would be an understatement.

After a practical demonstration, during which Yuma restored his missing pinky in a matter of seconds, Kurosawa gets a weird look in his eyes. Something that had been absent, its lack hidden by cold professionalism.


They have a deal minutes later. An hour after that, Yuma stands next to a hospital bed containing a sleeping Mrs. Kurosawa. No doctors are present, only the Kurosawas, Yuma, and Yuki.

Five minutes later, Mr. Kurosawa's wife is free of her terminal cancer. Only her bald head and near-emaciated state still speaks of the ailment.

The man himself hardly even blinked throughout the whole process, holding his wife's hand all the while. At the end, once Yuma tells him she is done, he squeezes his eyes shut. But it does not stop the tears from welling up and rolling down his cheeks.

"Thank you," he whispers. He lets go of his wife and goes on his knees before Yuma, then wraps the surprised girl into a tight embrace.

"Thank you. If there ever is anything you need, anything at all, you come to me," he tells her, his voice choked with tears yet firm. "What you have just given me, us, is worth more than any money can pay."

Yuma squirms a little in his arms, feeling awkward and embarassed. But she eventually hugs him back.

The two magical girls leave Mr. Kurosawa alone with his wife after that. They quietly disappear from the hospital altogether, though Yuma tries to go help someone else. Yuki stops her, primarily because this one case tainted Yuma's Soul Gem to half its capacity.

"It seems the difficulty of the treatment relates directly to how much energy it takes to complete," Yuki says as they approach the Sakura church. Yuma nods along, now far more at ease around Yuki.

It is the afternoon now. Kyoko waves lazily from one of the benches as the other two come inside, her bad leg propped up on her good one. She absently runs her fingers over the stump, too.

"Welcome back. Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, lots!"

So saying, Yuma transforms in a burst of light. Kyoko's expression freezes on her face at the sight. Yuma bounces over several intact benches to land next to her current caretaker, holding out a wooden mace with a big smile. A spark of deep green light follows, then Kyoko's leg is back to normal.


Kyoko gapes up at Yuma, then down at her leg. She wordlessly squeezes her bare calf for a moment. Then her expression darkens and she stands up; an instant later, Yuki is pulled up by her collar until Kyoko's nose is inches from her own.

"What. Is that?" Kyoko seethes. "I leave you alone with Yuma for a few hours and she comes back as a magical girl? What were you thinking?!"

"I don't follow," Yuki says honestly. "Yuma wanted to make the wish. Why should I have stopped her if it was out of her own, free will?"

"Because kids are stupid!" Kyoko shouts back, shaking Yuki. "They don't know better! It's our job to make sure they don't throw their future away!"

She begins to see Kyoko's point, even if she does not agree. Neither Oriko nor Kirika gave even the faintest warning of any such thing, so this is likely Kyoko's personal experiences at play.

Before she can formulate a proper response, a pair of small hands holds onto Kyoko's wrist. The redhead stops shaking Yuki and looks at Yuma, who smiles up at her.

"It's okay, big sis. I wanted this. I didn't have a future anyway, with this I can at least do something to help people."

"No, don't say that," Kyoko almost whines. She drops Yuki, having forgotten about holding her entirely. Taking a knee before Yuma, the older girl puts both hands on her shoulders. "Of course you had a future. Everyone has. But I told you, didn't I? Once you make that wish, there's no going back. Now you have to fight, always."

Yuma just shakes her head with a gentle smile. "I didn't, big sis. But I don't think having no future is a bad thing, you know? It means I have nothing I can lose, and everything to gain. I have you now, don't I? And I'd rather have one year with you than fifty without."

Kyoko stands there like lightning struck her three times over, eyes quivering. Then she lets go with a choked noise and wipes her eyes.

"That's just unfair," she mutters, her back turned to them. Then she sighs and plops back down onto the bench, near boneless.

"Alright, fine. What else were you up to while I wasn't looking?"

Suffice it to say, her mood does not improve over the tale that follows. She is into her third package of gummies by the time Yuki finishes summarising.

"That's it. You two won't ever go out alone again," Kyoko declares. She throws the empty bag behind herself as if to underline her point; Yuki snatches and dissolves it in her acid, just to prevent littering.

Then the redhead taps her chin. "Actually, who was that friend of yours? Tell me more about 'em."

Yuma perks up at that, cutting Yuki off in an instant.

"Oh, miss Yuki is friends with this really pretty girl, she's like a princess and super nice! And there was another girl with black hair who was nice too, she's her girlfriend. And they were both magical girls like us!"

That last bit startles Kyoko.

"Wait, what? Here in Kazamino?"

"No," Yuki cuts in. "They live in Mitakihara."

Somehow, that is the opposite of reassuring to Kyoko. She just stares at Yuki, jaw working soundlessly.

Then she stands.

"You know what? That's enough for today. Just, just go away. Please."

She makes a feeble shushing motion, hoping Yuki will do as she asks. Yuki is confused by the sudden turn, but figures she might as well. She made a lot of headway today. Not to mention that Kyoko seems less than willing to explain her issue.

"Alright. I will be back tomorrow."

"Good god, why?!"

"Because I want to."

Apparently, that question was not meant for Yuki. Kyoko just throws up her hands, then throws a candy bar at Yuki, and then shoos her out.

If nothing else, this entire sequence would make for a fun tale at dinner. If Yuki actually talked at dinner. As is, Kazuko only remarks that she must be in a good mood, but does not ask further. She does not seem to connect the local news reporting on a 'miracle' in one of Kazamino's hospitals to Yuki, either.

The next few days are spent alternating between visitations; Yuki visits Oriko in the mornings and Kyoko in the afternoons. Then she comes back to Kazuko's place in the evening. It is a slow but pleasant thing.

On Sunday however, something is different during her morning visit.

Specifically, the door to Oriko's house flies open to reveal a shock of white hair. Its owner stops in befuddled surprise upon seeing her. A confused sound escapes the girl's throat and she points. Then her eyes widen in recognition, after which she only points harder.

"Wait, you're that girl! Yu-, Yu-, Yu-something!"

"Yuki," she reminds her, digging through her memories for the girl's name. She met her before, right after that fight with Kyoko.

"It's good to see you well, Nagisa."

Her response does not make the grade schooler any less confused. Her stare alternates between Yuki and the ring on her finger a few times, which gives Oriko the time to arrive. She strolls outside with a pleasant smile and opens the gate to admit Yuki.

"As we found out, Yuki here is not exactly human. But while our Soul Gems react to her, she means no harm, Nagisa."

"Okay. But it's kind of weird, isn't it?"

"Perhaps it is, but I do not mind."

After reassuring Nagisa, Oriko turns to Yuki. Her expression changes somewhat as she clasps her hands together. "Although you just arrived, I was hoping I could ask you for a favour today."

Yuki nods without hesitation. "Of course. What is it?"

Her friend turns sheepish at this, absently tugging at her antennae. "Well, I was hoping to spend today with Kirika, just the two of us. Would you mind taking Nagisa out for the day?"

Yuki blinks at that. She expected something more involved. But at the same time, she remembers Yuma's resistance a few days ago. So she turns to Nagisa first.

"Do you mind spending today with me?"

"Not at all," she answers, torn between trying to be nonchalant and brimming with curiousity. "Can we go get ice cream? And cheese cake?"

"You can let her have one of the two," Oriko notes, faux sternly at that. Then she offers Yuki an envelope. "Here, take this and make sure Nagisa enjoys herself, okay?"

There is quite a number of bills inside. Probably more than one day will need. But Yuki appreciates the gesture anyway. She nods her agreement.

Oriko smiles, then pushes Nagisa forward and both of them out the gate. "Wonderful, thank you! Have a good day, you two!"

The door falls shut a moment later, leaving just the two of them on the street. Yuki watches her friend vanish inside with a wry grin, then looks back to Nagisa.

"Is there anything else you want to do, beside eating sweets?"

"Hm... nope. But big sis Kirika said she'll go hunting with me again. Can we go? Or, or can we go shopping for games and stuff? Or plushies? Oh, there's this cool arcade my friends told me about!"

Apparently, entertainment will be no problem. Yuki just has to decide where to take her charge.

[] Go hunting for a Witch
weight: x1

[] Take Nagisa shopping
-[] (optional) write-in what to shop for
weight: x1

[] Go sample all the sweets
weight: x1

[] Go to the arcade
weight: x1

-Unlocked Character Sheet: Nagisa Momoe
-Yuma's disposition turns from "Wary, Upset, Dislike" to "Friendly"
-Yuma gains new traits:
-Magical Girl: Access to powerful healing magic. Connection to ???.

-Panacea: Yuma can cure any injury and any illness short of death. Energy expenditure scales with the difficulty of the treatment.

-???: ???
-Yuma's threat level changes from ZAYIN to TETH
-Oriko gains a new trait:
-The Hermit: Sweet oblivion always comes. It is but a matter of time, old friend.

I should've voted to murder the Yakuza first damit
Yuma's hands clench to fists, not out of anger but eagerness. "I got a plan, and I'm sure it will work!"

That's exactly what I fear.

"Wow! Is there a princess living here? Are you friends with a princess?"

Hey, close enough to what Oriko is. :V

Yuki opens her mouth, only to cut herself off without a sound. She does not dislike the thought of calling Oriko her friend. And that in turn makes her frown minutely.

Embrace the friendship, Yuki, you know you want to.

I am quite comfortable with things as they are.

Really? You did startle when realizing Yuki was friendly.

The gem is clutched to her chest, gleaming silver with the faintest tinge of green.

Hope Yuki realize what it means, I am pretty sure she didn't do it consciously.

Sure am, best decision of my life.


So much for trying to convince Yuma it's not a good idea to become a magical girl.

"As for your plan in general, I approve. But if I may offer some further advice? You should make certain not to just ask for healing powers, but for the power to heal any injury and malady. Most of the time, healers only think of injuries. But a sickness is no injury, right?"

Ah, Oriko approves of making Yuma a magical girl too....

Kyoko is gonna be mad at us.

And with that plan, Yuma would have to wish for healing, so no getting cute with *I wish to never become a witch* or somesuch.

And yes, I have reason to think this kinda wish can work, Lapin from tart magica did have the wish power to come back from witching out at will, and she didn't even wish to be the one to come back.

"Ordinarily, yes," Oriko agrees. "But I am not telling little Yuma to change her wish entirely, just to specify the powers she wants. It is no monkey's paw that tricks you on exact words, but you still need to understand what it is you ask for. Can you do that, Yuma?"

Well, yes, but if Oriko has explained about the witch problem, I am pretty sure we could have gotten a *I want Kyoko to never become a witch* out of Yuma without much problems.

And make sure to mention you can cure anything to Mr. Kurosawa, will you?"

Someone has cancer.

Probably terminal at that.

"I want healing powers, strong enough that I can heal anything that's wrong with someone!"


With that kinda phrasing and the Oriko advice... I am half a mind to ask Oriko to check if Yuma can now *heal* witches. Oriko rather than test with Yuma directly because it's way safer.

Oriko smiles back, offering both hands. "This is what friends are for, no?"


I see Oriko has decided to embrace it with both hands (get it?).

She clasps Oriko's hands. Kirika and Yuma gasp in surprise.

Did something happen that they could see but Yuki didn't care to note?

Oriko herself simply squeezes, then lets go with a fondly melancholic smile. "You two should get going," she coaxes, one hand absently touching the antenna-like ornaments now covering her ears. The deep green stands out against her pale blonde hair.

Ah, they saw the Echo gift form.

An almost malicious smirk tugs at her lips; not for the misfortune she might bring, but for the fate she will shatter.

"I will thread the needle, Kirika," she promises. "I will find our golden end and grasp it with these hands of mine. No matter what."

That is well worth having Yuma wish, partially because it also means that Yuma will be protected by Oriko, I have no doubts that her needle thread includes this.

They have a deal minutes later. An hour after that, Yuma stands next to a hospital bed containing a sleeping Mrs. Kurosawa. No doctors are present, only the Kurosawas, Yuma, and Yuki.

Five minutes later, Mr. Kurosawa's wife is free of her terminal cancer.

It was an easy guess, Yuki did say she knew what it was too.

"Because kids are stupid!" Kyoko shouts back, shaking Yuki. "They don't know better! It's our job to make sure they don't throw their future away!"

You're a kid too, Kyoko.

Though I would normally agree with you in that I didn't want Yuma to wish.

Yuma just shakes her head with a gentle smile. "I didn't, big sis. But I don't think having no future is a bad thing, you know? It means I have nothing I can lose, and everything to gain. I have you now, don't I? And I'd rather have one year with you than fifty without."

I see why Oriko thought this would be a net positive.

Yuma does have an incredible capacity for disarming the infohazards of Meguca life.

"No," Yuki cuts in. "They live in Mitakihara."

Somehow, that is the opposite of reassuring to Kyoko. She just stares at Yuki, jaw working soundlessly.

They live close to Mami, and I am sure Kyoko has caught on the fact that this mean Yuki probably knows Mami too, no way the veteran magical girl would have missed her signature.

Specifically, the door to Oriko's house flies open to reveal a shock of white hair. Its owner stops in befuddled surprise upon seeing her. A confused sound escapes the girl's throat and she points. Then her eyes widen in recognition, after which she only points harder.

Yeah! The cheese is here! And it's no worm!

"Hm... nope. But big sis Kirika said she'll go hunting with me again. Can we go? Or, or can we go shopping for games and stuff? Or plushies? Oh, there's this cool arcade my friends told me about!"

Apparently, entertainment will be no problem. Yuki just has to decide where to take her charge.

Ok, now to think on where we are most likely to meet Homura, or Madoka, but one does not move without the other anyway.

We're a week-end day, yes? So they probably are roaming out and about.

[] Go sample all the sweets

Only all the sweets?

-Yuma gains new traits:

I see that hidden trait, I am keeping an eye on it.

Do you want a Cupcake?

It's 100% made of sweet things.

[] Go hunting for a Witch
weight: x1

[] Take Nagisa shopping
-[] (optional) write-in what to shop for

Hesitating between the two, Nagisa and Yuma and Oriko need grief seeds, but Kirika is a murder blender and Kyoko a veteran, so have way to get reserves. (Though Kyoko has the *all witches want to immigrate to Mitikahara* problem)

It is more likely for us to find Mami and maybe Sayaka on a witch hunt.

I think it is more likely we find Madoka (and thus, Homura) by going shopping.

[x] Take Nagisa shopping
-[x] (optional) chairs

That option should maximize our chances of meeting the local savior. :V

So much for trying to convince Yuma it's not a good idea to become a magical girl.
Imagine my thoughts when Oriko was picked in the same breath as the declaration that Yuma should not wish.

You know, Oriko. The one for whom becoming a magical girl is a net positive. And who also believes that the world will end in a month.

That aside, yes. It is a Sunday.
Imagine my thoughts when Oriko was picked in the same breath as the declaration that Yuma should not wish.

You know, Oriko. The one for whom becoming a magical girl is a net positive. And who also believes that the world will end in a month.

That aside, yes. It is a Sunday.

Can't remember everything perfectly.

At least that gave Oriko something to work towards that she can see results on before the end of the month.

And if she can avoid becoming (more of) a hermit, why not save the world while she's at it.

And since we are a sunday, this is a perfect day to search for Homura by way of Madoka.

Which I think means not around witches.

Though, I wonder if we'll meet Ai?
They live close to Mami, and I am sure Kyoko has caught on the fact that this mean Yuki probably knows Mami too, no way the veteran magical girl would have missed her signature.
I don't think Kyoko caught this at all tbh. I think she thought the Princess like magical girl was actually Mami, and there is another black haired magical girl roaming around the city these days. What are the odds that there's two Princess like magical girls and two black haired magical girls all in Mitakihara? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Kyoko: "You knew Mami this whole time and you didn't tell me?!"
Yuki: "She tried to kill me thinking I was a witch, as well as bringing two civilians to a labyrinth."
Kyoko: "...she what?"
Well, guess we get to either stop hanging out with Oriko, or hope she's better at re-writing this story then the story of PMMM.
You torpedoed that one as well, considering her new trait :V

That's why I said more of. :V

I don't think Kyoko caught this at all tbh. I think she thought the Princess like magical girl was actually Mami, and there is another black haired magical girl roaming around the city these days. What are the odds that there's two Princess like magical girls and two black haired magical girls all in Mitakihara? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.

I don't see why Yuki wouldn't have told her friend was named Oriko though.

Mami also has Ojo energy but not Princess energy.

Well, guess we get to either stop hanging out with Oriko, or hope she's better at re-writing this story then the story of PMMM.

I doubt Yuki will be willing to stop seeing her friend. If I remember correctly, wonderlab has Courage react strongly to being alone for too long once she has a friend.

I am also not sure it would allow to dodge the issue anyway, all it takes is learning something about Oriko that sounds like betrayal from a third party even if we aren't seeing her on the regular.

Better to continue seeing her, that way Yuki is more likely to be in direct position to be able to ask for precisions instead of exploding, that or in direct position to fight the hermit and maybe not rampage searching for her in the worst case scenario.
Imagine my thoughts when Oriko was picked in the same breath as the declaration that Yuma should not wish.

You know, Oriko. The one for whom becoming a magical girl is a net positive. And who also believes that the world will end in a month.

That aside, yes. It is a Sunday.
This is probably a reach but since we're not gonna experience it anyways figure I might as well try to ask. If we actually took the route of purging the Yakuza, how likely would have Yuma gotten hurt? Because I know we definitely could've taken them, but not sure at what cost.

Obviously in hindsight we should've teleported to Kyoko or at least the church, but let us not let regrets of past consume us.
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This is probably a reach but since we're not gonna experience it anyways figure I might as well try to ask. If we actually took the route of purging the Yakuza, how likely would have Yuma gotten hurt? Because I know we definitely could've taken them, but not sure at what cost.
Yuma would not have been at risk, at least initially. Purging the Yakuza would have had... repercussions. A whole lot of them, actually.