Honestly I really just do think it makes more sense to borrow somebody else's KNOW for that? Leaving aside the narrative benefits of getting someone else more involved in that stuff, that's a lot of actions spent on KNOW that could go anywhere else. There are real and very large opportunity costs to getting Mary that much KNOW.
While true, I don't want to make assumptions about where the story is going to go and whom we're going to have around for help when it counts. For all we know Nana Diancie is going to forbid Erika from helping with this because of inscrutable legendary politics or something, and I am not confident in backup plans that aren't there on the character sheet.

Also that KNOW 12 is just a specific example of a skill gate I want to hit eventually. More immediately we DO still need to pass our academic classes, and a higher KNOW stat makes that less of an issue (unlike ToCS we don't get to just cram the weekend before).

In the end, though, right this second we do need to lock in because the democratic mandate says so. I just feel like sparing 1/8 AP for this month for like 700 extra stat XP we'll never be able to get again is worthwhile, unless we plan to never go above KNOW 8, which just strikes me as bad long term planning.
While true, I don't want to make assumptions about where the story is going to go and whom we're going to have around for help when it counts. For all we know Nana Diancie is going to forbid Erika from helping with this because of inscrutable legendary politics or something, and I am not confident in backup plans that aren't there on the character sheet.

Also that KNOW 12 is just a specific example of a skill gate I want to hit eventually. More immediately we DO still need to pass our academic classes, and a higher KNOW stat makes that less of an issue (unlike ToCS we don't get to just cram the weekend before).

In the end, though, right this second we do need to lock in because the democratic mandate says so. I just feel like sparing 1/8 AP for this month for like 700 extra stat XP we'll never be able to get again is worthwhile, unless we plan to never go above KNOW 8, which just strikes me as bad long term planning.
I mean I think never getting above 8 KNOW is a perfectly reasonable plan. Mary being not great at schoolwork is kind of a reasonable flaw to have, when it can be supplemented by her getting help from those close to her who are better at it.

If a circumstance comes up where say, Erika isn't available for a specific plot thing then that's also fine! It gives Mary a reason to reach out and interact with other characters.

More specifically to the moment at hand, we do have a very real reason to train other things besides KNOW right this second with several upcoming gym battles, while there's no particularly pressing need for KNOW 8. More generally, Mary ending up with KNOW 12 would be at the expense of getting truly high stats elsewhere. If you don't want a character to have weaknesses, their strengths are going to be much less impressive to compensate. I think this is especially note worthy when we consider that there are probably going to be quite a few high stakes battles in Mary's future.
I mean I think never getting above 8 KNOW is a perfectly reasonable plan. Mary being not great at schoolwork is kind of a reasonable flaw to have, when it can be supplemented by her getting help from those close to her who are better at it.
Well, it's also a reversal of some very specific long term strategy voters were doing during month 1. What I'm concerned with here is changing long term plans willy nilly just because we have short term goals. There's enough mechanics in this game that we're basically playing a real RPG by majority vote, and that requires some level of long term strategy beyond just "make the numbers we need right this second go up". If the new plan is "keep KNOW at the bare minimum to function socially in favor of our battle skills" then fine, that's just a change in direction that I want to make clear to everyone else voting in the thread before committing to.
Doing a study action this week gives us a grand total of 480 KNOW XP more than we'd get without all these bonuses. That's not that much (barely a single action), when we'll need 8800 KNOW XP to reach KNOW 12. We won't get there by spamming study actions. We will only do so by unlocking better actions and capabilities to improve the efficiency of our actions. One of those we know is League Points Tutoring, another would be via Cash, a third is relationships (Bond 2 Erika alone increases the efficiency of study actions by 33%!). All of those sources are gated behind getting stronger and Chasing the Sun

Chasing a study action because it's got a number attached now is the definition of a false economy.
Doing a study action this week gives us a grand total of 480 KNOW XP more than we'd get without all these bonuses. That's not that much (barely a single action), when we'll need 8800 KNOW XP to reach KNOW 12. We won't get there by spamming study actions. We will only do so by unlocking better actions and capabilities to improve the efficiency of our actions. One of those we know is League Points Tutoring, another would be via Cash, a third is relationships (Bond 2 Erika alone increases the efficiency of study actions by 33%!). All of those sources are gated behind getting stronger and Chasing the Sun

Chasing a study action because it's got a number attached now is the definition of a false economy.

1. We need 1600 additional KNOW XP to reach KNOW 9. The bonus XP on offer here is a quarter of that, with the total working out to slightly over half.

2. None of those things are even kind of related to the Nemona subplot. There's way more efficient ways to get cash and LP than training and gym battling (the former being a drain, actually).

3. Good point hanging out with Erika though we can look at her next week, if we get a social encounter this week. For example by going to the library.
Well, it's also a reversal of some very specific long term strategy voters were doing during month 1. What I'm concerned with here is changing long term plans willy nilly just because we have short term goals. There's enough mechanics in this game that we're basically playing a real RPG by majority vote, and that requires some level of long term strategy beyond just "make the numbers we need right this second go up". If the new plan is "keep KNOW at the bare minimum to function socially in favor of our battle skills" then fine, that's just a change in direction that I want to make clear to everyone else voting in the thread before committing to.
It's definitely a change in direction from prior plans, but I think that's totally fine. The game's been going longer and we have both more information on what challenges we're likely to face long term and what short term challenges are in front of us.

Ultimately, the challenges Mary is set to face from the plot and the challenges she's being pushed towards by our votes have (from my point of view) consistently not been KNOW challenges. It would be better to match the AP we're investing in her improvement with the direction she's headed in.
It's definitely a change in direction from prior plans, but I think that's totally fine. The game's been going longer and we have both more information on what challenges we're likely to face long term and what short term challenges are in front of us.

Ultimately, the challenges Mary is set to face from the plot and the challenges she's being pushed towards by our votes have (from my point of view) consistently not been KNOW challenges. It would be better to match the AP we're investing in her improvement with the direction she's headed in.
Well, for full disclosure, my long term plan right now is for her current direction to blow up in her face sooner rather than later, because fruitlessly chasing a genius for no other reason than "she exists and I have aimless self-esteem issues" is not a life career goal unless your name is Raihan (and even then everyone wonders why Raihan doesn't do literally anything else with his battle skills). So I'm also considering things that come AFTER that.

Not saying that being Very Good at Pokémon battling isn't a good thing to be interested in given the quests plot. We're gonna be dealing with Xanadu no matter what we do, after all. But the all-consuming fixation on being the Best At Battling to the exclusion of all else isn't something in interested in keeping up more than a couple months.
Well, for full disclosure, my long term plan right now is for her current direction to blow up in her face sooner rather than later, because fruitlessly chasing a genius for no other reason than "she exists and I have aimless self-esteem issues" is not a life career goal unless your name is Raihan (and even then everyone wonders why Raihan doesn't do literally anything else with his battle skills).
Just to be clear here, the Chasing the Sun plot line isn't about trying to make a career out of battling and measuring herself against a genius of battling.

We all understand that, right? That the core idea of this plot line isn't really about the battling, but rather that it's about Mariana being unable to process an unrequited crush on an unattainable girl, and she's throwing herself head-first down a path that is kind of self-destructive because she doesn't want to admit to herself that she's chasing Nemona's attention.

It's a rather different throughline.
I also had a little talk with her after you mentioned that she hasn't been as talkative with messaging you as usual. And I have to say she's a nice bright young girl! It was a very surprising but enlightening conversation and I'm sure your worries are just all a big misunderstanding. In fact, if you manage to stumble into her during your Field Exercise, why don't you spend some time with her!
Aw yeah, and with an assist from Mom Kali is back in the Mariana bowl!

For all we know Nana Diancie is going to forbid Erika from helping with this because of inscrutable legendary politics or something, and I am not confident in backup plans that aren't there on the character sheet.
That's what the CHRM stat is for obviously :V
Just to be clear here, the Chasing the Sun plot line isn't about trying to make a career out of battling and measuring herself against a genius of battling.

We all understand that, right? That the core idea of this plot line isn't really about the battling, but rather that it's about Mariana being unable to process an unrequited crush on an unattainable girl, and she's throwing herself head-first down a path that is kind of self-destructive because she doesn't want to admit to herself that she's chasing Nemona's attention.

It's a rather different throughline.
Honestly there is so much fucking background Yuri radiation in this story that I'm not convinced that the unrealized crush angle is a primary motivator here. Like I'm sure there's elements of that because there's at least two and probably several more relationships in Class VII that are just foundationally "woman incapable of communicating to another woman that she wants to kiss her" but there is a lot more going on in Mary's brain. Specifically a big psychic black box around her genre-mandated childhood PTSD that's left her with a huge amount of anxiety around not "being strong enough" or her general worthiness of like. Personhood. Our girl has deep-seated self-worth issues and is at the moment literally incapable of understanding their origin. So, I think that Chasing the Sun is at least in large part an unhealthy and self-destructive outlet for those feelings due to Mariana displacing the unknown causes of her angst onto "because I can't beat Nemona", an unattainable goal she can in theory keep throwing herself at forever to validate her feelings of inferiority.

That's why I'm less amused by the subplot than I would be if it was "just" a displaced crush. I consider it a (symptom of) a legitimate psychiatric problem Mary is established to have.
Just to be clear here, the Chasing the Sun plot line isn't about trying to make a career out of battling and measuring herself against a genius of battling.

We all understand that, right? That the core idea of this plot line isn't really about the battling, but rather that it's about Mariana being unable to process an unrequited crush on an unattainable girl, and she's throwing herself head-first down a path that is kind of self-destructive because she doesn't want to admit to herself that she's chasing Nemona's attention.
For the record, I have absolutely never seen it as that.

The Sun plotline has perhaps gained some traits about a possible unrequited crush but it absolutely did not start as that, and you can't say it "isn't about measuring herself" as the vote that got us into this plot in the first place, had-
  • She will be the measuring stick with which you judge your progress
  • No matter how absurd that gets
-as the consequence of that vote. Especially combined with the things that Nerdorama has said with-
Specifically a big psychic black box around her genre-mandated childhood PTSD that's left her with a huge amount of anxiety around not "being strong enough" or her general worthiness of like. Personhood. Our girl has deep-seated self-worth issues and is at the moment literally incapable of understanding their origin. So, I think that Chasing the Sun is at least in large part an unhealthy and self-destructive outlet for those feelings due to Mariana displacing the unknown causes of her angst onto "because I can't beat Nemona", an unattainable goal she can in theory keep throwing herself at forever to validate her feelings of inferiority.
-this, which makes sense, because Mariana's inferiority complex had been very well established since basically the beginning of the quest.
Uh, yeah I'm not sure where @Tempera is even getting that from. I've never seen any hint of romantic feelings, just some extremely familiar self deprecating thoughts and lack of self worth being given ammunition.
So when does voting start?

I'm mostly in favor of plans that get us Thunder Wave. Because that is just to useful as utility.
I am coming around on doing West Mesagoza this week since we do have a chance of grand prizing that one (albeit not so high of a chance I'm expecting it.) There's no reason we can't do East next week (and possibly actually win if Nemona looks for new prey).

[] Plan: Finishing the Foundation (West)
-[] I Work Out At the Library
-[] West Mesagoza Little Cup
-[] Phantasmal Feline END
-[] Renne
-[] Theodora

And now that I write this down I'm going to go do some math on Roland and Ruby's move XP before the vote actually starts.
The expected return on the East Cup is higher, assuming we don't absolutely high roll, so I personally favor that. Also, I think it's worth considering the consequences of high rolling West Cup (not that I don't love drama, but it's something Tempera mentioned to me, and I think something worth thinking about)- We'll end up beating Elise if we win the West Cup, and I'm not sure if she'll take that well, considering how bad her gym battle went in the field exercise. She definitely seems somewhat shaken up in terms of her confidence in her battling ability and general stability.
I think I prefer the extra XP from East Cup, but at the same time... also interested in the ??? social in West Cup. Just to see who it is.

I don't think we come first in either Cup regardless.
AP available for the month 5

I checked the calendar and we have three weeks free before the next FE, NOT 4. 3x3 minus 1 for Renne minus 1 for Leaf minus 2 for the Gym Battle means 5 free AP.

Roland PXP to next level: 700
Ruby PXP to next level: 2200
Renne BP to usability: 6

Assuming Renne gets 2 BP for the Mishy Plush, we should be able to get her to Bond 3 early into the second FE with consistent Bond events, so she will be available for Gym 3, but not Gym 2. Renne also starts at mid 3 badge so this should have her conveniently on par with Roland and maybe Ruby.

Moves that are interesting on Roland and Ruby:


Double Team (6 MXP to mastery, unlocks Night Shade).
Will-o-wisp (4 MXP to mastery, unlocks Curse)
Fake Out, Struggle Bug, Crunch, and his Dragon pseudomoves will all gain levels with a bit of training but not hit mastery


Hone Claws (3 MXP to Mastery, unlocks Autocast and Swords Dance (!!))
Rapid Spin (3 MXP to Mastery)
Bulldoze is within 3 MXP of levelup
Spark, Metal Claw, and Mud Shot are all within 6 MXP of level up.

PXP available this month:

Trainer Battle: 100-300 (no limit)
Advanced Battle: 600 (no limit and we have plenty of cash)
Train Them: 100-200
West Little Cup: 450-750 (once)
East Little Cup: 600-900 (once)

MXP available this month:

Trainer Battle: 1 (no limit)
Advanced Battle: 1 (no limit)
Train Them: 2-3 MXP for about half their moves per AP spent (no limit)

If we do both Little Cups, Roland reaches Badge 3 unless we critfail both times (for that matter Advanced Battle and literally anything else would also do it in 2 AP). Ruby on the other hand would require both Little Cups with a maximum possible success plus Advanced Battle and at least one other to hit Badge 3 so that's probably not happening before Gym 2.

We can use 1 AP for +2 effect rolls in the Gym.

So with all that said, our AP spending for the month is tight. With 4 of our 9 AP locked in to commitments, we need to do the following in my opinion to get the best chance of Gym success:

  • 1 AP studying for Levincia
  • 1 AP on a little Cup, aiming for a 600 result at minimum
  • 2 AP on a total of 4 move trainings between Roland and Ruby - Roland hitting either Ghost twice to max double team and Will o Wisp, or Dragon twice to get his pseudo moves to useful status. Ruby meanwhile splits between Steel (hone claws) and Ground (because Electric Gym)

Which leaves 1 AP to spare on either the other Little Cup or some personal enrichment, or we hit the duo with a third AP worth of training to get more of Ruby's moves leveled.

I'm still gonna vote for Library as personal enrichment but I'll accept any Week 1 plan that involves 2 of the 4 things I just listed plus Phantasmal Feline.
'Hmph, this spot is sufficient, I suppose. I expect more fluffy gifts by the way, human. They make sleep easy to come by.' Ruby levitates over to you after having set down her doll in the corner of your room. Using a marker, Espurr draws a line on the floor that she expects to be filled with stuffed toys.

Thinking on it, you should probably get Renne a proper bed, something small where she could still cuddle with her dolls in. Thankfully that Field Exercise gave you a massive windfall of cash to spend, though with how the prices for Pokemon vitamins and other necessities of a professional trainer are, a part of you expects those funds to quickly dry up.
And after all that I just got a note passed to me that this section is a clue, much like Erika is going to be passing Mariana notes during tests for the rest of our school career.

I guess maybe we should spend our singular free AP as far as I've parsed out on spoiling the cat. It'll be good to see if we can go buy anything else useful too, it's not like we've been to the Mesagoza store yet.

[] Plan: Eyes on the Prize, Week 1
-[] Purchasing Power
-[] East Mesagoza Little Cup
-[] Phantasmal Feline END
-[] Renne
-[] Theodora

Provisional Plan: Eyes on the Prize, Week 2
- To Train Them Is Your Cause
-- Roland: Will to Power or Veil of Shadows
-- Ruby: Ironheart
- Knowing is Half the Battle
-- Levincia
- The Second Step (1/2)
-- Levincia
- Renne
- Anybody

Provisional Plan: Eyes on the Prize, Week 3
- To Train Them Is Your Cause
-- Roland: Will to Power or Veil of Shadows
-- Ruby: Keeping Grounded
- The Second Step (2/2)
-- Levincia
- Renne
- Anybody
Last edited:
And after all that I just got a note passed to me that this section is a clue, much like Erika is going to be passing Mariana notes during tests for the rest of our school career.

I guess maybe we should spend our singular free AP as far as I've parsed out on spoiling the cat. It'll be good to see if we can go buy anything else useful too, it's not like we've been to the Mesagoza store yet.

[] Plan: Eyes on the Prize, Week 1
-[] Purchasing Power
-[] East Mesagoza Little Cup
-[] Phantasmal Feline END
-[] Renne
-[] Theodora

Provisional Plan: Eyes on the Prize, Week 2
- To Train Them Is Your Cause
-- Roland: Will to Power or Veil of Shadows
-- Ruby: Ironheart
- Knowing is Half the Battle
-- Levincia
- The Second Step (1/2)
-- Levincia
- Renne
- Anybody

Provisional Plan: Eyes on the Prize, Week 3
- To Train Them Is Your Cause
-- Roland: Will to Power or Veil of Shadows
-- Ruby: Keeping Grounded
- The Second Step (2/2)
-- Levincia
- Renne
- Anybody
Maaaaan how do people analyze this stuff in quest? Im honestly impressed. Im planning on voting for the study, west tourney and Renne/theodora combo but those 2 other plans looks solid as well.
Maaaaan how do people analyze this stuff in quest? Im honestly impressed. Im planning on voting for the study, west tourney and Renne/theodora combo but those 2 other plans looks solid as well.
It's all about numbers, knowing what they are now, what you want them to be, and how many actions there are between now and then.

I do feel like with the hint about Renne's material wants the real game changer here might be getting her to Bond 3 before the end of Week 3, but we'll have to see how the numbers play out. If we can face Gym 2 with a full team of 2 Badge 3s and 1 Badge 2 I'll feel a lot more confident about winning, although I am gonna play up the toll this grindset is taking on our education and free time regardless of if we win or lose.
Logistically I trust in Nerdorama's 3 week plan.

Emotionally, the lack of Library on week 1 hurts.

Regardless, voting should be open.

[X] Plan: Eyes on the Prize, Week 1
-[X] Purchasing Power
-[X] East Mesagoza Little Cup
-[X] Phantasmal Feline END
-[X] Renne
-[X] Theodora
I Think there was a plan with this same set of options earlier but eh... I like convenience.
[X]Plan: Finishing the Foundation (West)
-[X] I Work Out At the Library
-[X] West Mesagoza Little Cup
-[X]Phantasmal Feline END
-[X] Renne
-[X] Theodora
Look, I just want the West cup. We at least have a chance of winning, and it won't put us in direct competition with Nemona and mess with Mary's self esteem more yet.

[X]Plan: Finishing the Foundation (West)
-[X] I Work Out At the Library
-[X] West Mesagoza Little Cup
-[X]Phantasmal Feline END
-[X] Renne
-[X] Theodora