[x] [X] See if you can convince Elizabeth to work with you. Together, the two of you will stand a much better chance at fighting them than you would alone. But that's only if she's willing to fight alongside you. Hope those lesson Estella gave you pay off. (Empathy + Speech CSC)
-[X] If that doesn't work, go for maximum defensive aggression - bumrush and try to kill them, but be prepared to do so by tarpitting and countering. Try to kill the kappa first, since it's both a supernatural creature (and thus Yato's wheelhouse) and apparently has a teleport function or something in its pond.
[X] See if you can convince Elizabeth to work with you. Together, the two of you will stand a much better chance at fighting them than you would alone. But that's only if she's willing to fight alongside you. Hope those lesson Estella gave you pay off. (Empathy + Speech CSC)
-[X] If that doesn't work, go for maximum defensive aggression - bumrush and try to kill them, but be prepared to do so by tarpitting and countering. Try to kill the kappa first, since it's both a supernatural creature (and thus Yato's wheelhouse) and apparently has a teleport function or something in its pond.
Current tally...will call on Sunday.

Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Aug 17, 2024 at 1:51 AM, finished with 21 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] See if you can convince Elizabeth to work with you. Together, the two of you will stand a much better chance at fighting them than you would alone. But that's only if she's willing to fight alongside you. Hope those lesson Estella gave you pay off. (Empathy + Speech CSC)
    -[X] If that doesn't work, go for maximum defensive aggression - bumrush and try to kill them, but be prepared to do so by tarpitting and countering. Try to kill the kappa first, since it's both a supernatural creature (and thus Yato's wheelhouse) and apparently has a teleport function or something in its pond.
    [X] See if you can convince Elizabeth to work with you. Together, the two of you will stand a much better chance at fighting them than you would alone. But that's only if she's willing to fight alongside you. Hope those lesson Estella gave you pay off. (Empathy + Speech CSC)
    [X] Stand and fight these bastards. Pick a target, rush in, and take them down. Go full offense and try to have them down before your backup arrives.
    [X] Stand and fight until Yamato and Irina get here. Be defensive and focus on outlasting them until your backup arrives. Then you'll take them on together.
Closing vote...
Scheduled vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Aug 10, 2024 at 10:32 PM, finished with 22 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] See if you can convince Elizabeth to work with you. Together, the two of you will stand a much better chance at fighting them than you would alone. But that's only if she's willing to fight alongside you. Hope those lesson Estella gave you pay off. (Empathy + Speech CSC)
    -[X] If that doesn't work, go for maximum defensive aggression - bumrush and try to kill them, but be prepared to do so by tarpitting and countering. Try to kill the kappa first, since it's both a supernatural creature (and thus Yato's wheelhouse) and apparently has a teleport function or something in its pond.
    [X] See if you can convince Elizabeth to work with you. Together, the two of you will stand a much better chance at fighting them than you would alone. But that's only if she's willing to fight alongside you. Hope those lesson Estella gave you pay off. (Empathy + Speech CSC)
    [X] Stand and fight these bastards. Pick a target, rush in, and take them down. Go full offense and try to have them down before your backup arrives.
    [X] Stand and fight until Yamato and Irina get here. Be defensive and focus on outlasting them until your backup arrives. Then you'll take them on together.
Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long. Was working on other stuff and time got away from me. I'll try to get the next update in either this coming week or next week.
One bad, one mediocre and one very good. Went through the whole spectrum.
And since you're in a Partner Fight, I will roll dice for the enemy. That's 6d50s split between the two.

Edit: Guy got 41, 29, and 22. Girl got 13, 31, and 45.
LinkOnScepter threw 6 50-faced dice. Reason: Enemy Rolls Total: 181
41 41 29 29 22 22 13 13 31 31 45 45
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So we start off getting our assahooped but then Elizabeth and us kick it into high gear only for the enemy to do the same? These are definitly some interesting rolls even if I'm wrong.
Week 12: Battle Prelude
Empathy: Feelings + Speech: Persuasion CSC: 65 + 33 = 98 VS DC 100 - 10 (Rank 2 SL) - 10 (Previous Decisions) = 80. Success! +2 RP with Elizabeth!

"Elizabeth," you step forward and pound your fists together. A loud clanking sound rings across the rooftop as you stare your soon-to-be foes down, "I'm not leaving you alone. We'll fight together."

"No. You need to-"

"Thanks," you interrupt her, shooting a smile her way, "for looking out for me and my brother. I don't know what you're going through right now, or why you're doing what you're doing. But I get why you keep trying to tell me to back off. It's so I won't get too deeply involved in this, right?"

Elizabeth tries to hide it but you see the twitch in her eye that tells you you're right. You press on, "But I hate to break it to you, I'm already too deep into this. You heard them. They're already after me and probably my brother too. Even if I ran away now, nothing would change that. The only thing it would do is leave you to get beat up by these guys. And I'm not letting that happen."

"Nagai...I can handle myself," she says, though she sounds less confident than she did before. You think you're managing to get through to her.

"Then you won't mind if I help out. Because then you can handle yourself while I watch your back. And you can watch mine. How's that sound?" you say with a cheeky smile.

Elizabeth remains silent for a few more seconds. You see her expression shift from frustration and stubbornness to full acceptance. She sighs then shakes her head, "Fine. Just don't get yourself killed, alright?"

Your smile widens until it reaches your eyes, "As if that'll ever happen."

She rolls her eyes before pointing her sword at the Organization goons, "So, how do you want to do this? I'd suggest that we each take one of them. The woman isn't a good match up for me. Her and that umbrella are too resilient. Let's the one with the Kappa attack me from behind. But what do you think?"

[Tactics: Cleverness: 6]

Hmm, you're not much of a strategist, but you like to think that could work. Though maybe you should consider a different tactic?

[] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)

[] Do the opposite of her plan. You'll take the Kappa Guy, she fights the Umbrella Girl. She'll probably have a better time now that they're alone. (You VS Keiji, Elizabeth VS Keiko)

[] Or, here's an idea, you both charge at one of them and take them out of the fight as quick as possible. Should make the other fight easier. (Both of you target one person, but other will likely hit you from behind; Will suffer a debuff to total as your SL Rank with Elizabeth is only 2)
- [] Jump Keji and the Kappa. They seem slippery.
- [] Jump Keiko and her Kasa-Obake. She seems sturdy.

[] Write in...

This isn't the only/whole update, mind you. But when I was trying to write things out, I kind of realized that the math heavily depended on whether or not you would be fighting together with Elizabeth or one at a time. And try as I might to just write anyway, I couldn't really shake that feeling of doubt over the math totals.

So, I decided to let you guys decide. Might seem weird but it's what makes me feel right.
I believe the umbrella yokai's attacks will be mental based. So at least mc has some resistance towards it?

[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)
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Empathy: Feelings + Speech: Persuasion CSC: 65 + 33 = 98 VS DC 100 - 10 (Rank 2 SL) - 10 (Previous Decisions) = 80. Success! +2 RP with Elizabeth!
Damn, that was a high DC!
"Nagai...I can handle myself," she says, though she sounds less confident than she did before. You think you're managing to get through to her.

"Then you won't mind if I help out. Because then you can handle yourself while I watch your back. And you can watch mine. How's that sound?" you say with a cheeky smile.
Heh, what a bro. :D

[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)

I think this is the best idea. If our SL were higher I'd be for tagteaming, but no use crying over what we donät ahve.
[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)

She has keikaku. We follow keikaku.
[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)

It's a good enough plan for me! I figured this would turn into a pair of 1v1 matches anyway.
[X] Follow Elizabeth's idea. You'll take on the Umbrella Girl, she fights the Kappa Guy. (You VS Keiko, Elizabeth VS Keiji)

Grab the umbrella and "so long gay Bowser" her!