Renegade Chapter Master Quest Redux (WH40k Quest)

Storm Avengers Space Marine Chapter

Storm Avengers

Founding Chapter: Ultramarines
Founding: M32/Fourth Founding
Chapter Master: Torvald Thunderson
Homeworld: Midgardia (Current), Ragnarok (Former)
Fortress-Monastery: Aula Fortis (Current), Aula Occisi (Former)
Speciality: Combined Arms, Naval Warfare & Boarding Actions.
Colours: Red and white with a golden trim.
Symbol: Crossed golden lightning bolts behind a red lambda 'A'.
Battlecry: "We are the Avenging Storm!"
Just caught up it's been a heck of a ride.

Question what were the terms of our alliance with the Tau have we been able to trade for some of their tech?

Getting a hold of some of their "old and outdated" Stealth tech would make our scouts a lot more effective. And the use of drones would help our mortal armies

Or are we still against Xeno-tech?
Question what were the terms of our alliance with the Tau have we been able to trade for some of their tech?

Really any industry boosting tech would be better at the moment. Though getting a look at Tau plasma/pulse tech and vehicles would be pretty nice. The question for what we should start as the next research project is an important one.
[X] Plan: We Are Back in Business
-[X] FA1: Create a research team of mortals to assist in the research and creation of new technologies.
-[X] FA2: Change the structure of a Company to make it standard for there to be 3 Librarians per Company.
-[X] FA3: Order your Tech Marines to investigate, compare, and reverse engineer all the anti-gravity technologies in your possession to find out which is the best to further develop. The grav-tech on Tau vehicles, Tau drones, and the Bunkers Jetbikes are of particular note. (2 Tech Marines)
-[X] Skald: Covertly invite Tau diplomats to Midgardia to begin negotiations over possibly starting a technology trade between the Asgardia Sector and the Tau Empire. Ensure the meeting is kept as quiet as possible.
-[X] The Asgardia Crusade (1,2,3,4,5,10th Companies, 1,2nd Chapter Fleets)
-[X] Raiding Heimdalls Supply and Trade lines (11,7,12th Companies, Protector of Asgardia ,5th Chapter Fleet)
-[X] Purging the Strulrot (8,9th Companies, 3,4th Chapter Fleets)
-[X] Home Guard (13th Company)
-[X] Patrolling (6th Company, Might of Storms)
-[X] Repair Strike Cruiser Eternal Hurricane at Midgardias dock yards
-[X] Repair Strike Cruiser Lightning Vengeance at Forge World Thor (1 Major Favor)
-[X] Repair Battle Barge Storm of Salvation at Forge World Thor (2 Major Favors)
-[X] Production (21 Points & 8 Techmarine available)
--[X] 30 Tarantula Turret = 10 Points (all to the 13th Company)
--[X] 25 Jump Packs = 5 Points
--[X] 1 Castaferrum-pattern Dreadnought = 4 Points & 1 Tech Marine
--[X] 1 Rhino = 2 Points (to the 13th)
-[X]Vehicle Targeting Cogitator Manufactorum 40RP (100/100)
-[X]level 1 orbital defenses (Danlan) 10RP
-[X]level 1 orbital defenses (Valha) 10RP
-[X] Industrial Complex (Minvir) 10RP
-[X] Industrial Complex (Midguardia) 1RP (1/10)
-[X] Spartha Frigate 4RP
-[X] Gladius Frigate 4R
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[X] Plan: We Are Back in Business

While normally, more industry is good. Orbital defenses means raids are going to need longer to actually raid. Which with our near real time sensor network, translates into raiders getting smacked by the long arms of the storm avengers.
[X] Plan: We Are Back in Business

I like this plan, also @Oshha, I noticed that Chapter Deployment does not show the 6th or 5th Companies.

Chapter Deployment
[ ] Torvald and his Honour Guard are permanently unavailable.
[ ] 1st Company (50) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 2nd Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 3rd Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 4th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 7th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 8th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 9th Company (10) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 10th Company (80) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 11th Company (70) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 12th Company (50) is unassigned and currently available.
[ ] 13th Company (100) is unassigned and currently available.

Another thing I noticed is that further down in Chapter Status you have two spoiler boxes as 9th Company, the second one actually being the 13th company
Great quest! Though, I feel like we got unfairly advantaged by the timeskip vote. We were set to be gobbled up by the Tau, and suddenly we get out of it with no effort. What happened with all the people looking for the hope the Tau provided?

On another track: maybe we could get one of the forge worlds to package up ork spores into a MIRV-type drop system; we can then use it on xeno worlds as a long-term distraction. Feral orks are unlikely to cause a major threat to a major empire, but having murderous orks pop out of what was once peaceful countryside should help divert resources. This is also advantageous because we would be launching them into the least populated areas of a planet... and thus the ones least likely to have defences against such ordinance (this is also why they are not just a worse nuke).
Great quest! Though, I feel like we got unfairly advantaged by the timeskip vote. We were set to be gobbled up by the Tau, and suddenly we get out of it with no effort. What happened with all the people looking for the hope the Tau provided?
Not really the tau were not wanting to gobble us up they wanted diplomatically gain worlds on the edge of asgardia which were not few but it wasn't all of asgardia. Actually before the timeskip we were preparing a conclave to stop or atleast mitigate it. Also the tau respect us alot since they are still in their early stages and we could feasibly broken them by that point but didn't instead we became allies and trade partners. Also they managed to atleast gain the larant kingdom as allies that we were pushing to become our first protectorate so we didn't got out scot free we did loss a potential vassal and we are protecting their southern border with this alliance.
Great quest! Though, I feel like we got unfairly advantaged by the timeskip vote. We were set to be gobbled up by the Tau, and suddenly we get out of it with no effort. What happened with all the people looking for the hope the Tau provided?

On another track: maybe we could get one of the forge worlds to package up ork spores into a MIRV-type drop system; we can then use it on xeno worlds as a long-term distraction. Feral orks are unlikely to cause a major threat to a major empire, but having murderous orks pop out of what was once peaceful countryside should help divert resources. This is also advantageous because we would be launching them into the least populated areas of a planet... and thus the ones least likely to have defences against such ordinance (this is also why they are not just a worse nuke).

It's still an issue we're "allied" to the tau but as I read it we're well Junior partners. They figure it's easier to have us as Allies and have us do all the fighting in the sector and gain the trade and slow influence in the sector rather than forcing the issue.

TLDR they're playing the long game and binding the sector closer to them slowly.

Also that feels like a plan that'll almost certainly backfire on us terribly. No offense. But the last thing anyone needs is more orks.
Also that feels like a plan that'll almost certainly backfire on us terribly. No offense. But the last thing anyone needs is more orks.

The Knights of Caliban would be pissed we did that since they have their own Ork problem to deal with. I want to give them support next turn if we have a chance. Having them free from the Orks could give them more breathing room.
I like this plan, also @Oshha, I noticed that Chapter Deployment does not show the 6th or 5th Companies.

Another thing I noticed is that further down in Chapter Status you have two spoiler boxes as 9th Company, the second one actually being the 13th company
Fixed. Thanks for catching those.
Great quest! Though, I feel like we got unfairly advantaged by the timeskip vote. We were set to be gobbled up by the Tau, and suddenly we get out of it with no effort. What happened with all the people looking for the hope the Tau provided?
Canonically, the Tau have been known to play the long game and settle for alliances rather than insisting on membership. Especially since you are a peer power and argubly their military superior. As for the Asgardians looking to the Greater Good, the Tau Empire and Asgardian Triumvirate have agreed to allow Greater Good preachers free access to the Asgardia Sector in exchange for the Tau Empire requiring humans within to worship the God-Emperor albeit by following the Asgardian Ecclesiarchy rather than the main branch of the Ecclesiarchy. The Tau Empire has chosen to go along with this to keep the Asgardian Triumvirate as an ally and because their ventures into the Jericho Reach mean they recognise that is some valid claims to the worries of Chaos corruption.

That said the Tau still don't realise the full scope of Chaos and how bad and dangerous it can get. They think it is a human thing so they are going along with because every species as their quirks.
On another track: maybe we could get one of the forge worlds to package up ork spores into a MIRV-type drop system; we can then use it on xeno worlds as a long-term distraction. Feral orks are unlikely to cause a major threat to a major empire, but having murderous orks pop out of what was once peaceful countryside should help divert resources. This is also advantageous because we would be launching them into the least populated areas of a planet... and thus the ones least likely to have defences against such ordinance (this is also why they are not just a worse nuke).
No Storm Avengers would willingly engage in knowingly spreading the greenskin menance. That is Heresy and only the most radical Inquisitors engage in such methods with the Storm Avengers preferring to ensure that sort of Inquisitors disappears or vanishes.
It's still an issue we're "allied" to the tau but as I read it we're well Junior partners. They figure it's easier to have us as Allies and have us do all the fighting in the sector and gain the trade and slow influence in the sector rather than forcing the issue.

TLDR they're playing the long game and binding the sector closer to them slowly.

Also that feels like a plan that'll almost certainly backfire on us terribly. No offense. But the last thing anyone needs is more orks.
You are not a junior partner, you are a peer power and respected ally. And while the Tau Empire is playing the long game, they are doing above the board or at least in an acceptable manner, This is because they are fully aware that the option of "Three Adeptus Astartes Chapters cleave a bloody and brutal path through the Tau Empire" is very much on the table and they have zero means to subvert you. Not to mention that Torvald Thunderson is a son of Guilliman who has survived centuries of Imperial politics, including getting most of his Chapter out of the Imperium after the Inquisition declared them traitors and heretics. In terms of politics and administration, Torvald can run circles around all, but the oldest and most experience Ethereals.
It's still an issue we're "allied" to the tau but as I read it we're well Junior partners. They figure it's easier to have us as Allies and have us do all the fighting in the sector and gain the trade and slow influence in the sector rather than forcing the issue.

TLDR they're playing the long game and binding the sector closer to them slowly.

Also that feels like a plan that'll almost certainly backfire on us terribly. No offense. But the last thing anyone needs is more orks.
No we are not junior partners we are peers with them right now our navies right now outstrip them in power and numbers our own territories of asgardia is likely larger Tau own worlds right now and our own mortal armies while not as advanced are still more numerous than tau right now and the fact we are an oversized space marine chapter with a massive and two other brother chapters hypothetically if we weren't all nice and xeno friendly and asgardia wasn't a trash fire at that time we could have feasibly destroyed the tau. Also the fact that torvald is a far better politician is gonna be a factor.