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The path you choose will determine the legacy of the Magi Ætheric.
The Machine God awaits your decision.
The First Discovery
The Mechanicum.

The Tech-Priests of Red Mars.

The one Institution of humanity born in the Age of Strife that not only succeded in uniting under a common goal, but thrived in it.

But it did so at a price.


And you, you are one of the various factions of the Mechanicum that would have taken millennia to consolidate and millennia more to be acknowledged.

But even with all the shunning, the many censures, and the decry of Heretek, your faction is one of the most necessary in all of Mars. For only they have the know-how of the making of the Warp Drive and the Gellar-Field. For only they have the temerity, the arrogance, of facing the Inmatterium and choosing to tread its path for its mysteries.

The Empyric Engiseers, the faction of the Magi Ætheric.

In many timelines, they only survive the will of Mars and the Omnissiah out of sheer necessity, normally there is no faction to speak whatsoever by the start of the Great Crusade

This shall not be such a timeline.

The Machine God so wills.

The First Enlightenment(Miracle)
[ ] A Glipze of the Spirit.

- The magi and technosavants of your order have achieved what none thought possible: a fleeting but undeniable glimpse of the Machine Spirit within the Warp. For a brief moment, you witnessed the Machine God's reflection within the currents of the Immaterium, a revelation that could alter the very foundation of Mars' dogma.
- Start with: Machine Rites (Crude) | PsyTech (Primitive)

[ ] To Mesure without Fear.
- Your faction has constructed a device capable of measuring and observing the fluctuating tides of the Warp with unprecedented accuracy. With this newfound clarity, you could predict dangerous warp storms, navigate perilous routes, and even enhance the reliability of Gellar Fields.
- Start with: PsyTech (Crude) | Hexagramic Wards (Primitive)

[ ] The First Ward
- Through your intense study of the Warp's chaotic energies, you have devised a new type of protective barrier: a Ward so potent it shields the machine spirits from the corrupting touch of the Empyrean. This Ward may not rival a Gellar Field, but its principles allow for great improvements upon what we understand of it.
- Start with: Hexagramic Wards (Crude) | Machine Rites (Primitive)
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[X] The First Ward

Chaos corruption is the biggest danger of the warp. Not to mention it also makes developing psychic tech risky. By having a solid base of wards it will help on both fronts from the get go.
[X] The First Ward

It does seem like a good starting point. I would like to be able to push towards To Measure Without Fear quickly after that, because the Imperium will need better logistics.
[X] To Mesure without Fear.

In many timelines, they only survive the will of Mars and the Omnissiah out of sheer necessity, normally there is no faction to speak whatsoever by the start of the Great Crusade
you could predict dangerous warp storms, navigate perilous routes, and even enhance the reliability of Gellar Fields.
As this is before GC during Age of Strife would our faction developing this affect all of expedition that Mars sent out into galaxy?

Like with such better/safer navigation it could lead to much more forge worlds being founded and maybe even start of Mars Empire before Age of Strife ends as some of discoveries(STC's) flow back to Mars?
[X] To Mesure without Fear.

As this is before GC during Age of Strife would our faction developing this affect all of expedition that Mars sent out into galaxy?

Like with such better/safer navigation it could lead to much more forge worlds being founded and maybe even start of Mars Empire before Age of Strife ends as some of discoveries(STC's) flow back to Mars?
You start in 000.30M, in the next decades Emps will start the unification of Terra and the first Martian expeditions have already sailed into the unknown.

And about navigation it's better to think of it like this:

Navigator Psyker + Gellar Field = Hermetic Submarine with a very messy GPS that only tells you where to turn and doesn't show you the map

Warp Mapper + Gellar Field = Hermetic Submarine with a crude GPS that only shows you the map of the surroundings
[X] A Glipze of the Spirit.

Mechanically this is most likely the weakest option, but the sheer reputation and renown this will give us among the priesthood could allow us a lot more freedom and a greater ability to influence Martian politics.
[X] A Glipze of the Spirit.

Mechanically this is most likely the weakest option, but the sheer reputation and renown this will give us among the priesthood could allow us a lot more freedom and a greater ability to influence Martian politics.
That, and it makes the machine spirits both more resistant to possession and actually be able to do some damage to daemons. Not kill them though, still way too early in the tech-tree for that.
You start in 000.30M, in the next decades Emps will start the unification of Terra and the first Martian expeditions have already sailed into the unknown.
Realy? I assumed that with quest having tag of 'warhammer 29k' we would start a millenium before GC?

And we would then have two or three more Enlightenments/Miracles to chose from to show how our Faction affects rest of Mars/Mechanicum?

Like it seems for now we have three 'tech trees', which each option giving us basicaly level 2 in one and level 1 in second while leaving third one untouched. And so we could over timeskips decide do we monofocus on one even as higher levels with good s&#t need more effort or spread out and pick up low hanging fruits from all while also hoping for synergy bonuses.

While we also see how our tech choices affect Mars as picked up tech rises status of our Faction spreading up our tech and influence over centuries affecting future events.
Realy? I assumed that with quest having tag of 'warhammer 29k' we would start a millenium before GC?
We are in the millennium before the GC.

And we would then have two or three more Enlightenments/Miracles to chose from to show how our Faction affects rest of Mars/Mechanicum?
It's named a Miracle because a ragtag team of Magi Ætheric were able to pull this in 500, within a Warp Storm, without Chaos getting it's grabby fingers in your pie slice.

With just guess-work.

Like it seems for now we have three 'tech trees', which each option giving us basicaly level 2 in one and level 1 in second while leaving third one untouched. And so we could over timeskips decide do we monofocus on one even as higher levels with good s&#t need more effort or spread out and pick up low hanging fruits from all while also hoping for synergy bonuses.
While I prefer synergy, I will be fair and give you pretty good stuff if you mono focus. Now, if you can afford mono focusing is another matter.

While we also see how our tech choices affect Mars as picked up tech rises status of our Faction spreading up our tech and influence over centuries affecting future events.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 6, 2024 at 2:20 PM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

First, @012345 you were right, I messed up the dates, the quest starts in the Millenium of the GC.

Second, I messed up the vote, The First Ward won by 8 Votes not 4, didn't start the vote counter right away.

Third, I will either have the chapter tonight or tomorrow.
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