[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)
Being an Empathy and Speech badass is really paying off.

[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)

She's better at planning.
[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)
[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)
I mean, yeah. Elizabeth's more of a strategist compared to Hayato.

My vote:
[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)
Okay. A few things. First, I might not be able to get the next update out before the week's over, as I've had to go back and redo some of the math to fix things up.

However, the update will come soon if only cause I've gotten the first Round of Combat done and...well...here's a peek.

[Offensive Keiji: Activates Drag To Depths: 50 (WCS) + 50 (Kappa WCS) + 20 (DTD) + 15 (Water Whip Offense) + 41 (Roll) = 176 VS 25 (Dodge) + 14 (Physical Resistance) + 50 (Swords) = 89. Elizabeth Loses Round 1 Defensive. Drag To Depth Succeeded! Elizabeth is dragged into a Supernatural Puddle! Will suffer a Debuff to Combat! Until Round 3 or she gets taken out early!]
[Offensive Keiji: Activates Drag To Depths: 50 (WCS) + 50 (Kappa WCS) + 20 (DTD) + 15 (Water Whip Offense) + 41 (Roll) = 176 VS 25 (Dodge) + 14 (Physical Resistance) + 50 (Swords) = 89. Elizabeth Loses Round 1 Defensive. Drag To Depth Succeeded! Elizabeth is dragged into a Supernatural Puddle! Will suffer a Debuff to Combat! Until Round 3 or she gets taken out early!]
I take it that the roll is only added to an attack, not defense? And what the WCS is short for?

In any case, this is going to hurt.
Week 12: Battle Round 1/Interrupt New
[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)

[Combat Round 1]

[Hayato Status: Healthy]

[Keiko Status Healthy]

[Elizabeth Status: Hurt but moving]

[Keiji Status: Healthy]

[Offensive Hayato: 43 (Hayato UMT) + 50 (Yato UMT) + 23 (Rolls) = 106 VS 40 (Keiko Physical Resistance) + 10 (Dodge) + 45 (Kasa-Obake Physical Resistance) = 95. Hayato Wins Round 1 Offensive]

[Offensive Keiko: 50 (Curtain Of Blades Style) + 50 (Kasa-Obake COB) + 15 (Body Of Blades Technique) + 13 (Roll) - 10 (Impregnable Defense) = 118 VS 53 (Hayato Physical Resistance) + 50 (Yato Physical Resistance) + 10 (UMT Passive) + 10 (Impenetrable Soul Armor) = 128. Hayato Wins Round 1 Defensive]

There's no more words exchanged between you and Elizabeth. You both simply share a nod and rush in. You lower your head to increase your speed while Elizabeth holds out both of her swords on your right. Your opponents remains standing, Keiji reaching into his Kappa's puddle and pulls a long line of water out of it. It becomes solid in his hand and turns into a whip that he carries lazily at his side. Meanwhile, his Kappa begins to swim around his user and create bigger puddles of water from somewhere.

In contrast, Keiko doesn't move at all. She remains standing with her Kasa-Obake out and covering her body. You can just make out her smiling face from behind her shield but that's about it. You're not sure what she's planning but you guess you'll just have to find out. Once you and Elizabeth reach the halfway point, you change directions. Crossing each other's paths, you charge towards Keiko and Elizabeth charges toward Keiji. With a battle cry you leap up while cocking your right fist back. You decide to try to aim above the edge of the Umbrella to try to hit at the user behind it.

However, right when you're about to strike, Keiko twirls the umbrella and the blades on the edge extend out. You hear a dusty cackle as the curtain of steel grows to block your oncoming attack. You're too extended to give up on the punch though, so you decide to just go for it. Your punch lands and the sound of fist on steel rings through your ears. You and Keiko both back up from the collision, but you both recover quickly.

The woman steps forward, stabbing at your neck with the bladed fan's spear like tip. You duck under the attack, but soon realize that was a faint. Keiko moves in underneath her first attack, one hand holding onto the shaft of the umbrella while she points the other at you. She presses her fingers together, turning her hand into a "knife" that she stabs out at you. Drawing upon the techniques you've learned from training with Yato and focus on your spirit. You will it to encase your gauntlets and move one into the path of the woman's hand. It lands with a "ding" surprising you as you don't think human hands hitting metal should sound like that. Then again, she does have a Supernatural Partner. She's probably using something to make her hands harder than normal.

Doesn't matter this time though. Because...

"DEYAA!" you shout, creating a force of air blasting Keiko back a step. Her guard is wide open and you make sure to take advantage. Crouching as you step in, you throw an uppercut toward her gut. It connects, pushing the air out of the suit clad woman's lungs and arresting her movement. You're about to follow up when you feel something coming down on your right arm. You pull back and barely block a blow from the Kasa-Obake, sparks flying as its blades rake across Yato's form.

"N-Not bad," Keiko says, holding her stomach as she gets her breath back. She stands up straight and cracks her neck, "You're pretty tough, kid. You're focused on defense and counters like me, aren't ya?"

"Maybe, what's it to you?" you say, returning to your normal stance coming up with your next moves.

Keiko laughs and twirls her umbrella some more, "It's perfect! I've always wanted to see who would win out in a battle of two defense oriented fighters. And if I win I can hold it over my boss for a pay raise. This is just my lucky day."

You smirk and clang your fists together, "Sorry to disappoint, but you'll have to settle for your current pay rate. I'm not the one going down here."

Keiko shrugs, "Eh, maybe. But I'm not so sure about your girlfriend over there."

[Offensive Elizabeth: 75 (SDS) + 10 (Cutting Edge) + 10 (Killing Blade) + 50 (Swords) + 23 (Rolls) = 168 VS 40 (Dodge) + 40 (Perception: People) + 10 (Physical Resistance) + 10 (WCS Passive) + 10 (Watery Body) + 50 (Kappa Dodge) + 10 (Watery Whip Defense) = 120. Elizabeth Wins Round 1 Offensive]

[Offensive Keiji: Activates Drag To Depths: 50 (WCS) + 50 (Kappa WCS) + 20 (DTD) + 15 (Water Whip Offense) + 41 (Roll) = 176 VS 25 (Dodge) + 14 (Physical Resistance) + 50 (Swords) = 89. Elizabeth Loses Round 1 Defensive. Drag To Depth Succeeded! Elizabeth is dragged into a Supernatural Puddle! Will suffer a Debuff to Combat! Until Round 3 or she gets taken out early!]

"Gah!" you and Keiko both jerk your heads toward the battle happening between Elizabeth and Keiji. And you feel your blood run cold as you see the state your ally is in.

She's managed to get a bit of an advantage. You can see cuts all along Keiji's body. You spot at least four small cuts along his arms, and a larger gash in his chest. Though said gash isn't deep enough to qualify as a major wound. But it shows that she did manage to hurt the dude something fierce. Unfortunately, she's currently got both her arms held to her sides by the water whip wrapped around her torso. She's up to her ankles in a large puddle of water that extends from her to Keiji. You can vaguely see two green, finned hands gripping onto her legs from underneath the water.

"Get off!" she yells, more angry than upset, "And get your damn pet to let me go!"

"No can do. You cut me up pretty good with your first assault. Don't wanna have that happen again," Keiji shakes his head, voice still sounding indifferent and apathetic, "Though if you're worried about my friend seeing something he shouldn't, don't. All human women look ugly to him."

"That's not-," she's interrupted by a sudden lurch as more of her body is drawn into the puddle. Your eyes widen at the same time hers do as you both realize what's happening.

As if to confirm your fears, Keiji looks over at Keiko and says, "She's a bit too much for me out int he open like this. I'm taking her into The Depths. See you in a bit, Keiko. Try not to lose while I'm busy."

"Just make sure not to drown her," Keiko says, casually waving goodbye to Keiji as he disappears beneath the water.

"Don't worry about me, Hayato! Keepggrrll-" Elizabeth's words become garbled as her head disappears into the puddle.

"My Lord! This is a lull in the battle! I don't believe that girl will be able to fight the Kappa alone in their own turf! If you wish to help her, do so now!" Yato yells into your mind as you think about what to do next.

[] Keep fighting Keiko. Elizabeth'll be fine, won't she? (Combat continues as normal, Elizabeth fights at a disadvantage)

[] Try to pull Elizabeth out of the water. She'll be torn up in there! (Check to try to pull Elizabeth out of The Depths, Leaves you open to attack)

[] Dive in to fight with Elizabeth. You haven't been swimming in a while but...here goes! (Go fight with Elizabeth in The Depths, Keiko left alone)

[] Write in...
[X] Try to pull Elizabeth out of the water. She'll be torn up in there! (Check to try to pull Elizabeth out of The Depths, Leaves you open to attack)

We can last a few attacks, right? I hope so...

Mayble we'll have luck by our side and the cavalry would arrive sooner than later.
[X] Keep fighting Keiko. Elizabeth'll be fine, won't she? (Combat continues as normal, Elizabeth fights at a disadvantage)

Elizabeth is kinda bad at defense but her attack is still high. Hopefully it still out does keiji's.
[Offensive Hayato: 43 (Hayato UMT) + 50 (Yato UMT) + 23 (Rolls) = 106 VS 40 (Keiko Physical Resistance) + 10 (Dodge) + 45 (Kasa-Obake Physical Resistance) = 95. Hayato Wins Round 1 Offensive]
So, why exactly Hayato is using UMT here and not any of the other supernatural martial arts he has that have higher skill rank?
[Offensive Keiko: 50 (Curtain Of Blades Style) + 50 (Kasa-Obake COB) + 15 (Body Of Blades Technique) + 13 (Roll) - 10 (Impregnable Defense) = 118 VS 53 (Hayato Physical Resistance) + 50 (Yato Physical Resistance) + 10 (UMT Passive) + 10 (Impenetrable Soul Armor) = 128. Hayato Wins Round 1 Defensive]
Hayato the wall!
You lower your head to increase your speed

[Offensive Elizabeth: 75 (SDS) + 10 (Cutting Edge) + 10 (Killing Blade) + 50 (Swords) + 23 (Rolls) = 168 VS 40 (Dodge) + 40 (Perception: People) + 10 (Physical Resistance) + 10 (WCS Passive) + 10 (Watery Body) + 50 (Kappa Dodge) + 10 (Watery Whip Defense) = 120. Elizabeth Wins Round 1 Offensive]
Good to know that Elizabeth is a beast on the offensive.
"Don't worry about me, Hayato! Keepggrrll-" Elizabeth's words become garbled as her head disappears into the puddle.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!

Oh boy, this is a tough decision. I don't have high hopes of her surviving there alone with disadvantage, judging by the stats, so either we try and pull her out or dive in. On that thought...

[X] Dive in to fight with Elizabeth. You haven't been swimming in a while but...here goes! (Go fight with Elizabeth in The Depths, Keiko left alone)

Yes, we would be in disadvantage, but it would be two pairs against one, Elizabeth's offense and our defense against one pair of enemies. And I don't think they'd expect move like this. Also very Hayato thing to do.
So, why exactly Hayato is using UMT here and not any of the other supernatural martial arts he has that have higher skill rank?

It's mostly out of a sense of, "They're using their Partners, I should use Yato, too" kind of thing. Though, if push came to shove and you guys were on the back foot, he'd switch into MMA.

If you want him to do so without needing to wait for that, a write in will work.
[X] Try to pull Elizabeth out of the water. She'll be torn up in there! (Check to try to pull Elizabeth out of The Depths, Leaves you open to attack)

we're hotblooded
[X] Try to pull Elizabeth out of the water. She'll be torn up in there! (Check to try to pull Elizabeth out of The Depths, Leaves you open to attack)

We can take a hit. But I don't like Elizabeth's chances of getting out of the water alone.
[X] Dive in to fight with Elizabeth. You haven't been swimming in a while but...here goes! (Go fight with Elizabeth in The Depths, Keiko left alone)

Keiko can live with her current pay rate, saving Elizabeth is more important here. I don't trust that we won't get hurt more if we try to pull her out instead of hopping into the evil hell puddle with her.
[X] Try to pull Elizabeth out of the water. She'll be torn up in there! (Check to try to pull Elizabeth out of The Depths, Leaves you open to attack)

[X] Dive in to fight with Elizabeth. You haven't been swimming in a while but...here goes! (Go fight with Elizabeth in The Depths, Keiko left alone)
[X] Try to pull Elizabeth out of the water. She'll be torn up in there! (Check to try to pull Elizabeth out of The Depths, Leaves you open to attack)
[X] Dive in to fight with Elizabeth. You haven't been swimming in a while but...here goes! (Go fight with Elizabeth in The Depths, Keiko left alone)
[X] Try to pull Elizabeth out of the water. She'll be torn up in there! (Check to try to pull Elizabeth out of The Depths, Leaves you open to attack)
[X] Dive in to fight with Elizabeth. You haven't been swimming in a while but...here goes! (Go fight with Elizabeth in The Depths, Keiko left alone)

Let's leave Keiko high and dry. Can she actually attack into The Depths?
[X] Try to pull Elizabeth out of the water. She'll be torn up in there! (Check to try to pull Elizabeth out of The Depths, Leaves you open to attack)

No swimming without a swimsuit!